Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Wed 02/17/10 03:36 PM

Why not eliminate kindergarten? They really don't learn much there.

cashu's photo
Wed 02/17/10 03:33 PM
Federal spending went up after the big business money was pasted around. Do you really think that those creeps in congress would strip away all the banking rules if they haddened been paid first . Hey there, not giving any credit in washington .Its large corporations that sent the money there not Santa Claus.BEING A STOCK OWNER , I DO NOT LIKE A JERK CORRUPTING MY GOVERNMENT OR C.E.O.IF YOU LIKE A NICE TITLE .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/17/10 10:52 AM

what's wrong with congress is " LIBERALISM " must be stopped at every turn...
What I see wrong with congress is not liberalism so much as corrupion . and that is most of congress .

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 09:17 PM
Janet 's incharge what do you expect a well oiled machine . dream on .

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 09:13 PM
I wish him all the luck in the world . I wonder why the state hasn't made him an offer at settlement .

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 09:09 PM

This story was aired on ABC News tonight.

This is how the Israelis do business now in bringing in suspects. "Put the Hit Out on Them."

I guess I should be thankful that Israel is an ally to the U.S. and not an enemy. shocked shocked shocked
aw your scare aren't you ?

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 09:02 PM
Edited by cashu on Tue 02/16/10 09:05 PM case you didn't pay any attention at all in grade school science class....

Glaciers move forward and RECEDE on a regular basis.


Chicken Little is SOOOOO
if you don't understand yet. your arguing with a dim witted illiberal and not a thing anyone says well crack that rockhead .. we can all be glad when he's frozen to death. the really funny thing about what they say is they keep talking about what we should be doing with our oil . I bet the only oil or gas they own is in the junk car they own .

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 03:59 PM
your just seeing the rats abanding the sinking ship . Get use to it as the government starts to fail even more the numbers well increase .

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 03:55 PM

oh goodie...maybe we'll all get to watch him getting tortured or something really neat and stuff...
Yea we can do it like the japanese did to our people in ww2 . Drive bamboo shoots under the finger nails. It's too bad we just can't make a law saying we can treat people, just as they do us .. In vietnam they use to beat and stab our prisoners. I really doubt whither bin bugger worries about offending our people .. but there is an old tradition in war. If you don't wear a uniform you are a spy and can be killed when caught. No bull Sit trial needed no civil rights. no right at all . Their spies not solders kill them now . stop starting wars if you don't have the guts to win them .

cashu's photo
Tue 02/16/10 09:59 AM
Edited by cashu on Tue 02/16/10 10:01 AM
They're running to avoid prosecution for crimes against us. Like rats off a sinking ship .

cashu's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:41 PM

one of the greatest Presidents we ever had, Abraham Lincoln, was so hated by his opponents they finally shot him

and when they heard he was dead millions of Americans rejoiced

so no I dont think so
he was te reason over 50,000 of our people were killed why would anyone one think he was great . he was a bag of $hi.t .. he could of freed the blacks without that .

cashu's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:21 PM
Edited by cashu on Mon 02/15/10 06:28 PM

Hypothetical it may be a good question but within reality would never happen. If they do not let the Mexican Government have those options and a lot of our drug problems are within the Mexican border they would never let another country come here.

But guess I would have to question why my family members were within the area of the Drug War in the first place. whoa
I have seen Mexican troops on American soil carrying machine guns. When you need to pass bribes to the city council in LA You go to a mexican restaurant and leave it there, and then it makes it way to the members on the council . What do you mean it would never happen ? You have been sold out by your government already. Get use to it .......If we took the bribes away from our political types we could reduce the tax's .MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
i think we should legalise drugs . i don't care if they kill thereselfs . that would get the crimanils out of it . i have seen a lot of guys burn there brains out on speed and i don't care they did it to there selfs . shoot up folks i'm not your baby sitter .

cashu's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:09 PM

You're not surprised because that's what you want to believe. You want to think there is actually someone in Washington that actually represents and is looking out for "YOU". There isn't. Until you look with open eyes you will not see that "your" party is really no better than "their" party, they just want to separate you from your money in a different way, you'll be stuck believing the same old rhetoric. And rhetoric it rhetoric no matter whose mouth it comes out of.
Well someone who sees the real problem as it is . now the biggest problem is to elect people who wouldn't sell out and become one of them .
If someone is going to prison it would be G W BUSH AND CHANEY RIGHT BEHIND HIM . Obama has not done any thing YET thats a crime . But thats a big YET .but we can show that congress has by the large donations they get from big business . for the laws they get changed for big business ......

cashu's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:46 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 02/14/10 08:48 PM

GOD you people are pathetic.

Either way, the Republicans are basically being told that they are " dismissed ".

Too bad a whole bunch of Democrats are going to be " dismissed " from office soon.
I wish there was some 3 party canadates that weren't fringe lunatics. The corruption is so ingrained in these trash bags the can't even hear you when you're in their faces screaming. Dum as dirt ... We need moderates without preffences .. equitable for every one and a job for everyone, no one of working age gets a check for not working. And of course we can make a deal with the countrys who gotour jobs for them to take the all american rats who don't like us ...

cashu's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:26 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 02/14/10 08:29 PM
As an employer I found U.S. citizen to be more than qualified to do any job asked of them. I tried the illegals but they weren't worth much. They can't speak our language, and they steal a lot from you. But I didn't take long to find that the saving you have in wages is lost in other ways. I only hire our people and well never try any other group again.
I really don't understand why a U.S . citizen would speak so poorly of us . I bet your a liberal ......

cashu's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:11 PM
Edited by cashu on Sun 02/14/10 08:13 PM
I think its part of the problem the fat cows aren't afraid of the government, so they just flip them off instead of complieing with the law they just keep driving their trucks threw the poorly written laws.
of course they have paid a lot of cash for those holes .

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:20 PM

good thing we dont put people in prison just because some people dont like em

who told you this lie ?

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:14 PM
Edited by cashu on Sat 02/13/10 04:15 PM

anybody, liberal or conservative, that thinks they know better how you should live your life is condescending

I did not see the liberals telling anyone how to live their lives. You ? you pay ZERO attention to anything at all??

" Go Green/Global Warming/Death of mankind if you don't use the right kind of light bulb " stuff is the domain of the Liberals.

Are you telling us that ISN'T trying to tell us how we should run our lives??AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I agree with you on this idea and the professor . the only thing libs are good for is to make the plants grow faster

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:09 PM
So does a storm, heavy snow ,mud slide . Jet stream change. It won't be an ice age without a valcano though. And then when it melts it well all be different again. . It just earth regenerating itself

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 12:12 PM
WOW what a court system we got . AREN'T YOU PROUD ....

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