Topic: Chapter 4
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Fri 01/09/09 01:59 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 02:11 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 4 An Unlikely Group

A struggling light enters a small opening on a roof that didn’t stand the punishment of last night’s storm. The dripping stabile smells of mildew as the horses continue to eat hay uninterested of the day’s event. An open mouthed and snoring halfling sleeps heavily on a haystack.

A ladybug lands on his stubby nose, as he tries to swap it away unknowingly. He slowly opens his eyes and sits up quickly. He stretches and watches a tiny black spider making its web for the day.

He looks down at Gloriana cuddling comfortably next to him and holding a stack of hay in-between her arms. The town comes alive as he hears many merchants screaming for the best prices.

The smells of freshly baked bread seeps into the stabile, making the halfling rub his stomach. He finally shakes Gloriana as she rolls over slowly opening her eyes. She rubs them and sits up to look at the small hole on the roof that sheds a bit of light.

“Good morning. How do you feel?” Billibon asks.
Yawning she nods her head before standing up.

“We must get out of this stabile,” Gloriana says stretching again.

“You are right. I am so hungry though,” Billibon replies.

Gloriana kneels down to open her satchel and offers some fruit and cheese. He smiles and grabs some. Fierce screeches, as he looks down from his ledge.

“Yes come down here. There is plenty of food for you to,” Gloriana says as she waves a piece of bread to the falcon. Billibon looks up at the magnificent bird, as it jumps down to snatch the bread.

“What a beautiful falcon you have,” Billibon says as he eats some grapes.

“His name is Fierce and I have taken care of him since a baby,” Gloriana replies proudly.

“Nice to meet you Fierce, I am Billibon,” says the halflng looking at the falcon that is pecking at the piece of bread.

The falcon shows no interest of the halfling, as it finally pushes the pieces bread back at Gloriana. He then flaps his wings and flies out of the stabile through the opening of the roof.

“Fierce is going out hunting again. I am sure I aroused his appetite today since he didn’t accept the bread,” Gloriana explains.

She takes the bread that Fierce rejected and pops it into her mouth. After a while of eating she looks at the closed stabile doors.

“Do you think we are still locked in?” she finally asks tearing the last piece of dark bread.

“I imagine we are,” Billibon replies chewing on some grapes.

“Well let’s find out,” she says jumping up and heading for the doors.

She tries to push the doors, yet do not budge.

“We are trapped inside! What will we do?” she asks in frustration.
Billibon smiles and looks up.

“It seems there is one way to get out of here. Your falcon had showed us it,” he says as he points at the small opening of the roof.
Gloriana frowns as she looks at it.

“Do I look like some kind of acrobatic wonder?” she asks walking back to the haystack.
Billibon continues to smile.

“No, but I am sure that will help us get up there,” he says pointing at a cover that partially covers a wooden ladder.

“If we put the ladder onto that ledge over there, we could get on the ledge and climb onto the roof. From there we can walk off the roof and finally get out of here,” Billibon explains.

“Of course you will have to go first. As you see, I am not very tall and will probably not be able to reach the roof from the ledge,” he says before giggling to himself. Gloriana laughs.

“Yes, you may have a problem,” she replies.

“Yet I think we can make this happen,” as she goes to gather her belongings.

She then grabs the heavy ladder. Billibon stops eating and gets up to help her. They struggle as they carry the heavy object and lean it against the ledge.

Gloriana climbs up the ladder first and then pulls herself up. She then slowly gets herself onto the ledge. As her two feet balance on the wooden plank, she looks down and almost loses her balance. She gets dizzy.

“Yes, yes you are doing great,” reassures Billibon.

“Now look up and get on that roof,” he continues.
Gloriana tries to control her breathing and looks up slowly making sure she will not lose her balance.

As she maintains balance, she reaches upwards to the opening grabbing a roof shingle. With the other hand she grabs another shingle and pushes herself up with all of her strength.

She finally makes it on top of the steep roof with much effort. Her leg is throbbing, yet it feels better then what it had felt yesterday. She is lying on her chest and holding onto other shingles. She turns her body carefully and peeks down through the opening to see Billibon already standing on the ledge.

He hands her the staff, as she grabs it and lays it on the roof. Afterwards, he raises his arms trying to reach the side of the opening of the roof. Gloriana reaches down to grab one of his arms. He holds onto it as he takes his other hand and grabs the same arm. Gloriana begins to slip down.

She then quickly pulls the halfling upwards, as he finally takes hold of the roof. As the halfling pants and sweats he puts all his faith on Gloriana, as she pulls with all of her strength.

Finally with a lot of effort he makes it on the rooftop. They both roll over lying on their backs breathing hard. He looks at her and smiles. She laughs and slowly stands up. The view of the many rooftops and people of the street has her bedazzled. She has never seen such a busy town before.

A huge dome stands near the market, as the bells begin to ring allowing everyone to know a new day has begun. The market center has many merchant stands that form a circle around the unusual fountain she had encountered last night.

Billibon also stands up slowly looking at the magnificent town. He then looks up to see a flock of geese flying gracefully. Gloriana adjusts her satchel around her shoulder and picks up her staff.

She carefully walks down the roof and spots a stack of crates, which she jumps on them.

Billibon hesitantly stands at the edge of the roof. He then jumps on Gloriana who catches him making sure he doesn’t fall hard. They both then jump on the ground proudly at the same time, as if they had just completed an impossible task.

“Great a new day and a new beginning!” she exclaims.

As they go around the stabile, two men stand in front of the locked door.

“Do you think we have some overnighters today?” the shorter man asks.

The skinnier and taller man unlocks the lock with narrow and rusty key.

“Maybe we don’t have to do all of those dishes today,” he replies chuckling.

The shorter one holds up his pitchfork ready for the attack as the skinny and tall man pulls the doors open.

They barge in to see too their disappointment the two horses eating lazily hay, paying no mind of their newcomers. The small man begins to lightly poke the haystack hoping they would find a trespasser trying to hide.

“It looks like we are out of luck,” the shorter of the two says.

“We have to wash all of those pots and pans today,” the taller man complains.

“If only those huge pots wouldn’t be such a struggle to scrub,” he complains further.

Billibon and Gloriana giggle, as they walk away from the stabile and further down a narrow alleyway.

The morning is chilly as roof tiles still drip water from last night’s storm. Chimneys blow smoke insuring warmth inside, as people scurry pass Gloriana and Billibon hurrying to work.

“I don’t know which way to go,” Gloriana finally says stopping in front of a shop.
Billibon looks at her confusingly.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“As of now, I have no clue where to find the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion,” she says pulling some hay out of her tangled hair.

“Perhaps we need to ask around,” he offers.

“Who should we ask?” she asks.

The halfling rubs his chin thinking for a moment.

“I know maybe we should head towards that dome and look for advice there. I am sure monks have heard of this tree you speak off,” he suggests pointing at the largest building in town.

“Good idea. Then lead the way,” Gloriana says.

He walks down the busy street surrounded by stores, bakeries, and warehouses to reach an end of a street that branch into two different alleyways. He looks up to see the oval shaped dome ahead that is blocked by a huge brick wall.

He sighs and looks at Gloriana who only in return shrugs her shoulders.

“Let’s go this way,” he suggests, as he turns left towards a dark alleyway that turns forcefully to the left again away from the dome.

“I don’t like this alleyway,” Gloriana says in an uneasy tone.

Groups of rats fight over a piece of raw meat on top of a heap of trash. Larger then normal sized crows sitting on rooftops screech, as they see Fierce land on Gloriana’s shoulder.

Abandoned buildings reveal old and cracked windows. Billibon slows his pace, as he walks around a pile of broken crates staring at the buildings.

“I don’t like it either,” he says.

“Why don’t we head back to where we come from?” Gloriana offers.

“It doesn’t look like we are getting closer to that dome,” she continues.

A taller building, what seemed to be once a blacksmith shows metal rods scattered next to an anvil. On the anvil is a crude dagger that catches the halfling’s attention.

“Oh look,” Billibon says as he walks towards it.
Sobbing is heard shortly afterwards as they both stop to listen.

“Did you hear that?” Billibon asks.

The sobbing stops as a hooded figure looks from behind some crates cautiously. His eyes get wide as he jumps out from behind the crate. Gloriana stiffens as she points the staff at the stranger.

“No wait!” the stranger urges as he pulls down his hood to reveal a slender and handsome face with pointy ears.

“Glenadale, is that you?” Gloriana asks curiously.

“It is me!” he says in a heavy elfish accent.
Billibon screams and walks backwards uncertain of the strangers intentions. Gloriana lowers her staff and looks in amazement at the elf.

“It is alright,” Gloriana reassures the halfling.

“I knew we would find each other,” he says as he opens his arms.

He runs up to her and gives an unexpected big hug.

She slowly hugs him back, as Billibon looks confused at the odd couple. Glenadale then holds her hand and looks into her beautiful brown eyes. She smiles and looks back admiringly. Two soldiers come down the alley as they spot the three strangers.

“What do you think they are doing on this abandoned street?” one of the guards asks.

“Look at that one with green skin,” says the other, as he begins to unsheathe his sword.

Glenadale pulls over his hood and looks at Gloriana for guidance. She sees the problem and says, “Come we can perhaps lose them.”

Without hesitation they begin to flee quickly.

“Look they are running from us,” exclaims one of the soldiers.

Billibon looks at the crude dagger and grabs it before running for his dear life.

The three turn into different alleyways trying to lose the soldiers. Instead they get closer, obviously knowing their streets better. Fierce flies around distracting the soldiers, as they lose track of their victims.

“This cursed falcon!” one of the soldier screams, as he trips over some rubble falling face first onto the ground.

His sword slips out of his hand and slides against a building side. The other guard, breathing hard, stops the chase. He then turns around to see his partner’s condition.

“We will have to report this,” he mentions as he helps his partner back onto his feet.

Gloriana running for her life turns another alley accidentally pushing a woman carrying a basket of eggs. They splatter on the ground.

“You wench! Look what you have done!” she screams waving her fist.

As the upset woman turns around, Glenadale knocks her down accidentally. She falls on her eggs continuing to scream in dismay. The halfling toddles along running around the splattered eggs. Gloriana then turns another street before stopping.

Her leg begins to throb, forcing her to stop and lean against a building. She looks back to see Glenadale approach. He has a concerned look as he grabs hold of her.

“What is wrong?” he asks.

“Are they gone?” she asks.

He nods as he looks at her leg.

“That is a nasty bump you have on your leg. It needs attention,” he finishes.

Billibon finally arrives breathing hard.

“I never ran so hard in my life,’ he manages to spurt out before approaching Gloriana and looking at the elf weirdly.

The elf looks back with narrow eyes showing a sign of jealousy. She then sees his concern and straightens up.

“Let me introduce you to Billibon Strudeln. He is my friend,” Gloriana says.

The elf looks oddly at the short creature before looking back at Gloriana.

“Is he your boyfriend?” he asks.

Gloriana giggles a little.

“No, but he is my friend. We met yesterday. He is a halfling. The first I have ever seen,” she replies.

Billibon looks at his newly acquired weapon with interest. He then slides the dagger through his belt giving it a new spot to hold. He then looks up at the strange green creature.

“Are you an elf?” he asks.

“I have heard of green elves in my childhood. It is said that elves have great magical abilities and dexterity unimaginable to any who live on these lands. Can this be true?” he asks.

Gloriana looks at Billibon and then at Glenadale who is looking down at the halfling oddly. He finally stops staring and answers.

“You are probably talking about the high elves. I have also heard of them once when I was but a child.

“I am a wood elf. I know nothing about magic. It is forbidden to talk about magic where I am from,” he replies now looking at Gloriana.
He then looks at her who begins to smile at him.

“You are not safe in this town. We have to get out of here quickly,” she urges tugging at his sleeve to follow her.

A man carrying a dead pheasant walks quickly away staring at the elf. The elf looks back sickened at the thought a human would eat such a peaceful creature.

“What about the dome?” Billibon asks following Gloriana.

We have to find out how to get to the ancient tree,” he finishes.

Gloriana looks at the halfling with concern.

“You are right, but Glenadale needs to get out of here.

Glenadale thinks of how he spent the night in town.

“It is dreadful here Gloriana,” he says looking back at her.

“How could you live here?” he asks concerned.

Gloriana looks at him understanding that it is much different to what he is accustomed to.

She continues to lead everyone down streets and various alleyways. With much effort they finally reach the tall dome.

Gloriana passes by without paying much attention to the magnificent structure. Billibon shakes his head not understanding why she doesn’t choose to enter it. Gloriana’s falcon flies overhead watching intently at his master’s whereabouts. They pass through a different market.

Many merchants are screaming their prices for fine silks, porcelain, and wooden figurines. The elf annoyed, only follows Gloriana trusting she will get him out of the dreadful town.

Billibon follows behind Glenadale, looking interestingly at the different items the merchants offer. His head also droops down thinking of how he is not able to buy some of the fine items displayed. Guards on the north tower, pay no heed at the leaving and going of people from their gates.

The lands are less hilly on this side of town as various cottages decorate the well plowed fields. A thin mist lies across the lands, as they drift further away from the towns’ high walls. They reach a crossroad with a wooden sign pointing into a forest. She stops and turns to look at Glenadale.

“You are safe now. You can go back to the forest if you like,” she offers.

He frowns and looks at her.

“I have been banned from my home.”

Her eyes meet his sad eyes. She takes his hand. He manages to give a small smile.

“I am banned because….,” Gloriana raises her finger and puts it on his lips hushing him.

“I know why you are here. I am happy that you found me,” she finishes.

She then squeezes his hand quickly before letting go. Billibon slowly smiles enjoying the romance between the two most unlikely couple.

“We have no idea which direction to go to find the ancient tree,” Billibon says breaking up the romance.

“Do you not remember the story you told me about this ancient tree?” she asks Glenadale.
The tall and handsome elf nods his head.

“Would you know how to find it?” she asks softly.

“I only know the stories told to me when I was but a child. I do not know where it is,” he replies.

“We will work with what is told to you since childhood,” she replies.

“I don’t exactly remember. I believe it is across a sea somewhere,” he says with uncertainty.
Billibon steps closer.

“We have to go to the town of Nortilim. There is a huge harbor there. Perhaps we will get someone to take us to these woods,” he mentions.

The thought of going into another human’s town has the wood elf shivering.

“Very well, then lead the way,” Gloriana replies.

“Since we are in a group we could travel on foot, but I would rather prefer to travel with a merchant’s caravan. It is faster and a bit safer as they hire bodyguards for protection,” mentions Billibon.

He looks up at the sign and reads Sinatorium. He then looks at Gloriana who looks back at the three foot halfling who is frowning.

“What is wrong?” she finally asks.

Glenadale only looks ahead at the forest, which has aroused his interest of what may lay within.

“We have such a long way to go. It will be a four week travel, if not longer before we can reach the town of Nortilim. We have to go through a pass in the Dwanen Mountains. It is practically impossible by foot to achieve this,” the halfling finishes with another frown.

Gloriana begins to walk down the side of the road towards the forest. Glenadale follows her smiling. Billibon stands looking at the two as if they have gone insane.

“Did you hear what I just said? It is practically impossible to do this on foot. We also do not have food, water, gold, or even proper equipment for such a travel,” Billibon whines.

Gloriana continues to walk down towards the upcoming forest.

“Well you said practically impossible. That means to me it is still possible,” she replies not looking back.

Glenadale begins to chuckle.

“Why do my legs say yes but my mind says no?” Billibon asks as he walks stiffly to catch up with Gloriana.

“I see you want to do the impossible,” Gloriana says walking on the side of the road.

“I have nothing better to do anyway. Besides, I was getting tired of hanging out in Nurenhill,” he says in a low tone.

To continue to chapter 5 Cursed Decision -

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:25 PM
...and the three are off on an adventure of their lives, I'm sure!


MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:51 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/02/09 11:42 PM

The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 4 An Unlikely Group

A struggling light enters a small opening on a roof that didn’t stand the punishment of last night’s storm. The dripping stabile smells of mildew as the horses continue to eat hay uninterested of the day’s event. An open mouthed and snoring halfling sleeps heavily on a haystack.

A ladybug lands on his stubby nose, as he tries to swap it away unknowingly. He slowly opens his eyes and sits up quickly. He stretches and watches a tiny black spider making its web for the day.

He looks down at Gloriana cuddling comfortably next to him and holding a stack of hay in-between her arms. The town comes alive as he hears many merchants screaming for the best prices.

The smells of freshly baked bread seeps into the stabile, making the halfling rub his stomach. He finally shakes Gloriana as she rolls over slowly opening her eyes. She rubs them and sits up to look at the small hole on the roof that sheds a bit of light.

“Good morning. How do you feel?” Billibon asks.
Yawning she nods her head before standing up.

“We must get out of this stabile,” Gloriana says stretching again.

“You are right. I am so hungry though,” Billibon replies.

Gloriana kneels down to open her satchel and offers some fruit and cheese. He smiles and grabs some. Fierce screeches, as he looks down from his ledge.

“Yes come down here. There is plenty of food for you to,” Gloriana says as she waves a piece of bread to the falcon. Billibon looks up at the magnificent bird, as it jumps down to snatch the bread.

“What a beautiful falcon you have,” Billibon says as he eats some grapes.

“His name is Fierce and I have taken care of him since a baby,” Gloriana replies proudly.

“Nice to meet you Fierce, I am Billibon,” says the halflng looking at the falcon that is pecking at the piece of bread.

The falcon shows no interest of the halfling, as it finally pushes the pieces bread back at Gloriana. He then flaps his wings and flies out of the stabile through the opening of the roof.

“Fierce is going out hunting again. I am sure I aroused his appetite today since he didn’t accept the bread,” Gloriana explains.

She takes the bread that Fierce rejected and pops it into her mouth. After a while of eating she looks at the closed stabile doors.

“Do you think we are still locked in?” she finally asks tearing the last piece of dark bread.

“I imagine we are,” Billibon replies chewing on some grapes.

“Well let’s find out,” she says jumping up and heading for the doors.

She tries to push the doors, yet do not budge.

“We are trapped inside! What will we do?” she asks in frustration.
Billibon smiles and looks up.

“It seems there is one way to get out of here. Your falcon had showed us it,” he says as he points at the small opening of the roof.
Gloriana frowns as she looks at it.

“Do I look like some kind of acrobatic wonder?” she asks walking back to the haystack.
Billibon continues to smile.

“No, but I am sure that will help us get up there,” he says pointing at a cover that partially covers a wooden ladder.

“If we put the ladder onto that ledge over there, we could get on the ledge and climb onto the roof. From there we can walk off the roof and finally get out of here,” Billibon explains.

“Of course you will have to go first. As you see, I am not very tall and will probably not be able to reach the roof from the ledge,” he says before giggling to himself. Gloriana laughs.

“Yes, you may have a problem,” she replies.

“Yet I think we can make this happen,” as she goes to gather her belongings.

She then grabs the heavy ladder. Billibon stops eating and gets up to help her. They struggle as they carry the heavy object and lean it against the ledge.

Gloriana climbs up the ladder first and then pulls herself up. She then slowly gets herself onto the ledge. As her two feet balance on the wooden plank, she looks down and almost loses her balance. She gets dizzy.

“Yes, yes you are doing great,” reassures Billibon.

“Now look up and get on that roof,” he continues.
Gloriana tries to control her breathing and looks up slowly making sure she will not lose her balance.

As she maintains balance, she reaches upwards to the opening grabbing a roof shingle. With the other hand she grabs another shingle and pushes herself up with all of her strength.

She finally makes it on top of the steep roof with much effort. Her leg is throbbing, yet it feels better then what it had felt yesterday. She is lying on her chest and holding onto other shingles. She turns her body carefully and peeks down through the opening to see Billibon already standing on the ledge.

He hands her the staff, as she grabs it and lays it on the roof. Afterwards, he raises his arms trying to reach the side of the opening of the roof. Gloriana reaches down to grab one of his arms. He holds onto it as he takes his other hand and grabs the same arm. Gloriana begins to slip down.

She then quickly pulls the halfling upwards, as he finally takes hold of the roof. As the halfling pants and sweats he puts all his faith on Gloriana, as she pulls with all of her strength.

Finally with a lot of effort he makes it on the rooftop. They both roll over lying on their backs breathing hard. He looks at her and smiles. She laughs and slowly stands up. The view of the many rooftops and people of the street has her bedazzled. She has never seen such a busy town before.

A huge dome stands near the market, as the bells begin to ring allowing everyone to know a new day has begun. The market center has many merchant stands that form a circle around the unusual fountain she had encountered last night.

Billibon also stands up slowly looking at the magnificent town. He then looks up to see a flock of geese flying gracefully. Gloriana adjusts her satchel around her shoulder and picks up her staff.

She carefully walks down the roof and spots a stack of crates, which she jumps on them.

Billibon hesitantly stands at the edge of the roof. He then jumps on Gloriana who catches him making sure he doesn’t fall hard. They both then jump on the ground proudly at the same time, as if they had just completed an impossible task.

“Great a new day and a new beginning!” she exclaims.

As they go around the stabile, two men stand in front of the locked door.

“Do you think we have some overnighters today?” the shorter man asks.

The skinnier and taller man unlocks the lock with narrow and rusty key.

“Maybe we don’t have to do all of those dishes today,” he replies chuckling.

The shorter one holds up his pitchfork ready for the attack as the skinny and tall man pulls the doors open.

They barge in to see too their disappointment the two horses eating lazily hay, paying no mind of their newcomers. The small man begins to lightly poke the haystack hoping they would find a trespasser trying to hide.

“It looks like we are out of luck,” the shorter of the two says.

“We have to wash all of those pots and pans today,” the taller man complains.

“If only those huge pots wouldn’t be such a struggle to scrub,” he complains further.

Billibon and Gloriana giggle, as they walk away from the stabile and further down a narrow alleyway.

The morning is chilly as roof tiles still drip water from last night’s storm. Chimneys blow smoke insuring warmth inside, as people scurry pass Gloriana and Billibon hurrying to work.

“I don’t know which way to go,” Gloriana finally says stopping in front of a shop.
Billibon looks at her confusingly.

“What do you mean?” he asks.

“As of now, I have no clue where to find the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion,” she says pulling some hay out of her tangled hair.

“Perhaps we need to ask around,” he offers.

“Who should we ask?” she asks.

The halfling rubs his chin thinking for a moment.

“I know maybe we should head towards that dome and look for advice there. I am sure monks have heard of this tree you speak off,” he suggests pointing at the largest building in town.

“Good idea. Then lead the way,” Gloriana says.

He walks down the busy street surrounded by stores, bakeries, and warehouses to reach an end of a street that branch into two different alleyways. He looks up to see the oval shaped dome ahead that is blocked by a huge brick wall.

He sighs and looks at Gloriana who only in return shrugs her shoulders.

“Let’s go this way,” he suggests, as he turns left towards a dark alleyway that turns forcefully to the left again away from the dome.

“I don’t like this alleyway,” Gloriana says in an uneasy tone.

Groups of rats fight over a piece of raw meat on top of a heap of trash. Larger then normal sized crows sitting on rooftops screech, as they see Fierce land on Gloriana’s shoulder.

Abandoned buildings reveal old and cracked windows. Billibon slows his pace, as he walks around a pile of broken crates staring at the buildings.

“I don’t like it either,” he says.

“Why don’t we head back to where we come from?” Gloriana offers.

“It doesn’t look like we are getting closer to that dome,” she continues.

A taller building, what seemed to be once a blacksmith shows metal rods scattered next to an anvil. On the anvil is a crude dagger that catches the halfling’s attention.

“Oh look,” Billibon says as he walks towards it.
Sobbing is heard shortly afterwards as they both stop to listen.

“Did you hear that?” Billibon asks.

The sobbing stops as a hooded figure looks from behind some crates cautiously. His eyes get wide as he jumps out from behind the crate. Gloriana stiffens as she points the staff at the stranger.

“No wait!” the stranger urges as he pulls down his hood to reveal a slender and handsome face with pointy ears.

“Glenadale, is that you?” Gloriana asks curiously.

“It is me!” he says in a heavy elfish accent.
Billibon screams and walks backwards uncertain of the strangers intentions. Gloriana lowers her staff and looks in amazement at the elf.

“It is alright,” Gloriana reassures the halfling.

“I knew we would find each other,” he says as he opens his arms.

He runs up to her and gives an unexpected big hug.

She slowly hugs him back, as Billibon looks confused at the odd couple. Glenadale then holds her hand and looks into her beautiful brown eyes. She smiles and looks back admiringly. Two soldiers come down the alley as they spot the three strangers.

“What do you think they are doing on this abandoned street?” one of the guards asks.

“Look at that one with green skin,” says the other, as he begins to unsheathe his sword.

Glenadale pulls over his hood and looks at Gloriana for guidance. She sees the problem and says, “Come we can perhaps lose them.”

Without hesitation they begin to flee quickly.

“Look they are running from us,” exclaims one of the soldiers.

Billibon looks at the crude dagger and grabs it before running for his dear life.

The three turn into different alleyways trying to lose the soldiers. Instead they get closer, obviously knowing their streets better. Fierce flies around distracting the soldiers, as they lose track of their victims.

“This cursed falcon!” one of the soldier screams, as he trips over some rubble falling face first onto the ground.

His sword slips out of his hand and slides against a building side. The other guard, breathing hard, stops the chase. He then turns around to see his partner’s condition.

“We will have to report this,” he mentions as he helps his partner back onto his feet.

Gloriana running for her life turns another alley accidentally pushing a woman carrying a basket of eggs. They splatter on the ground.

“You wench! Look what you have done!” she screams waving her fist.

As the upset woman turns around, Glenadale knocks her down accidentally. She falls on her eggs continuing to scream in dismay. The halfling toddles along running around the splattered eggs. Gloriana then turns another street before stopping.

Her leg begins to throb, forcing her to stop and lean against a building. She looks back to see Glenadale approach. He has a concerned look as he grabs hold of her.

“What is wrong?” he asks.

“Are they gone?” she asks.

He nods as he looks at her leg.

“That is a nasty bump you have on your leg. It needs attention,” he finishes.

Billibon finally arrives breathing hard.

“I never ran so hard in my life,’ he manages to spurt out before approaching Gloriana and looking at the elf weirdly.

The elf looks back with narrow eyes showing a sign of jealousy. She then sees his concern and straightens up.

“Let me introduce you to Billibon Strudeln. He is my friend,” Gloriana says.

The elf looks oddly at the short creature before looking back at Gloriana.

“Is he your boyfriend?” he asks.

Gloriana giggles a little.

“No, but he is my friend. We met yesterday. He is a halfling. The first I have ever seen,” she replies.

Billibon looks at his newly acquired weapon with interest. He then slides the dagger through his belt giving it a new spot to hold. He then looks up at the strange green creature.

“Are you an elf?” he asks.

“I have heard of green elves in my childhood. It is said that elves have great magical abilities and dexterity unimaginable to any who live on these lands. Can this be true?” he asks.

Gloriana looks at Billibon and then at Glenadale who is looking down at the halfling oddly. He finally stops staring and answers.

“You are probably talking about the high elves. I have also heard of them once when I was but a child.

“I am a wood elf. I know nothing about magic. It is forbidden to talk about magic where I am from,” he replies now looking at Gloriana.
He then looks at her who begins to smile at him.

“You are not safe in this town. We have to get out of here quickly,” she urges tugging at his sleeve to follow her.

A man carrying a dead pheasant walks quickly away staring at the elf. The elf looks back sickened at the thought a human would eat such a peaceful creature.

“What about the dome?” Billibon asks following Gloriana.

We have to find out how to get to the ancient tree,” he finishes.

Gloriana looks at the halfling with concern.

“You are right, but Glenadale needs to get out of here.

Glenadale thinks of how he spent the night in town.

“It is dreadful here Gloriana,” he says looking back at her.

“How could you live here?” he asks concerned.

Gloriana looks at him understanding that it is much different to what he is accustomed to.

She continues to lead everyone down streets and various alleyways. With much effort they finally reach the tall dome.

Gloriana passes by without paying much attention to the magnificent structure. Billibon shakes his head not understanding why she doesn’t choose to enter it. Gloriana’s falcon flies overhead watching intently at his master’s whereabouts. They pass through a different market.

Many merchants are screaming their prices for fine silks, porcelain, and wooden figurines. The elf annoyed, only follows Gloriana trusting she will get him out of the dreadful town.

Billibon follows behind Glenadale, looking interestingly at the different items the merchants offer. His head also droops down thinking of how he is not able to buy some of the fine items displayed. Guards on the north tower, pay no heed at the leaving and going of people from their gates.

The lands are less hilly on this side of town as various cottages decorate the well plowed fields. A thin mist lies across the lands, as they drift further away from the towns’ high walls. They reach a crossroad with a wooden sign pointing into a forest. She stops and turns to look at Glenadale.

“You are safe now. You can go back to the forest if you like,” she offers.

He frowns and looks at her.

“I have been banned from my home.”

Her eyes meet his sad eyes. She takes his hand. He manages to give a small smile.

“I am banned because….,” Gloriana raises her finger and puts it on his lips hushing him.

“I know why you are here. I am happy that you found me,” she finishes.

She then squeezes his hand quickly before letting go. Billibon slowly smiles enjoying the romance between the two most unlikely couple.

“We have no idea which direction to go to find the ancient tree,” Billibon says breaking up the romance.

“Do you not remember the story you told me about this ancient tree?” she asks Glenadale.
The tall and handsome elf nods his head.

“Would you know how to find it?” she asks softly.

“I only know the stories told to me when I was but a child. I do not know where it is,” he replies.

“We will work with what is told to you since childhood,” she replies.

“I don’t exactly remember. I believe it is across a sea somewhere,” he says with uncertainty.
Billibon steps closer.

“We have to go to the town of Nortilim. There is a huge harbor there. Perhaps we will get someone to take us to these woods,” he mentions.

The thought of going into another human’s town has the wood elf shivering.

“Very well, then lead the way,” Gloriana replies.

“Since we are in a group we could travel on foot, but I would rather prefer to travel with a merchant’s caravan. It is faster and a bit safer as they hire bodyguards for protection,” mentions Billibon.

He looks up at the sign and reads Sinatorium. He then looks at Gloriana who looks back at the three foot halfling who is frowning.

“What is wrong?” she finally asks.

Glenadale only looks ahead at the forest, which has aroused his interest of what may lay within.

“We have such a long way to go. It will be a four week travel, if not longer before we can reach the town of Nortilim. We have to go through a pass in the Dwanen Mountains. It is practically impossible by foot to achieve this,” the halfling finishes with another frown.

Gloriana begins to walk down the side of the road towards the forest. Glenadale follows her smiling. Billibon stands looking at the two as if they have gone insane.

“Did you hear what I just said? It is practically impossible to do this on foot. We also do not have food, water, gold, or even proper equipment for such a travel,” Billibon whines.

Gloriana continues to walk down towards the upcoming forest.

“Well you said practically impossible. That means to me it is still possible,” she replies not looking back.

Glenadale begins to chuckle.

“Why do my legs say yes but my mind says no?” Billibon asks as he walks stiffly to catch up with Gloriana.

“I see you want to do the impossible,” Gloriana says walking on the side of the road.

“I have nothing better to do anyway. Besides, I was getting tired of hanging out in Nurenhill,” he says in a low tone.

To continue to chapter 5 Cursed Decision -