Community > Posts By > criani_peracien

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:33 AM
About that time, Criani hears a short, loud bark. Ah, that is Beast wanting in. He doesn't like to wander far from his mistress, not to mention all the glorious food that he knows he has waiting for him from his favorite person of all time. Boromir is the only one who can pet him, other than Criani. Beast just loooves Boromir...

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:28 AM
"Thank you, that sounds lovely. I'm famished! Please make the usual extra portion so Beast can feast also," Criani said with a smile.

As she says this she sees the young lady with her cloak drawn come in the door, she smiles at her and the lady dressed in the fine clothing and says, "Good morning, if there is ought that you need, please let us know."

She then walks over to have a seat w/Draven, smiles at him and says, "How are you this fine day, Draven? Have you eaten?"

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:07 AM
Criani and Beast come down the stairs into the tavern. She said hello to the newcomer, lets Beast out to do his business and turns to Boromir, "Is there a problem this fine morn, Boromir?"

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 11:03 AM
Criani wakes up with a long stretch, reaches over to pat Beasts head and says, "Rise n shine fella, let's begin our day."

Beast yawns and rises, stretching his massive body. Front feet way out in front of him first, then leaning fowards stretching his back legs out until he was on his tiptoes. Criani laughs at him, she is so used to seeing his waking ritual, but never tires of it.

Criani peers out the window and sees a blonde lady walking toward the front door of the tavern. "Hmmm... She is quite beautiful. I wonder why one as beautiful and well dressed would be coming to a tavern so early in the morn," Criani thought to herself.

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 06/18/09 10:37 AM
To be sure....! It is most fun to hang at The Green Dragon's Tavern for some great conversation of adventures, a nice meal and drink. ALL players are WELCOME!!

Beware!!! is addicting, this gaming wonderland that Smiless has created!

If you're a reader or not, this story will hold you captivated!

Check it out...

The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion
(Book 1)

This is the sort of land you will be entering and playing in.

Please leave a comment after each chapter and tell us what you think! :)

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:13 PM
Criani gets up, stretching, with a big yawn. Beast also arises. He knows what time it is.

"Good nite, Boromir. Thank you for such a lovely supper. Good nite, Draven. We are off to our beds anon. Tomorrow, mayhap the sun will shine, although I do enjoy the rain."

Criani and Beast head up the staircase, in search of a good nites sleep...

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 11:06 PM
You are something else, John! Creativity runs in your blood and soul... I would love to be able to write so well! Great job!

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:50 PM
Boy, is Bilibon gonna feel bad in the morning when he wakes!!

I can't wait to read on!! Spellbinding is what this story is!!

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:32 PM

I wish Fierce could have stayed the nite inside too!!

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 04:20 PM
So exciting! Imaginative! WoW!

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:41 PM
I wonder if they will eventually meet up w/ the unlikely trio...

Great read!! My curiousity is aroused! :)

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:25 PM
...and the three are off on an adventure of their lives, I'm sure!


criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:14 PM
I am so enjoying your book. What a wonderful, creative writer you are.... Thank you...

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:01 PM
"Mmmmmm.... I cannot wait to sink my teeth into that, Boromir!"

"Beast!" At the sound of his name his head shot up and he stared intently at his master.

"You also will have a feast tonite, Bouy!" Beast lay his head back down, his eyes still on Criani. He didn't care what he had for sup as long as it was w/his girl.

Criani wandered over to Beasts' favorite spot in front of the fireplace, sat down beside him and began to stroke his head while looking out the window at the rain as it came down harder. It was so cozy here. She enjoyed the retired life so much. Beast closed his eyes, going back to sleep, enjoying his masters touch.

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 02:23 PM
Criani raises her goblet of Grapan in toast agreeing w/Boromir. "May the God's help you, Draven, in defeating the Khan and his army. Mayhap word will get out that it is not wise to enter the doors of the Green Tavern with sword drawn looking for a fight, because no good will come of it. They will only be struck down."

"Boromir, what are we to have for our sup this eve? It sure smells delicious!"

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 12:04 PM
Thank you, Boromir. The battle with the Green Dragon was worth it. I was ready to settle down and with those jewels it was built. We have done well with The Green Dragon's Tavern!

Mayhap The Dragoness will come with the golden egg...

About that time, the melee broke loose. Criani moved back behind the bar with Boromir to watch the action. Ready if need be to join, but content to watch until then. She knew that Draven could take care of himself and then some.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/16/09 11:38 PM
Criani takes a sip of her Grapan, then leans back in her seat. "Hmmm... It sure does sound like it. Where might this egg be? I would like to see it. If it's a dragon's egg and it's golden that is a good sign!"

She takes another drink as her mind wanders back to the time that she battled the Green Dragon. It was a time of daring and great adventure, an adventure where she almost lost her life had it not been for her magical shield...

'The Green Dragon lay asleep curled up as most dragons do, with every exhale came a tiny flame. She lay in wait for many hours until she knew he was comatose deep in sleep. Criani then very carefully dirk in hand and magical shield in place crept ever so slowly toward the sleeping dragon. She knew that he guarded the precious jewels that she so desperately needed to retire from this warrioress life. Jewels of all shapes and sizes. Rubies, emeralds, diamonds and pearls, not to mention many others. She had definite plans for those jewels and she had no intention of leaving until she had what she came for!'

'The closer she got to the sleeping dragon, the more rank the odor that was emitted with every breath he let out. Sulphur burning is not exactly a pleasant smell to the nose, not to mention the burning sensation with each inhale. She held her breath for as long as she could before taking another. Closer and closer she crept, ready for any sudden movement. Ah, there it is! The bag of jewels lay resting right by it's front feet, mere inches from it fire breathing nostrils...'

'At last, after what felt like an interminably long time, she was standing before the great Green dragon. She peered at him for a moment longer before reaching out slowly, fingers and arm extended as far as she could reach. The tips of her fingers brushed the bag. Almost! She leaned in abit further, battle axe raised high with her other hand and tried to gently take the bag without waking the dragon. About that time, a large owl screeched in the night to the top of it's lungs and the Green dragon's eyes opened... At first, just a tiny slit, then they opened completely. Surprise written within. He wasn't the only one surprised either. Criani quickly snatched the jewels while bringing her battle axe down hard on the green dragons' left wing, breaking it in the hopes that he could not fly after her and then she ran! There was a place outside of the woods that would be more advantageous to her in a battle with this huge, fire breathing fiend. She did not want to die in a forest fire, she'd rather die in battle.'

'The Green dragon bellowed out a gruesome roar from the pain, then reared back and let out a stream of fire that scorched the back of Criani's hair and clothes as she ran in the direction of the great rocks that she had espied earlier on her way in. The green dragon could not fly now but he had the advantage of fire power and Criani knew he would not give up his jewels easily.'

'Finally she was there! The great rocks were massive and had many tunnels within that the dragon's fire could not reach. She went deep inside and placed the jewels in the spot she had chosen during her scouting, so that if she lost the battle, the Green dragon would not have won completely, he would never reach the jewels here.

'As she went back out to face the dragon, he appeared at the edge of the forest. He had cleared a path with his gigantuous body and the timbers were smoking from the fire he breathed. He was livid! He roared to the top of his lungs and came at Criani with all the anger he had inside him! To be bested by a human was not what he was willing to ever have happen to him. Criani was on the highest point of the great rocks, and she was ready for him! As fire raced toward her, she held up her magical shield to ward it off. Blast after blast came at her, the power of it enough to knock one off their feet had they been able to live through it. Finally, the Green dragon was eye level with Criani. She looked at him and smiled in her calm way and then jumped...'

'His mouth opened as he ferociously tried to grab her in mid-air, but he hadn't the quickness of this warrioress! She landed on the back of his neck, took her dagger and stabbed his left eye. Blood squirted out as the Green dragon was partially blinded and he screamed in pain, yet again. She then took her battle axe out of it's sheath and struck it's other wing with all her might! Oh, the agonizing bellow that came forth was spine chilling. The Green Dragon shook his head desperately and angrily, trying with all his might to shake off the devil that was mounted upon him. The last fling of his head sent Criani flying into the air before she landed at his feet. He towered above her, his only good eye piercing Criani with a stare that was full with hate. Mouth opened, blood dripping onto Criani as he slowly, flames flickering from his nostrils reached for her...'

'Criani was a little slow in reacting. She had hit her head with much force when she landed from her somersault in the air. She saw two heads coming toward her...'

'It was then she came to her senses. Two heads? Dragon's don't have two heads! She raised up her magical shield once again and began chanting words intelligable to anyone except her and her shield. The rubies on the magical shield began to glow a deep, dark red and a high pitch keeling came from it. The rubies became so bright and piercing that the Dragon was blinded completely; the sound that the shield made was mind altering and the Green Dragon could not function. He froze in place for a moment and then suddenly fell over sideways out cold.'

'Criani scooted backwards quickly as she saw him heading toward the ground, then she jumped up as quick as her sore body would allow and raced into the great rocks to grab the jewels she had won and set off at a brisk pace towards Sinatorium. She had many days ahead of her before reaching her destination, plus some because she would be taking the round about way so if the Green Dragon decided to follow her later, he would lose her tracks.'

'It was as she made her way home that she found her trusty companion, Beast...'

Criani suddenly came out of her reverie. "A golden egg!! Oh, that it truly is a Golden Dragon! What a wonderful thing it would be! Golden Dragons are of good alignment and we could use such a mighty one on our side!"

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/16/09 04:53 PM
Wonderful! I have to go to work now, but can't wait to get back and read more!

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/16/09 02:25 PM
My goodness! You write so well, John! I am captivated with your story...!

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/16/09 01:58 PM
Whoa and WoW! Riveting! I can't wait to read more! You Rock, LiL Bro!!