Topic: Chapter 7 Sinatorium
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Fri 01/09/09 02:29 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 03:29 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 7 Sinatorium

Glenadale and Gloriana finally leave the dark clusters of forest and change to a different road going further northwards. Glenadale kneels down to see a set of tracks – a merchant’s carriage, most likely – a half a day away, as he had seen these often back home in Cederdale.

The Dwanen Mountains appear in the backdrop as many leagues of wheat fields stretch the lands ahead. Gloriana’s eyes sink just thinking of the long walk she has accomplished and the long walk she still has ahead of her.

She is exhausted as they have missed a days worth of sleep. The eastern skies with brilliant striped patterns of the first suns rays adorn the sky.

A morning mist crosses the six feet high wheat fields, as Gloriana wearingly drags her feet on the side of the road. Glenadale also begins to show tiredness for the first time and drags his light legs ahead.

“We need to rest a little,” he mentions breaking a long silence throughout most of the late night.

She nods wearingly and follows the wood elf off the road into the fields. He finds a spot and sits down on it. Gloriana cuddles next to him exhausted and falls immediately asleep.

“Fierce has been gone for the entire night and early morning. I hope everything is okay,” she manages to whisper.

Glenadale struggles to stay awake, as he brushes Gloriana’s hair on his lap.

How he wishes that Fierce would be around so he can get some sleep also. Crickets chirp and hop throughout the wheat fields keeping Glenadale awake. He wearingly sees a large bird standing on the road.

He places Gloriana’s head on the field gently before getting up to see if it is Fierce. He sulks to only see it is a black crow. A wagon is heard from a distance, as he watches Gloriana roll over to a more comfortable position on the field to gain much needed rest.

He covers his head with his hood and hides his hands to walk cautiously towards the road. The wagon halts, as two horses snort at their new visitor. The crow flies up to an old woman that is dressed in filthy brown robes.

A large wart is on the tip of her nose adding to her grotesque aged look. A stiff branch extends from her hat. It twists and turns giving a spot for the crow to stand on it. She looks keenly at the elf.

“Salutations traveler,” she greets in a whispery voice.

Gloriana slowly wakes up noticing Glenadale’s warmth is missing. She stands up quickly and looks down the field to see him in front of horses. She walks quickly towards him.

“You do not travel alone,” the old woman says disappointingly in a whispering voice eyeing Gloriana skeptically.

The wood elf looks curiously at the horses. Both horses look unconcerned back at him. He comes slowly towards the horses.

“Can I touch your beasts?” he asks the old woman.

She nods her head as the crow gives a loud eerie screech. Gloriana walks towards the wagon to have a better look at the old woman.

“My name is Gloriana and my friend is Glenadale,” she introduces.

The old woman only looks at Glenadale interested in his odd ways. Glenadale slowly puts his hand on the horse’s snout and begins to pet it. The horse gives a small snort accepting the elf’s warm hand as he now pets his mane.

“This is a fascinating beast,” Glenadale finally says.

“We call those horses,” Gloriana corrects him keeping her eyes on the stranger.

“What may your name be?” Gloriana then asks after a long silence.

“That is of no concern to you,” the old woman says in a harsh and rigid tone.

She begins to wave her hands as smoke escapes her long, black, and cracked fingernails.

“She is a witch!” Gloriana screams as she runs towards her to try to stop the spell.
Glenadale sees the danger and jumps to the other side of the horse running towards the wagon. Smoke releases from her fingertips and enshrouds around her victims. Gloriana already extremely tired, falls short of the wagon and slumps over, leaning against the wagons wooden wheel.

The agile elf manages to jump up onto the wagon next to the witch. The crow jumps off her and tries to peck at him. Glenadale seeing the threat hits the crow quickly with the back of his hand making it fall hard onto the ground.

The witch begins to chant quickly a new spell to void off the attacking elf. Glenadale unaffected by the sleep spell pushes the witch off the wagon who in return grabs his tunic, ensuring they will fall together onto the ground. They begin to fight rolling around trying to get on top of each other. She screams and hollers, scratching and biting at will, frustrated that her spell has been suddenly interrupted.

Glenadale struggles for a moment and finally topples on top of the witch to hold her down on her back.

She tries break free, but cannot manage to fight her stronger opponent and eventually gives up. She moans and screams an eerie sound similar to that of her crow that is now lying on the ground injured. It hops away into the fields unable to move one of its wings.

“You best let me go boy are you will be cursed!” the witch threatens.

Glenadale sees rope on the seat of her wagon and runs to it quickly. The exhausted witch doesn’t even try to get up. She is not young as she used to be and is shocked that her spell didn’t work on the elf.

In a matter of moments Glenadale ties the witch securely ensuring she cannot use her hands to cast any foul spells. He then goes to Gloriana who is sound asleep. He is in an odd situation, for he had never fought like this before and is amazed at what he has just accomplished.

It is his first battle with a formidable if not more powerful foe. He sighs worried at Gloriana’s condition and sits next to her at the wagon’s wheel. He rests for a moment trying to catch his breath.

The witch gives a deadly stare trying to intimidate him. Her stare gives chills under the wood elf’s arms. He begins to rub them and breaks her hypnotizing stare. He begins to worry, not sure what to do. He then tries to concentrate looking at the four legged beasts.

He knows that they ease the travels for humans. Perhaps he can talk to them to see if they would be willing to give him a ride. He walks up to one of the horses and begins to pet its mane. The horse shows appreciation.

“Would you take us to the next human town?” he asks it.

The horse only stares straight ahead, showing no interest of what the elf asks. Perhaps they don’t speak human. He then speaks in his native language. The horses twitch their ears only in return. Glenadale laughs at his clumsy assumption. Why would they ever understand wood elf?

His laugh fades to a confused face. If only Gloriana would awaken. She would know what to do. He walks towards her and picks her up carefully to carry her away. He begins to shake his head. What was I thinking? I could have gotten her killed, as he walks deeper into the wheat fields away from the road. Perhaps it is best to avoid the road for those who roam them are just too dangerous.

Especially since he is an elf and humans are not accustomed to seeing them. He then stops and ponders for a moment. What if he used the beasts to accelerate their travels? He is tired and doesn’t feel like walking another full day without accomplishing much distance.

He then turns around and walks back towards the wagon.
The witch had wiggled herself closer to the wagon. Her face is red full of frustration, as she tries to unravel the rope between her hands and feet.

Ignoring the witch, he walks past her and places Gloriana carefully in the wagon next to an odd looking crate. The witch squirms and rolls around trying to get lose. He then walks up to the witch and scowls.

“You tried to kills us witch.” He then grabs her roughly.

She moans unaccustomed to the brutal handling. He drags her towards the wagon and picks her up with both hands. He throws her next to Gloriana.

“No foul magic or I will surely skin you to pieces!” he warns before hopping onto the seat of the wagon.

He looks at the horses.

He remembers throughout his childhood how these four legged beasts pulled these boxes with round discs quickly through Cederdale forest. The men would be screaming something to make them gallop quickly.

“Goooooo!” he screams.

Nothing happens as he watches them standing twitching their ears.

“Moooooooveee!” he would scream again, yet nothing would happen as one of the horse’s nibbles on his shoulder.

He looks down at the funny looking strap, which are hooked on the back of the horses.

He then grabs the extended portion of the reign and holds it in his hands. He tries to think back on what they are used for. He yanks on it, as suddenly the horses begin to gallop down the road. He holds onto the reigns with all of his strength trying not to fall off his seat and onto the witch who is scowling. His heart is beating fast. He tries to look back at Gloriana, but doesn’t manage to keep his eyes off the horses and road.

The horses gallop quickly, occasionally getting off the road. He pulls the reigns right and left trying to figure out how to command these unusual creatures.

Eventually after much time has passed and endless zigzagging on the road, he has the horses under control and rides at a constant speed. He wonders how anyone could sleep through such a parade that he had just created, as he looks astonishingly back at Gloriana, who is sound asleep.
The witch only shakes her head in dismay. He turns to looks ahead of the road and begins to smile at his accomplishment.

If he could just have the opportunity to watch the expression of the wood elves back home. How he controls the box with four discs pulled by four legged beasts. He can vision on how Serenadale would cover her mouth with her hands shocked to have seen him defeat a real human witch. He begins to ride slowly past the many miles of wheat fields down the long and lonely road. His face gets serious as black clouds appear in the midday sky. It begins to rain, as he slows his wagon to check on Gloriana.

She sleeps soundly unaware of what had happened to her people. He looks angrily at the witch who doesn’t acknowledge him anymore. He searches into Gloriana’s satchel for a cover and puts it lightly on her, before scowling at the witch. He jumps back to his seat and grabs the reigns. He makes an odd jerk with them, as the horses begin to gallop once again down the long road.

His face saddens at the thought controlling such innocent creatures, yet is thankful that they help make his voyage easier. He looks up to see layers of dark gray clouds blanketed above the fields. They continue to stretch out above the mountains clinging to them like unyielding arms.

Glenadale looks at the magnificent mountains clinging to them like unyielding arms. Glenadale looks at the magnificent mountain structures for the first time awed at their immensity. The air is heavy, cold and misty, as he travels against the heavy winds and rain down an empty road. The many miles of fields are unparallel, as they seem to be no end at site. Occasionally, a tree breaks the monotone scenery.

His eyes grow heavy, as he struggles to stay awake hoping to find this town Billibon mentioned. The day grows long, as he occasionally drifts off to a sleep and then awakens suddenly when a thunder rumbles in the sky.

The horses continue to ride ahead unaffected by the harsh weather. They ignore the reigns that Glenadale is now halfway holding with loose hands.

Eventually the day becomes night as colorful stars as of the two planets partially cover the sky. The heavy rain becomes a mere drizzle, as Glenadale slumps backwards unintentionally pulling on the reigns halting the horses.

His body gave out, as he promises himself a small nap before continuing down the muddy road that seems to never end.

A loud screech occurs as a big brown falcon lands on a ledge of the wagon. Glenadale wearily wakes up and smiles faintly.

“You are truly amazing,” he manages to say petting the falcon’s head.

Fierce screeches again before Gloriana yawns aloud. She looks up shocked to see the witch sitting on the other side of the wagon bounded from head to toe.

Her mouth is even covered with a ripped sleeve, as Glenadale took no chances with her foul mouth. She then looks up with tired eyes at Glenadale. She takes of her wet cover and grabs his hand. He smiles as he points at Fierce. The Falcon screeches jumping on Gloriana.

She laughs cheering up everybody’s mood, except for the witch who only moans in distaste.

“I see that Fierce couldn’t find Billibon,” she says quietly to Glenadale.

He only nods his head.

“We are pitch wet on a wagon. The witch is tangled up in rope and we have finally reached Sinatorium,’ she says pointing down to a main road that intersects from the muddy road they are on.

Glenadale looks in the direction Gloriana is pointing and sees the beginnings of a town.

Although he doesn’t care for towns, he actually is excited to finally find something new to look at besides wheat fields.

“Finally,” he says with a big sigh.

“How did you do it?” Gloriana asks staring into the blue eyes of the wood elf.

“It is a long story, I will tell you when we get to town,” he replies wearingly.
As the drizzling rain continues, the horses gallop onto a main road that leads closer to town.

The road ascends slowly leaving the endless wheat fields into steep, green grassed hills reaching the town’s main gates. Glenadale throws over his hood hiding his face and puts his hands inside his tunic when a merchant or farmer rides by.

They pay no heed and continue on. The air gets thick, as the mountains draw closer showing small patches of pine trees on them.

Two guards halt the wagon as Gloriana pulls on the reigns. Complaining merchants on the other side of the gate complain, as they suddenly are not allowed to leave.

“Where do you come from?” asks a burly guard with scattered teeth.

“We come from Augshill,” Gloriana replies calmly as another guard walks around the wagon and looks at the witch with interest.

His eyes turn wide as he motions the other guard to come closer.

“Could that be Hexadaria the wicked witch of the woods?” he asks.

He nods before shifting his attention to Gloriana and Fierce sitting on her shoulder. The younger guard with reddish hair runs towards the gate to rip one of the many wanted posters from the wall.

He then walks back staring at the drawing of the witch and begins to smile before looking at his partner. He gives him the drawing, as his smile widens showing his uneven wide gapped smile.

“You have done a great deed. This witch has a bounty in our town for quite sometime. The reward is 250 gold pieces,” he explains if you give her to us.

Gloriana smiles and nods her head, as the other guard immediately grabs the witch and forces her to walk towards a building. The witch groans and fights to get loose to only be shoved inside the building.

“Wait here!” he orders as the other guard disappears.

Gloriana looks at Glenadale amazed who only looks back confused.

“It has been such a rough two days and now we get something in return for it,” she says.

“I don’t understand why these gold things are important,” Glenadale replies.

“You will soon see,” Gloriana says smiling.
She hugs him as one of the merchants who are forced to wait shrivels up his face at the site.

“Oh yuck! What is that you are hugging?” he asks in a snobbish voice.

His fine silk clothing embroidered in gold trimmings show he is wealthy as of arrogant. He smirks again, as Gloriana only hugs Glenadale harder.

Glenadale stiffens his body, as he tries to keep his hood over his face. Finally after a long wait, the two guards led by a soldier in fine armor approaches the wagon. He looks strangely at Glenadale before looking back at Gloriana.

“The towns Marshall has promised 250 gold pieces for the capturing of Hexadaria the witch,” he says.

He loosens a small leather pouch from his belt and hands it to Gloriana. She takes it smiling and then looks up at the soldier who shows no expression. He then looks back at Glenadale.

“Your partner is a bit green behind the skin. What is wrong with him?” he asks.

“He has been sickened by the witch sir,” she lies quickly, as Glenadale tries to keep his face downwards, avoiding any kind of eye contact with anyone.

The guards step back afraid that they might catch something. The soldier’s face turns grim as he steps back slowly.

“We have a town wizard who might be able to reverse this evil magic for a price,” he says.

“You many enter under one condition,” he warns.
“What will that be sir?” Gloriana asks.

“You must visit Altium Cloudgray at the far end of town. His tower can’t be missed,” he orders.

Gloriana nods her head, as the soldier points for her to carry on. Gloriana rattles the reigns, as the horses gallop in.

“Well it is about time we can pass now,” says the rich merchant before frowning at the guards who wait until Gloriana’s wagon is far away from them.

The oddly boxed buildings with pointy rooftops give the wood elf shivers. The town’s center is not as crowded as that of Nurenhill, yet splendidly decorated with assorted flower beds inviting any first time visitors.

Colorful cobblestone roads provide an authentic look of the town, as shopkeepers wait patiently at their doorsteps, hoping for an able merchant to buy their goods.

“The soldier is right. Nobody will let you in their store,” Gloriana says as she halts the horses in front of a tavern reading “The Slippery Shoe’s Tavern”.

She follows cobblestone roads passing the many buildings on either side to finally reach a garden full of various exotic plants and flowers. The road widens, as it leads to a tall tower over towering anything at its sight.

“That must be the tower the soldier mentioned about,” Gloriana says.

“I am not going in that. It looks so uninviting,” Glenadale says looking at the dark structure in disgust.

A fifteen foot stone wall surrounds the tower guarded by two statue griffons. Their glaring stare gives second thoughts if to enter or not. With a big sigh, Gloriana looks at Glenadale.
“Perhaps this wizard will gives us a better disguise. We must try at least to see if we can get some help,” Gloriana reasons.

He frowns at her showing anguish at the site. She jumps off the wagon seat and extends her hand out urging Glenadale to trust her. He sighs and jumps off the wagon without grabbing her hand.

His body stiffens at the site of the immense statues staring at him with hatred. They walk to the front door to see a doorknocker resembling a griffon’s face. She grabs the hinge in which the griffon’s mouth holds and taps it against the huge door.

The door opens slowly, as no one behind it is seen. Gloriana looks oddly at Glenadale before entering a wide foyer. Many statues of various animals adorn the foyer decorated with creative oil paintings and small statues.

A spiraling staircase leads up to other floors of the tower. They look at the many statues with interest before climbing the stairs that eventually lead to a huge room full of shelves stacked with dusty books. Steaming potions sit at a round table in the middle of the room.

A man with a long gray beard wearing gray robes has his back turned mixing two ingredients into a valve on a smaller table next to an overstocked bookshelf. Afterwards, he sets the valve in a holder before turning to look at his newcomers.

“What business do you bring to the gray wizard?” he asks bluntly.

Gloriana stares at the wizard uncertain on what to say.

“Speak quickly for my time is precious,” he demands. He then looks at Glenadale who only stares at the floor covering his face and hands.

“Don’t fear to show your face wood elf. You are in the company of a wizard,” he then says walking towards Glenadale.

“It is odd for such a race to be in an area normally despised by your kind.
He then looks at Gloriana and at her clothes.

“If I am not mistaken you come from a small town or village and are need of some assistance,” he says with a renewed interest.
Gloriana only nods her head.

“I am in need of a spell or potion sir,” she manages to say before the wizard turns to walk to his round table full of potions.
He then grabs a blue bottle before setting it back down.

“Hmmm, that is not the one,” he mumbles to himself.

He then looks at a large book full of writings and flips some pages.

“Ah yes, this is the one,” he says as he grabs a bottle filled with peach fizzy liquid.
He walks up to the wood elf who takes a few steps back.

“Don’t worry fair one. I am here to help you,” he says.

“Drink this potion and you will have the appearance of a human for one full day,” he offers.

Glenadale looks at Gloriana and shakes his head against the idea. Gloriana studies the wizard carefully before taking the potion from him.

“Oh be careful. This mixture cannot be rattled vigorously,” he says.

Glenadale takes another step back shaking his head in protest.

“How much do you want for this potion?” she asks looking at the cunning wizard hard.

“These ingredients come far from these lands. Not many can travel there without coming back injured on their journeys. These roots are hard to find,” he continues.

“Yeah, yeah, just tell me the price wizard,” she says noticing he is trying to haggle her into a high price.

“Thirty gold pieces will suffice,” he offers.

“This is ridiculous. I am not going to drink that!” Glenadale protests once again.

“It is interesting that you can speak the human tongue fair one,” Altium mentions raising an eyebrow.

“Will this hurt him if he drinks this stuff?” Gloriana asks.

“No it will do nothing. He won’t even notice the change when it happens,” the wizard replies chuckling.

“I once created a potion for the captain of the guard and it shapeshifted him into a hobgoblin. It was useful at the time,” the wizard finishes.
Glenadale looks at Gloriana in a pleading way.

“Do you trust me?” she asks looking at the wood elf’s frightened eyes.

He then stares into her eyes and begins to relax. He knows he can trust her, as she has proven it to him many times in the two days they have met.

He slowly takes the potion from Gloriana’s hand and smells it quickly. Gloriana takes out her leather pouch and grabs thirty gold pieces to give to the wizard.

Glenadale slowly drinks the fizzling drink, as it seeps inside his body. The wizard takes the gold pieces and turns to put them into his drawer. He then turns and freezes as Gloriana covers her mouth with both hands shocked.

“What did you do to him?” Gloriana asks with a high voice.

“What is wrong?” Glenadale asks shockingly.

He looks at his hands that are furry and huge. His fingers are now black claws. He drops the empty vial as it shatters on the floor shocked at what had just happened to him.

”You gave him the wrong potion! What is he?” Gloriana asks stepping back from Glenadale.

“He turned into a hobgoblin,” Altium says now walking to the round table to look into his book.

“I am certain I gave him the right potion.

Although I must admit that I have never used it on a wood elf before,” Altium explains now taking his eyes off the book to look at Glenadale.

“Well do something about this! I don’t want to look like a hobgoblin!” Glenadale shouts.

He begins to wave his hands and jump up and down angrily at Gloriana who only shrugs in return. She then begins to laugh. Altium wipes his forehead relieved.

“This is not funny!” Glenadale screams as he waves his paws angrily.

Gloriana gathers her composure and walks to Glenadale. She then gives him a kiss as the wood elf looks at her in shock.

“You mean to tell me that you like how I look. I look horrible,” Glenadale finishes.

“Now this is enough play for today. I must urge you to leave so I can get back to my studies,” Altium fusses as he adjusts his gray robes, to turn back to his project he was working on earlier.

Gloriana nods her head understanding and takes Glenadale’s hand.

“Wait, am I supposed to look like this!” Glenadale complains slowly before looking at his hand.

They had changed into strong human hands. He then feels his face, which once had a delicate thin and facial bone structure and now a rough and wider jaw. He begins to laugh as Gloriana joins in for the laugh. The wizard only sighs loud and turns to wave his hands to leave. They leave the tower, as the doors slam shut, making them both jump quickly looking back annoyed at the huge doors.

“I think we should go and rest tonight. Tomorrow we should head back and look for Billibon,” Gloriana suggests as she is helped up onto the wagon.

“Yes and maybe you will find your staff also,” Glenadale replies.

Gloriana nods her head frustrated to have lost it before staring at Glenadale who sits next to her. She looks for a long moment before Glenadale shows an odd expression.

“What is wrong?” he asks.

“You look also very handsome Glenadale as a human,” she says before taking the reigns and urging the horses to gallop away from the tower.

They reach the Slippery Shoe’s Tavern, as Glenadale looks at himself amazed.

No one would believe his stories if he was ever accepted back into the Cederdale forest. His clothes feel tight on him. He looks at her, as she smiles back. He chuckles a little feeling a bit odd.

“Don’t worry. It will only be temporarily,” she reassures.

At least she hopes as she jumps off the wagon and is immediately greeted by a young boy. He adjusts his hat that keeps falling below his eyes.

“Do you need someone to care for your horses while you stay in the tavern?” he asks as he finally takes off his hat.

“I sure do,” she says giggling at the cute boy. She then walks towards the tavern’s door, as the boy runs past her to open it for her.
Glenadale hesitates before walking onto a shiny floor.

The tavern is silent, as a few old men at the bar look at who enters on such a late night. They stop their gaze and look at their mugs after Glenadale narrows his eyes at them. Gloriana takes a seat at a table across from the bar, in which Glenadale slowly follows. Two men in fine clothing sit on the other side of the room. Their table is set with a roasted duck smothered in orange sauce. Elegant engraved glasses filled with grapan liquor add to their luxuries for the night.

They are having a heavy conversation about who will be the next elect Marshall in town. An old man in apron walks from behind the bar with two mugs of ale. He then sets them on the table and walks away. Gloriana looks at the mugs and then at Glenadale. She begins to laugh. She looks at the froth on top of the mug.

“If my mother would see me now,” she says.
Glenadale looks at the mug and then back at Gloriana.

“Why does everything that humans drink have to fizzle or froth?” he asks curiously.

“It is a type of fermented wheat drink,” she replies.

“I know in my town many of the farmers drink it after a long day plowing the fields,” she explains before grabbing the handle to the mug.
She takes a small sip of the ale and gives a sour look after swallowing the potent drink.

“I think I will pass,” he says after watching Gloriana squeeze her face together.

He pushes it away from him and looks at the odd shaped room. He then rubs his eyes showing extreme tiredness. He grabs Gloriana’s hand as her joyful brown eyes stare back at him.

“Let us get some sleep,” he suggests.

She nods her head and waves for the barkeep to return. He walks slowly towards the table.

“Is there something wrong? Does the ale not taste right?” he asks rubbing his large stomach.

“No we are fine, yet very tired. Our travels have made us weary,” she replies.

“I have a room for five gold pieces if you like,” the barkeep offers.

Gloriana reaches into her leather pouch to take out the gold pieces. He takes the five gold pieces and stares at the gold Gloriana is holding.

“I would give the ale on the house, but my business has been slow lately. That would be another two gold pieces. If your partner is staying in the same room then I need to charge an additional two gold pieces,” he adds waving his finger at Gloriana’s pouch.

She frowns, as she goes back into it to fetch the extra gold coins. The barkeep smiles, as he hands her the key.

“Your falcon will have to stay outside. We don’t keep animals in our tavern,” he mentions.
Gloriana shakes her head at the barkeep.

“Can we use the bed in the room we rented?” she asks sarcastically before getting up to open the front door to the tavern.

“The youth these days,” he complains before rolling his eyes to walk back and serve another round of ale to the two customers sitting at the bar.

Fierce without hesitation jumps off her shoulder and flies high in the sky. She smiles at Fierce and turns wearingly towards the stairs leaving the door open deliberately to annoy the barkeep. Glenadale follows her as the disturbed merchants experience a cold draft up their fine silk clothing.

The barkeep shakes his head once again before walking quickly to close the door. The merchants frown, as they wave their glasses for another round of drinks. Gloriana unlocks the door with the key and walks inside to fall on a fluffy bed. She sinks into the soft covers and releases a loud relief of satisfaction.

“It feels like it has been a decade since I last slept in a bed,” she says slowly.

Glenadale closes the door and opens it. He then closes it and opens it again.

“What are you doing?” Gloriana says looking at Glenadale curiously.

“Interesting that this opens and closes with a simple push of my fingers,” he says before walking to sit on the bed carefully.

Glenadale scratches his head wondering how many boxes are inside other boxes in each building. He yawns lightly forgetting about it, as he is too tired to really do the math and lies next to Gloriana. She puts her hand on his face and smiles.

“I hope Billibon is alright,” Gloriana manages to whisper.

Glenadale only murmurs before falling in a deep sleep.

To continue read chapter 8 Billibon's Escape -

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 10:32 PM

I wish Fierce could have stayed the nite inside too!!

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:48 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Mon 08/03/09 12:55 PM

The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 7 Sinatorium

Glenadale and Gloriana finally leave the dark clusters of forest and change to a different road going further northwards. Glenadale kneels down to see a set of tracks – a merchant’s carriage, most likely – a half a day away, as he had seen these often back home in Cederdale.

The Dwanen Mountains appear in the backdrop as many leagues of wheat fields stretch the lands ahead. Gloriana’s eyes sink just thinking of the long walk she has accomplished and the long walk she still has ahead of her.

She is exhausted as they have missed a days worth of sleep. The eastern skies with brilliant striped patterns of the first suns rays adorn the sky.

A morning mist crosses the six feet high wheat fields, as Gloriana wearingly drags her feet on the side of the road. Glenadale also begins to show tiredness for the first time and drags his light legs ahead.

“We need to rest a little,” he mentions breaking a long silence throughout most of the late night.

She nods wearingly and follows the wood elf off the road into the fields. He finds a spot and sits down on it. Gloriana cuddles next to him exhausted and falls immediately asleep.

“Fierce has been gone for the entire night and early morning. I hope everything is okay,” she manages to whisper.

Glenadale struggles to stay awake, as he brushes Gloriana’s hair on his lap.

How he wishes that Fierce would be around so he can get some sleep also. Crickets chirp and hop throughout the wheat fields keeping Glenadale awake. He wearingly sees a large bird standing on the road.

He places Gloriana’s head on the field gently before getting up to see if it is Fierce. He sulks to only see it is a black crow. A wagon is heard from a distance, as he watches Gloriana roll over to a more comfortable position on the field to gain much needed rest.

He covers his head with his hood and hides his hands to walk cautiously towards the road. The wagon halts, as two horses snort at their new visitor. The crow flies up to an old woman that is dressed in filthy brown robes.

A large wart is on the tip of her nose adding to her grotesque aged look. A stiff branch extends from her hat. It twists and turns giving a spot for the crow to stand on it. She looks keenly at the elf.

“Salutations traveler,” she greets in a whispery voice.

Gloriana slowly wakes up noticing Glenadale’s warmth is missing. She stands up quickly and looks down the field to see him in front of horses. She walks quickly towards him.

“You do not travel alone,” the old woman says disappointingly in a whispering voice eyeing Gloriana skeptically.

The wood elf looks curiously at the horses. Both horses look unconcerned back at him. He comes slowly towards the horses.

“Can I touch your beasts?” he asks the old woman.

She nods her head as the crow gives a loud eerie screech. Gloriana walks towards the wagon to have a better look at the old woman.

“My name is Gloriana and my friend is Glenadale,” she introduces.

The old woman only looks at Glenadale interested in his odd ways. Glenadale slowly puts his hand on the horse’s snout and begins to pet it. The horse gives a small snort accepting the elf’s warm hand as he now pets his mane.

“This is a fascinating beast,” Glenadale finally says.

“We call those horses,” Gloriana corrects him keeping her eyes on the stranger.

“What may your name be?” Gloriana then asks after a long silence.

“That is of no concern to you,” the old woman says in a harsh and rigid tone.

She begins to wave her hands as smoke escapes her long, black, and cracked fingernails.

“She is a witch!” Gloriana screams as she runs towards her to try to stop the spell.
Glenadale sees the danger and jumps to the other side of the horse running towards the wagon. Smoke releases from her fingertips and enshrouds around her victims. Gloriana already extremely tired, falls short of the wagon and slumps over, leaning against the wagons wooden wheel.

The agile elf manages to jump up onto the wagon next to the witch. The crow jumps off her and tries to peck at him. Glenadale seeing the threat hits the crow quickly with the back of his hand making it fall hard onto the ground.

The witch begins to chant quickly a new spell to void off the attacking elf. Glenadale unaffected by the sleep spell pushes the witch off the wagon who in return grabs his tunic, ensuring they will fall together onto the ground. They begin to fight rolling around trying to get on top of each other. She screams and hollers, scratching and biting at will, frustrated that her spell has been suddenly interrupted.

Glenadale struggles for a moment and finally topples on top of the witch to hold her down on her back.

She tries break free, but cannot manage to fight her stronger opponent and eventually gives up. She moans and screams an eerie sound similar to that of her crow that is now lying on the ground injured. It hops away into the fields unable to move one of its wings.

“You best let me go boy are you will be cursed!” the witch threatens.

Glenadale sees rope on the seat of her wagon and runs to it quickly. The exhausted witch doesn’t even try to get up. She is not young as she used to be and is shocked that her spell didn’t work on the elf.

In a matter of moments Glenadale ties the witch securely ensuring she cannot use her hands to cast any foul spells. He then goes to Gloriana who is sound asleep. He is in an odd situation, for he had never fought like this before and is amazed at what he has just accomplished.

It is his first battle with a formidable if not more powerful foe. He sighs worried at Gloriana’s condition and sits next to her at the wagon’s wheel. He rests for a moment trying to catch his breath.

The witch gives a deadly stare trying to intimidate him. Her stare gives chills under the wood elf’s arms. He begins to rub them and breaks her hypnotizing stare. He begins to worry, not sure what to do. He then tries to concentrate looking at the four legged beasts.

He knows that they ease the travels for humans. Perhaps he can talk to them to see if they would be willing to give him a ride. He walks up to one of the horses and begins to pet its mane. The horse shows appreciation.

“Would you take us to the next human town?” he asks it.

The horse only stares straight ahead, showing no interest of what the elf asks. Perhaps they don’t speak human. He then speaks in his native language. The horses twitch their ears only in return. Glenadale laughs at his clumsy assumption. Why would they ever understand wood elf?

His laugh fades to a confused face. If only Gloriana would awaken. She would know what to do. He walks towards her and picks her up carefully to carry her away. He begins to shake his head. What was I thinking? I could have gotten her killed, as he walks deeper into the wheat fields away from the road. Perhaps it is best to avoid the road for those who roam them are just too dangerous.

Especially since he is an elf and humans are not accustomed to seeing them. He then stops and ponders for a moment. What if he used the beasts to accelerate their travels? He is tired and doesn’t feel like walking another full day without accomplishing much distance.

He then turns around and walks back towards the wagon.
The witch had wiggled herself closer to the wagon. Her face is red full of frustration, as she tries to unravel the rope between her hands and feet.

Ignoring the witch, he walks past her and places Gloriana carefully in the wagon next to an odd looking crate. The witch squirms and rolls around trying to get lose. He then walks up to the witch and scowls.

“You tried to kills us witch.” He then grabs her roughly.

She moans unaccustomed to the brutal handling. He drags her towards the wagon and picks her up with both hands. He throws her next to Gloriana.

“No foul magic or I will surely skin you to pieces!” he warns before hopping onto the seat of the wagon.

He looks at the horses.

He remembers throughout his childhood how these four legged beasts pulled these boxes with round discs quickly through Cederdale forest. The men would be screaming something to make them gallop quickly.

“Goooooo!” he screams.

Nothing happens as he watches them standing twitching their ears.

“Moooooooveee!” he would scream again, yet nothing would happen as one of the horse’s nibbles on his shoulder.

He looks down at the funny looking strap, which are hooked on the back of the horses.

He then grabs the extended portion of the reign and holds it in his hands. He tries to think back on what they are used for. He yanks on it, as suddenly the horses begin to gallop down the road. He holds onto the reigns with all of his strength trying not to fall off his seat and onto the witch who is scowling. His heart is beating fast. He tries to look back at Gloriana, but doesn’t manage to keep his eyes off the horses and road.

The horses gallop quickly, occasionally getting off the road. He pulls the reigns right and left trying to figure out how to command these unusual creatures.

Eventually after much time has passed and endless zigzagging on the road, he has the horses under control and rides at a constant speed. He wonders how anyone could sleep through such a parade that he had just created, as he looks astonishingly back at Gloriana, who is sound asleep.
The witch only shakes her head in dismay. He turns to looks ahead of the road and begins to smile at his accomplishment.

If he could just have the opportunity to watch the expression of the wood elves back home. How he controls the box with four discs pulled by four legged beasts. He can vision on how Serenadale would cover her mouth with her hands shocked to have seen him defeat a real human witch. He begins to ride slowly past the many miles of wheat fields down the long and lonely road. His face gets serious as black clouds appear in the midday sky. It begins to rain, as he slows his wagon to check on Gloriana.

She sleeps soundly unaware of what had happened to her people. He looks angrily at the witch who doesn’t acknowledge him anymore. He searches into Gloriana’s satchel for a cover and puts it lightly on her, before scowling at the witch. He jumps back to his seat and grabs the reigns. He makes an odd jerk with them, as the horses begin to gallop once again down the long road.

His face saddens at the thought controlling such innocent creatures, yet is thankful that they help make his voyage easier. He looks up to see layers of dark gray clouds blanketed above the fields. They continue to stretch out above the mountains clinging to them like unyielding arms.

Glenadale looks at the magnificent mountains clinging to them like unyielding arms. Glenadale looks at the magnificent mountain structures for the first time awed at their immensity. The air is heavy, cold and misty, as he travels against the heavy winds and rain down an empty road. The many miles of fields are unparallel, as they seem to be no end at site. Occasionally, a tree breaks the monotone scenery.

His eyes grow heavy, as he struggles to stay awake hoping to find this town Billibon mentioned. The day grows long, as he occasionally drifts off to a sleep and then awakens suddenly when a thunder rumbles in the sky.

The horses continue to ride ahead unaffected by the harsh weather. They ignore the reigns that Glenadale is now halfway holding with loose hands.

Eventually the day becomes night as colorful stars as of the two planets partially cover the sky. The heavy rain becomes a mere drizzle, as Glenadale slumps backwards unintentionally pulling on the reigns halting the horses.

His body gave out, as he promises himself a small nap before continuing down the muddy road that seems to never end.

A loud screech occurs as a big brown falcon lands on a ledge of the wagon. Glenadale wearily wakes up and smiles faintly.

“You are truly amazing,” he manages to say petting the falcon’s head.

Fierce screeches again before Gloriana yawns aloud. She looks up shocked to see the witch sitting on the other side of the wagon bounded from head to toe.

Her mouth is even covered with a ripped sleeve, as Glenadale took no chances with her foul mouth. She then looks up with tired eyes at Glenadale. She takes of her wet cover and grabs his hand. He smiles as he points at Fierce. The Falcon screeches jumping on Gloriana.

She laughs cheering up everybody’s mood, except for the witch who only moans in distaste.

“I see that Fierce couldn’t find Billibon,” she says quietly to Glenadale.

He only nods his head.

“We are pitch wet on a wagon. The witch is tangled up in rope and we have finally reached Sinatorium,’ she says pointing down to a main road that intersects from the muddy road they are on.

Glenadale looks in the direction Gloriana is pointing and sees the beginnings of a town.

Although he doesn’t care for towns, he actually is excited to finally find something new to look at besides wheat fields.

“Finally,” he says with a big sigh.

“How did you do it?” Gloriana asks staring into the blue eyes of the wood elf.

“It is a long story, I will tell you when we get to town,” he replies wearingly.
As the drizzling rain continues, the horses gallop onto a main road that leads closer to town.

The road ascends slowly leaving the endless wheat fields into steep, green grassed hills reaching the town’s main gates. Glenadale throws over his hood hiding his face and puts his hands inside his tunic when a merchant or farmer rides by.

They pay no heed and continue on. The air gets thick, as the mountains draw closer showing small patches of pine trees on them.

Two guards halt the wagon as Gloriana pulls on the reigns. Complaining merchants on the other side of the gate complain, as they suddenly are not allowed to leave.

“Where do you come from?” asks a burly guard with scattered teeth.

“We come from Augshill,” Gloriana replies calmly as another guard walks around the wagon and looks at the witch with interest.

His eyes turn wide as he motions the other guard to come closer.

“Could that be Hexadaria the wicked witch of the woods?” he asks.

He nods before shifting his attention to Gloriana and Fierce sitting on her shoulder. The younger guard with reddish hair runs towards the gate to rip one of the many wanted posters from the wall.

He then walks back staring at the drawing of the witch and begins to smile before looking at his partner. He gives him the drawing, as his smile widens showing his uneven wide gapped smile.

“You have done a great deed. This witch has a bounty in our town for quite sometime. The reward is 250 gold pieces,” he explains if you give her to us.

Gloriana smiles and nods her head, as the other guard immediately grabs the witch and forces her to walk towards a building. The witch groans and fights to get loose to only be shoved inside the building.

“Wait here!” he orders as the other guard disappears.

Gloriana looks at Glenadale amazed who only looks back confused.

“It has been such a rough two days and now we get something in return for it,” she says.

“I don’t understand why these gold things are important,” Glenadale replies.

“You will soon see,” Gloriana says smiling.
She hugs him as one of the merchants who are forced to wait shrivels up his face at the site.

“Oh yuck! What is that you are hugging?” he asks in a snobbish voice.

His fine silk clothing embroidered in gold trimmings show he is wealthy as of arrogant. He smirks again, as Gloriana only hugs Glenadale harder.

Glenadale stiffens his body, as he tries to keep his hood over his face. Finally after a long wait, the two guards led by a soldier in fine armor approaches the wagon. He looks strangely at Glenadale before looking back at Gloriana.

“The towns Marshall has promised 250 gold pieces for the capturing of Hexadaria the witch,” he says.

He loosens a small leather pouch from his belt and hands it to Gloriana. She takes it smiling and then looks up at the soldier who shows no expression. He then looks back at Glenadale.

“Your partner is a bit green behind the skin. What is wrong with him?” he asks.

“He has been sickened by the witch sir,” she lies quickly, as Glenadale tries to keep his face downwards, avoiding any kind of eye contact with anyone.

The guards step back afraid that they might catch something. The soldier’s face turns grim as he steps back slowly.

“We have a town wizard who might be able to reverse this evil magic for a price,” he says.

“You many enter under one condition,” he warns.
“What will that be sir?” Gloriana asks.

“You must visit Altium Cloudgray at the far end of town. His tower can’t be missed,” he orders.

Gloriana nods her head, as the soldier points for her to carry on. Gloriana rattles the reigns, as the horses gallop in.

“Well it is about time we can pass now,” says the rich merchant before frowning at the guards who wait until Gloriana’s wagon is far away from them.

The oddly boxed buildings with pointy rooftops give the wood elf shivers. The town’s center is not as crowded as that of Nurenhill, yet splendidly decorated with assorted flower beds inviting any first time visitors.

Colorful cobblestone roads provide an authentic look of the town, as shopkeepers wait patiently at their doorsteps, hoping for an able merchant to buy their goods.

“The soldier is right. Nobody will let you in their store,” Gloriana says as she halts the horses in front of a tavern reading “The Slippery Shoe’s Tavern”.

She follows cobblestone roads passing the many buildings on either side to finally reach a garden full of various exotic plants and flowers. The road widens, as it leads to a tall tower over towering anything at its sight.

“That must be the tower the soldier mentioned about,” Gloriana says.

“I am not going in that. It looks so uninviting,” Glenadale says looking at the dark structure in disgust.

A fifteen foot stone wall surrounds the tower guarded by two statue griffons. Their glaring stare gives second thoughts if to enter or not. With a big sigh, Gloriana looks at Glenadale.
“Perhaps this wizard will gives us a better disguise. We must try at least to see if we can get some help,” Gloriana reasons.

He frowns at her showing anguish at the site. She jumps off the wagon seat and extends her hand out urging Glenadale to trust her. He sighs and jumps off the wagon without grabbing her hand.

His body stiffens at the site of the immense statues staring at him with hatred. They walk to the front door to see a doorknocker resembling a griffon’s face. She grabs the hinge in which the griffon’s mouth holds and taps it against the huge door.

The door opens slowly, as no one behind it is seen. Gloriana looks oddly at Glenadale before entering a wide foyer. Many statues of various animals adorn the foyer decorated with creative oil paintings and small statues.

A spiraling staircase leads up to other floors of the tower. They look at the many statues with interest before climbing the stairs that eventually lead to a huge room full of shelves stacked with dusty books. Steaming potions sit at a round table in the middle of the room.

A man with a long gray beard wearing gray robes has his back turned mixing two ingredients into a valve on a smaller table next to an overstocked bookshelf. Afterwards, he sets the valve in a holder before turning to look at his newcomers.

“What business do you bring to the gray wizard?” he asks bluntly.

Gloriana stares at the wizard uncertain on what to say.

“Speak quickly for my time is precious,” he demands. He then looks at Glenadale who only stares at the floor covering his face and hands.

“Don’t fear to show your face wood elf. You are in the company of a wizard,” he then says walking towards Glenadale.

“It is odd for such a race to be in an area normally despised by your kind.
He then looks at Gloriana and at her clothes.

“If I am not mistaken you come from a small town or village and are need of some assistance,” he says with a renewed interest.
Gloriana only nods her head.

“I am in need of a spell or potion sir,” she manages to say before the wizard turns to walk to his round table full of potions.
He then grabs a blue bottle before setting it back down.

“Hmmm, that is not the one,” he mumbles to himself.

He then looks at a large book full of writings and flips some pages.

“Ah yes, this is the one,” he says as he grabs a bottle filled with peach fizzy liquid.
He walks up to the wood elf who takes a few steps back.

“Don’t worry fair one. I am here to help you,” he says.

“Drink this potion and you will have the appearance of a human for one full day,” he offers.

Glenadale looks at Gloriana and shakes his head against the idea. Gloriana studies the wizard carefully before taking the potion from him.

“Oh be careful. This mixture cannot be rattled vigorously,” he says.

Glenadale takes another step back shaking his head in protest.

“How much do you want for this potion?” she asks looking at the cunning wizard hard.

“These ingredients come far from these lands. Not many can travel there without coming back injured on their journeys. These roots are hard to find,” he continues.

“Yeah, yeah, just tell me the price wizard,” she says noticing he is trying to haggle her into a high price.

“Thirty gold pieces will suffice,” he offers.

“This is ridiculous. I am not going to drink that!” Glenadale protests once again.

“It is interesting that you can speak the human tongue fair one,” Altium mentions raising an eyebrow.

“Will this hurt him if he drinks this stuff?” Gloriana asks.

“No it will do nothing. He won’t even notice the change when it happens,” the wizard replies chuckling.

“I once created a potion for the captain of the guard and it shapeshifted him into a hobgoblin. It was useful at the time,” the wizard finishes.
Glenadale looks at Gloriana in a pleading way.

“Do you trust me?” she asks looking at the wood elf’s frightened eyes.

He then stares into her eyes and begins to relax. He knows he can trust her, as she has proven it to him many times in the two days they have met.

He slowly takes the potion from Gloriana’s hand and smells it quickly. Gloriana takes out her leather pouch and grabs thirty gold pieces to give to the wizard.

Glenadale slowly drinks the fizzling drink, as it seeps inside his body. The wizard takes the gold pieces and turns to put them into his drawer. He then turns and freezes as Gloriana covers her mouth with both hands shocked.

“What did you do to him?” Gloriana asks with a high voice.

“What is wrong?” Glenadale asks shockingly.

He looks at his hands that are furry and huge. His fingers are now black claws. He drops the empty vial as it shatters on the floor shocked at what had just happened to him.

”You gave him the wrong potion! What is he?” Gloriana asks stepping back from Glenadale.

“He turned into a hobgoblin,” Altium says now walking to the round table to look into his book.

“I am certain I gave him the right potion.

Although I must admit that I have never used it on a wood elf before,” Altium explains now taking his eyes off the book to look at Glenadale.

“Well do something about this! I don’t want to look like a hobgoblin!” Glenadale shouts.

He begins to wave his hands and jump up and down angrily at Gloriana who only shrugs in return. She then begins to laugh. Altium wipes his forehead relieved.

“This is not funny!” Glenadale screams as he waves his paws angrily.

Gloriana gathers her composure and walks to Glenadale. She then gives him a kiss as the wood elf looks at her in shock.

“You mean to tell me that you like how I look. I look horrible,” Glenadale finishes.

“Now this is enough play for today. I must urge you to leave so I can get back to my studies,” Altium fusses as he adjusts his gray robes, to turn back to his project he was working on earlier.

Gloriana nods her head understanding and takes Glenadale’s hand.

“Wait, am I supposed to look like this!” Glenadale complains slowly before looking at his hand.

They had changed into strong human hands. He then feels his face, which once had a delicate thin and facial bone structure and now a rough and wider jaw. He begins to laugh as Gloriana joins in for the laugh. The wizard only sighs loud and turns to wave his hands to leave. They leave the tower, as the doors slam shut, making them both jump quickly looking back annoyed at the huge doors.

“I think we should go and rest tonight. Tomorrow we should head back and look for Billibon,” Gloriana suggests as she is helped up onto the wagon.

“Yes and maybe you will find your staff also,” Glenadale replies.

Gloriana nods her head frustrated to have lost it before staring at Glenadale who sits next to her. She looks for a long moment before Glenadale shows an odd expression.

“What is wrong?” he asks.

“You look also very handsome Glenadale as a human,” she says before taking the reigns and urging the horses to gallop away from the tower.

They reach the Slippery Shoe’s Tavern, as Glenadale looks at himself amazed.

No one would believe his stories if he was ever accepted back into the Cederdale forest. His clothes feel tight on him. He looks at her, as she smiles back. He chuckles a little feeling a bit odd.

“Don’t worry. It will only be temporarily,” she reassures.

At least she hopes as she jumps off the wagon and is immediately greeted by a young boy. He adjusts his hat that keeps falling below his eyes.

“Do you need someone to care for your horses while you stay in the tavern?” he asks as he finally takes off his hat.

“I sure do,” she says giggling at the cute boy. She then walks towards the tavern’s door, as the boy runs past her to open it for her.
Glenadale hesitates before walking onto a shiny floor.

The tavern is silent, as a few old men at the bar look at who enters on such a late night. They stop their gaze and look at their mugs after Glenadale narrows his eyes at them. Gloriana takes a seat at a table across from the bar, in which Glenadale slowly follows. Two men in fine clothing sit on the other side of the room. Their table is set with a roasted duck smothered in orange sauce. Elegant engraved glasses filled with grapan liquor add to their luxuries for the night.

They are having a heavy conversation about who will be the next elect Marshall in town. An old man in apron walks from behind the bar with two mugs of ale. He then sets them on the table and walks away. Gloriana looks at the mugs and then at Glenadale. She begins to laugh. She looks at the froth on top of the mug.

“If my mother would see me now,” she says.
Glenadale looks at the mug and then back at Gloriana.

“Why does everything that humans drink have to fizzle or froth?” he asks curiously.

“It is a type of fermented wheat drink,” she replies.

“I know in my town many of the farmers drink it after a long day plowing the fields,” she explains before grabbing the handle to the mug.
She takes a small sip of the ale and gives a sour look after swallowing the potent drink.

“I think I will pass,” he says after watching Gloriana squeeze her face together.

He pushes it away from him and looks at the odd shaped room. He then rubs his eyes showing extreme tiredness. He grabs Gloriana’s hand as her joyful brown eyes stare back at him.

“Let us get some sleep,” he suggests.

She nods her head and waves for the barkeep to return. He walks slowly towards the table.

“Is there something wrong? Does the ale not taste right?” he asks rubbing his large stomach.

“No we are fine, yet very tired. Our travels have made us weary,” she replies.

“I have a room for five gold pieces if you like,” the barkeep offers.

Gloriana reaches into her leather pouch to take out the gold pieces. He takes the five gold pieces and stares at the gold Gloriana is holding.

“I would give the ale on the house, but my business has been slow lately. That would be another two gold pieces. If your partner is staying in the same room then I need to charge an additional two gold pieces,” he adds waving his finger at Gloriana’s pouch.

She frowns, as she goes back into it to fetch the extra gold coins. The barkeep smiles, as he hands her the key.

“Your falcon will have to stay outside. We don’t keep animals in our tavern,” he mentions.
Gloriana shakes her head at the barkeep.

“Can we use the bed in the room we rented?” she asks sarcastically before getting up to open the front door to the tavern.

“The youth these days,” he complains before rolling his eyes to walk back and serve another round of ale to the two customers sitting at the bar.

Fierce without hesitation jumps off her shoulder and flies high in the sky. She smiles at Fierce and turns wearingly towards the stairs leaving the door open deliberately to annoy the barkeep. Glenadale follows her as the disturbed merchants experience a cold draft up their fine silk clothing.

The barkeep shakes his head once again before walking quickly to close the door. The merchants frown, as they wave their glasses for another round of drinks. Gloriana unlocks the door with the key and walks inside to fall on a fluffy bed. She sinks into the soft covers and releases a loud relief of satisfaction.

“It feels like it has been a decade since I last slept in a bed,” she says slowly.

Glenadale closes the door and opens it. He then closes it and opens it again.

“What are you doing?” Gloriana says looking at Glenadale curiously.

“Interesting that this opens and closes with a simple push of my fingers,” he says before walking to sit on the bed carefully.

Glenadale scratches his head wondering how many boxes are inside other boxes in each building. He yawns lightly forgetting about it, as he is too tired to really do the math and lies next to Gloriana. She puts her hand on his face and smiles.

“I hope Billibon is alright,” Gloriana manages to whisper.

Glenadale only murmurs before falling in a deep sleep.

To continue read chapter 8 Billibon's Escape -

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: