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Topic: Dippic: Miss Me Yet?
MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:06 AM
Unreal, this poster is near Wyoming, MN on I-35. No one knows who put it up...NPR was laughing it up over this this AM...funny.

"A picture of a billboard featuring a picture of former President George W. Bush and the words "Miss Me Yet?" began circulating via e-mail on Monday, February 8, 2010. At first, many assumed that the billboard was a photoshopped image, however it was confirmed to be real and stands along I-35 near the town of Wyoming, in the state of Minnesota.

Bob Collins of Minnesota Public Radio confirmed seeing the billboard along I-35. The mayor of Wyoming, Sheldon Anderson, said he has received a lot inquiries over the Bush billboard but said he did not know who set up the billboard or who paid for it"

No, I don't miss the worst president in US history...who would? The Commie bastard should be in prison...along with his buddies.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:11 AM
good thing we dont put people in prison just because some people dont like em

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:15 AM

good thing we dont put people in prison just because some people dont like em

People can't accept the truth about this disaster?

Yeah I don't like traitors to our Constitution...

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:17 AM
Edited by Quietman_2009 on Sat 02/13/10 10:18 AM
actually the official worst President is accepted to be James Buchanan. he pretty much is responsible for the Civil War

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:19 AM
People can't accept the truth about this disaster?

nahh they just havent been brainwashed by the leftwing extremist blogs

and then there are the righties who say about Obama, "People can't accept the truth about this disaster?"

and you think you're different from them how?

boredinaz06's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:24 AM

The REAL disaster is sitting in the white house right now, Obummer makes Bush look pretty good and I'm not even a big fan of bush!

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:27 AM

what's the difference?

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:29 AM

The REAL disaster is sitting in the white house right now, Obummer makes Bush look pretty good and I'm not even a big fan of bush!

LOL..speaking about the man who inherited this disaster?

Anton_k's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:34 AM

The REAL disaster is sitting in the white house right now, Obummer makes Bush look pretty good and I'm not even a big fan of bush!

LOL..speaking about the man who inherited this disaster?

Obama inherited a situation, he's turned every thing he touches into a disaster

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:37 AM

that commie bastard Obama should be in prison with the rest of his buddies

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:45 AM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sat 02/13/10 10:46 AM


that commie bastard Obama should be in prison with the rest of his buddies

For what?...not that that's on topic...but this is:

Why we don't miss this Commie:

"Who's Counting Bush's Mistakes?

Given how ambitious and wide-ranging the incompetence of this administration has been, it's high time we started keeping track of its many failures.

Advertisement Ralph Waldo Emerson said it best, "The louder he spoke of his honor, the faster we counted our spoons." And no administration in U.S. history has spoken louder, or as often, of its honor.

So let us count our spoons."

"Emergency Management: They completely failed to manage the first large-scale emergency since 9/11. Despite all their big talk and hundreds of billions of dollars spent on homeland security over the past four years, this administration proved itself stunningly incompetent when faced with an actual emergency. (Katrina Relief Funds Squandered)

Fiscal Management: America is broke. No wait, we're worse than broke. In less than five years these borrow and spend-thrifts have nearly doubled our national debt, to a stunning $8.2 trillion. These are not your father's Republicans who treated public dollars as though they were an endangered species. These Republicans waste money in ways and in quantities that make those old tax and spend liberals of yore look like tight-fisted Scots.

Ohhh, too many to post:

100 Mistakes for the President to Choose From

"1. Failing to build a real international coalition prior to the Iraq invasion, forcing the US to shoulder the full cost and consequences of the war.

2. Approving the demobilization of the Iraqi Army in May, 2003 – bypassing the Joint Chiefs of Staff and reversing an earlier position, the President left hundreds of thousands of armed Iraqis disgruntled and unemployed, contributing significantly to the massive security problems American troops have faced during occupation.

3. Not equipping troops in Iraq with adequate body armor or armored HUMVEES.

4. Ignoring the advice Gen. Eric Shinseki regarding the need for more troops in Iraq – now Bush is belatedly adding troops, having allowed the security situation to deteriorate in exactly the way Shinseki said it would if there were not enough troops.

5. Ignoring plans drawn up by the Army War College and other war-planning agencies, which predicted most of the worst security and infrastructure problems America faced in the early days of the Iraq occupation.

6. Making a case for war which ignored intelligence that there were no Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq.

7. Deriding "nation-building" during the 2000 debates, then engaging American troops in one of the most explicit instances of nation building in American history.

8. Predicting along with others in his administration that US troops would be greeted as liberators in Iraq.

9. Predicting Iraq would pay for its own reconstruction.

10. Wildly underestimating the cost of the war.

11. Trusting Ahmed Chalabi, who has dismissed faulty intelligence he provided the President as necessary for getting the Americans to topple Saddam."

More...many many more

no photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:48 AM

People can't accept the truth about this disaster?

nahh they just havent been brainwashed by the leftwing extremist blogs

and then there are the righties who say about Obama, "People can't accept the truth about this disaster?"

and you think you're different from them how?

At the end of his Presidency, even Bush's supporters (at least the ones I know) were even saying how horrible he was. They were able to figure that out on their own without any brainwashing.

no photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:49 AM

The REAL disaster is sitting in the white house right now, Obummer makes Bush look pretty good and I'm not even a big fan of bush!

LOL..speaking about the man who inherited this disaster?

Obama inherited a situation, he's turned every thing he touches into a disaster

Things weren't a disaster already by the time he got into office?

msharmony's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:54 AM
Oh, I dont miss Bush, mostly because he was embarassing for me to watch as representing our country to others, also because I believe he didnt listen to anything countering his intention of going after Saddam, also because he seemed a hypocrite to send kids to war for no apparent good reason when he himself was a deserter technically, also because I dont like bullies, i prefer level heads and diplomacy,,,,that 'with me or against me' bologna seemed to be how he made his decisions . I guess it comes down to which 'style' of leadership one prefers. For those who think America should basically be bullies and that they never do anything wrong to others to cause them to ever APOLOGIZE,,,Bush was great

I believe, every country, like every person, has committed wrongs and a strong leader(like a strong person) is the one who can aknowledge BOTH the good choices and the bad. I am still proud of OBama and would not have voted any other way.

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:55 AM

People can't accept the truth about this disaster?

nahh they just havent been brainwashed by the leftwing extremist blogs

and then there are the righties who say about Obama, "People can't accept the truth about this disaster?"

and you think you're different from them how?

At the end of his Presidency, even Bush's supporters (at least the ones I know) were even saying how horrible he was. They were able to figure that out on their own without any brainwashing.

oh yeah I agree he wasnt a very good President

but he wasnt a dictator or a murderer or a communist

if George Bush stole all our civil liberties with the Patriot Act then why is Harry Reid of all people trying to push its re-authorizatiion?

its all just propaganda from one side demonizing the other side and their is no difference between that and this "Obama isnt a citizen junk" and the people who buy it and push it are no more than zombie robot fools to me

to me MiddleEarth and BoredinAZ are basically the same person just mouthing different versions of the same swiftboat strategy

no photo
Sat 02/13/10 11:06 AM
I think it was a very clever ad and I know I've seen it before somewhere.
Seems no matter who is in office, someone will do a slice and dice. I am sticking with my own opinion, that these presidents do the best they can with what they have to deal with. There are so many fingers in SO MANY PIES and there's so much red tape and glad-handing to be done. And they HAVE to get information from others as they can't possibly do it all themselves, and sometimes that information is incorrect or skewed/dirty. I think Bush did the best he could with what he had and Obama will try as well.

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:20 PM

good thing we dont put people in prison just because some people dont like em

who told you this lie ?

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:20 PM

I think it was a very clever ad and I know I've seen it before somewhere.
Seems no matter who is in office, someone will do a slice and dice. I am sticking with my own opinion, that these presidents do the best they can with what they have to deal with. There are so many fingers in SO MANY PIES and there's so much red tape and glad-handing to be done. And they HAVE to get information from others as they can't possibly do it all themselves, and sometimes that information is incorrect or skewed/dirty. I think Bush did the best he could with what he had and Obama will try as well.

"Clever"? Actually there's a committee of people hired to revise history and cover the Dippic's deeds. There's no other president in our history who's caused so much damage. He committed crimes by lying us into wars that have killed nearly 5,000 US troops and up to a million Muslims, tortured....WE TORTURE?? REALLY?, trashed our economy and attacked our Constitution.

The Dippic did the best he could for the Neo-cons that had been making or circumventing our policies and I don't think we should forget the party that sponsored these disasters nor accept that both parties are equally responsible. To think that is to deny reality that could lead us down the same road...same disasters. I am so relieved that the skank Palin is NOT in the WH waiting for John McCain's last heartbeat.


Can't throw a stone here and not hit a lie in this bizarre and lame attempt to defend a monster, egads, how can people so openly lie?

Anything Goes To Save Bush’s Legacy Woes

"With less than three weeks left to go before President George W. Bush leaves office, the attempts to rewrite his legacy are starting to shift into overdrive — Laura Bush, Condoleeza Rice, and John Bolton are among the most recent minions who are busily trying to justify Bush’s criminal regime — as anything goes to save Bush’s legacy woes.

As noted by Helen Thomas, a columnist for Hearst Newspapers, both President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney are leaving office, passing the disaster of their making on to President-elect Barack Obama, with no remorse and no regrets. For now I’ll focus on President Bush and his legacy. More information on Vice President Dick Cheney’s legacy of deception can be found in this article from The Nation. It has become rather entertaining watching the attempts to justify Bush’s Imperial Presidency. Many of Bush’s atrocities were committed with the blessings of many in Washington.

Courtesy of Bush, the U.S. became the recipient of illegal wars, Guantanamo, torture and rendition, an economy that was raped and pillaged by corporate greed and deregulation, gross negligence in the handling of the destruction of New Orleans, destruction of civil liberties and Constitutional protections at home, illegal surveillance and wiretapping, a politicized ‘Justice’ Department, a politicized Federal Court system, up to and including the U.S. Supreme Court and a ruined reputation abroad among many other things.

The hypocrisy from the Bush administration regarding torture is astounding. If it weren’t for the fact that many died while being illegally tortured — with written approval from President Bush — at the hands of the U.S., it could be considered funny. After trying to rewrite laws and justifying his use of torture and claiming impunity with colluded legal opinions from Justice Department lawyers, Bush’s Justice Department wants the son of a former Liberian President imprisoned for 147 years for torturing people when he was chief of a brutal paramilitary unit during his father’s reign. In other words, the Bush administration wants torture committed by political leaders to be punished in a court of law while trying to justify Bush’s use of torture. Incredible.

Bush could end up being remembered more for his ignorance and stupidity than all the criminal acts he and his administration perpetrated against the U.S. and the rest of the world. Bush can claim that he prevented a rerun of the attacks of 9/11, but the fact remains that he was complicit in allowing the first attacks to happen. It would have been impossible to implement his draconian policies and destroy America’s remaining freedoms without allowing almost 3,000 innocent civilians to be killed. Intentionally exploiting and creating public fear worked for most of his presidential appointment, until the public finally started waking up last year."

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:24 PM
luckily we still have freedom of speech as well as freedom to not pay attention if we don't like things :thumbsup:

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 04:36 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Sat 02/13/10 04:37 PM

luckily we still have freedom of speech as well as freedom to not pay attention if we don't like things :thumbsup:

That's what got us into this mess...the consequences of not paying attention costs us dearly.

I know it's not the political time to do it but I bet the Dippic will eventuallly be tried in court for his and other's many many crimes...hell, here's just the chit list on the torture crimes alone:

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