Community > Posts By > NIGHTTRAIN99

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:15 AM
Went to see Opeth on Friday night dude! like Warrant?????? WTF? haha pitchfork

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:13 AM
Buenos tardes Amigos ~ WEEN

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:08 AM
How about the episode where Officer Bar Brady and the cops use that $hitty Cher song over the loudspeakers to break up a party.....can't remember what the rest of the episode was about but remember laughing my a$$ off at that....pitchfork

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 11:00 AM

California and DC Have the Highest Crime Rates in the Country. they Also Have some of the Strictest Gun Laws. Unfortunately for those who Make the Laws Criminals don't Abide by them. the Midwest which has the Highest Rate of Gun Ownership has the lowest Crime Rates, Hmmm Wonder Why?
Less highly populated areas maybe???

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 10:58 AM

frustrated I don't have a problem with semi-auto rifles....they are extemely fun for shooting small moving targets (gophers and critters) is also very hard to commit crime with a rifle......I believe the problem here is how easy it is for the high population of un-educated dumba$$es we have in this country to get their hands on all kinds of guns....especially concielable the crime problem has gotten so bad and all the dumba$$ criminals have handguns and are usually too stupid to think about the consiquences of thier that leaves the rest of the responsible and smart citizens feeling afriad, and wanting to protect themselves and thier a viscious cycle....but responsible(legal) gun owners are NOT the problem.....I do believe there could be more legislation on guns make it not so easy for gangsta's to get thier hands on them......but in order for that to be successful the gov't would have to claim an all out war on the black-market gun trade that they themselves have created....
actually in the early to mid eighties...guns were allowed to be carried by all in one state...Florida.....crime dropped 90%
and one criminal was quoted as saying" its getting bad around here, you cant mug anyone without them pulling a gun on you"
maybe its less restrictions that are needed NOT more!!!

Yeah,but my point is that if you crack down hard on the ILLEGAL gun trade and you don't take away the "right to bear arms".....but just regulate it more (mandatory registration of firearms and safety courses) you may effectively limit guns getting into the hands of the wrong(dumb and uneducated/mentally unstable/criminals)people.....while still allowing upstanding citizens to own the firearms they so choose.And no matter how hard you try..... you can't tell me that taking a safety course and registration of firearms is a BAD idea.....because you would then make yourself sound stupid and thus unfit to own a firearm.I myself own five guns....I don't hunt.Unless blowing up gophers is considered hunting.....haha....I just love to shoot guns!Its a hobby......but its also a dangerous hobby for someone who is unqualified and there needs to be a realization of should be a "privaledge" to own firearms....not a right.You have to take Driving Lessons before you get your liscence to drive correct? And look at how many idiot drivers there are out there even after taking a driving think about all those same idiots bearing arms with no course on how to properly and safely use/maintian/store them???? this making sense to anyone but me?....once again, I repeat...I myself am a gun owner and love my "priveledge" to own them.

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Mon 10/20/08 10:37 AM

frustrated I don't have a problem with semi-auto rifles....they are extemely fun for shooting small moving targets (gophers and critters) is also very hard to commit crime with a rifle......I believe the problem here is how easy it is for the high population of un-educated dumba$$es we have in this country to get their hands on all kinds of guns....especially concielable the crime problem has gotten so bad and all the dumba$$ criminals have handguns and are usually too stupid to think about the consiquences of thier that leaves the rest of the responsible and smart citizens feeling afriad, and wanting to protect themselves and thier a viscious cycle....but responsible(legal) gun owners are NOT the problem.....I do believe there could be more legislation on guns make it not so easy for gangsta's to get thier hands on them......but in order for that to be successful the gov't would have to claim an all out war on the black-market gun trade that they themselves have created....
actually in the early to mid eighties...guns were allowed to be carried by all in one state...Florida.....crime dropped 90%
and one criminal was quoted as saying" its getting bad around here, you cant mug anyone without them pulling a gun on you"
maybe its less restrictions that are needed NOT more!!!

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:59 PM
Chim Chim's bada$$ revenge ~ Fishbone

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:55 PM
frustrated I don't have a problem with semi-auto rifles....they are extemely fun for shooting small moving targets (gophers and critters) is also very hard to commit crime with a rifle......I believe the problem here is how easy it is for the high population of un-educated dumba$$es we have in this country to get their hands on all kinds of guns....especially concielable the crime problem has gotten so bad and all the dumba$$ criminals have handguns and are usually too stupid to think about the consiquences of thier that leaves the rest of the responsible and smart citizens feeling afriad, and wanting to protect themselves and thier a viscious cycle....but responsible(legal) gun owners are NOT the problem.....I do believe there could be more legislation on guns make it not so easy for gangsta's to get thier hands on them......but in order for that to be successful the gov't would have to claim an all out war on the black-market gun trade that they themselves have created....

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:28 PM
Toes across the floor ~ Blind Melon

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:26 PM

Heaven isn't too far away
Closer to it every day
No matter what your friends might say

Heaven! whoaaoooooo oo

Isn't that a Warrant song?
haha....nice....exactly my point tho......I know who sings this ****ty song but I have no idea what the person who invented the cure for Polio's name is.....

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:21 PM
Heaven to me depends on the day.......screaming downhill on my mountain bike and catching big air........thats Heaven!.....Kicking back with a barbecue and some beers and good company....thats Heaven!

Hell is every time I turn on my radio or TV and have to witness all these NO-TALENT ****S making all the money and getting all the recognition that quality teachers,inventors,musicians and artists and people that have generally BENIFITTED society, should be getting.....

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:06 PM
My Oilers are 4-0 baby!!!! drinker

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:05 PM

Um.....we're talking about the AFC East here.....oh, thats're a Steelers fan.....not too bright of a bunch are ya?....haha laugh

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 05:01 PM
BILLS BABY!!!!!.......Trent Edwards is the ****!!pitchfork

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:56 PM
Over the hills and far away ~ Led Zeppelin

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:53 PM
The one where they take ****ty(City) Woks wife to sing in American Idol,but she ends up in the Contender instead......Stallone and his translator were hilarious and so were the asian stereotypes.......I think it may have been titled "ming" or "wing" series....

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Sun 10/19/08 04:45 PM
OK ~ ****disco

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Fri 10/17/08 10:21 AM
Yes they do have a website....its would need to listen to about 20 songs to "get" what they are is a list for anyone interested.....

1-Take me away
2-Voodoo Lady
3-Drifter in the dark
4-Baby *****
5-Freedom of '76
6-Buenas Tardes Amigo
7-Joppa Road
8-Piss up a Rope
9-Ocean Man
10-Big Jilm
11-The Blarney Stone
12-I'll be your Jonny on the spot
13-Bannanas and blow
14-Buckingham Green
15-Mutilated Lips
16-Mr Richard Smoker
17-The Mollusk
18-Learnin to Love
19-With my own Bare hands
20-Your Party

there is no single band out there that can cover such a wide musical spectrum.....and do it with such wit,charm and comedy....and of course musical talent....

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Fri 10/17/08 10:09 AM
The Drapery Falls ~ Opeth

NIGHTTRAIN99's photo
Fri 10/17/08 10:08 AM

Sell Me Out ~ Bloodsimple
if you like these guys check out Vision of Disorder....its the singers old band

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