If he can take me to the Urdonian star system for a honeymoon i'll marry him tomorrow! ;-) Urdonian? I've had brief visits to the Ordonian system with Zelda... |
Mr Perfect????
Edited by
Sun 03/24/13 06:30 PM
Mr Perfect???....i think you'll find him in the veggie dept. He's with Mr. Potato Head The veggie section in my market always has fruit flies around... he's with MR Potato Head?? Is there something odd about him that perhaps we should all be aware of?(It wouldn't be so bad if he was with Mrs. Potato Head, at least....) |
Aliens, what would you ask
If you were contacted by an advanced alien civilization, what questions would you have for them? To know their history; how they think they developed,etc., etc., etc. |
Raising the Bar
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Sun 03/24/13 11:24 AM
Do you raise the bar every time you chose a new person to date? If so how so...if not so how so also? I don't know why, but I found that funny. I like to call it "getting more picky." Maybe I should have said Upgrading, but it sounds a bit like trading in a used car for a newer model. Well, isn't that precisely what most of us do regardless of what euphemism we may call it. We all know that this entire society that we all live in, that we are all disposable; little or no deposit and no return. I despise it and will not treat a female as 'disposable' and yet, I have adjusted myself to be so treated and have been; it's nearly pointless to try and retain any sense of being considered 'romantic' but that is, has been my nature. And despite all the horrible things that I have seen and have had to do in Life, I do prefer it to just being some artificial creature that belongs in Huxley's Brave New World; totally amoral. Listen to our current language of choice; we speak in euphemisms because of convenience and it somehow avoids the stark and brutal nature of our existence as 'disposable items'. Is it any wonder that any of us even come close to finding that 'something' we should recognize as Love; one that is both compatible and complimentary to both parties...our modern 'societal instincts' now automatically kicks in and we reject anyone/ everyone for being possibly compatible; possible companions and certainly mates and grudgingly accept most anyone for whatever bestial urges we may be overheated with at any given moment and then send ourselves on our separate ways. I find this so called, much touted modern society inherently and totally disgusting in my heart of heart but I have made my adjustments to deal with it, as unsavoury as I find it, and with most people that swim around in this cesspool of hypocrisies. Apologies for this bit of being honest for a change. |
Military Men
Are there any Military Men here? I would love to find someone to chat with. Served in several armies in parts of Africa and in South America. Regular forces included Legion Etranger and Rhodesian SAS. Does that qualify? |
Is Love actually Blind
Most people believe that love is blind is true in some cases but not all cases. For example if a guy sees a gril he likes he will let her know how he feel about her. As they get to know each other they may fall in love if they feel they can cope with each other.Coping here stands for character and other special qualities they see in each other. So love is not blind he liked her, he studied her, because of the good qualities he saw in her he loved her. Assuming he liked her but she has no character he will not love her so if love is blind why not love her the way she is. Most of us here loved someone before why did you break up if love is blind you would have continued to love blindly until death do you part.please this just how feel if you disagree is ok by me just let me know what you think. The short answer is Love dies and the exact cause of death has to do with the types of personalities involved in the crime but both usually are a party to its death. |
It’s my opinion that there are just too many types of love available these days that it’s becoming harder to find one that’s compatible for us. It’s like the increasing variety of shampoos on the market. With such a wide variety made specially for every hair type imaginable, when you find the perfect formula for you, your hair will bounce and shine like never before. The problem is sampling 2,345,983 shampoos to FIND that right formula for your hair type. and your chances of finding that 'right' shampoo is a lot higher than ever finding a 'compatible love'... |
Raising the Bar
Do you raise the bar every time you chose a new person to date? If so how so...if not so how so also? You are darn right I do, each and every time I approach a bar.I always end up at a wrong bar it seems. I usually don't care for bars so I'm a bit leery with any date on approaching a bar, be it horizontal or vertical including the ones you have to squat down to get under to pass your 'bar exam'. Those can be fun however. Most bars don't even have what I like to order and many bars are trouble; I much prefer to stay at home with my own bar... |
just go along masticambulistiphifiling today for awhile. It's lunch time....
Are you a nutcase?
It has been suggested that I take the fifth, or is that drink a fifth, on the grounds that my answer may tend to incriminate me... my son said something like that to me the other day...hey, it's all good! |
making beats on my laptop ( In First Class of course ) For flights lasting 8 or more hours, jogg nude up and down the aisles.. and always say HI! to First class! And have the occasional glass of Champagne.. |
Edited by
Sat 03/23/13 02:09 PM
| "The man behind the private space project dubbed Mars One is looking for people to travel to Mars, but he's not offering a return ticket. "The technology to get humans to Mars and keep them alive there exists," Bas Lansdorp told Day 6 host Brent Bambury in an interview that aired this week on CBC Radio. "The technology to bring humans from Mars back to Earth simply does not exist yet." Lansdorp said he's looking for people who are utterly dependable, good in groups and "at their best when things are at their worst." The never-to-return explorers will require eight years of training, and the search starts this year. The flight is scheduled to leave in Sept. 2022." According to the video in the link posted above, they are funding the trip by making this into a reality tv show documenting their lives. Apparently, they already have thousands of people who who are willing and have signed up to be a possible candidate. They will have to train for 8 years and understand that there's no coming back to Earth once there. I'm not sure I'd be okay with that. I like Earth just fine thank you! Anyone here willing to sign up to die on Mars? Eight years training???? For what exactly? What could they possibly train 8 years for that they should...would need to know after an intensified training period of 3 years, for instance? Just starting with the hows to do the very basics under the Martian gravity and operate any types of machines to put together pre-fabricated modules for living and basic survivability and handle the types of aerial craft,(pre designed, built and tested) to operate in the Martian atmosphere would certainly be covered within those 3 years, I would think. How to deal with those 'aliens' already there would certainly be a major concern, if they make use of the classified and unclassified materials on the results of Govt. and private agency files of the techniques known as 'remote viewing would be invaluable. Many of those tasked with remote viewing on different locations on Mars have all found very ancient structures and are currently being used by 'humanoid' beings, After their secret govt. remote viewing, many of those same people went to various civilian agencies now engaged as private defense contractors for the Pentagon and NSA, CIA, etc. when the CIA allegedly terminated those programs. Many viewers went to PSI Corp. Perhaps they are part of this project?? Many think that to totally hide the remote viewing on Mars and other facets dealing with alien humanoids, the programs were not terminated but went totally black by being hidden in the private sector. Detailed descriptions of their bases, facilities including underground installations on Mars have been 'available for years' but never publically discussed. I found it very interesting to compare modern descriptions of these remotely viewed bases, monuments, etc. to ancient Sumerian/Babylonian records of their ancient descriptions to be very similar to many of the targeted views...I'd love to really access those hidden secret files....and if younger, I'd go to Mars in a minute! |
Homosexual redux
I just felt like opening cans of worms today. Do you think government is too involved in our lives when they can say whether or not you can be married? If two people love each other, what's the big deal? How do you think the Supreme Court will rule? I think they will strike down anti-homosexual marriage laws myself, as there is no grounds for them not to be able to marry. The dictionary already includes homosexual couples as married, slowly our society changes. As for me, I hate to see the word 'marriage' changed, but once again I can not put my values on another. So I will not fight this action, I will let God sort it out. Normally I won't touch any topic in this section, but here is one exception. I love the English language, as I have learned it. It is the world's most elastic and creative on-going language on this planet. It evolves and revolves in its adaptability. Hence my opinion on the word and 'classical' meaning of marriage. It is totally irrelevant to even think that 'the old meaning' should be regarded in such a negative way as "I can not put my values on another." OH? All Christians and even those who are not have a duty and obligation to do just that if the society in which they live and are part of to keep it stable from things that just may de-stabilize it. Christians of all denominations have a stronger duty and moral obligation to do this regardless of those wishing to change, alter and potentially de-stabilize your basic form of society, it's historic/ religious origins/ foundations which is Christian, as was the denominations of the majority of those who founded your country. Impose! Set limits! There is absolutely no reason for the homosexual elements of your society to steal the sanctity of the word 'marriage' and totally change its very origin. Let them invent a new word for a totally new legality that will recognize their new status. There are any number of possibilities to form a new term without using and demeaning the word or concept of marriage for Christians anywhere. "Spousal Contract" or Union of Spousal Wedlock"; having a Certificate of Spousal Bond or Conjugality....; Wedlock Contract; Communal Contract of Spousal Conjugality...hold contests for a new term(s), write your ideas down and send it off to that political crook you voted for that is supposed to represent YOU in your House and Senate! New situations should have new words to describe them. English is elastic and flexible; find a new term and leave the word 'marriage' alone. Do your God a favour and do not 'let God do it'; help God out for a change; stop taking the lazy Christian's way out of responsibility. Stand up for both yourselves and your denominational ideals of your God... |
Most of the shows on TV I found just too stupid to waste my time on, My favourites were Monty Python's Flying Circus, both versions of Battle Star Galactica and Babylon Five; one 'variety show Dave Allen from England. Hate slapstick so I didn't bother with Benny Hill.
As a child, I loved The Cisco Kid and Foreign Legionnaire and the much more realistic Assignment Foreign Legion with Merle Oberon; Soldier Of Fortune and Ramar Of The Jungle, Mork and Mindy, and for sure the thoroughly warped and demented humour of The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show!!! |
Ilsa, She Wolf Of The SS
(demented wishful thinking ) |
this is definitely a gifted literary form |
Sign on busy road says: Michael, GPS Tracker – $250, Nikon Camera with zoom lens – $1600, Catching my lying husband and buying this billboard with our investment account, – Priceless. Tell Jessica you’re moving in! – Jennifer You Men, remember we ladies don't play fair. Sign in a public laundromat in Rome:"Ladies, leave your clothes here and spend the afternoon having a good time." Sign in a Dry-cleaners window: "Drop your trousers here for best results'" And remember folks, be with us again next week for High Fidelity, designed to help music lovers increase their reproduction... |
Sometimes it seems that we're all living in a type of prison and the crime is how much we hate ourselves...
Say Something Vague
if we live our lives the right way, then everything we do is a work of art...