Topic: Chapter 3 Banned from Home
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Fri 01/09/09 01:49 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 02:01 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 3 Banned from Home

Banned from Home

Glenadale runs through the woods stepping lightly and precisely over stones and logs as if he had done it a thousand times before. He knows the woods like the blood that flows through his veins. The Cederdale Forest has been the home of his race since the beginning of the forest existents. They coexist with each other as of one. His experience for the day was unlike any other, as he learned much of the human race since his encounter with Gloriana.

He finally reaches his destination deep in the forest and climbs with the help of vines up a tall and thick tree to land on a platform. He then walks past a hollow arched door created naturally by the branches of two trees interlocking each other. Many elves are giggling and playing a game of tickle and run. A female elf stops playing and smiles at him.

He only walks past her further inside the gigantic arched platform. He sits on the side of his leaved bed before deciding to lie down on it. He then begins to ponder into his own thoughts ignoring his friend’s laughter and fun. The female elf frowns and turns around to walk towards his bed.

“Why do you ignore me?” she asks in a disappointed tone.

He turns over revealing his back.

“What have I done to deserve this?” she questions again before leaving him alone walking back to play with the other elves.

Serenadale has been in love with him for many years. She has followed every step he has made since childhood. He has never shown a real interest in her for some reason although she is the fairest of all of the wood elves. He ponders back in thought of his unusual encounter earlier.

He realized that he is not a lot different from humans when it comes to feelings and desires. He knows since childhood he was warned to never approach one, for they are considered dangerous and destructive. Yet he cannot believe how graceful her stride was when she walked on the side with him through the forest.

Her cheerful laugh made him blush and the hypnotizing stare of her beautiful brown eyes were breathtaking. How he would have enjoyed staring further into her eyes but felt embarrassed to do so? He begins to smile thinking how she managed to ease his fears with simple peaceful words. He cannot imagine that humans are as bad as his queen claims they are.

“Glenadale what is wrong with you?” asks an elf holding a leaf bowl standing next to the tall elf’s bed.

Glenadale frowns and turns over quickly to look at the heavy elf who stuffs berries into his mouth.

“Where did you go after we left the road?” he asks after a hard swallow.

“We couldn’t find you after we disappeared and was worried,” he continues before grabbing another handful of sweet and sour wild berries.
Blenadale has been his most trusted friend since childhood.

He shares his unusual adventures to him occasionally and knows that what he says will always be well judged and trusted. Gathering his courage he sits up and looks at Blenadale for a moment who only stares blankly back at him.

“I think I fell in love,” Glenadale finally spurts out after a long silence.

“It is about time you fell in love with my sister,” Blenadale answers quickly, as if expecting this to eventually come out of his best friend’s mouth.

Glenadale’s face turns rigid as he looks at him stuff another handful of berries into his mouth.

“Can’t you be serious just for once Blenadale? I didn’t fall in love with your sister,” Glenadale replies quietly looking at the ground disappointed.

“Well who is that you love if it isn’t the prettiest elf in the woods?” Blenadale asks.

“I fell in love with the human girl we met today,” he says now standing up gathering more of his courage.

“What witchcraft is this? You cannot fall in love with such a creature! They are dangerous. Don’t you remember what our queen said about them?” Blenadale retorts dropping his wooden bowl in shock.

The elves stop playing as they watch Blenadale drop his food, which he has never done before for the love of food. Serenadale then sheds a small tear as she walks next to her brother.

“Are you serious about this?” Blenadale asks looking up at the taller elf.
Glenadale only sulks before sitting back down on his bed.

“While everyone was hiding from those four legged beasts the humans were riding on, I escorted her to the north camp,” he explains.

The elves gather around Glenadale’s bed whispering with each other, wondering how an elf can fall in love with such an awkward creature. Some of the elves say nothing, as they show shocked expressions, joining Blenadale who stands frozen staring at his best friend.

“The humans call it a town by the way,” Glenadale explains now looking up at Blenadale.

“You mean to tell me you walked along with the human witch and took her to the north camp,” Serenadale whines elbowing her brother to do something.

Glenadale looks at her with teary eyes, which match her own.

“I don’t know what it is, but she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with,” he finishes in a whisper looking back down onto the floor.

“He has been cursed by the witch!” Blenadale shouts.

“Do not believe everything he is saying,” he continues.

“I don’t need this!” Glenadale retorts looking angrily at his best friend.

He stands up and tries to walk away, yet a strong elf grabs him first.

“What are you doing Tillendale?” he asks as Blenadale tackles him down onto his bed.

“Come help me!” he screams as Tillendale tries to grab Glenadale’s other arm.

Glenadale struggles to get loose but fails and is pinned down with the help of a third elf. After a moment of struggling he stops and looks with an angry face at Blenadale.

“I thought you are my friend. I thought I could trust you with anything,” he says in-between clenched teeth.

“I am your friend. That is why I am doing this.

The witch has thrown some kind of spell on you. We must bring you to Queen Arienendale. She may know how to undue it,” he finishes.
Blenadale and Tillendale escort Glenadale out of the huge room across a hanging bridge that connects from another big tree. Glenadale only sighs frustrated that his friends cannot see further then the queen’s rules. Eventually they reach a very large oak tree.

It is the largest and most unusual in the woods. It’s golden and silver leaves radiate softly an eternal light and unimaginable beauty throughout the day. They pass through a hollow opening of the huge tree to enter into the queen’s throne. She sits watching Glenadale being pushed forward.

Everyone then immediately kneels down on their knees to give their respect. Glenadale stares at the beautiful ancient queen as her face begins to change from a smile to an earnest look.

“My queen, we believe that a witch has cursed Glenadale. Can you undue the spell?” asks Blenadale hopefully.

She stares into Glenadale’s eyes with her deep aqua green eyes before rising from her throne chair. Her beauty is unimaginable to any race as her age matches many of the oldest trees in the forest.

Her long, silky, and blonde hair flows softly down her back, as her golden dress shows a sign of grandiose compared to the common clothing amongst the wood elves.

She slowly descends the two steps of her throne towards Glenadale. She grabs his face gently to stare into his eyes. After a long stare, she lets go of his face and walks back to her throne chair.

“He is simply in love. Why do you bother me with this?” she asks unconcerned.

“Your majesty, but he cannot be! He claims to have fallen in love with a human witch!” Blenadale replies looking awkwardly at his best friend before looking back at Queen Arienendale.
The queen raises an eyebrow and then looks sternly at Glenadale.

“It must be a foul curse of some sort. He is not likely to fall in love with such a creature,” Blenadale continues to confess.

“She is no witch Blenadale!” Glenadale retorts angrily turning to stare at him.

“Why does everyone think humans are evil?” he demands further waving his fist at everyone staring at him in awe.

Other elves begin to talk amongst themselves as Blenadale shouts back at Glenadale.

“Silence!” screams Queen Arienendale now sitting in her throne chair.

“Blenadale is right. You cannot fall in love with such a creature of no purity. Have I not warned everyone to not encounter humans! Do you know what consequences you have brought upon us!” she says disappointingly staring at Glenadale.

“I am not going to listen to your blasphemy anymore! You want to make us believe that anything that doesn’t live in the forest is bad for us. You tell us to stay in these woods and be isolated from the rest of the lands. How can you be so certain that humans are bad?” he asks now daring to be the first wood elf to challenge the queen.

Other elves murmur and whisper amongst themselves. They shake their heads at Glenadale.

“I have coexisted with this forest since the beginning of its existence. I have seen what humans are liable to do and know of their unnatural habits. Do you not think I know what is best for the safety of my people?” the queen asks keenly.

“Well yes….maybe,” Glenadale replies uncertain.

“Then there is nothing more to discuss. It is best you forget about this human quickly. The world outside of Cederdale is no world for you Glenadale Lipentkist. Mark my words and stay inside these woods where it is safe! Do not endanger our existence!” she warns standing up and staring at every elf who is nodding their heads in agreement.

“Now leave and let me rest,” she finishes after a long eerie silence.

Everyone begins to stand back up and turn to leave as Glenadale speaks.
“I cannot do this,” he says looking at her.
The elves turn to stare at Glenadale surprised.

“What are you doing?” Blenadale says between clenched teeth and balling up his hand in frustration. S

erenadale holds both of her hands over her mouth shocked at her loves answer. The queen only stares with sadness into Glenadale’s determined eyes. After a long silence she walks towards him.

“Do you realize what danger you bring to our people?

We cannot interact with such a troublesome race.”
She sighs looking at him hopelessly. She then turns and sits back down on her chair.

“I have no choice. I announce that you are banned from Cederdale forever Glenadale Liptentkist,” she says unwillingly.

Glenadale’s sad face turns into shock. He then walks up the two stairs towards her and kneels down.

“Please your majesty; do not ban me from my home. I belong with my friends and family here,” Glenadale pleads.

She only stares sadly back at him. He then turns on his knees to look at Serenadale who only puts her head down dismissing eye contact for the first time in her life. He then looks at Blenadale and Tillendale who both look down ashamed of his decision. The rest of the elves eventually turn leaving the throne room. Glenadale then gets up from his knees and turns to face Queen Arienendale.

“Why are you doing this to me?” he asks in a pleading voice.

She only turns her head disregarding the question.

After a long sigh, he turns to leave the huge oak tree. He climbs down it and eventually lands on the ground. He is saddened how everyone has changed instantly believing he is cursed when he is not. He walks in the night pondering at his loss and the harsh decision given to him. He reaches the log Gloriana once sat on and sits on it. He looks at the flower that once had a red butterfly on it and sheds a small tear.

What if the queen is right? Perhaps humans are evil. After all, they destroy nature. They kill animals and wear their skin. Why did he talk with his heart and not his brain? He buries his hands in his face shaking his head in them. Two wolves walk past him uninterested and disappear deeper in the woods.

An owl hoots, as rabbits jump from one bush to another. The two huge planets shed little light through the thick leaves of the forest. It begins to rain as lightning flashes into the sky. He throws over his hood and walks further down the woods on the same path Gloriana had taken. After the long walk he leaves the forest and faces the huge hill. He stops to look back at the entrance of his home. For the first time he will leave it forever.

He then turns and faces the hill. His heart begins to beat faster, as he draws nearer to it. He steps on grass and bends down to feel it for the first time. It is a land that is not interrupted by any leaves, stumps, rocks, or tree. He will be the first wood elf to ever see more then just his beloved forest.

His heart begins to beat faster, as his curiosity mixed with fright begins to change into excitement. He then laughs at the opportunity to explore new lands and creatures. His questions will finally have answers such as, why four legged beasts allow humans to ride on them and what those four cornered boxes that shed light at night mean.

He then begins to smile and pick up his pace walking faster through harsh winds and rain. His fast walk becomes a light run, as he enjoys the high grasses of the field for the first time. He feels free! His mind wanders off with the thought of Gloriana and the time he shook her soft hand for the first time. He then stops suddenly.

“I am going to find her in that town and tell her how I feel,” he mumbles to himself as a flock of geese struggle to fly ahead.

He continues to walk at the side of the huge hill and slowly descends down heading for the wide road. He then stops again as his endless smile stops.

His face turns serious as he sees the town from a distance. The wall and its towers look menacingly threatening. It has an unwelcomed feeling to it. How could Gloriana want to go to something like that? He begins to push away his fears and walks on the side of the road that leads to the town. It is still many miles away as he continues to ponder on how he will manage to get inside.

They will never let me in. I have green skin and pointy ears. I am sure I would be the first who would ever dare to enter such a grotesque site. Perhaps they will let me in because I speak their tongue.

Could that not be valid for something?

The rain mixed with an occasional lightning followed by thunder slowly stops. The night becomes the early morning and eventually lands to midday before the front walls of the gate are seen.

During the morning a few merchants on four wheeled carts had ridden past him staring, yet only urged their huge beasts with horns to pick up their pace. A couple of men on four legged beasts had ridden quickly past him, but paid no attention. The gates are opened, as many humans go in and out of the town resuming to their daily lives.

He covers his hands and pulls his hood further down over his head walking at the same pace others do trying to be unnoticed. He presses further into town where a market is revealed. Merchant’s wave dead fish as others wave those gleaming four side boxes he has seen at the night back home.

They scream as they wave the object back and forth in the air. Glenadale’s stomach turns as he watches in awe. He had the whole night to prepare for the worst and realizes it isn’t as dangerous as he thought it to be. If anything a bit disgusting, which is still bearable?

He knows he must stay tolerant and have only one goal in his mind and that is to find Gloriana. There he knows he will be safe with her. He looks sadly at the huge box structures the humans live in, imaging how many trees were sacrificed to create it. A small child walks up to him and points.

“Look mom, he is green. Is he sick?” he asks.

The mother looks terrified before taking her child quickly away to walk in a different direction. Glenadale tries to covers his face more with his hood, making sure he will not attract too much attention.

He wanders the streets endlessly as his hopes sink realizing amongst so many people he will not find her. He rubs his head as a man stares in horror at his hand and scurries off. He hides his hand quickly before turning at a dark alley scattered with broken crates.

He sits against an abandoned building behind some stacked crates holding his legs with both of his arms and begins to sob.

The world outside of Cederdale is not for you. Be warned and stay inside where it is safe his queen had warned.

“Why did I leave my home and defy my queen?” he whines to himself now covering his face in-between his legs.

To continue -

criani_peracien's photo
Wed 06/17/09 03:14 PM
I am so enjoying your book. What a wonderful, creative writer you are.... Thank you...

MirrorMirror's photo
Thu 06/18/09 05:52 PM

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/24/09 09:20 PM

The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 3 Banned from Home

Banned from Home

Glenadale runs through the woods stepping lightly and precisely over stones and logs as if he had done it a thousand times before. He knows the woods like the blood that flows through his veins. The Cederdale Forest has been the home of his race since the beginning of the forest existents. They coexist with each other as of one. His experience for the day was unlike any other, as he learned much of the human race since his encounter with Gloriana.

He finally reaches his destination deep in the forest and climbs with the help of vines up a tall and thick tree to land on a platform. He then walks past a hollow arched door created naturally by the branches of two trees interlocking each other. Many elves are giggling and playing a game of tickle and run. A female elf stops playing and smiles at him.

He only walks past her further inside the gigantic arched platform. He sits on the side of his leaved bed before deciding to lie down on it. He then begins to ponder into his own thoughts ignoring his friend’s laughter and fun. The female elf frowns and turns around to walk towards his bed.

“Why do you ignore me?” she asks in a disappointed tone.

He turns over revealing his back.

“What have I done to deserve this?” she questions again before leaving him alone walking back to play with the other elves.

Serenadale has been in love with him for many years. She has followed every step he has made since childhood. He has never shown a real interest in her for some reason although she is the fairest of all of the wood elves. He ponders back in thought of his unusual encounter earlier.

He realized that he is not a lot different from humans when it comes to feelings and desires. He knows since childhood he was warned to never approach one, for they are considered dangerous and destructive. Yet he cannot believe how graceful her stride was when she walked on the side with him through the forest.

Her cheerful laugh made him blush and the hypnotizing stare of her beautiful brown eyes were breathtaking. How he would have enjoyed staring further into her eyes but felt embarrassed to do so? He begins to smile thinking how she managed to ease his fears with simple peaceful words. He cannot imagine that humans are as bad as his queen claims they are.

“Glenadale what is wrong with you?” asks an elf holding a leaf bowl standing next to the tall elf’s bed.

Glenadale frowns and turns over quickly to look at the heavy elf who stuffs berries into his mouth.

“Where did you go after we left the road?” he asks after a hard swallow.

“We couldn’t find you after we disappeared and was worried,” he continues before grabbing another handful of sweet and sour wild berries.
Blenadale has been his most trusted friend since childhood.

He shares his unusual adventures to him occasionally and knows that what he says will always be well judged and trusted. Gathering his courage he sits up and looks at Blenadale for a moment who only stares blankly back at him.

“I think I fell in love,” Glenadale finally spurts out after a long silence.

“It is about time you fell in love with my sister,” Blenadale answers quickly, as if expecting this to eventually come out of his best friend’s mouth.

Glenadale’s face turns rigid as he looks at him stuff another handful of berries into his mouth.

“Can’t you be serious just for once Blenadale? I didn’t fall in love with your sister,” Glenadale replies quietly looking at the ground disappointed.

“Well who is that you love if it isn’t the prettiest elf in the woods?” Blenadale asks.

“I fell in love with the human girl we met today,” he says now standing up gathering more of his courage.

“What witchcraft is this? You cannot fall in love with such a creature! They are dangerous. Don’t you remember what our queen said about them?” Blenadale retorts dropping his wooden bowl in shock.

The elves stop playing as they watch Blenadale drop his food, which he has never done before for the love of food. Serenadale then sheds a small tear as she walks next to her brother.

“Are you serious about this?” Blenadale asks looking up at the taller elf.
Glenadale only sulks before sitting back down on his bed.

“While everyone was hiding from those four legged beasts the humans were riding on, I escorted her to the north camp,” he explains.

The elves gather around Glenadale’s bed whispering with each other, wondering how an elf can fall in love with such an awkward creature. Some of the elves say nothing, as they show shocked expressions, joining Blenadale who stands frozen staring at his best friend.

“The humans call it a town by the way,” Glenadale explains now looking up at Blenadale.

“You mean to tell me you walked along with the human witch and took her to the north camp,” Serenadale whines elbowing her brother to do something.

Glenadale looks at her with teary eyes, which match her own.

“I don’t know what it is, but she is the one I want to spend the rest of my life with,” he finishes in a whisper looking back down onto the floor.

“He has been cursed by the witch!” Blenadale shouts.

“Do not believe everything he is saying,” he continues.

“I don’t need this!” Glenadale retorts looking angrily at his best friend.

He stands up and tries to walk away, yet a strong elf grabs him first.

“What are you doing Tillendale?” he asks as Blenadale tackles him down onto his bed.

“Come help me!” he screams as Tillendale tries to grab Glenadale’s other arm.

Glenadale struggles to get loose but fails and is pinned down with the help of a third elf. After a moment of struggling he stops and looks with an angry face at Blenadale.

“I thought you are my friend. I thought I could trust you with anything,” he says in-between clenched teeth.

“I am your friend. That is why I am doing this.

The witch has thrown some kind of spell on you. We must bring you to Queen Arienendale. She may know how to undue it,” he finishes.
Blenadale and Tillendale escort Glenadale out of the huge room across a hanging bridge that connects from another big tree. Glenadale only sighs frustrated that his friends cannot see further then the queen’s rules. Eventually they reach a very large oak tree.

It is the largest and most unusual in the woods. It’s golden and silver leaves radiate softly an eternal light and unimaginable beauty throughout the day. They pass through a hollow opening of the huge tree to enter into the queen’s throne. She sits watching Glenadale being pushed forward.

Everyone then immediately kneels down on their knees to give their respect. Glenadale stares at the beautiful ancient queen as her face begins to change from a smile to an earnest look.

“My queen, we believe that a witch has cursed Glenadale. Can you undue the spell?” asks Blenadale hopefully.

She stares into Glenadale’s eyes with her deep aqua green eyes before rising from her throne chair. Her beauty is unimaginable to any race as her age matches many of the oldest trees in the forest.

Her long, silky, and blonde hair flows softly down her back, as her golden dress shows a sign of grandiose compared to the common clothing amongst the wood elves.

She slowly descends the two steps of her throne towards Glenadale. She grabs his face gently to stare into his eyes. After a long stare, she lets go of his face and walks back to her throne chair.

“He is simply in love. Why do you bother me with this?” she asks unconcerned.

“Your majesty, but he cannot be! He claims to have fallen in love with a human witch!” Blenadale replies looking awkwardly at his best friend before looking back at Queen Arienendale.
The queen raises an eyebrow and then looks sternly at Glenadale.

“It must be a foul curse of some sort. He is not likely to fall in love with such a creature,” Blenadale continues to confess.

“She is no witch Blenadale!” Glenadale retorts angrily turning to stare at him.

“Why does everyone think humans are evil?” he demands further waving his fist at everyone staring at him in awe.

Other elves begin to talk amongst themselves as Blenadale shouts back at Glenadale.

“Silence!” screams Queen Arienendale now sitting in her throne chair.

“Blenadale is right. You cannot fall in love with such a creature of no purity. Have I not warned everyone to not encounter humans! Do you know what consequences you have brought upon us!” she says disappointingly staring at Glenadale.

“I am not going to listen to your blasphemy anymore! You want to make us believe that anything that doesn’t live in the forest is bad for us. You tell us to stay in these woods and be isolated from the rest of the lands. How can you be so certain that humans are bad?” he asks now daring to be the first wood elf to challenge the queen.

Other elves murmur and whisper amongst themselves. They shake their heads at Glenadale.

“I have coexisted with this forest since the beginning of its existence. I have seen what humans are liable to do and know of their unnatural habits. Do you not think I know what is best for the safety of my people?” the queen asks keenly.

“Well yes….maybe,” Glenadale replies uncertain.

“Then there is nothing more to discuss. It is best you forget about this human quickly. The world outside of Cederdale is no world for you Glenadale Lipentkist. Mark my words and stay inside these woods where it is safe! Do not endanger our existence!” she warns standing up and staring at every elf who is nodding their heads in agreement.

“Now leave and let me rest,” she finishes after a long eerie silence.

Everyone begins to stand back up and turn to leave as Glenadale speaks.
“I cannot do this,” he says looking at her.
The elves turn to stare at Glenadale surprised.

“What are you doing?” Blenadale says between clenched teeth and balling up his hand in frustration. S

erenadale holds both of her hands over her mouth shocked at her loves answer. The queen only stares with sadness into Glenadale’s determined eyes. After a long silence she walks towards him.

“Do you realize what danger you bring to our people?

We cannot interact with such a troublesome race.”
She sighs looking at him hopelessly. She then turns and sits back down on her chair.

“I have no choice. I announce that you are banned from Cederdale forever Glenadale Liptentkist,” she says unwillingly.

Glenadale’s sad face turns into shock. He then walks up the two stairs towards her and kneels down.

“Please your majesty; do not ban me from my home. I belong with my friends and family here,” Glenadale pleads.

She only stares sadly back at him. He then turns on his knees to look at Serenadale who only puts her head down dismissing eye contact for the first time in her life. He then looks at Blenadale and Tillendale who both look down ashamed of his decision. The rest of the elves eventually turn leaving the throne room. Glenadale then gets up from his knees and turns to face Queen Arienendale.

“Why are you doing this to me?” he asks in a pleading voice.

She only turns her head disregarding the question.

After a long sigh, he turns to leave the huge oak tree. He climbs down it and eventually lands on the ground. He is saddened how everyone has changed instantly believing he is cursed when he is not. He walks in the night pondering at his loss and the harsh decision given to him. He reaches the log Gloriana once sat on and sits on it. He looks at the flower that once had a red butterfly on it and sheds a small tear.

What if the queen is right? Perhaps humans are evil. After all, they destroy nature. They kill animals and wear their skin. Why did he talk with his heart and not his brain? He buries his hands in his face shaking his head in them. Two wolves walk past him uninterested and disappear deeper in the woods.

An owl hoots, as rabbits jump from one bush to another. The two huge planets shed little light through the thick leaves of the forest. It begins to rain as lightning flashes into the sky. He throws over his hood and walks further down the woods on the same path Gloriana had taken. After the long walk he leaves the forest and faces the huge hill. He stops to look back at the entrance of his home. For the first time he will leave it forever.

He then turns and faces the hill. His heart begins to beat faster, as he draws nearer to it. He steps on grass and bends down to feel it for the first time. It is a land that is not interrupted by any leaves, stumps, rocks, or tree. He will be the first wood elf to ever see more then just his beloved forest.

His heart begins to beat faster, as his curiosity mixed with fright begins to change into excitement. He then laughs at the opportunity to explore new lands and creatures. His questions will finally have answers such as, why four legged beasts allow humans to ride on them and what those four cornered boxes that shed light at night mean.

He then begins to smile and pick up his pace walking faster through harsh winds and rain. His fast walk becomes a light run, as he enjoys the high grasses of the field for the first time. He feels free! His mind wanders off with the thought of Gloriana and the time he shook her soft hand for the first time. He then stops suddenly.

“I am going to find her in that town and tell her how I feel,” he mumbles to himself as a flock of geese struggle to fly ahead.

He continues to walk at the side of the huge hill and slowly descends down heading for the wide road. He then stops again as his endless smile stops.

His face turns serious as he sees the town from a distance. The wall and its towers look menacingly threatening. It has an unwelcomed feeling to it. How could Gloriana want to go to something like that? He begins to push away his fears and walks on the side of the road that leads to the town. It is still many miles away as he continues to ponder on how he will manage to get inside.

They will never let me in. I have green skin and pointy ears. I am sure I would be the first who would ever dare to enter such a grotesque site. Perhaps they will let me in because I speak their tongue.

Could that not be valid for something?

The rain mixed with an occasional lightning followed by thunder slowly stops. The night becomes the early morning and eventually lands to midday before the front walls of the gate are seen.

During the morning a few merchants on four wheeled carts had ridden past him staring, yet only urged their huge beasts with horns to pick up their pace. A couple of men on four legged beasts had ridden quickly past him, but paid no attention. The gates are opened, as many humans go in and out of the town resuming to their daily lives.

He covers his hands and pulls his hood further down over his head walking at the same pace others do trying to be unnoticed. He presses further into town where a market is revealed. Merchant’s wave dead fish as others wave those gleaming four side boxes he has seen at the night back home.

They scream as they wave the object back and forth in the air. Glenadale’s stomach turns as he watches in awe. He had the whole night to prepare for the worst and realizes it isn’t as dangerous as he thought it to be. If anything a bit disgusting, which is still bearable?

He knows he must stay tolerant and have only one goal in his mind and that is to find Gloriana. There he knows he will be safe with her. He looks sadly at the huge box structures the humans live in, imaging how many trees were sacrificed to create it. A small child walks up to him and points.

“Look mom, he is green. Is he sick?” he asks.

The mother looks terrified before taking her child quickly away to walk in a different direction. Glenadale tries to covers his face more with his hood, making sure he will not attract too much attention.

He wanders the streets endlessly as his hopes sink realizing amongst so many people he will not find her. He rubs his head as a man stares in horror at his hand and scurries off. He hides his hand quickly before turning at a dark alley scattered with broken crates.

He sits against an abandoned building behind some stacked crates holding his legs with both of his arms and begins to sob.

The world outside of Cederdale is not for you. Be warned and stay inside where it is safe his queen had warned.

“Why did I leave my home and defy my queen?” he whines to himself now covering his face in-between his legs.

To continue -

:banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana: :banana:

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 08:10 PM
Thank you very much! Your input means alot to me.drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Tue 07/28/09 09:17 PM
bigsmile excellentbigsmile