50 Shades
There's a big difference between acting like a cave man and being dominant in the bedroom. Yes, many women do get turned on by dominance in the bedroom. However, I don't think that means they all want men to be dominant at all times, though. This is true, and he should keep in mind 50 Shades is nothing more than erotic fiction....It is not real life....If bondage, dominance and submission, sadism and masochism is someone's "thing" then they should look for like minded partners...The reason women are talking about 50 Shades is timing, readability, and media hype, not preferences in the bedroom... To the OP, if you have to ask what women prefer, you're not paying attention during sex...As Sing stated, SOME women like dominance with SOME men SOME of the time...Get it?... it depends on the circumstances and has nothing to do with gender roles or modern culture...For examples see "The Story of O", the Marquis de Sade's "Juliette" and "Justine", Rice's trilogy "The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty" and "Exit to Eden" ..."50 Shades of Grey" is nothing new... I think preference in the bedroom can be a reason some women are talking about it. Or that they're at least curious about it. But, there are a lot of books out there along the same lines. The 50 shades books just happened to hit it big at the right time, so those are the popular ones right now. I suppose it could be preferences in the BR driving the chitchat around the water cooler, but I think it has more to do with timing, just like you said...The real reason women (and some men) are talking about 50 Shades is because it's "the" topic right now ![]() Bravo! ![]() |
love is
If you ask Aristotle, "Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies." If you ask Plato, "Love is a serious mental disease." If you ask Maya Angelou, "Love is like a virus. It can happen to anybody at any time." If you ask Marilyn French, " Well, love is insanity. The ancient Greeks knew that. It is the taking over of a rational and lucid mind by delusion and self-destruction. You lose yourself, you have no power over yourself, you can't even think straight." ahhhh, but Love is a glimpse of Heaven... ![]() |
First Communications
They have a bitter attitude when you won't meet them after only exchanging two short and shallow messages. ![]() They become angry and call you a jaded paranoid loser when you won't give them your private email or phone number after one "hey cutie" message. ![]() They are in love with you in three messages. ![]() Their fourth message contains their phone number and an explanation that the reason they are deleting their account is because they are too into you and can't bear to looklook at your face every day obline, knowing they cant have you...but want you to call them. ![]() They will come to America to meet you...if you can just wire them one way airfair. ![]() ...but I've not been here that Dang, that sounds familiar. ![]() I'll also add in a few that are particular red flags for me: Run-on sentences with no punctuation or capitalization in a message. If you send me random word salad, it isn't likely to get you anywhere. Text speak as a mode of communication. I can understand text speak, but I read and write in English. That much should be plain to anyone reading my profile, so if you then make that first contact with my using something other than proper English, it tells me you either didn't bother to read, or you don't have the capacity to grasp what I was trying to convey. Neither of these bodes well for our interaction. I get the female versions...not so bad compared to the really crass overtly sexual garbage though or the name-calling...(insert figure vomiting) |
just some non literary quote that I like; Beauty fades, dumb is forever
It is a thin line that divides the Porn Industry from plastic surgery; they both sell fantasy, don't they. Love has nothing to do with what you're expecting to get, only what you are expected to give, which is everything.... If Love is a glimpse of Heaven then as Life is infested with ordinariness, there is no reason that love should be too. To those with a clear mind, one day something will enter it, feel lonely...and leave. I've always liked this one from the artist Marc Chagall: In our life there is a single colour, as on an artist's palette' which provides the meaning of life and art. It is the colour of love. ( the one colour missing from my palette...) ![]() ![]() Don't judge me until you've tried to walk a mile on my medication! ![]() |
I'm in the MOOD!
Ima closer so closing ANYTHING puts me in the mood .... lol I mean, even getting the Post Office to agree to forward me mail, and I'm like "Hey Margarita Time Baby!" ![]() ![]() And what about getting your post office to take down your Wanted Posters... ![]() I think that mine were taken down, but I can't reveal in which countries, I'm sure that you can understand... ![]() ![]() I work at my art from around 4 or 5am to about noon and needing a total disconnect I play some CCR or Stones then skip around to Jazz or Delta style Blues . A good dinner always goes well with at least one bottle of good wine and that gets more ideas and creative work going. Music always gets me in the mood for creating impromptu changes on some paintings but it does depend on the types of music I listen to; if I'm working on a drawing or painting of a Blues theme it is entirely different from doing a painting having to do with Jazz; worlds apart in inspiration as to what goes into them as I try to translate their unique sounds into colours and settings to reflect the music so that when one looks at one, one thinks, one knows what types of music reflects what I've painted or drawn, Each musical sound, each riff has a colour just as the sax does or piano; moods are created by what is played. |
After reading most of the entries, I'm wondering if any one on this forum has ever set foot inside the Supreme Court, let alone into any of the offices/chambers; I doubt it. This brings us to a great irony that can be taken one of 2 ways. The main chamber where the cases are argued are filled with huge murals all around of very religious scenes from the Old Testament, which to me, smacks of a very pernicious type of Christianity that only follows the Old and basically Jewish Bible which with the coming of Christ and the New Testament basically rendered the Old Testament academic; finished; over and done with, let's move on to something new...Not inside those chambers where no one is allowed to photograph those murals, perhaps as that may cause people to ask questions...given the fact that is where all the so called 'Godless' bias were shown by striking down so many laws and customs regarding God, prayers etc. were rendered by those who have perpetuated this 'anti-religious/ anti-God' judicial atmosphere. So far as I can determine there are plans to remove those murals/ paintings; one would expect some modicum of consistency, but no which makes or should make people wonder about it...If religion , especially any one religious outlook is outlawed in all public and governmental buildings, offices and functions, why does the Supreme Court maintain religious paintings all over it's building and chambers that is basically Christian, if not Jewish with their hang-ups about that Old Testament...I find it all very strange and totally inconsistent... with their rulings ordering the removal of such and more from Federal and State government buildings and even from the front lawns of courthouses in many states...
Life Changing Books
Beau Jeste by C.P. Wren
La Legion by Geoffrey Bocca They had a monumental impact on the directions my life took. All I can say is I got it out of my system but at a tremendous cost. |
forest gump
Forest Gump is without, the saddest movie that I have ever seen and will never watch it again; just too emotional...ironically my son loves it ...I can't.
![]() Yes, A Klansperson hitting Obama on the head with a burning cross...many would love that... ![]() If I recall correctly, it was the Republicans that supported the 'carpetbaggers' sent to the South and the 'scallywags' were the southern whites that joined them in supporting the new political rights of the former slaves, so those democrats launched the klans, wouldn't you as a means to fight back a hated enemy coming in to occupy your land and disrupt your culture...I think most anyone would would, by any means needed. wrong the klan was originally anti catholic and anti union I never said a word regarding the Klan's regard for any religion, however, my father;s first legal marriage was to a Catholic and his family and relatives, all good Klan members from the time ol' General Bedford Forest in Tennessee got the Klan going against Yankees, carpetbaggers and traitors to the Confederacy, basically disowned him until he 'came to his senses' ![]() ![]() |
TORA TORA TORA! Film on the attack of Pearl Harbor told from both the Japanese and American sides. How could an attack on Pearl Harbor have happened? How did the Japanese race 4000 miles across the Pacific undetected? There has been talk in the air that the British may be planning such attack on America's Eastern seaboard within our lifetimes. How might that play out in your mind? What events could lead to such an air attack? Perhaps a joint ally wargames gone bad? What would the British code words be signaling the attack instead of Tora Tora Tora? How would the Eastern seaboard be attacked? Perhaps: "Not 1 if by land or 2 if by sea, but by massive airborne invasion." ![]() "massive airborn invasion" would have to involve every man. woman and child in the UK and even then, they couldn't even hold NYC... ![]() (hey, no harm in trying though...) ![]() |
Long, long overdue...mandatory gun ownership
![]() But will the town council or the State offer the people guns for sale? Any bulk discounts? Will there planned bus trips to gun stores or armories for the townspeople? How about those in wheelchairs? Logistics can be problematic when trying to comply with regulations from any town council...just wondering... ![]() |
Edited by
Thu 04/04/13 02:35 PM
![]() Yes, A Klansperson hitting Obama on the head with a burning cross...many would love that... ![]() And of course, the parties switched. What was then a democrat is now considered republican. Political parties change their outlooks and their names, it is certainly no wonder people around the globe are never quite sure who or what is stood for and even being against certain things is no guarantee of being able to identify a candidate or party as all seem to wish to appear 'hazy' and blend in to be elected. This religion question in North Carolina isn't the first time it has been in the air, but certainly it is a landmark gamble to say the least about it now. Back in the late 60's my sister worked in the private office for the former North Carolina Congressman, Harold D. Cooley, as his secretary and that was one 'rascal'. I loved his off the wall ideas of getting North Carolina out of the Union. Way down deep, he was basically 'an unreconstructed Confederate'. Declaring a religion as the Feds(Yankees) had no right to, he and others would meet in his office, asked themselves, 'why not us then' along with several other ideas such as making all schools private in trying to throw a monkey wrench in the Federal Busing issue; forming a new State Guard in place of the National Guard with only one oath to the State and people leaving the Feds unable to 'federalize' them in case of any potential lethal issues over States rights versus the 'the Yankee government of Washington'...sadly nothing came of any of those ideas, especially after his health started going sister would often bring cases of bourbon etc. home that he kept giving her... ![]() I drove him home a couple of times and found it hilarious when crossing the state line from Virginia as there was a huge sign "Welcome to North Carolina, home of the Ku Klux Klan" with a big image of a Klansman on horseback...I had always wanted that sign,,,wondered what ever happened to about both a historical as well as hysterical sign of those times, but as Cooley always noted, 'them daze is all over an' thank Gawd'... ![]() |
Humour, even sarcastic humour and ridicule are deadly weapons in waging propaganda wars properly. Perhaps the various Intelligence and Pentagon handlers have taken off the muzzles for all their hired hackers and we can look forward to some delightful comedy for a change.
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50 Shades
Read most of all 3 of these so called 'grey shades' books; not much different or improvement over The Story of O, written over 50 years ago, immediately branded as very scandalous, disgusting, and degrading to women and males. The publishers were hauled into courts. Today, this extreme masochistic tale is hailed as a 'classic', worthy to stand beside the best writings of the Marquis de Sade.
I'm still waiting for the comic book versions as well as an adult coloring book version.... The 'shades' books can easily also stand with Henry Miller's Tropic Of Cancer or Tropic of Capricorn. Tropic of Cancer ignited 4 attempts to film it; all were profound duds, as was also Candy and Lolita,( 3 times)...really unimaginative directors, producers. If anyone attempts to film the 'shades' books, I daresay, they will also fail. No one has even tried to film The Story of O but they also tried with Immanuel and made 2 sequels, if I recall and weren't half bad; a bit better than any of the Ilsa, The She Wolf of The SS movies...again, I'm still waiting for the comic book and adult colouring book versions; hell, why should kids have all the fun with colouring books! ![]() ![]() |
whats love all about
men should be respectful to their wives ...and their girlfriends; women in general... ![]() |
About how I can paint all the roads with scenic scenes for my exclusive glass bottom bus tours along the Playa Del Carmen route of resorts on Route 307 from Cancun to's very distracting...
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Aliens, what would you ask
Is of cousin Gordon any related to Flash Gordon? No, he's related to Flesh Gordon who lives on Planet Porno! (geesh, 5 movies and people forget about Flesh Gordon!?) ![]() |
![]() Yes, A Klansperson hitting Obama on the head with a burning cross...many would love that... ![]() If I recall correctly, it was the Republicans that supported the 'carpetbaggers' sent to the South and the 'scallywags' were the southern whites that joined them in supporting the new political rights of the former slaves, so those democrats launched the klans, wouldn't you as a means to fight back a hated enemy coming in to occupy your land and disrupt your culture...I think most anyone would would, by any means needed. |
Edited by
Wed 04/03/13 12:20 PM
It only made National News because of the Naked Part; other than that it would have been ignored. Everyone has to have a "shtick" that will get you noticed. If this should happen to you(hope not) you'll have to remember to take off any pajamas/ night-gown or baby-doll nightie(you can leave the bandolier on) and go after your burglars 'nekid' (don't forget to tape your cell phone to somewhere on your gun or torso to call the police and/ or the press,(before or after you shoot him/them while trying to escape lawful custody of your 'citizen's arrest' ![]() |
![]() Yes, A Klansperson hitting Obama on the head with a burning cross...many would love that... ![]() |