Community > Posts By > criani_peracien

criani_peracien's photo
Mon 06/15/09 11:09 PM
Craini sweeps in the door from the midst of the midnight storm, hair soaked and blowing around her as a gust of wind blasted through the door along with her; her trusty companion right behind her ever alert for any danger. Her hound scoped out the area, seeing that nothing was amiss, he rambled over to his favorite spot , shook off the rain then ever so loudly, plopped all of his hefty weight in front of the hearth at the largest fireplace in the tavern with a long, deep sigh. He was as glad to be home from the hunt as his owner. He keeps a watchful eye on her even as he dozes…

As for Criani, she is ever so happy to be back after have been so far afield in her quest for adventure. She has been gone for many months and couldn‘t wait to see him! Criani’s mouth waters as she breathed in deep, the smell of fresh, roasted Boar’s feet and bannocks that wafted out of the scullery, as she took off her baldric and hung her magical shield on the wall in it’s honored place. The ruby circlet on her head, she left on; she only rarely takes it off as it is a reminder of the battle fought with the Green Dragon, where she barely escaped with her life aforetime. She looks about the dimly lit Inn that she and Boromir had built with the jewels she had stolen from the Green Dragon. It was so inviting. The floors were burnished, the bar waxed and the flagons that quenched the thirst of many with Goblins‘ Brew and cold Dwarven Mead drew her closer. That one sure did earn his keep...

“Boromir, are you near?” Criani’s voice echoed through the tavern this dark night. She had to speak quite loudly because the rain and wind were fierce outside.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 10/14/08 09:06 PM
Neither, I vote for you Bro. :)

criani_peracien's photo
Fri 08/01/08 08:45 PM
Thank you :) my brother for the opportunity and the great fun I had while participating. I sure do miss The Green Dragon's Inn and all the travelers befriended! :)

criani_peracien's photo
Sun 05/18/08 09:41 AM
Criani and Beast enter the tavern after their morning run. Beast headed over to his spot beside the fireplace; from this vantage point, he sees all. The poached sunfish smells wonderful and Criani's mouth waters. She looks around to make sure all is in place before heading to the kitchen, to see how all fares there.

As she strolls, she thinks, "It's so beautiful out today and people are busy on the streets. It's going to be a gooood day!"

criani_peracien's photo
Sun 05/18/08 01:37 AM
Criani woke to the feel of Beast's cold, wet nose on her cheek. She rubbed her eyes, stretched a moment, mumbling, "Hold on a min, bouy. I'm comin'." Beast sits patiently waiting for his mistress. He stared soulfully at Criani, he missed her so while he was away. Finally, Criani, awakes again with a jolt. She was supposed to be doing something. Oh, yes, Beast! He needs me! She arose, put her wrap on and silently tread the stairs down to the tavern, Beast right behind her. She let him out the door to do his business, while he was doing so, she went to look at the books, as she oftimes did in the nite when she couldn't sleep. She made notes of the brews needed, meat and veggies too. Tomorrow she would go to market and gather things needed. As she wrote her list, she thought of how happy she was to see Milantor today. It was always a pleasure to see her old friend. She hoped he came back tomorrow to see her. She hears a whine at the door and returned to open it to let her faithful companion in, then went back up the stairs and plopped back into bed. Beast curled up beside her, taking 3/4 of the large bed. She threw her arm over him and smiled as she dozed off, thinking how happy she was to have him back w/her.

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 05/17/08 09:00 AM
Rathil, how are you feeling today? I shall check in on you later, after my hunt. Try to rest, my friend.

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 05/17/08 08:47 AM
Finally Criani meanders down the stairs after a good nites rest. Oh, how good it is to be Home! She is feeling quite well today.

"Good morning to all! How are you this fine day? It is nice to see you. I have been quite busy lately, I'm terribly sorry I haven't been here. Can I interest anyone in a brew?"

"Ah, Calliope, you are a gem. The meal you provided was succulent! I had to have sustenance to take me thru this day. I will be off ahunting later. 'Beast' will be going with me. To those of you who do not know him, he is my great dane; shadow and protector is he. I just returned with him from the hills, where he had stayed an old friend for a time. It is good to have him back w/me."

Criani glances around the tavern and her eyes alight upon Milanitor, her good friend. She is very happy to see him! She walks gracefully across the room and sits at the table with him, her eyes sparkling with delight.

"Milantor, how are you?!? It is so wonderful to see you again! Is all well? Do you like your meal? I found it quite delicious! Would you like some more Grapan?"

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 04/12/08 12:16 AM
Criani is upset for she had to wait a long time outside the gates with her carriage of Goblin's Brew. 15 wooden barrels loaded and ready to serve new customers for her business. Somehow the gates of the town are sealed shut for the first time in many eras. Upon talking with the royal guards it is said that demons have surfaced the lands and none may leave or enter the gate.
"I am the owner of The Green Dragon's Inn and I demand entrance!" Criani said in a firm and clear voice to the guards at the gates. "Many pay well for the services that the Inn offers, and I have a duty to see to it that they receive what they pay for. Speak to the Marshall at once, please. I'm sure he will allow me entrance."
A guard left to go speak to the Marshall to verify, while Criani sat in her carriage for another half hour. Once it was confirmed that Criani could pass, they opened the gates and she quickly rode in. She was eager to get to the Inn, so she and Boromir could unload the barrels and store them in the basement. She was tired and intent on getting the job done, so she could lay and rest after the long day. After unloading the carriage and making a once through around the tavern, she heads up the stairs and climbs into her bed, but as she lay there, her mind turned with many thoughts. Criani is worried as most of her business goods are bought outside of town, such as grapan liquor from the Hills of Dilan, and Goblin's Brew from the neighboring town of Nurenhill. The many hunts for boars, giaks, and deer have come to a end for the foreseeable future, at least until the demons had been contended with. She realizes that has no other choice but to deal with Mesa's Trading Company. These foul merchant's offer goods double its price is worth. It may happen that the food and drinks will have to go up in price once stocks run low. Slowly, Criani's mind relaxed and she drifted off into a deep, much needed sleep. A smile tilting at the edge of her lips, as she thinks of how glad she is to be home...

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 04/09/08 07:13 PM
I am retiring for the nite. Blessings to you all. Good nite.

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 04/09/08 06:49 PM
You are welcome, sweety. If you two need anything, I will be at the bar.

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 04/09/08 06:36 PM

Sees ReAnna enter walks over *You seem troubled Is every thing alright*
he ask.

Sit and drink with me friend
everything will be fine, once i can drown out my thoughts.

Very well he takes a set

don't you care to drink with me? I appologize for the foul mood, just need more to drink.

"A brews for you both, my friends. Drink up. I hope all is well, Miss Re'hanna. It troubles me to see you disturbed."

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 04/09/08 05:58 PM

Greetings Criani How are you I must say you look better then you did last night. I would like a mug of brew And todays special please.

"Sure thing, my friend. Coming right up!" She also takes Re'hanna's strong spirit to her and a plate of pig ears w/green sauce. "There you go." Setting an extra plate on the table for her wolf. "I'm sure he will love this, Re'hanna."

"I will return momentarily, I must go to the kitchen to speak w/Borimor."

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 04/09/08 05:35 PM

Criani feels much better this day. After a hot bath via a water basin last nite, a good nites sleep, and inventory of the Inn's brew today, she is back to normal.

As she walks thru the tavern, wiping tables and dusting shelves she thinks about her day yesterday.

<Crawling on all fours through the nastiest tangled cover you can imagine, she used her dirk to cut through the overhanging branches. Minutes before, she had spotted a massive Baviridian Razorback grazing through the timber. Boar are cagey and swift, so anticipating that the huge boar might follow the most heavily used trail, she hoped to intercept him.
No sooner had she crawled into the opening she heard a twig snap underfoot. In the dark shadows ahead of her was a mass of gleaming tusks and grey hair. As he scurried toward her, Criani went to full-draw with her bow and waited. Seconds passed and by the time the 300 lb. boar knew she was there, they were face to face at 12 yards! The boar wheeled around and at that very moment she let go sending an arrow behind his ribcage angled forward and into his vitals. Upon impact he let out a spine-tingling squeal and bolted for cover! After a 10-minute wait, she followed the sparse blood trail for 50 yards to find her trophy boar laying wild eyed and in pain. Her shot did not find the heart, as he was moving so quickly. She took out her dirk and leaned in quickly to slice his juggler. When she did so, the blood spurt all over her. She then stood until he was stone cold dead. The work began then. She gutted and quatered that big 300 lb boar up, then loaded the meat onto pack frames and hiked it the half mile back to camp. Once she slipped in the mud as she passed through a boggy area. Hence the mud and blood that covered her when she had returned to the Inn the prior nite.>

As she thinks of her hunt, a smile comes across her face. All of her adventurers and protectors would eat well this week...

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:16 PM
Criani bids all a good nite and heads to her room, where a nice hot basin of water awaits her, courtesy of Borimor Riniken.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:12 PM

Criani turns around for a moment to include Max, "I just told Barbus that sometimes things happen quickly."

She looks back at Barbus, "Thank you."
Then she turned back to Max, "And thank you also my friend."

Including them both, she said, "Your teamwork helped to route the mean humans out of this sanctuary. Sometimes, one leaves by a different door, when they have no regard for others."

"Criani It's good to see you again as well. Please accept my apologies I was part of this as well. I never meant to hurt you or this establishment."

"Ah, yes, of course you were. I'm sorry, dear friend, I didn't not mean to leave you out! Thank you also for your protection. I am blessed to have you all near."

Criani at this point realizes she is a mess and must go clean up.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:06 PM
Ornumorid? How are you?

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:06 PM
"Hello, Re'hanna!" How are you this fine evening?

About this time, Criani had her chin leaning on her hand. She looked a fright, little did she know. She had forgotten the state of her being, in the midst of tavern duties.

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 10:03 PM

Criani walks over to Barbus' table, sits down and leans in close to him with her elbows on the table.

"My friend, we have known each other for a long time. I trust you with my life, just as I trust you with my tavern. I know that split second decisions must be made at times and during these times you cannot second guess yourself. What is done is done. I would have preferred if you two had played outside," she said with a smile, "but all is well."

I couldn't help but to overhear you and Borimor, I cannot let you take his money, that was not his doing, last night, I was the one who burned the table, and tarnished your floor. I was doing what I thought was right. Please allow me to repair any damages, and accept this donation as a token of my esteem. *hands 10 ruby dragon scales in a small velveteen pouch accross the table* Those men were harassing poor Borimor all night, and making most of the patrons uneasy. Borimor is young, has never experienced a situation like that, I told him after the fact, if people become unruly, not to serve them, it is the drink that brings out the evil. Next time, I will think to take the troubles outside, where they belong. 10,000 apologies dear friend.

"I understand the situation that was at hand. There is no need for an apology, but I accept your offer, (she knew her friend would not stand for it if she did not)and I'm sure that Borimor will be happy as well." The twinkle in her eye was back. Reaching out her hand she took just enough of the ruby scales to cover the damages and slid the pouch back across the table. "Thank you, Barbus."

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 09:57 PM
Criani turns around for a moment to include Max, "I just told Barbus that sometimes things happen quickly."

She looks back at Barbus, "Thank you."
Then she turned back to Max, "And thank you also my friend."

Including them both, she said, "Your teamwork helped to route the mean humans out of this sanctuary. Sometimes, one leaves by a different door, when they have no regard for others."

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 04/08/08 09:46 PM
Criani walks over to Barbus' table, sits down and leans in close to him with her elbows on the table.

"My friend, we have known each other for a long time. I trust you with my life, just as I trust you with my tavern. I know that split second decisions must be made at times and during these times you cannot second guess yourself. What is done is done. I would have preferred if you two had played outside," she said with a smile, "but all is well."