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Topic: What Are Your Big Red Flags...
no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:41 PM
....that folks are not who they say they, are not lookin' for what they say they are, are trying to pull a fast one on ya. Some are obvious like talking about sex within the first or second contact, or wantin to see ya nekkie on cam, or talk about relocating to be with you before you've ever met, posting old pics, or never posting any pics that show anything below their chin. Some, however, are so skilled at being dishonest, sometimes it's hard to tell. I'm not talkin about Nigerian scammers, I'm talkin about regular folks tryin to get away with somethin' they know they shouldn't and generally make it difficult for the sincere folks to trust anything anyone says.grumble

7z3r05's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:42 PM
excessive itching of the crotchal area

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:48 PM
Anybody who wants to hurry things along too quickly -- that's a big one. I haven't seen it on this site (because no one is interested in me here!), but I have been on other sites where the sheer level of pushery was unbelievable.

People would want me to meet them (at a bar -- please go back and read the profile!) the same night they wrote the first e-mail. Including their phone numbers, addresses, everything.

I have gotten to the point where I can now identify a Russian scammer simply from the special style of fractured English they use ("I love would be to more better know your structure"), regardless of which celebrity pic they have in their profile.

Anybody who leaves out stuff that is normally included in a profile -- like marital status, kids or not, that sort of thing. I tend to believe people are hiding something.

FearandLoathing's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:49 PM
World domination plans that conflict with my own.smokin

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:50 PM

excessive itching of the crotchal area

damn, is that what gave it away?

Moondark's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:50 PM

Anybody who wants to hurry things along too quickly -- that's a big one. I haven't seen it on this site (because no one is interested in me here!), but I have been on other sites where the sheer level of pushery was unbelievable.

People would want me to meet them (at a bar -- please go back and read the profile!) the same night they wrote the first e-mail. Including their phone numbers, addresses, everything.

You may not have seen it, but a lot of us women keep getting phone numbers in the first emails.

galendgirl's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:51 PM

World domination plans that conflict with my own.smokin

Didn't you and I have this conversation in another thread a few weeks ago??? I think I gave up to be your servant under the new order. Thanks for reminding me grumble

mry's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:51 PM
Someone who says I love you way to quickly...

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:51 PM

Anybody who wants to hurry things along too quickly -- that's a big one. I haven't seen it on this site (because no one is interested in me here!), but I have been on other sites where the sheer level of pushery was unbelievable.

I just experienced this one last night. Creepy! noway

Anybody who leaves out stuff that is normally included in a profile -- like marital status, kids or not, that sort of thing. I tend to believe people are hiding something.

:thumbsup: That's a good one..I need pay more attention to that.

7z3r05's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:52 PM

excessive itching of the crotchal area

damn, is that what gave it away?

no, it was when you ordered a pitcher of goats blood. i was kinda put off by that.

check please!

jk, i love you.

mssilverfox's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:52 PM

Anybody who leaves out stuff that is normally included in a profile -- like marital status, kids or not, that sort of thing. I tend to believe people are hiding something.

This is so true. If someone gets to know you they will find out if you have kids or a wife..duhhh!
Hi Lex

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:52 PM

Someone who says I love you way to quickly...

Yah...also creepy!

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:53 PM

You may not have seen it, but a lot of us women keep getting phone numbers in the first emails.

For me, that was always an "avoid at all costs" situation. I figure if they're that loose with their personal information, it can only go downhill from there. It takes me months before I give anyone my phone number.

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:53 PM
I almost met someone from this site.. We were going to meet for coffee.. Saw his pic.. been chatting online.. then.. Im talking to him on the phone as Im driving.. then dunno how it got started.. but he says.. 'how important are looks?'.... I knew it meant he sent a fake pic.. so anyway.. he admitted it was a fake pic.. I said all deals are off.. I just went right back home and never met him.. but I made sure he took that pic off his profile

SamaraNJ's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:54 PM

excessive itching of the crotchal area

damn, is that what gave it away?

no, it was when you ordered a pitcher of goats blood. i was kinda put off by that.

check please!

jk, i love you.

damn.. something said go with the pepsi...

Moondark's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:54 PM
I won't even give it out until I've meet for the first time. That way I don't accidentally give someone that turns out to be really creepy my digits.

Derekkye's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:54 PM

Someone who says I love you way to quickly...

but sweetie i do...albeit as a friend :smile:

no photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:54 PM

This is so true. If someone gets to know you they will find out if you have kids or a wife..duhhh!
Hi Lex

Hey, C!

Yeah, I don't get how they figure they can hide this sort of thing. I mean, sure, as long as it's strictly on line, that's one thing. But once they get mixed up with someone's personal real life, well....stuff comes out....

krupa's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:56 PM
Some of us have been to more than one dance. I have still got like 16 more posts to you before I can legally send you skin pix bug....


Bug are one of the most level-headed women here (or anywhere) know when you are being done dirty...just like I do.

We accept the dirtyness or not. Too bad we can't pepperspray at will, no?

mariposakc's photo
Wed 12/10/08 07:56 PM
Annoying IM messages: Widower, one son, living in West Africa, and work for a firm building schools for the poor children here.

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