Community > Posts By > criani_peracien

criani_peracien's photo
Sun 03/30/08 06:31 AM
<With her long hair flowing about her as she briskly walks in the room, Criani is bright eyed and ready for another exciting day. She greets her patrons with enthusiasm. >

"Good morningtide! What may I get for you this fine day? We have a morning repast of boars sausage, duck eggs and a loaf of fresh bread! Of course, you know that we serve the finest brews, would you care for some also?"

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:37 PM

*the room goes complely black, even the candles cannot penetrate the darkness, inside this "orb of darkness" not even a sound can be detected. Thirty seconds go by, and the room goes back to normal, but one thing is different, you see Barbus, at his usual table, sitting in the corner*

*Looks at Barbus when he arrives. a hand moves down twards her hip. When Criani appoaches. She looks up at the woman and sizes her up but then looks back at the dark elf. The figure seems to tence up even more, a tightening, leathery sound can be lightly heard under the cloak. a gloved hand rises from the cloak and motions Criani that she can leave*

<Criani is puzzled. She ponders the goings on in her establishment, ever aware and alert to any possibility.>

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:35 PM

*the room goes complely black, even the candles cannot penetrate the darkness, inside this "orb of darkness" not even a sound can be detected. Thirty seconds go by, and the room goes back to normal, but one thing is different, you see Barbus, at his usual table, sitting in the corner*


We also have some tasty Elven wine for two shillings. Please, do come get some before it vanishes. Eat, drink, be merry, sing and dance! Barbus has been released!

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:31 PM

*as soon as the drow leaves the room the figure seems to huff slightly and flags over a bar wench*

The bar wench is busy, but I shall help you. What would you like to drink, lil one?

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 07:29 PM
Hmmm... we have a quiet one. Sometimes it is the best tactic in these here dangerous times that abound.

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:50 PM
Edited by criani_peracien on Sat 03/29/08 06:52 PM

"Aye, if he has a plan, I agree." <nodding head, looking down as she pours another Goblin's Brew>

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 06:19 PM

*a carrier pidgeon lands on the bar, with a note attached*

It Reads:

To Whomever it may concern, your taxes are not going to where they should, the food here is horrible, mark my word, as soon as the gaurd nods off again, I shall be free! Tis a travisty when an elderly old man such as myself gets arrested just because of his past reputation. May the gods have mercy on the true offender, 'cause if I catch 'em, they will become food for the hounds of hell.

Wait! What is this? Our good friend Barbus has been detained by the guards for a crime he did not commit?!?

Quickly, my friends, we must put our heads together and figure out a way to prove him innocent! The real thief must be caught at all costs!

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 04:01 PM
Does anyone know if the thief has been caught who robbed the Red Lamp's Tavern the other morningtide?

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 02:38 PM
Tonite we serve boars roast with a dark, savory gravy, fresh turnips and bread. It is most delicious and falls light on the belly. Any takers?

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 02:33 PM

<smiles and bats eyelashes> Tonite we shall dance to the tune of the full moon. We will have musicians, a joker and a bard who comes to tell stories of old...

More ale, brew or mead anyone? What will it be? I shall endeavor to make your stay here quite right.

Ah finally are long awaited Green Dragon's Inn has arrived. Thank you for creating such a great establishment!

<bows> Thank you, storyteller. I was off gathering the Brew that you sent for earlier. The Inn is now stocked and ready for whomever enters...

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 02:30 PM
Another meade for Meleth Nîn Nogoth Ernil ! Enjoy little pixie; protector of the sacred tree.

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 01:41 PM
<smiles and bats eyelashes> Tonite we shall dance to the tune of the full moon. We will have musicians, a joker and a bard who comes to tell stories of old...

More ale, brew or mead anyone? What will it be? I shall endeavor to make your stay here quite right.

criani_peracien's photo
Sat 03/29/08 01:21 PM
Greetings, I am Criani Peracien; owner and barkeep of The Green Dragon's Inn, the most illustrous tavern in the Bavidirian lands! I would have greeted you anon, but I was off in search of more fine brew, as our storehouse was becoming low. Your thirst is great, my friends! Welcome to all who step over this threshold! We have for you, anything that you have a taste for, including our best; some cold Dwarven Mead, Goblins Brew and Grapan from the hills of the hobbits.

I have ventured far in these lands and beyond. Ah, some of the sights I have seen! I enjoyed my travels and I have met many foes in battle, always holding my own, but when I faced the Green Dragon and got away with my life and much riches, I knew then that it was time to retire to my calling, in my home town of Sinatorium. I am here to serve you when you have need for a brew or just conversation. To all who enter these doors today, as a WELCOME, I give you our largest goblet of cold Dwarven Mead to whet your whistle. Come! Wipe the dust from your feet, let's share our perilous adventures, our battles, crusades and carnage. Sit, stay awhile...

You have entered The Green Dragon's Inn, the tavern where anything could happen and sometimes does...

criani_peracien's photo
Thu 03/27/08 11:52 PM
I am Criani_Peracien, owner and barkeep of The Green Dragon's Inn.

Hello and Welcome to ALL who step foot across the threshold of the most happen' place in the village, where stories of adventure and danger are told and re-told to any who are sober enough to hear or remember the next day!

A shot of Imp Spirits on the house!, to each and everyone who will share one of the adventures that they have braved and lived through to tell of it!



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