Community > Posts By > NIGHTTRAIN99

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:51 AM

Anyone who really wants change will stop supporting the 2 party system, where the ruling class try to shove thier 2 almost identical choices down you throat.

The issues people get hung upon are distractions. They are dividing us & the conquering is almost complete!

Do you want Strawberry Koolaide or Cherry?

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:24 AM
Opeth ~ Hope leaves

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 08:04 AM
Broken Wings ~ Mr Mister

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:59 AM
I love all the stuff they get away with on that show!!!!!......and the obscure references!.....its to the point now where I get mad if I don't "get" it.....hahaha :tongue:

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:48 AM

False teachers who bring in "destructive heresies" will "bring on themselves swift destruction." It is foretold that "many will follow their destructive ways."

Let's face it. The most destructive acts in history were performed by Christians.

Clearly the biblical doctrine is false. Since the followers of it have done nothing but destructive things themselves.

The people who murdered the American Indians were Christians.

The people who enslaved and destroyed the lives of the African natives that they brought to America were Christians.

The people who burned innocent naturalists at that stake as 'witches' were Christians.

Christianity has left nothing but a swath of destruction in it's path. And I haven't even mentioned the earlier history in Europe.

It's a merciless destructive religion and has not room to preach peace.

It's a self-condemned evil. :bigwink:

Jesus (if he was a real person) wouldn't even condone it if he were here today I'm sure.

There's nothing divine or holy in the history of Christianity. It's done nothing but murder in the name of God. :angry:
AMen to that brother!!!!......Muslims are actually LESS hiprocritical than Christians.....and I am proud to be niether.......I guess I worship the beast then.....pitchfork

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:37 AM
Scars on Broadway ~ 3005

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:31 AM
hahaha....clever!.....I like it! :wink:

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:29 AM

We talking all kinds of metal here? Cause, you have thrash, heavy, glam, death (which I guess we could lump in with thrash, lol). But, yes I love metal.

and Grindcore,and Hardcore,and Emo-core,and Industrial and so on and so on.....hahaha......its ALL just......METAL!!! pitchfork except the Nickelback stuff.....thats just poop on poop! haha

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:19 AM

Ive seen the majority of those live, and they are all pretty good.

Ben harper is exceptional!
I saw kill switch with camilla...both were pretty tight.

Hed Pe has a lot of dope stuff...I really like black out

I like ill nino, specially when they go off in spanish cuz I speak spanish too.

Havent heard any fishbone or sepultura, but I will check them out.
Have you ever seen Ben Harper live?....Highly recommended!.....when he played "Burn one Down" it smelled really good in that concert hall!.......smokin he is a sick guitair player as well!.....played about 10-15 different guitairs when I saw him!....Lots of chicks there too.....hehehe laugh

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:11 AM

Ive seen the majority of those live, and they are all pretty good.

Ben harper is exceptional!
I saw kill switch with camilla...both were pretty tight.

Hed Pe has a lot of dope stuff...I really like black out

I like ill nino, specially when they go off in spanish cuz I speak spanish too.

Havent heard any fishbone or sepultura, but I will check them out.
Sepultura went all tribal on the Roots,Against,Nation albums....Roots was the last album they did before Max Cavallera left the band to start Soulfly......the new singer is a "brotha" and I really liked the two albums Against and Nation but not much after those two.....Fishbone is full on punk/metal/ska with a horn stuff live!....all "brotha's" too!....I've been on stage with them actually....Angelo let me sing part of "Swim"....awesome!

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Tue 10/21/08 07:00 AM
Boy you guys have THICK skulls.....don't worry goes well with your Neanderthal way of thinking......frustrated explode

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 04:18 PM

but she scared me :laughing:

sinuprex - something like that parents in France have been giving their kids for over 30 yrs., to help with their sinuses and breathing

hmmm you'd thought it would've worked by now, or maybe thats why she rarely blinked



maybe she needs to watch that commerical for fake tears to help with dry eyes.

the one with that annoying man - takes care of the red eye...
Ben Stein?

is that him? his voice sounds like nails on a chalkboard to me - sick
He kind of sounds like Stephen Write??...nails on a chalkboard would be more like Gilbert Godfrey......which I think was or is the AAAAAAAAFFFFLLLLAAAAAACCCKK! duck haha

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 04:06 PM
To many Puppies ~ Primus

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 04:04 PM

I guess the point is that we wouldn't need to walk around with guns if criminals didn't have the first step into getting guns out of criminals hands would be to make it harder for them to obtain them....I live in Texas,now I don't know about other states(and believe it or not Texas has more gun control than several other states).....but here you can BYPASS the crimnal background check law by simply purchasing a gun at a gun show.....the dealers there are considered "private" gangbangers can simply walk off the street and into one of these shows and purchase whatever they want....and just walk out that day with a gun....or multiple guns....there are AT LEAST 3 gun shows a month yes, I would say a good start would be tougher legislation on purchasing and owning a firearm.....and then start working on getting the MILLIONS of unlicsensed and unregistered guns off the streets....

sorry Night - totally disagree, so long as there is a need/want/money they will be supplied both legally and illegally.

Not speaking on behalf of the criminals, for those will do as they want, but why should the rest of us responsible people have to do the hokey pokey to ease the minds of others who think everyone who owns a gun is a criminal - like saying everyone who owns a pen writes lies. jmo flowerforyou

My point is that it is currently WAY TO EASY for criminals to get thier hands on guns......and all these wannabe hip-hop gangstas can easily go purchase think of this....dumb kid wannabe hip-hop gangsta who has no previous criminal background goes and easily gets a gun......he's now feeling like he's a bad motherf#cker.....a year later he gets in some stupid argument in some club and BANG! least two peoples lives are changed he goes to jail and is hanging out with REAL criminals for at least a few years......what is he going to be when he gets out?.....all this could have been prevented if it was just a little bit harder for people to buy guns......once again I will say I OWN 5 GUNS and I absolutly love them!....and it really wouldn't be too much trouble for me to register them and have to take a safety course.....its not a big deal for those who are responsible......."with great power comes great responsibility" and guns should only be in the hands of those responsible and mentally stable enough to handle them....and I agree that it is a difficult task of getting guns out of criminals hands....but not an impossible about this....go check out Englands gun crime rates where handguns are illegal and only sporting rifles and shotguns are allowed....I dare you all to come up with an answer for that....this outta be good!.....haha....and once again before you forget I OWN 5 GUNS and LOVE THEM

respect your views, but if I were to agree with how you think I'd also be giving up my right to bear arms because of the actions of others.

supply and demand - is the enemy not my carrying guns, where there is good, there is bound to be bad, nothing new. The criminals are the ones doing illegal activities, they are the ones putting fear in the hearts of others, taking lives not me and my guns :smile:

we can all try and justify with if's and scenarios so long as there is a need (legal/illegal) they will be supplied (legally/illegally)

I'm not saying you have to give up "the right to bear arms"......just that it should be a priveledge and we should treat it as so.....if you legislate it more the only people who have to give up the "right to bear arms" are the dumba$$es that shouldn't have guns anyways!.....whats the matter....are you too dumb or lazy too take a simple firearms safety course and maybe wait a few weeks to get your liscense?....oh boo hoo!....that just sounds terrible doesn't it?.....haha you people are ridiculous!.....frustrated

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:55 PM

agreed.....kse is live show too pitchfork

expecially with Mike D's funny ****ing comments throughout the show.
Yup....he's a demon haha

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:53 PM

i enjoy LOG a lot...not the best band in the world but i enjoy a lot of their tunes. Randy Blyth is a horrible vocalist though
Thats your opinion....not mine

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:52 PM

im a bass nut, and les is one of the best going today.
agreed!....Primus rocks!....have you heard of his other projects Sausage,Frogbrigade,ColonolClaypoolsbucketofBernieBrains?....theres more too....I really like Buckethead too although thats all guitair....pitchfork

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:45 PM

Again I will say if you can guarentee an innocent "non carrying a gun" person will not become the target of an angry, out of their mind, drunk, druggie, temporarily insane, control freak, gun power junkie, father, brother, sister cousin, aunt, uncle, mother, etc.... and end up hurt or dead because of these crazies with guns. I will gladly say arm us all.

Until that day I cannot.

I was raised with guns and am not a bad shot myself but I could not bring myself to own one because my children's health and well being came before mine. I could never forgive myself if I brought a gun into my house and my son(who was a great locksmith by a young age) got ahold of the gun and did someone harm. I would not have felt good had my home got broken into while I was gone and a burgler got ahold of my weapon and used it against other people, etc....

I was being untimately responsible for myself and a gun. I was being respectful of others by not bringing a danger into my home or society.

I would counter with: Car Wrecks kill quite a few people, I would suppose then, since I can't assure myself that there won't be morons texting,eating, putting on makeup or worse drinking and driving, then we should remove vehicles from the road until they have recieved all the standards and training that you would get from being a MTA bus driver. Then you would have to promise everyone that you would never ever do anything that might endanger someone while driving your car.

"Untimately responsible"????.....maybe you should have to pass a 5th grade spelling test before you own guns......hahaha huh

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:41 PM

I guess the point is that we wouldn't need to walk around with guns if criminals didn't have the first step into getting guns out of criminals hands would be to make it harder for them to obtain them....I live in Texas,now I don't know about other states(and believe it or not Texas has more gun control than several other states).....but here you can BYPASS the crimnal background check law by simply purchasing a gun at a gun show.....the dealers there are considered "private" gangbangers can simply walk off the street and into one of these shows and purchase whatever they want....and just walk out that day with a gun....or multiple guns....there are AT LEAST 3 gun shows a month yes, I would say a good start would be tougher legislation on purchasing and owning a firearm.....and then start working on getting the MILLIONS of unlicsensed and unregistered guns off the streets....

sorry Night - totally disagree, so long as there is a need/want/money they will be supplied both legally and illegally.

Not speaking on behalf of the criminals, for those will do as they want, but why should the rest of us responsible people have to do the hokey pokey to ease the minds of others who think everyone who owns a gun is a criminal - like saying everyone who owns a pen writes lies. jmo flowerforyou

My point is that it is currently WAY TO EASY for criminals to get thier hands on guns......and all these wannabe hip-hop gangstas can easily go purchase think of this....dumb kid wannabe hip-hop gangsta who has no previous criminal background goes and easily gets a gun......he's now feeling like he's a bad motherf#cker.....a year later he gets in some stupid argument in some club and BANG! least two peoples lives are changed he goes to jail and is hanging out with REAL criminals for at least a few years......what is he going to be when he gets out?.....all this could have been prevented if it was just a little bit harder for people to buy guns......once again I will say I OWN 5 GUNS and I absolutly love them!....and it really wouldn't be too much trouble for me to register them and have to take a safety course.....its not a big deal for those who are responsible......."with great power comes great responsibility" and guns should only be in the hands of those responsible and mentally stable enough to handle them....and I agree that it is a difficult task of getting guns out of criminals hands....but not an impossible about this....go check out Englands gun crime rates where handguns are illegal and only sporting rifles and shotguns are allowed....I dare you all to come up with an answer for that....this outta be good!.....haha....and once again before you forget I OWN 5 GUNS and LOVE THEM

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 03:17 PM
All right...I'll check them out and some of the other bands you have listed that I've never heard of....rock on dude! pitchfork

You ever seen L O G live?....they are the newschool Pantera....