Topic: Chapter 1 Sudden Adventure
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Fri 01/09/09 01:14 PM
Edited by smiless on Fri 01/09/09 01:42 PM
The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion (Book 1)

Chapter 1 Sudden Adventure

A suddenly awakened and frightened woman stares blurrily into the concerned eyes of an old man with a well groomed white beard. A lady standing behind the man shows the same concerned expression.

“Who is this man?” the young woman asks pulling the covers closer towards her with uncertainty.

“He is the town’s wizard and is here to protect us,” she replies concerned.

“Protect us,” the young lady murmurs now sitting up from her bed.

The wizard leans down further to inspect her eyes once more before adjusting his small glasses, which hangs at the tip of his long nose.

“For some reason she has been spared,” the wizard says surprisingly putting on his pointy hat. I assume she is immune to it,” he finishes before leaning on his staff.

“I don’t understand what this entire rabble is all about mother,” the young lady replies annoyed of the sudden intrusion before getting out of bed to walk towards her falcon who sits on a window ledge.

She gives him a piece of bread she left on a wooden plate last night. The falcon grabs it with its beak before hoping onto her shoulder.

“We need no protection,” she says after an eerie silence.

“A terrible incident has happen. Many of the people in town are inflicted by some kind of spell or curse. For some odd reason the older folks have been spared. Well that is until we found you waking up this morning,” her mother explains.

“I fear this horrible spell was intended for all of the inhabitants of this town,” the wizard adds.

“I must go to my studies and seek the cause of it,” the wizard says slowly rubbing his beard, before beginning to walk out the front door of the cottage. He then stops and looks at her once again.

“Perhaps you can be of some use to me young lady. I also sense you are not safe here anymore. In the last couple of months I have witnessed odd changes in these lands and they are not good ones,” the wizard says sternly, before looking at her mother. She looks at her mother confused before looking back at the wizard.

“You must seek a wise and ancient tree that has existed before the first steps have walked on these lands. Only he will know what has created such chaos amongst our people and perhaps have further answers for us,” the wizard explains.

“I suggest you to pack some meals and a warm cover before setting out,” he says looking at her mother who suddenly nods her head disappearing into the kitchen.

“When you eat your next meal, give your falcon this wafer. It will give him new strength to help aid you on your journey,” mentions the wizard, as he takes out a wafer from his robes, and hands it to the young ladies delicate hand, who hesitantly takes it.

He smiles as she looks oddly at the odd cone shape wafer. She then looks up at the wizard confused.

“Are you saying a tree can talk? How am I supposed to find this tree and why must I do this task?” she manages to ask.

“Yes you are right. This is silly of me.”

He then rubs his beard once again thinking of what else he could do to help aid her journey. He then looks at his staff and gives it to her.

“This staff is very powerful and can be destructive in the wrong hands. Do not let anyone have this. Guard it with your life. It will show you how to get to the magical tree of the pixies,” the wizard warns while offering the staff.

“Pixies!” the beautiful lady replies excited while taking the staff.

“Yes, yes very true indeed. We have not time. I need to know what spell had been casted and why you have been spared,” the wizard urges, as he rushes her out of the door of the cottage.

“How is this staff going to help me find this tree?” she asks looking at the staff quickly.

“Now, now, not too many questions, we don’t have time to waste,” the wizard interjects.

“You will find help on your journey in the whereabouts of this ancient location. Trust your instincts young one.

First visit the town of Nurenhill. There you will get help. I will visit you soon enough,” he rushes pushing her out the door.

Her mother runs quickly out of the kitchen stuffing some cheese and bread into a cloth wrapped into a bundle.

Bewildered she hugs her mother, as she refrains herself from crying. She then takes the bundle and slowly walks backwards looking at both the wizard and her mother.

“Mother can he just make me go away?” she asks before stopping.
Her mother wipes a small tear from her face before replying.

“We must trust the town’s wizard. He knows what is best for our people. You must do this for us,” her mother explains.

After a long silence, Gloriana sighs.

“Very well I will do what you ask of me,” she replies before turning around to walk away out of the front yard and onto a cobbled stoned road that leads into an alley deeper inside the town’s market center.

Her mother waves once again before hiding her face into the wizard’s robes. The young lady presses forward, as her falcon jumps off her shoulder, and flies high into the sky. For the first time in her life, she leaves her home and everything she knows into a world of uncertainties. It had happened so quickly. Why must she leave puzzled her?

It has something to do with a spell that has affected the people of the town. Why she is spared and why she must set out to find an old tree is odd? Why she isn’t safe in her hometown is also bewildering? She realizes that the roads heading towards the market is emptier then the usual morning day. The smell of fresh baked goods and the hard clinging sounds of the town’s ironsmith are not heard.

Closed signs adorn important buildings, such as the town’s hall and cathedral add wonder of what had happened during her pleasant nights sleep at home. She never thought of leaving her home, or going any further then the small meadow just outside of town. Who will weave those rugs today at her mother’s business is all that seems to occupy her mind now? She walks around the butcher’s shop that is surprisingly open and turns onto a narrow road, which eventually reaches a main road out of town. A beautiful, blue sky adorns the farmlands, which is interrupted occasionally with puffy white clouds.

Farmers are filling their carriages with fresh cabbage. She stops at a crossroad that branches off into different directions. Each leads eventually into the vast and dark forest that only able merchant caravans dare to take. In front of her is a worn wooden sign reading Nurenhill.

She has never gone further from home then at this point. It is an awkward yet exciting feeling. Her mother had always warned not to walk past this point. She does so cautiously before walking along the side of the road with nervousness.

A merchant urges his strong horses to gallop quickly, as a loud wooden wheel carriage follows, which create a whirl of dust in every direction. Gloriana stops walking to cover her face and begins to cough. She waits until the dust settles before walking along the side of the road.

The walk seems endless, as a flock of crows gather on one spot of the road, eating the remains of an old loaf of bread that perhaps the merchant had dropped. It becomes humid, as the sun reaches its high point of the day. Ahead lays the ancient forest of Cederdale, which is rumored to house wood elves.

She has never seen these creatures before as very few have. She enters the forests reluctantly, as the road continues north without fear. Huge cedar trees tower on both sides of the road. Their thick leaves prevent the suns rays to enter sudden darkness. It becomes dark and misty. She gets uneasy the deeper she walks into the forest. The road continues blindly ahead, as variation of insects buzz by her head.

Owls hoot adding to other unpleasant growling and mysterious noises. She shivers and gets uneasy the deeper she enters the unknown. The day gets longer and the scenery doesn’t change. A merchant carriage has not ridden by in awhile and she feels lonely. She begins to walk faster hoping the forest will eventually open into clear lands again.

“Why did I accept this adventure?” she murmurs to herself worried.

The staff suddenly vibrates in her hand making her drop it. She looks at it in shock before kneeling down to stare at its beautiful designs.

There are markings that go around the staff’s body. She begins to feel the markings and sees how beautiful they coherent with the next inscription, as if it is trying to tell a story.

The most interesting part of the staff is the shaft, which holds an odd red stone. It begins to glow slowly, as she jumps back frightened. Her falcon appears landing on a branch of a tree screeching. Suddenly a huge branch falls in front of her feet and many elves jump from the trees to surround her. They have long pointy ears and green skin. They giggle and skip around trying to tease her. They speak in a language she doesn’t understand and continue to laugh at her. She quickly picks up the staff and tries to move forward, but they jump aside to leap back in front of her.

“What do you want from me?” she asks frustrated.
The elves continue to giggle and tease, yet do not touch her.

“Oh why did I choose to go in these forsaken woods?” she asks herself again.

The elves suddenly stop giggling, as they move aside to allow a tall elf to stand in front of her. His face is serious and he flexes his arms. He stands a good two feet taller then her.

“You are a human and not an elf,” he says in human tongue with much effort.

“You no belong in woods and leave now. Your skin not green,” he says now smiling and crossing his arms proudly.

He then intimidates her, as she steps back looking up at the grumpy elf. He steps again closer to look oddly at her clothing. Her heart beats faster, as other elves prevent her from walking. Finally the big elf gives out a sigh.

“You have no pointed ears like we do,” he says disappointingly.

She becomes tense. Every muscle in her body stiffens. Her teeth grind from confusion and anger.

“I am only passing through on my way to Nurenhill,” she manages to say squeezing her staff with both hands.

“You stupid,” the big elf answers before others elves begin to giggle again.

As she was about to hit the elf with the staff it vibrates and begins to cough. She lets go of it as is suddenly floats into the air.

“What are you trying to do? Are you trying to choke me?” the staff asks.

The elves jump back astonished at the staffs powers. Then everything stops moving, as if time had frozen. The elves are paralyzed and can only shift their eyes back and forth trying to get out of their helpless situation. She steps back in shock watching the staff float easily above everyone’s head. The staff then begins to form a face at the top. A mouth appears and two beady black eyes pop out. The red stone on top glows faintly.

“Aahhh what a feeling to move again,” the staff says.

“What are you?” she asks in a high-pitched voice uncertain she is seeing anything real.

“What am I, or do you mean who am I? I have never been so insulted in my life,” it replies.

The staff begins to whirl in circles scattering the few leaves on the road to spread in every direction. She covers her face, as the leaves whirl around her. The staff then stops its whirling and slowly glides towards her.

“I am called Conundramis. I am the greatest staff to ever exist in these lands,” he replies.

“I never heard of a talking staff before,” she replies slowly, as she gets closer.

“Who may you be?” the staff asks.

“My name is Gloriana,” she answers. “It is nice to meet you young one,” the staff answers.

“Now hear me out. I am summoned by the blue wizard to accompany you on your journey.”

“Great!” Gloriana interrupts.

“If you are no threat to me, then it means you can help me,” she continues.

“Yes it is true. I am here to guide you on your journey,” Conundramis replies.

“Can you shoot a fireball or perhaps a lightning bolt and defeat these evil creatures?” she asks.

“No, no master apprentice. I can only stop time for a brief moment. As a matter of fact the spell is wearing off now.”

“Why did you call me master apprentice?” Gloriana asks while walking around the staff.

“Usually a blue wizard doesn’t let anyone carry his valuable staff without a reason. I am sure you have been selected to take on an apprenticeship under his name,” the staff replies.

“I have heard of wizards, yet I never knew our village had a wizard. I mean I don’t even know his name,” Gloriana says with uncertainty.

“There is not time for explaining master apprentice. My spell cannot last forever you know,” the staff says gliding towards one of the elves.

Gloriana looks at the big elf, as he slowly begins to twitch his finger, trying to fight off the spell. She begins to run, as the staff stops her.

“Running will not help you master apprentice. They will only catch up to you. You must remember they live in these woods,” the staff warns.
“Then cast another one of those spells,” Gloriana urges.

“Oh I cannot cast another so quickly, but I can tell you a riddle that will help you survive this lesson,” it offers.

“What will a riddle do to stop these elves from harassing me?” she asks.

“There are many creatures in these lands who manage to live amongst each other. An elf is no different. It is undeniable that there is a misunderstanding master apprentice,’ Conundramis explains.

“What are you talking about?” Gloriana interrupts.

The staff ignores the question and screams; “Now hear me!” as the red stone on the shaft begins to glow harder.

It begins to chant: “Death may be mysterious, yet life is precious. Peace can be gracious, as war is outrageous.”

The staff then suddenly falls into Gloriana’s hands. The leaves begin to ruffle on the tree branches, as of the sounds of owls are heard. She looks at the staff, as it shows no sign of life. The mouth and beady eyes on it has disappeared. The red stone stops glowing. The big elf begins to move again. Gloriana thinks of the riddle told to her.

“If death is mysterious and life is precious then I choose life and if peace is gracious and war is outrageous then I choose peace. This means I must not promote violence and hate,” she exclaims excited to understand the riddle given to her.

The big elf who is frustrated begins to take an arrow and places it onto the slot of his bow. He points the arrow at Gloriana, as other elves close in.

“You are a witch of some sort! Drop your staff or you will witness my arrow!” the big elf screams.

“As I said before, I am heading towards Nurenhill. I wish you no harm,” Gloriana tries to reason.

As the big elf was about to release the arrow, Fierce flies in and knocks the bow out of his hands. The arrow fizzles quickly upwards and hits a tree. The elves look around wildly.

“What magic is this?” the big elf asks, as he kneels down to pick up his bow.

The other elves step back slowly getting their bows ready.

“I may not have your pointed ears or your green skin, but I know that we are on these lands for the same reasons. We must eat and drink, have a place to stay, and try to share these lands together. I, as do you, have the same purposes. Can we not just get along? My name is Gloriana. What is yours?” she asks sticking out her hand to the big elf.

The elf looks confused and glances at the other elves that look at each other. They step further back giving the big elf room to approach Gloriana. Finally, after a long moment, he begins to stick his hand out slowly also, but not yet grabbing her hand.

“Don’t do it!” says a thin elf. “She is a witch, don’t you remember!” screams another elf.

“Do not worry, I will not hurt you,” reassures Gloriana.

Cautiously Gloriana comes closer to grab the elves hand to shake it. The elf’s eyes close fearing for the worst, as she shakes his hand smiling. She begins to laugh, as she watches him slowly shake her hand back. He then opens his eyes and looks. Other elves show shocked faces. He begins to laugh and shake quickly enjoying the warm feeling of her hand.

“My name is Glenadale. I am sorry for teasing you, but we never saw a human before except when they pass by with their four legged beasts. For many years I would watch them pass listening to the strange tongue you speak. It has taken many years before I could speak human tongue.

Fortunately, it is much easier to learn then our own tongue. Although we are forbidden to encounter or see a human, you are the first we have seen this close,” he says continuing to shake her hand.

Fierce lands on Gloriana’s shoulder as a few elves jump back. The big elf stops shaking her hand and frowns.

“Do not worry. He is my friend. His name is Fierce,” she says now petting the falcons head.

“So you are probably heading towards the north camp. What do you seek there?” he asks.

“Four legs and north camp,” Gloriana mumbles to herself not sure what the elf means.

Glenadale stares at her eyes, as she then looks up to meet his. He then blushes quickly looking away ashamed.

Gloriana then laughs and answers, “I seek of the whereabouts of an ancient talking tree. He lives with pixies.”

“I have heard of such a tree. Our queen has mentioned of this ancient tree of life. It will take you many days before you will reach the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion,” Glenadale replies.

“The Sacred Woods of Silvernarion,” repeats Gloriana.

“Yes, these are the woods of the pixies. They are but small creatures yet have immense powers. They protect the trees of Ardon and Evonne. Do you not know the story?” the elf questions.

“I do not know?” Gloriana replies interested.

“It is said that a powerful God has planted an apple tree. The story is told that Ardon a man and Evonne a woman were the first to live on these lands. They were told not to eat the apples of the tree. Pythonian the snake lord created by a rival god challenged Ardon to eat the apple. Ardon knew not to do this, yet his temptation for the juicy fruit was unbearable.

He could not resist and ate it. Since then evil has existed in these lands. Therefore, the one God who has many names amongst races created pixies to protect the tree, for if the tree dies, then life as we know it dies. The pixies are the most sacred creatures in these lands and that is why we call it the Sacred Woods of Silvernarion,” Glenadale explains.

“Why is it called Silvernarion?” asks Gloriana.

“She is the pixies queen. A powerful sorceress that none dare to challenge. Many evil creatures roam these lands today and have tried to destroy the Sacred Woods, but have failed. We are fortunate that she exists and to have pixies live there,” Glenadale explains.

“The story goes on. Would you like to hear it?” the big elf asks.
“I would love to,” Gloriana replies.

An elf high on a tree whistles. The elves that formed a circle around Gloriana and Glenadale suddenly scramble and disappear.

“What is going on?” Gloriana asks as she watches everyone disappear into the misty trees.

“Boxes on wheels led by four legged beasts come down this road. We must get of this road. Will you follow? I know of a short cut to the camp you seek,” Glenadale offers.

Gloriana nods as she quickly follows him deeper into the woods.

“Does this mean that Ardon and Evonne were humans? Could this mean that humans were the first to live on this world?” asks Gloriana struggling to keep up with the quick and agile elf.

“It is uncertain what race Ardon and Evonne was. Each civilization and race on these lands claims them for themselves,” he replies dashing further away from Gloriana.

“What happened to the evil snake lord?” Gloriana asks now breathing hard.

“You mean Pythonian,” Glenadale says as he run against a tree and flips over a stump that was in his way.

“Yes, yes Pythonian!” screams Gloriana who tries to catch up with the elf.

He then turns direction going into another unclear path deeper in the forest. Squirrels and rabbits jump out hiding from one bush to another.

“He has grown powerful, the reason why there is so much evil on these lands. Goblins, trolls, griffons, and zombies are but a few of his creations,” he replies.

Gloriana tangled in a branch begins to fight out of it to only get more entangled and falls. She then gets up slowly and tries to catch up by running. She makes no progress struggling to hear the elf explain the history of Pythonian. Fierce flies towards the elf, as Gloriana follows to only lose ground. She stops to listen to only hear nothing of the elf anymore.

“Why are you walking so fast?” she asks loudly in frustration fighting another branch that suddenly springs back and hits her in the face.

Suddenly Glenadale jumps from a high branch off a tree in front of her.

“I forgot you are human and that you are not part of the woods.”

She frowns and stops to sit on a log. Fierce lands on a branch near her.

“I must take a rest,” she says as she tries to catch her breath.

“It is not far from here before you will reach your camp,” Glenadale says as he sits next to her.

“It is not a camp. It is a town,” Gloriana corrects somewhat annoyed.

The elf nods and remains silent. They stare at a red butterfly that had landed on a yellow flower.

“You are right. We are not much different,” Glenadale says looking at her curly brown hair before touching his own.

“Although I never understood why humans choose to live in boxed woods, or why you eat other animals,” he says now looking at Gloriana’s dirty shirt.

“What do you mean by boxed woods?” Gloriana asks oddly.

“You cut down a tree and form them into long pieces of wood to build a box. You should just live amongst trees instead. It would be a lot less work you know. We do not destroy anything that nature can provide us. We use only what has already passed away. We live with nature and not destroy it. We also don’t eat the animals. Do you eat each other?” Glenadale asks earnestly.

“We don’t eat each other,” replies Gloriana now laughing.

“I guess we are a bit different, but our intentions are the same,” she replies.

“Come quickly. It will get dark and I know humans do not see well in the dark. I will get you back on the human road close to the camps entrance,” he offers as he jumps up and runs ahead.

Gloriana gets up quickly trying to keep up with the agile elf. Ahead, the forests density lessens. A reddish sky appears, showing the first signs of the sun descending behind the horizon. The walk is long, as she finally meets up with the wood elf. He stands looking ahead.

“Over that hill is what you seek.”

He then turns to offer his hand awkwardly.

Gloriana grabs it and smiles.

“I have learned much of your race. I hope we can do this again,” Glenadale says smiling.

“Perhaps you can meet me in Nurenhill or Augshill one day. Or maybe I will travel through these woods to look for you,” she offers.

They stare at each other before Gloriana smiles.

“I hope I will see you again,” she manages to say softly before giving him a kiss.

He hesitates a moment before enjoying the soft lips on his. He then embraces her and kisses back passionately. His warm body pressed on his gives him a sense of reassurance that humans are not as bad as his queen mentions. He then lets go and holds her hand for a long moment. She smiles at him blushing.

“Farewell,” he says smiling back before running back into the woods.

To continue to chapter 2 Falcon Powers go here -

Dragoness's photo
Tue 06/16/09 01:01 PM

criani_peracien's photo
Tue 06/16/09 02:25 PM
My goodness! You write so well, John! I am captivated with your story...!

MirrorMirror's photo
Fri 06/19/09 09:33 PM
:banana: wow:banana:

MirrorMirror's photo
Wed 06/24/09 08:46 PM

no photo
Wed 07/01/09 08:09 PM
Thank you very much! Your input means alot to me.drinker

darkowl1's photo
Sun 07/19/09 11:49 AM
you took me to a land i didn't want to come back from, seducing me into meeting your charactors and make them my friends.... the staff is a very interesting twist on a charactor profile and entices us to learn more about him, and what a unique character he is! you tease us just enough, the he goes away for the time being...... and then you leave us with a forboding journey to it!!!!drinker drinker drinker

IntelligentDesigner's photo
Thu 07/30/09 12:28 PM
Very very nice. I wish I didn't have so much work to do. Can't wait to read further. drinker :thumbsup:

no photo
Thu 07/30/09 12:37 PM
Thank you so much! I am thrilled to get such great replies from the novel. drinker

MirrorMirror's photo
Sun 08/02/09 11:39 PM