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Topic: Poll of Self-Identified Republicans - 2010
MiddleEarthling's photo
Sat 02/13/10 07:25 PM
...or AM Radio causes brain damage.

"2010 Self-identified Republicans polling results:

Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?
Yes 39
No 32
Not Sure 29

For what? Who the heck knows. Who needs high crimes or misdemeanors when...

Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist?
Yes 63
No 21
Not Sure 16

76% think yes or DK? That's the power of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, after one year of relentlessly claiming Obama is the second coming of Lenin ... and Hitler!

Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?
Yes 42
No 36
Not Sure 22

We still have over a half of Republicans who don't think Obama was born in the US or think it's a matter open to debate.

Do you believe Barack Obama wants the terrorists to win?
Yes 24
No 43
Not Sure 33

Not just a quarter of Republicans believe this ludicrous premise, but another third think it's a matter open to debate. How do you negotiate with a party whose rank and file are that divorced from reality? And speaking of divorced from reality...

Do you believe ACORN stole the 2008 election?
Yes 21
No 24
Not Sure 55


One in five Republicans think ACORN is so powerful as to magically make 10 million votes appear. Another 55 are open to the theory. In other words, just 24 percent of Republicans have an even passing relationship with reality.

Do you believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama?
Yes 53
No 14
Not Sure 33


Do you believe Barack Obama is a racist who hates White people?
Yes 31
No 36
Not Sure 33

I bet more people think Obama is racist, but were too afraid to tell a live operator the truth.

Do you believe your state should secede from the United States?
Yes 23
No 58
Not Sure 19

42 percent of Republicans aren't really patriotic. They pretend to love America only when they approve of the president. These traitors don't believe in democracy, in our nation's founding ideals, or in our flag. To them, those colors run. They are cowards.
Note, secession sentiment is MUCH stronger in the South than elsewhere -- 33 percent want out, compared to just 52 percent who want to stay. In the Northeast, "just" 10 percent want out, in the Midwest, its 18 percent, and in the West, it's 16 percent. Can we cram them all into the Texas Panhandle, create the state of Dumbphuckistan, and build a wall around them to keep them from coming into America illegally?”

Bonus snack!

InvictusV's photo
Sat 02/13/10 09:49 PM

...or AM Radio causes brain damage.

"2010 Self-identified Republicans polling results:

Should Barack Obama be impeached, or not?
Yes 39
No 32
Not Sure 29

For what? Who the heck knows. Who needs high crimes or misdemeanors when...

Do you think Barack Obama is a socialist?
Yes 63
No 21
Not Sure 16

76% think yes or DK? That's the power of Fox News and Rush Limbaugh, after one year of relentlessly claiming Obama is the second coming of Lenin ... and Hitler!

Do you believe Barack Obama was born in the United States, or not?
Yes 42
No 36
Not Sure 22

We still have over a half of Republicans who don't think Obama was born in the US or think it's a matter open to debate.

Do you believe Barack Obama wants the terrorists to win?
Yes 24
No 43
Not Sure 33

Not just a quarter of Republicans believe this ludicrous premise, but another third think it's a matter open to debate. How do you negotiate with a party whose rank and file are that divorced from reality? And speaking of divorced from reality...

Do you believe ACORN stole the 2008 election?
Yes 21
No 24
Not Sure 55


One in five Republicans think ACORN is so powerful as to magically make 10 million votes appear. Another 55 are open to the theory. In other words, just 24 percent of Republicans have an even passing relationship with reality.

Do you believe Sarah Palin is more qualified to be President than Barack Obama?
Yes 53
No 14
Not Sure 33


Do you believe Barack Obama is a racist who hates White people?
Yes 31
No 36
Not Sure 33

I bet more people think Obama is racist, but were too afraid to tell a live operator the truth.

Do you believe your state should secede from the United States?
Yes 23
No 58
Not Sure 19

42 percent of Republicans aren't really patriotic. They pretend to love America only when they approve of the president. These traitors don't believe in democracy, in our nation's founding ideals, or in our flag. To them, those colors run. They are cowards.
Note, secession sentiment is MUCH stronger in the South than elsewhere -- 33 percent want out, compared to just 52 percent who want to stay. In the Northeast, "just" 10 percent want out, in the Midwest, its 18 percent, and in the West, it's 16 percent. Can we cram them all into the Texas Panhandle, create the state of Dumbphuckistan, and build a wall around them to keep them from coming into America illegally?”

Bonus snack!

I am sure if the daily kooks did a poll of obamas popularity it would register somewhere around 99.999999998%

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/13/10 09:50 PM
sorry but I don't take polls seriously from any side. They aren't accurate and could be slanted....depending on who is polled. ohwell

DaveyB's photo
Sat 02/13/10 09:52 PM

sorry but I don't take polls seriously from any side. They aren't accurate and could be slanted....depending on who is polled. ohwell

And how the question is asked.

yellowrose10's photo
Sat 02/13/10 09:58 PM
That too. Polls are only good for a discussion point not fact...

and I polled myself and I am 100% on this opinion laugh

Quietman_2009's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:05 PM
in the end

who cares?

you hate republicans you've made that clear by now

DaveyB's photo
Sat 02/13/10 10:14 PM

I am sure if the daily kooks did a poll of obamas popularity it would register somewhere around 99.999999998%

I did a quick check and they did a poll on approval (which pretty much corresponds to popularity) . They put Obama's approval rating at 46 percent. Not that overly optimistic.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/14/10 06:39 AM
"Politico's Ben Smith said the poll was conducted "more or less with the goal of making Republicans look extreme" and "does a pretty good job of that." Daily Kos responded Wednesday, "Actually, the poll just asked questions of self-identified Republicans. The answers made Republicans look extreme."

"If this poll is accurate (and Research 2000 has a good reputation for accuracy), the Republican base has an absurdly high percentage of wackos of all stripes, from religious fanatics to creationists to secessionists to conspiracy theorists," said Charles Johnson on Little Green Footballs."|aimZones|dl1|link2|

The poll is solid and reflects the GOP and their base of the lunatic's views. All one has to do is listen to these refusniks in congress to see credit in this polling.

Yet more denial from people who are angry that Obama was elected. The GOP are just a party of fools and racists, un-Americans for big industry over the needs of the people and the reforms that are needed to recover from the disasters from the GOP rule. Factor in the returning to yhe GOP T-baggers and it gets

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/14/10 08:51 AM

"Politico's Ben Smith said the poll was conducted "more or less with the goal of making Republicans look extreme" and "does a pretty good job of that." Daily Kos responded Wednesday, "Actually, the poll just asked questions of self-identified Republicans. The answers made Republicans look extreme."

Again, unless you heard the exact question and the exact way it was asked, you can't tell anything. I saw one of these before and when I read the "exact" questions people were asked I could see why people answered the way they did, and if you add to it a predisposition in the interviewers voice it's over the top. I'm not saying that this poll is in valid, I'm saying you can't tell.

willing2's photo
Sun 02/14/10 09:10 AM
Gettin' awful lonely in here for the lack of Obaminators. Only one or three left. Everyone else is waking out of the trance.bigsmile

MiddleEarthling's photo
Sun 02/14/10 09:16 AM

"Politico's Ben Smith said the poll was conducted "more or less with the goal of making Republicans look extreme" and "does a pretty good job of that." Daily Kos responded Wednesday, "Actually, the poll just asked questions of self-identified Republicans. The answers made Republicans look extreme."

Again, unless you heard the exact question and the exact way it was asked, you can't tell anything. I saw one of these before and when I read the "exact" questions people were asked I could see why people answered the way they did, and if you add to it a predisposition in the interviewers voice it's over the top. I'm not saying that this poll is in valid, I'm saying you can't tell.

The question are what they are...and I am not suprised at how incredibly crazy the answers are. Credit the lame GOP leadership, AM static, and the corporate sponsored T-baggers for the ignorances that are plaguing some Americans.

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/14/10 10:13 AM

Again, unless you heard the exact question and the exact way it was asked, you can't tell anything. I saw one of these before and when I read the "exact" questions people were asked I could see why people answered the way they did, and if you add to it a predisposition in the interviewers voice it's over the top. I'm not saying that this poll is in valid, I'm saying you can't tell.

The question are what they are...

But you don't know what they are, unless you're just not telling the rest of us. That is the whole point. YOU DON'T KNOW.

and I am not suprised at how incredibly crazy the answers are. Credit the lame GOP leadership, AM static, and the corporate sponsored T-baggers for the ignorances that are plaguing some Americans.

You're not surprised because that's what you want to believe. You want to think there is actually someone in Washington that actually represents and is looking out for "YOU". There isn't. Until you look with open eyes you will not see that "your" party is really no better than "their" party, they just want to separate you from your money in a different way, you'll be stuck believing the same old rhetoric. And rhetoric it rhetoric no matter whose mouth it comes out of.

msharmony's photo
Sun 02/14/10 10:44 AM
Edited by msharmony on Sun 02/14/10 10:46 AM
First...I think it would be fair to leave the 'i dont knows' out rather than adding them to one side or the other.

Second.. I think its scary some of these beliefs are floating around(that OBama sides with terrorists or wasnt born in America,,etc,,,)

Third,,the presidency is not a popularity contest once the elections are over,,,they have real decisions to make which will sometimes decrease their popularity,,,,,just like the kids in a home dont always like their parents,,,

I am much less interested in polls, like yellowrose says,, they depend upon to many variables,,,,and can be manipulated too easily,,,,take for instance AVERAGE approval rating,,,


Barack Obama averaged 57% job approval during his first year in office. Compared with the first-year averages of other presidents elected to office since World War II, Obama's average ranks on the low end, tied with Ronald Reagan's, but better than Bill Clinton's historical low of 49%.

Should the changing monthly polls be more significant than the yearly average? who knows,, who cares

RKISIT's photo
Sun 02/14/10 10:48 AM
to hell with poll smokersdrinker

DaveyB's photo
Sun 02/14/10 11:01 AM
Edited by DaveyB on Sun 02/14/10 11:03 AM

First...I think it would be fair to leave the 'i dont knows' out rather than adding them to one side or the other.

I definitely agree with that.

I am much less interested in polls, like yellowrose says,, they depend upon to many variables,,,,and can be manipulated too easily,,,,take for instance AVERAGE approval rating,,,

Even that doesn't mean much of anything. On the whole I think what you hear from polls is people parroting back what they've heard from party leaders & media.

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 02/15/10 05:31 PM
Edited by MiddleEarthling on Mon 02/15/10 05:36 PM

"I am sure if the daily kooks did a poll of obamas popularity it would register somewhere around 99.999999998%"


These question are direct and to the point...and with all the CRAZY people acting like arseholes last year at the THM's I think the polls are accurate (give or take the usual margins of error) of what's left of the GOP...

Here's a graph of who has left the GOP so far. Smart people, moderates, and as well the less dippically impared were able to see the errors in their ways. A vote for the Dippic was not a vote for the end-o-times thing.

We see what remains..the "guns and bible" huggers...scared of a black man in the WHITE house...scared of change.

Sidebar: I think it's funny of people to say that liberals and cons are the same in their insults or charges...I mean am I sincerely for peace, human rights, a clean environment, an efficient government...

BUT what are the cons for? I know what they are AGAINST which is like...uh...everything, primarily because they have no viable plans, no real platform and their only political strategy is "make Obama fail" the point is: THEY DON'T KNOW, they just parrot the crap
they hear. Or say:

Groucho said it best.laugh

The truth about me is I am not a Democrat..I have never belonged to a political party. I served and have a strong sense of patriotic duty to my country...always have had. There's no doubt that the GOP are and have been bad for our democracy. Period.

"2. Code of Conduct I
a. I am an American fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense."

LOL..I noticed they changed it from "American fighting man"...things change, well for some.

And BTW "our way of life" is not about torture, murder, reditions, discriminations, the poll figures, we read it here. Just the other day as an example, Obama was called a Muslim? Yeah what again?...Pfft.

cashu's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:09 PM

You're not surprised because that's what you want to believe. You want to think there is actually someone in Washington that actually represents and is looking out for "YOU". There isn't. Until you look with open eyes you will not see that "your" party is really no better than "their" party, they just want to separate you from your money in a different way, you'll be stuck believing the same old rhetoric. And rhetoric it rhetoric no matter whose mouth it comes out of.
Well someone who sees the real problem as it is . now the biggest problem is to elect people who wouldn't sell out and become one of them .
If someone is going to prison it would be G W BUSH AND CHANEY RIGHT BEHIND HIM . Obama has not done any thing YET thats a crime . But thats a big YET .but we can show that congress has by the large donations they get from big business . for the laws they get changed for big business ......

MiddleEarthling's photo
Mon 02/15/10 06:16 PM

You're not surprised because that's what you want to believe. You want to think there is actually someone in Washington that actually represents and is looking out for "YOU". There isn't. Until you look with open eyes you will not see that "your" party is really no better than "their" party, they just want to separate you from your money in a different way, you'll be stuck believing the same old rhetoric. And rhetoric it rhetoric no matter whose mouth it comes out of.
Well someone who sees the real problem as it is . now the biggest problem is to elect people who wouldn't sell out and become one of them .
If someone is going to prison it would be G W BUSH AND CHANEY RIGHT BEHIND HIM . Obama has not done any thing YET thats a crime . But thats a big YET .but we can show that congress has by the large donations they get from big business . for the laws they get changed for big business ......

So what's your plan? The defending of the "just say no" party is absurd...but again, what's yall's plans, advance posts to hide the obvious?...but really we'd all love to see your plans yes indeed but I hope they are different that the previous ones that nailed our balls to the wall.

Oh, I found your plans:

msharmony's photo
Mon 02/15/10 11:09 PM

"I am sure if the daily kooks did a poll of obamas popularity it would register somewhere around 99.999999998%"


These question are direct and to the point...and with all the CRAZY people acting like arseholes last year at the THM's I think the polls are accurate (give or take the usual margins of error) of what's left of the GOP...

Here's a graph of who has left the GOP so far. Smart people, moderates, and as well the less dippically impared were able to see the errors in their ways. A vote for the Dippic was not a vote for the end-o-times thing.

We see what remains..the "guns and bible" huggers...scared of a black man in the WHITE house...scared of change.

Sidebar: I think it's funny of people to say that liberals and cons are the same in their insults or charges...I mean am I sincerely for peace, human rights, a clean environment, an efficient government...

BUT what are the cons for? I know what they are AGAINST which is like...uh...everything, primarily because they have no viable plans, no real platform and their only political strategy is "make Obama fail" the point is: THEY DON'T KNOW, they just parrot the crap
they hear. Or say:

Groucho said it best.laugh

The truth about me is I am not a Democrat..I have never belonged to a political party. I served and have a strong sense of patriotic duty to my country...always have had. There's no doubt that the GOP are and have been bad for our democracy. Period.

"2. Code of Conduct I
a. I am an American fighting in the forces which guard my country and our way of life. I am prepared to give my life in their defense."

LOL..I noticed they changed it from "American fighting man"...things change, well for some.

And BTW "our way of life" is not about torture, murder, reditions, discriminations, the poll figures, we read it here. Just the other day as an example, Obama was called a Muslim? Yeah what again?...Pfft.

The news here in Vegas questioned folks about what they would want to ask President Obama on his visit and some are still mentioning that born in america stuff,,,,,really sad the type of trite things that voting citizens concern themself with.

JustAGuy2112's photo
Mon 02/15/10 11:14 PM
Ya know...he could make all that " birther " talk go away....

Just show the damn birth certificate.

But no. He still won't do it. That's all it would take.

At this point, it seems ( to some ) that he has something to hide.

Until he proves he doesn't, people are going to keep questioning.

I personally don't give a rat's azz about where he was born IF he manages to start making progress.

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