Community > Posts By > NIGHTTRAIN99

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:40 PM
evil dead series for sure
Bad Taste
Dead Alive(kickin ass for Jesus is a classic line)
childrenofthecorn freaked me out when I was a kid......don't know how well it would hold up now
Scanners(Micheal Ironside....nuff said)
Ewoks The Battle for Endor TV movie
and The Holy Mountain... and Sante Sangre... if you're on lsd...haha.......has ayone else seen these?..all of this dudes movies are ****ed up!

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 09:00 PM
threes company.....sienfeld and(curb your enthusiasm)

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 08:56 PM
I find myself watching all three on "skip" mode on my dvd......I skip thru the bad acting to get to the space **** and lightsaber duels and thats about it....they are frustrating for me to watch cuz I know how much better they could have been....imagine if Peter Jackson directed them.....btw.....I heard that clonewars cartoon movie absolutaly sucked this true?....has anyone seen it?.....I heard it was completely pointless....

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:53 PM
In King of NewYork when Frank White(Chris Walken) kills the Italian dude playing cards and walks away...and then comes back to shoot him in the ass a couple more times while he's lying dead on the floor.....classic smokin

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:49 PM
"But there ain't nobody upstaiz!".....(Steven Segal in Out for Justice)

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:40 PM
All That Remains,Amon Amarth,In Flames,Down and Clutch are in my cd shuffle right now.....yes I still BUY CD'S!....haha

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:21 PM
Dumb and Dumber,Tenacious D,Best in Show,SpinalTap,BluesBros,Mallrats,B kind Rewind,TropicThunder,Oldschool,Anchorman and Idiocracy.....:banana:

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 07:07 PM
also.........I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned TOP GUN......I know its not academy material but I would bet that this may be the most repeatedly watched movie by BOTH sexes!.....I know you ladies love the volleyball scene!.....and really c'mon guys...just admit that we got tricked into seeing a chick flick disguised as an action movie......yeah....we all want to be fighter pilots and they sucked us in....laugh

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:59 PM
has anyone mentioned Dumb and Dumber???....the first one....didn't even see the second one.......I can never get sick of that movie! of the true comedy classics!

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:49 PM
Edited by NIGHTTRAIN99 on Mon 10/06/08 06:55 PM

my favorites i could watch over and over (no particular order)

boondock saints
fight club
donnie darko
the usual suspects
the deaths of ian stone
garden state
wristcutters: A love story
american psycho
The Dark Knight (seen it 5 times)
the cable guy
tenacious d and the pick of destiny
die hard
striking distance
any steven segal movie (just because they are ridiculous)
any of the original star wars
"scream" series
meet joe black
SLC punk
stealing harvard
hahaha....I agree with your list and especially the Steven Segal movies....they are completely ridiculous but hilarious! He even runs funny!.....and how about when he tries to get all political!?.....too funny...Out for Justice is my fav tho....."Anybody seen Richie???....anybody know why he shot Bobby Lupo?".....that bar fight scene is awesome and so is his Whatevahz it is accent

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 06:07 PM
Sweet!....I'll have to check them out...thx dude

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:21 PM
Houston here.....Cowboys SUCK!

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:12 PM
hahaha...the end

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:08 PM
Colts got REAL LUCKY.....and cost me money too frustrated

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:06 PM
No.....what are they like?

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 04:00 PM
When Vader says...."so you have a sister.......Obi-Wan was wise"....oh you know the rest......

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:56 PM
When William Munny is told that they killed Ned........when he grabs that whisky I get chills man!

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:52 PM
when Sean Connery says "You've losht the cure fo cansher!!...itsh not like loshing your wallet or car keysh!" MedicineMan

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:48 PM

When they blow the cat all over the wall in The Boondock Saints and Rocco says "Is it dead?!"
[/HAHAHA....I agree!laugh ]

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/06/08 03:44 PM
what did you guys think of Afro Samurai???......was it trying to hard?.....

My fav vids...
MGS-any of them
Elderscrolls Oblivion
Hitman-any of them
ActRaiser-snes....anyone else play this?
Willow-arcade....ditto for this one?
RogueSquadron-gamecube and 64
ResidentEvil-any of them but 4 will be hard to top
Ninja Gaiden-but frustratingly HARD!
ya Punch Out for sure!
the first Medal of Honour
Mortal Combat
Duck Hunt???...haha
RedDeadRevolver- xbox
KingKong-360.....I was surprised at how addictive this game was.....anyone else agree?

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