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Topic: Reading profiles?
kellysirishgirl's photo
Sun 04/14/13 12:49 PM
How many of you read the profiles of those that contact you?

Do you just go through matching, or do you see a picture and just start up a chat with someone?

The reason I ask this is that when someone starts a chat with me, I read their profile to try to get a little insight as to who they they are, where they are and what interests they may have in common with me.
I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol.

It seems to me that the last several people that contacted me, this is ALL they were looking for and when I politely declined, they went so far as to report my profile and had me blocked for a while. Obviously I am still here, as the moderators would have gone through their protocols to assess the situation.

So my question is this: do you read someones profile to find out more about them, or do you just jump in with a IM chat session not knowing what the person you are contacting is looking for?

ViaMusica's photo
Sun 04/14/13 12:55 PM
If someone makes contact with me and it's just one word or something else that sets off my red flags, I don't even bother reading their profile -- I just decline the contact.

If the first contact passes that test, though, I go and read their profile. If they look like someone I have enough in common with to continue communication, I will, but otherwise I don't bother.

Dodo_David's photo
Sun 04/14/13 01:07 PM
Yes, I read the profiles.

oldhippie1952's photo
Sun 04/14/13 01:08 PM
The way I usually read a profile is if they say something interesting in the forums. So I can get an idea of what they're about.

no photo
Sun 04/14/13 01:09 PM
i do

Ted14621's photo
Sun 04/14/13 01:16 PM
"I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol."

I don't get the "lol" for that sentence.

kellysirishgirl's photo
Sun 04/14/13 01:27 PM

"I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol."

I don't get the "lol" for that sentence.

I laugh at that because it's the very first thing that people can read in my profile, yet even those that have read my profile and continue to ask me for this seem to miss that part of the statement.
It's almost as though they are thinking, 'oh well, she'll think I'm hot and do it anyway'

One guy went as far as asking me to strip for him on camera as there was no way in the world that I would be able to resist him!
Took a look at his profile, no pic, went on cam with him just to see what he looked like, yuck (I know I won't be to everyone's taste), shut down the transmission.

He lied in his profile about who he was for a start, and after him sending me some unwarranted completely gross messages which I refused to reply to, I reported his profile.
He subsequently has disappeared from the site.

Traumer's photo
Sun 04/14/13 05:26 PM

How many of you read the profiles of those that contact you?

Do you just go through matching, or do you see a picture and just start up a chat with someone?

The reason I ask this is that when someone starts a chat with me, I read their profile to try to get a little insight as to who they they are, where they are and what interests they may have in common with me.
I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol.

It seems to me that the last several people that contacted me, this is ALL they were looking for and when I politely declined, they went so far as to report my profile and had me blocked for a while. Obviously I am still here, as the moderators would have gone through their protocols to assess the situation.

So my question is this: do you read someones profile to find out more about them, or do you just jump in with a IM chat session not knowing what the person you are contacting is looking for?

A lot of people are perverse and that is precisely why some will contact you on purpose just to rattle you. In my opinion, I'd remove that; it makes you a specific target...better to remain within the more mundane ,anonymous profiles and not draw unwanted attention to yourself...

Mortica7's photo
Sun 04/14/13 07:49 PM
Always read the profile.
It amazes me what some people will post as a screen name or say in their profiles.
Or those that say absolutely nothing in their profiles.

Queene123's photo
Sun 04/14/13 07:55 PM
someone ask me awhile back
why did i look at there profile

well this was several yrs back
and i was in a relationship with this
guy i met on here

and i didnt see it as a problem
looking at others profile

for i do alot
just curious of what they wrote
or what can be so funny

and some you can read
between the lines
if there a scammer

i hardly use the chat

Queene123's photo
Sun 04/14/13 07:58 PM

"I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol."

I don't get the "lol" for that sentence.

I laugh at that because it's the very first thing that people can read in my profile, yet even those that have read my profile and continue to ask me for this seem to miss that part of the statement.
It's almost as though they are thinking, 'oh well, she'll think I'm hot and do it anyway'

One guy went as far as asking me to strip for him on camera as there was no way in the world that I would be able to resist him!
Took a look at his profile, no pic, went on cam with him just to see what he looked like, yuck (I know I won't be to everyone's taste), shut down the transmission.

He lied in his profile about who he was for a start, and after him sending me some unwarranted completely gross messages which I refused to reply to, I reported his profile.
He subsequently has disappeared from the site.

you know what funny .. the guy that ask you to strip on the webcam
i had a client that came to me yrs ago and stated that she had a reader ask her that very same thing.. she didnt think twice and she did it
no psychic would ask that.. in fact that same idiot found me in yahoo and ask that very same thing... i blew up at him

kellysirishgirl's photo
Sun 04/14/13 11:39 PM

How many of you read the profiles of those that contact you?

Do you just go through matching, or do you see a picture and just start up a chat with someone?

The reason I ask this is that when someone starts a chat with me, I read their profile to try to get a little insight as to who they they are, where they are and what interests they may have in common with me.
I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol.

It seems to me that the last several people that contacted me, this is ALL they were looking for and when I politely declined, they went so far as to report my profile and had me blocked for a while. Obviously I am still here, as the moderators would have gone through their protocols to assess the situation.

So my question is this: do you read someones profile to find out more about them, or do you just jump in with a IM chat session not knowing what the person you are contacting is looking for?

A lot of people are perverse and that is precisely why some will contact you on purpose just to rattle you. In my opinion, I'd remove that; it makes you a specific target...better to remain within the more mundane ,anonymous profiles and not draw unwanted attention to yourself...

Since I put that on there, I get a lot less, as I ask people to look at my profile, rather than asking me the same questions over and over again.

no photo
Mon 04/15/13 12:24 AM
Yes,i read the profiles..especially if what is written me is intelligible and a good read.... Or friends request/nudges!

But,only if they are above a certain age(that i specified in profile)
reading that profile gives me an idea of who is beyond the write!

And if they are seeking a different path from what i specified,i say so politely,wish them luck!
Am quite fast at blocking faceless profiles or anyone asking for webcam!!

grizz11952001's photo
Mon 04/15/13 02:48 AM
smokin i do read the profiles but i agree i dont think people do most of the time or they wouldnt have to ask they would know what im looking for.:banana:

Tattooed_Fella's photo
Mon 04/15/13 03:56 AM
I'll let you know when and if i ever get contacted. lol

TawtStrat's photo
Mon 04/15/13 05:10 AM
Yeah, I always read the profiles looking for something interesting that will allow me to respond with something interesting but most profiles are very dull and uninteresting and then the women complain that they get the same types of messages from men on here all the time.

no photo
Mon 04/15/13 06:05 AM

I'll let you know when and if i ever get contacted. lol


Ofcourse you'll be contacted-mos def!

no photo
Mon 04/15/13 06:08 AM

Yeah, I always read the profiles looking for something interesting that will allow me to respond with something interesting but most profiles are very dull and uninteresting and then the women complain that they get the same types of messages from men on here all the time.

Ha ha ha haaaa

Well,true,some profile are chit magnet!!

msharmony's photo
Mon 04/15/13 08:04 AM
Edited by msharmony on Mon 04/15/13 08:04 AM

How many of you read the profiles of those that contact you?

Do you just go through matching, or do you see a picture and just start up a chat with someone?

The reason I ask this is that when someone starts a chat with me, I read their profile to try to get a little insight as to who they they are, where they are and what interests they may have in common with me.
I have a very bold statement on my profile that ask for no sex chat, because I'm not looking for internet webcam sex show sessions, lol.

It seems to me that the last several people that contacted me, this is ALL they were looking for and when I politely declined, they went so far as to report my profile and had me blocked for a while. Obviously I am still here, as the moderators would have gone through their protocols to assess the situation.

So my question is this: do you read someones profile to find out more about them, or do you just jump in with a IM chat session not knowing what the person you are contacting is looking for?

if someone grabs my eye, I will read the profile
if someone contacts me, I dont usually read the profile until after (if ) I respond back, because people are sensitive about not being responded to ESPECIALLY if they see you viewed their profile,,,they take it more personally I think

and I dont respond to alot of those who contact me,, mostly because of their approach being a turn off immediately (unfortunately), or their age being too young

bryan9308's photo
Mon 04/15/13 01:39 PM
i read them but i like to talk to people and i'm just looking for that friendship and who knows maybe something more

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