Community > Posts By > Traumer

Traumer's photo
Sat 04/20/13 10:49 AM


I've emailed at least 10 people now, who are in my age group and like the same things. So far, none of them has said BOO. How about a kick in the pants, when you get to 10, for cryin' out loud.

At least have the courtesy to say something, "maybe later", "not interested", "in a relationship", "not my type, sorry", something, anything... This is a ghost town, I may just move on.

Have a Box to Check [ ] I'm scared
[ ] I'm too hurt to date
[ ] My wife won't let me date
{ } It's just too early for me
[ ] I'm a bit reclusive
[ ] I don't date men
[ ] I want a clean shaven man/woman
[ ] Don't expect me to answer right away
[ ] Can I think about it?
[ ] Let me close the chapter I'm in first
[ ] Please give me some time, I will get bk2U
[ ] No thanks, I'm good
[ } I'll n'ya pas de mot en ce moment
[ ] I'm busy now but,......
[ ] Sorry, you look just like my EX... :)
[ } I got nothing
[ } I'm interested, hold that thought... :]
[ ] You lost me. You have the wierdest profile

Anyway, you get the idea. Smile and say no, but don't leave us to hang...

Said my piece, movin' on... Good Day To You, someone, anyone>>>...

One thing I might add. I gained a friend. Someone lovely, who is already in a relationship, whom I did not email because of distance, had the good sense to be nice to a newcomer, bless her heart. To the rest of you. It takes two to tango, I hope you find your partner.


Good start that I'd go along with; also include being able to view if our mail gets opened...some sites have that many of the above, but this site is the one that matters...:smile:

Traumer's photo
Fri 04/19/13 11:06 AM
Writer Gore Vidal had a 3 year on going 'interview' with McVeigh; his icnclusion was that he did not do it. Vidal had a unique perspective and his books on American history are second to none so when he concludes that McVeigh was a patsy, I'd believe him.

Traumer's photo
Thu 04/18/13 04:32 PM

Everything Obama and the Democrats are doing now is ALL the exact same things Hitler did to consolidate power in Germany.

Cuomo and Goebels look alike, yes?


and they both hate to be laughed at or ridiculed. That also became a crime in Nazi occupied Germany as it did in other places where like minded paleo, neo and crypto Nazis/communists took over; Bush was also like that as was Nixon; they had their own 'enemies lists'; comedians made the lists because of their jokes that ridiculed them...:wink:

Traumer's photo
Thu 04/18/13 04:23 PM

as m a new user on dis site...i really wanna b familiar wid as much as i its a invitation to all gals frm mumbai....plz contact me coz u got lill tony start on ua back.....

Just an observation as the headliner caught my mind:
you wrote "l u k i n g" ,did you mean to spell 'lurking' or did you mean 'looking'???laugh
One is a lot of 'work' and the other will get you into some trouble if reported...could be fun though...laugh Good luck with whichever you choose!:wink:

Traumer's photo
Thu 04/18/13 04:14 PM
Edited by Traumer on Thu 04/18/13 04:35 PM

how can u love two chics equally and dont know which 2 let go? or ladies.... vise versa. crazy dellima right? lol

Easy, If you 'love' them both AND they both 'love' you, take your lead from General (Jack D.) Ripper; love both and do not deny them the essence of your precious bodily fluids. It is obvious that they both sense your vitality and require your essence....
(for further descriptive quotes from Gen. Ripper, just Google him)

Traumer's photo
Thu 04/18/13 01:34 PM

4 UK men jailed for toy-car terror plot.
The terror plot involved targeting British reserve troops using a toy-car packed with explosives.
Prosecutors said the men gained inspiration from the 2010 first issue of "Inspire," an online English-language magazine from Yemen's al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula and linked to the U.S.-born militant cleric Anwar al-Awlaki. The militant leader was killed in 2011 in a drone strike.

The same online magazine gave instructions on how to build a "pressure cooker" bomb — the same type of explosive device that was used in Monday's attack at the Boston Marathon when three people were killed and more than 100 were wounded.
American Jihadist Terrorism?

It is very obvious that not many here have actually read, written or even published any book or manual on improvised weapons and explosives some of which show various types of bombs meant for streets, buildings, underpasses, etc.. Some are the 'pressure cooker' types; others are packed in what used to be 'croc pots of different sizes.
Paladin Press was one of the best publishers on all sorts of improvised weapons and bombs from the early 70's; so was some book called, "the poor man's James Bond"...The Mercenary's Manuel was another as were some others by the PLO, and Black Panther manuals which also gave specifics on how to lure 'pigs' into ambushes in a city; how to make napalm etc. for fire bombs...all published long before anything like the Taliban was even dreamed of. Even the old group of so called 'super-patriots in the US, 'the Minute Men' had distributed small manuals of home-made bombs. I was surprised that the John Birch Society didn't jump on that bandwagon; 'bomb-wagon'; as so many other groups and individuals did. No one ethnic or racial group has a copywrite on improvised weapon manuals . Some were even printed by the Govt. and sold out of army-navy surplus stores a few years before the Vietnam War was over. Everybody wanted their own bombs just like many just want their own guns, RPG's, claymores; tanks, flame-throwers, etc. etc. What spirit!:laughing:

Traumer's photo
Wed 04/17/13 05:30 PM

Do you believe at Love at first sight? What are you're feelings on this?

I have read of many accounts of it both by the authors and by others who saw it happen to their friends when introduced to someone they later married. I have no reason to doubt that for some very fortunate individuals, it does exist. It does give others hope to go on...

Traumer's photo
Tue 04/16/13 08:10 PM
one should not be upset over this "event"; by next week, some of these pro-gun groups and deniers will be proclaiming that the bombing either never took place, or was a staged govt. conspiracy with videos to supposedly prove, (like the shootings in the Connecticut school it or blame the govt. for allowing "a bunch o' fereners" sneak in the country to do it as secret govt. agents...yawn
Betcha the first ones turn up on the Rush Limbaugh or Alex Jones talk-shows...boring.

Traumer's photo
Tue 04/16/13 07:54 PM

KKK : still alive and dangerous. A vision of hate merges with every image of the KKK. Why do they hate? They see themselves as a group that advocates the need for white people to asset or regain the power they feel has been lost in America.

They are dangerous. Heared from a family member that they beat up a guy who was abusing his wife. Even though I don’t agree with their views on race, they do promote a few good things, but then it is like the mafia giving money to the church.

Still, I wonder should we put the KKK and Black Panthers on an island and tell them go at it.

I remember a time in the mid to late 60's when most of the extremist groups, both Black and white joked about the latest song making its way through them about an annual get-together of the KKK and the NAACP for a Bar-B-Q. One group that laughed the loudest were the American Nazi Party and they were consistently the only "extremist group" to have members in full uniform at all or most of the meetings by Malcom X and later Farrakhan. George Lincoln Rockwell was the first one to start building bridges to the Nation of Islam and the NAACP over issues in which they agreed such as the opposition to the Vietnam War. This was a dangerous development and one that Hoover and his KGB, I meant FBI, could not tolerate if these 2 forces united with the likelihood of the fringe groups following. Their tactics of divide and conquer, of course won the day with the assassinations of Martin Luther King, George Lincoln Rockwell and last, but not least, Robert Kennedy. Shame. One can only imagine at what the people of the US might have gained if all the influential "hate groups" had reached a rapprochement and united against the common enemy of the people; the Federal Government. Having known several of the people seeking a united front, I still shake my head and consider it a damn shame that they didn't succeed. But at least, they tried.

Traumer's photo
Tue 04/16/13 12:05 PM

if someone is disabled there is usually some type of work they can do, but if they are not working because it will interfere with receiving a disability's understandable but it is not personally compatible to my personal values...

I guess it depends on what they are doing instead? Do they have a lot of interesting things going on? is he in school learning new skills for full employment? did he start his own business? is he living independently of family/friends? these are the kinds of things I'd be thinking because I can't imagine being partnered up with someone who is at home watcing TV all day. that would not work

Yep this is the type I am referring to. Someone who is on disability because it's easy money. The type that are just out to take advantage of the system. I respect and applaud those that might be disabled but are retraining to accommodate their disabilities so they CAN be part of the work force. I do realize some disabilities are so severe as to not allow someone to work at all.

In many places, especially in Canada, employers will not pay for a worker to be re-trained if they were injured at the workplace as opposed to being injured on the job, especially if you are age 60 and over. They much prefer to encourage you to retire/ quit without your crumy watch covered in cheap white gold. If you have the funds, you can pay for any type of retraining or if you apply to the govt. you can select from a limited amount of choices and occupations while perhaps collecting disability which is low enough to guarantee either starvation or falling behind in your rent or both and you end up on the street with enough to buy dog food. You are absolutely not 'romantic material' in any case. Training programs are rarely adequate to actually land a job; all the programs fall short of training you in the latest. up-to-date techniques that would make you a good prospect to actually even have a good interview, never mind being hired. Any sort of job requiring computer skills and specific software knowledge are infamous for this type of shortcoming which usually leaves the clients with nothing but wasted time and dashed hopes and depression. I can't imagine things being any better in the US; Europe, yes where if you loose your home, you are now guaranteed to at least have one through their human rights code. Having a home is not considered a human right in North America and neither is an actual 'living wage' if you do find a job. Wages are not geared to expenses of food and shelter, nor anything to cover yourself with to get to your job. Is it any wonder why so many turn to crime or go 'dumpster diving' for their basic needs...This entire society is not progressing but only regressing into the individual isolationism of "looking out for number one"...
There, my one topic rant is finished on behalf of those who can't get anywhere on their own due to some circumstances way out of their control.

Traumer's photo
Tue 04/16/13 11:31 AM
The ones you are shown 'that you may be interested in', about 80% have been gone for over a month; look at potential matches and over 90% have been gone for well over a month; it's a play on the boring 'bat an' switch' routine as for all we know, most could have been gone for over 6 months, if not longer.
Try to participate in the various forums and there you'll find quite a few. Many are not looking; just take part in forums; some are supposedly happily married but they have friends here. It's all hit and miss with the miss's leading whereas in real life, women who are looking and active, go to various places hoping, wanting, even dying to find someone compatible. Take your pick, it's your time...good luck.

Traumer's photo
Mon 04/15/13 02:57 PM

Are you sure it wasn't some people from a certain country beginning with two letters NK that could have planted them there?

NK...New Kangaroo? Neus Kronenburg?laugh

Traumer's photo
Mon 04/15/13 02:42 PM



1) Put city/state under each photo so we know people better.
2) Once you've said no on a potential match, don't keep bringing them back on the list of possible matches. It's irritating and fruitless.

It's a good suggestion; long overdue
delete those profiles for 'matching' if gone for over 2 or 3 months which may be over 90%....

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 05:42 PM

If you're in a store, buying a certain CD, by one of your favourite bands/singers, sometimes someone will come up to you and say something like "Oooh, I love them", so you get talking about it. Or when I let my dog into the front garden, people see it through the gaps of the bars in my gate, and that has passers-by asking me all about him. I've been to group therapy before, and it was nice to just be able to vent to people who had more time to listen. I prefer group therapy, to one on one, as you can conversate with other phobics.

My therapist told me a way to achieve inner peace was to finish things that I had started. Today I finished two bags of potato chips, a chocolate cake, a half bottle of bourbon and a cartoon video of Betty Boop that had been sitting in my VCR for 3 weeks. I feel much better already.ohwell

Well, if a bona fide therapist says so...then I guess the healthiest thing for me to do is finish this bottle of wine I just opened. :wink:

She was a sex therapist, does that matter...laugh

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 05:28 PM

Whenever possible, I try to wake up at the crack of noon.

and who is noon....never mind...

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 05:26 PM

How many of you read the profiles of those that contact you?

Do you just go through matching, or do you see a picture and just start up a chat with someone?

The reason I ask this is that when someone starts a chat with me, I read their profile to try to get a little insight as to who they they are, where they are and what interests they may have in common with me.
I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol.

It seems to me that the last several people that contacted me, this is ALL they were looking for and when I politely declined, they went so far as to report my profile and had me blocked for a while. Obviously I am still here, as the moderators would have gone through their protocols to assess the situation.

So my question is this: do you read someones profile to find out more about them, or do you just jump in with a IM chat session not knowing what the person you are contacting is looking for?

A lot of people are perverse and that is precisely why some will contact you on purpose just to rattle you. In my opinion, I'd remove that; it makes you a specific target...better to remain within the more mundane ,anonymous profiles and not draw unwanted attention to yourself...

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 11:56 AM
Fra too many on these forums stay on line 24-7 listening to Alex Jones or so it would seem...sad.

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 11:32 AM

what is it we are supposed to be in the mood for again?


After reading some of the forums, I was thinking ...more medication..

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 11:25 AM

You could start a small war?


The song and the refrain of These Boots come to mind...oh never mind

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 10:57 AM

I thought I met "My Knight in Shining Armour" one time......he turned out to be a retard wrapped in Tin Foil.......But try try try again......lolfrustrated lol

Boy oh boy!!
The never ending trials(frogs)!!
Arent you glad you have the courage,the strength and the hope agains all hopes to get up and try again??

Frogs, toads, retards in tin-foil are the staples of everyday life for most females; shame really, but as I posted in some thread yesterday, hey, I'm to as near perfect as you can ever experience. Yes, of course, I feel great, I've just had some medication and WoW!
Frogs, toads, etc. really do make the world a boring place, don't they; they're all the same and now that I think of it again with my medication, of how interesting I am and what a pleasure I am to be around, I really can't help but realize that a world full of me's would be absolutely brilliant and almost like a religious experience. This is what women want! Of course, it won't last and my medication will eventually wear off...perhaps I can put it into an IV and take it with me all the time...oh wow, the colours!
rofl rofl

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