Community > Posts By > msskarly

msskarly's photo
Fri 04/03/09 08:05 AM

If he lives in another state why do you care where he goes on the weekends?

Is the LDR likely to change?

I only care bc I want more time with him (talking on the phone, or web caming, or watching movies together like we used to)
It wont change for 2 yrs (if we are still together) bc I need to finish school and he cant move bc of his daughter

msskarly's photo
Fri 04/03/09 08:00 AM

Did you meet at a club? Did you used to go together? What does he do at the clubs and why does he like going?

We met online, and at first he didnt go to clubs often but when he did I was ok with it! He likes to go bc he says he likes the bands and likes to sit around and drink with his friend! I dont like it now bc I feel like after being together 11 months he should want to spend some weekends with me, and not go out every weekend!
OH and questions ppl always ask about LDR.... hes in FL im in IN, we have met and met families, and have kept the LDR for 11 months! hahah.... i just know those questions are coming

msskarly's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:55 AM

yea i mean when we met i was always out everynite, and i really changed for her, i mean no other girls, i never go out without her, i do and buy absolutely anything to make her happy. but itds just never enuff. i think we just became dif ppl and its hard.

well I would do anything for Justin to spend every weekend with me. So if thats not enough and ur unhappy u probably should let it go! but try to talk it out with her first

msskarly's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:53 AM
So Justin & I are on a break. Lately I felt like he was more distant and recently he said he misses the days when he could go to clubs, and drink, and smoke without worrying about calling me or my reaction. So I said he needed to take time off and figure out if he wants to party or be in a serious relationship!
Was this a bad idea? and...
Im I wrong for asking him to not go to a club every weekend (He still goes sometimes) and spend a little more time with me?

msskarly's photo
Fri 04/03/09 07:43 AM

and if you read my first post i did state that i love her. and it has nothing to do with 'a warm place to put it'. but when we met she loved who i was and now she wants it totally dif, and im not sure with my life that a could change and be happy

Sometimes people change, either she realizes something else she wants from a guy (she changed) or you have changed and may not realize it!
My bf-ish and I are on a break for that reason, as time passes I want more time, attention, and a more serious relationship, and he wants to continue to party like he used to! We love each other but as I am growing in the relationship he is not and its hard to figure out!
Good Luck!

msskarly's photo
Wed 01/21/09 04:14 PM
I just found out im allergic to gluten (which is almost everything)! anybody have any ideas for a gluten-free college student!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/15/09 06:55 PM
Most definitely! The only way to deal with it is by having great friends to vent to!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/08/09 03:36 PM
Thanks everyone!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/08/09 01:56 PM

I really think that if he came to visit you and stayed in a hotel room - alone..... he could meet your parents and he may even win their trust.

Then, they may be more open to you staying with him and his parents during a semester.

You are an adult, legally, but they are just looking out for you.

I met someone online a few years back with whom I thought I fell in love with. He kept making promises to come to see me and it never happened. He was just another bum looking for fun online. So it is good to be cautious until someone makes a move to visit and shows their true intentions.

Some people get a thrill by "dating" someone online and never meeting. And it's hard to know their motive and true identity, etc.

Just be careful before you make any moves. See if he can come for a visit to meet your parents. Then you will know the degree of his sincerity.

Trust me... I believed that we really had something, but it turned out it was all smoke and mirrors.

Be careful.

Hes willing to come here just money is too tight for both of us! But we have been thinking of ways to come up with the money! I know he is sincere, I just need my parents to realize it smile2

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/08/09 01:50 PM

you are responsible for ur happiness not anyone elses that includes your parents, your an adult i assume and yes while mommy and daddy are paying for college they have to realize ur still an adult. are you working anywhere? if not , try getting a part time job and if you havent already check into grants and loans for school..

but in the end , u can only control your happiness , no one elses

Yes Im getting a part time job when I go back to school! Its not much but I know several people who are paying for school on their own! Thanks for your help!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/08/09 01:44 PM

If you're grown a grown up and do what you choose to do.

Thanks! and I have decided thats what I wanna do! I just dont want to upset the parents, but right now either way I choose someone will be unhappy!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/08/09 01:43 PM
Thanks! I have kinda tried that and it works for my mom, but my dad refuses to accept our relationship because we met online! But i will definitely try it!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/08/09 01:33 PM
So my boyfriend and I have been together 8 months and have yet to see each other! And its sad but my parents pretty much control my life until im done with school since they are paying for it! So I asked my parents if they would be ok with me staying with my boyfriend and his family over spring break! He lives in Florida and we could go to Disney World! and right now im distraught bc I want to see my boyfriend so badly (and by that time it will have been 10 months) but I also do not want to upset my parents by going against their will! I wish there was just a way to get them to trust me or to meet him ahead of time so that they can trust him (but i dont think money will allow that) I just dont know what to do!

msskarly's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:49 AM
Thanks girls flowerforyou

msskarly's photo
Fri 01/02/09 09:44 AM
Ok so some of you already know my situation! But I have been in a LDR with a guy from here for 8 months! We planned on seeing each other in early february! Well after Christmas he decided the distance was too hard and he left me! After lots of tears (from both of us) he decided that he needed some time to think things over. He says he still loves me and has never fallen in love with someone as much as me, but the distance is too hard and he needs time to think about whether its worth doing a LDR until im out of school, he wants to be with me but is afraid he will hurt me again! In the meantime, Im waiting... and secretley hoping that we will continue to be together! Am I crazy for waiting?

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:30 PM

instead of a happy ending, I think of it as a happy continuation.

nothing really ends when it works

Thats very true

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:27 PM
you guys give me hope! I always believed long distance could work! but after my relationship ended I figured I was just being too much of a romantic! Im so happy to here ppl who think like me

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:25 PM

Has anyone heard of LDRs that have a happy ending? I know how difficult they be but I do know that sometimes love prevails!

A few. I'd say the odds are better than winning the lotto and about the same as being struck by lightning

:laughing: rofl :laughing:

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:22 PM
Edited by msskarly on Thu 01/01/09 07:22 PM
Has anyone heard of LDRs that have a happy ending? I know how difficult they be but I do know that sometimes love prevails!

msskarly's photo
Thu 01/01/09 07:06 PM
i found someone on this site and was with him 8months. eventually the distance was too hard and he couldnt handle waiting for me to finish school and move! I think that a lot more people would find someone for them if distance wasnt a factor

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