Community > Posts By > cashu

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 12:06 PM

In the Southwest United States, a "coyote" is a person paid to smuggle illegal immigrants across the border between Mexico and the United States. Snakeheads are smugglers from China who smuggle people into the United States and other Western countries.

Human trafficking differs from people smuggling. A people smuggler will facilitate illegal entry into a country for a fee, but on arrival at their destination, the smuggled person is usually free. Trafficking involves a process of using physical force, fraud or deception to obtain and transport people. Women, who form the majority of trafficking victims, are particularly at risk from criminals who exploit lack of opportunities, promise good jobs or opportunities for study, and then force the victims to be prostitutes.

These types of "coyotes" are far more dangerous.

what did you dream this up .

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 12:02 PM
THIS IS INTERESTING I wish you had a pic of it .

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 11:57 AM

I have to say that crap like this really makes me question how evolved humans are. Technically gifted yes but "evolved?" We are still just animals. So,e good and some bad. Six more bad animals. And we have to treat them how exactly after they did that???

grumble grumble grumble grumble

Man what a Blue Friday!
animals don't do things like this PEOPLE DO .

cashu's photo
Sat 02/13/10 11:52 AM
wooooooooooooooooooooooooo 1 degree wooooooo icy age wooooooooooo now the plant isn't warming woooooooooowooooowooooooooo
I see in in my crstal ball to morrow it well be a good day . I would post the charts but I don't want to woooooooooowoooooooooo
and the day after an icy cube wellmelt in a rum and coke proveing its heating up again wooooooooooo wooooooooooooo . I got a degree woooooooooo woooooooooooo in toilet training that tells you i know whats going to happen wooooooooooooo

cashu's photo
Thu 02/11/10 07:01 PM
depends on what you like there are lakes rivers parks live show depends on where you are here .

cashu's photo
Thu 02/11/10 06:43 PM

also the funniest thing about religion is that jews,muslim,and christains have one thing in common ,Abraham. so i find it funny as hell that these three religions think one is better than the other,when way back all their beliefs revolved around one man...
I don't know about any one else here but ABRAHAM is not related to me in any way .

cashu's photo
Thu 02/11/10 06:38 PM

Ever wondered why Israel is hated in the muslim world and why America is so keen to jump into bed with the Israeli's? If Israel was in the wrong it would be all over the news wouldn't it?


Isreal does not have a legal cliam to isreal . They only lived there 212 years we have lived here for over 200000 years . they need to leave . go back to the mountains where they came from .or maybe bablelon the lived there for a while before going to the south side of araba .

cashu's photo
Thu 02/11/10 06:19 PM
most sex offenders do not repeat BUT if you can't do the time DON'T do the crime....

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 07:50 PM
Edited by cashu on Wed 02/10/10 07:53 PM
yes they are but a little closer to home the money people are saying bank of america and citi bank might both fail and the government well not save them this time ..Our debt level may distroy us but what the hell not many people here willing to help save this place . so lets get it on .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 07:41 PM

i love when guys like Tancredo, Hannity, O'Reilly state they want to go back to the America they grew up in..and claim not to be racist for that time period was when there were seperate bathrooms and water fountains.

once again missed the point...when Conservatives talk about returning to the 50's for instance [ ohhhhhhhh for the 50's was a common refrain of mine in my early Mingle days ]...we're indicating that there was less Liberalism...less government regulation...less debt...NO political correctness...less crime...wonderful childhood memories...summer vacations...little league you can go back to the good old days and only come up with seperate bathrooms and water fountains...well...I leave it at that...:smile:
well lets go back even farther when the white man took the land form the indigenous people( I am Lakota) This was OUR land and then U brought slaves to cultivate it, RACISM was a part of that time, I servred with Blacks in Nam that would still get turned away even in uniform. wake up dude, your way is done!!!

The American Indians immigrated to the Americas from South Asia about 10,000-20,000 years ago. There's nothing truly "indigenous" about Indians-they just crossed the land bridge first. So, technically, YOU are descended from immigrants yourself. :wink:
its 50,000 years . they found a new body around mexico city .and he is thought to be japanese . I saw a tribe anounce on here that they were going to test an old indain to prove one way or the other now . I don't know if that would really prove it though i hope so . i would like it done to the entire human race . i would like to clear up just who i am related to . i don't believe the current tales at all .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 07:26 PM

i love when guys like Tancredo, Hannity, O'Reilly state they want to go back to the America they grew up in..and claim not to be racist for that time period was when there were seperate bathrooms and water fountains.

once again missed the point...when Conservatives talk about returning to the 50's for instance [ ohhhhhhhh for the 50's was a common refrain of mine in my early Mingle days ]...we're indicating that there was less Liberalism...less government regulation...less debt...NO political correctness...less crime...wonderful childhood memories...summer vacations...little league you can go back to the good old days and only come up with seperate bathrooms and water fountains...well...I leave it at that...:smile:
well lets go back even farther when the white man took the land form the indigenous people( I am Lakota) This was OUR land and then U brought slaves to cultivate it, RACISM was a part of that time, I servred with Blacks in Nam that would still get turned away even in uniform. wake up dude, your way is done!!!
why yes we could go back to your way . you had slaves in washington state and we saved you by teaching that tribe how to govern there selfs . they now have a very big city that they started its called vancouver canada . or we could start eating people I guess thats better than slavery .I guess it's all in the way you look at things .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 07:14 PM
Edited by cashu on Wed 02/10/10 07:17 PM

Did I read this wrong ? you guys think the saudi famil is from Sudan ? whaaaaaaaaaaat when did that happen ????????????????

You read it wrong.

The Saudis are killing off and starving out the Sudanese people for the oil.

Another thing that applies to the title is, if the Christian Sudanese want work, they have to pretend to be Muslim.

To make money, they have to be Muslim. To find God, they practice Christianity.

Powerful stuff, Atlantis.
that is a big part of todays trouble they all need training

I listened to Lindsay 2 years ago, he was also predicting the housing crash coming, but just notice how they don't talk about the oil anymore lately, there is a lot of blame going on with all sorts of things, but somehow the price of oil and why is it cheap(er) now is still a mistery. Lindsay says there is a chess game going on, between the banks and the Saudi oil and we just get dragged along.

Obama bowing around like servant is almost like he is submitting to them and pointing to the USA "It's your empire "sire" just please keep buying our debt and we continue to use your oil!

Obama seemed to have problems with what custom to use in what country so it wasn't anything of the crap spewed about it.

He made a mistake more than once because he is new and learning.
that is the problem they all need training . no body knows how it works .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 07:00 PM

that's all fine with me

it's California what do you expect?

their kids are over protected and coddled and shielded from any challenges or trials that might build a person's character

and I say that's fine

when it comes to competing with Texas kids for jobs or status or position they are gonna lose miserably

so I say have at it you weird azz California parents

dam I don't remember it that way . quite the opposite . with all the different gangs in the public schools it was lucky they got home at night alive .
but as far as texas workers are concerned the ones i saw had to hide where they come from to keep the guys from the other 49 states from harassing them . I know you have heard the old joke about there are only two things that come from texas , steers and que

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 06:44 PM

All's not well in the Obummer kingdom.

Doug Wilder: Obama needs a staff shakeup
During the 2008 campaign, I strongly endorsed Barack Obama for president. I did so early, when many Democratic leaders — including many prominent African-American politicians — believed the safe bet was to back then-front-runner Hillary Clinton.

I backed Obama not because of skin color but because he convincingly made the case that he stood for “change” that this country needs. Now, across many fronts — in public policy and politics alike — people have rightly been questioning whether the change has been for the better. Unfortunately, the answer so far is clear: not yet.

I still believe Obama can stand for positive change. But first he must make some hard changes of his own .

The need is becoming more obvious by the day: He must overhaul his own team, replacing the admittedly brilliant advisers who helped elect him with others more capable of helping him govern. Getting elected and getting things done for the people are two different jobs.

I am an admirer of Tim Kaine, whom I backed in his current position as one of my successors as Virginia governor and even recommended for the vice presidency. But a spate of recent losses in races that Democrats should have won underscores what has been obvious to me for a long time: The chairmanship of the Democratic National Committee is the wrong job for him.

The changes must go much deeper. Obama’s West Wing is filled with people who are in their jobs because of their Chicago connections or because they signed on with Obama early during his presidential campaign.

One problem is that they do not have sufficient experience at governing at the executive branch level. The deeper problem is that they are not listening to the people.

Hearing is one thing; listening is another.

Some are even questioning whether Obama has forgotten how he got elected and the promises he made to the people who elected him.

Don't take my word for any of this. Look at the clear message the American people have been sending at the polls these past few months.

In my native Virginia, voters went to the polls and turned the Democrats out of the Executive Mansion with more votes and by a higher percentage than had ever happened since we ended one-party government rule 50 years ago. I told the president that this could very well happen and did not support his candidate.

Read more:

{b]Vote third party. Dump the Dems and Repubs.

the idea that we have just become malcontents is crazy . Its been building for a very long time . congress thinks they are royalty and the presidents think they don't have to even talk to us .they don't listen to us . the illegals are a huge part of his problem and he won't address it because he's tilting the wrong way .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 06:26 PM
The doctors would make more money if we got rid of the insurance rather than give them more .It would cost us less to . Big pockets bring even bigger bills .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 06:21 PM
Obama is changing horses also . HE'S QUOTED AS SAYING THAT THOSE HUGH BONUSES THAT WALL STREET Paid themselves WERE EARNED .If I was one of his dumb *** cabinet I wouldn't be laughing either .yea it 's time to get the mule packed .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 06:11 PM
congress did this a couple of years ago too .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 06:05 PM

Such a loving christian attitude..."lets go bomb a nation".

What would Jesus do??? spock
check out there sex life .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 06:03 PM

Don't want to hear any complaining from you libs when we start carpet bombing Iran.Iran has had several years and hundreds of warnings to stop enriching plutonium but ignors all of them.It will be nobodys fault but their own when Isreal and the United states invades,occupies,and destroys Iran.
don't you remember JIMMY CARTER put those people in power . he on his own helped the Mulas take over from the shaw . now you don't like what you got so you want to tell the people of iran what to do again ..maybe we should just mind our own business from now on . WE DON'T REALLY HAVE THAT GREAT OF LEADERSHIP DO WE .

cashu's photo
Wed 02/10/10 12:44 PM

i love when guys like Tancredo, Hannity, O'Reilly state they want to go back to the America they grew up in..and claim not to be racist for that time period was when there were seperate bathrooms and water fountains.
Actually Tom Tancredo is one of the best men we have had in congress in the last 50 years . way better than any immigrant who sneaked in lately .
Why are you here ? scared ....

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