Community > Posts By > Kevrides

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 12:13 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Thu 07/31/08 12:17 PM
"The clear intent of the founding fathers was to bar the government from over reaching into the private, political and religious lives of the citizens of this country."

If the founding fathers had to worry about terror cells trying to coordinate attacks using airplanes and dirty bombs and anthrax and lord knows what other nightmarish event they would have been FOR wire tapping.

If there is a radical change in administration it would be to the RADICAL Obama and then I really would worry about being fingered for my political beliefs. That is why it is so key to keep Stalinists out of the Whitehouse.

No everything I do is not in complete compliance with the law and if I get a ticket for speeding or using my cell phone without a handsfree I pay my fine and move on. I do not accuse the police of trampling on my rights to endanger everyone around me. If you break the law you suffer the consequences if you are caught. I think that the feds and local law enforcement needs all the tools they can get to ward off another attack like those we had on...when was that? Oh yeah 9/11/01.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 12:03 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Thu 07/31/08 12:08 PM
*Need a tissue for the phlegm?*

The testimony may do just that but until it does these folks are innocent.
I just don't want you people to walk through life thinking that only Republican politicians get convicted. That is simply not true. There are more republicans under investigation right now because the dems are in control.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:53 AM
The governments #1 job is to protect the US citizenry from outside and inside threats. Try doing that without the systems the intel depts. have in place. Don't be a law breaker (or a terrorist)and you have nothing to worry about.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:50 AM
Best election only if you mean most important. It is absolutley critical that a Marxist like Obama does not get into the Whitehouse.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:47 AM
Rising cost of gas got you down? Put some air in your tires and get a tune-up. That should fix it.
Drill for more oil? Nah that'd be silly. Let's just wait 15-20 years until we have a viable alternate fuel source. Clean burning coal is no good either by the way and Nuclear power may be OK for France but it's just to clean and efficient for us here. This message approved by NObama.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:43 AM
We could do a google search on how many Dems vs. Reps have been convicted in this country's history. I bet it's about even.
Besides being indicted is NOT the same as being convicted.
The liberals continue to practice the politcs of personal destruction to any and all who dare to oppose them. If you can't beat'em indicte them!

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:37 AM
More government programs and departments means more taxes. Government programs= more taxes. Government programs never go away.
Vote Conservative.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 11:33 AM
The problem with that speech is that I don't believe a word that comes out of Obama's mouth.
I think he will say anything to get elected regardless of whether or not he intends to follow through with anything like what he is speaking about. So you have the info in this speech on one hand and what I believe will be reality on the other and they are two entirely diferent things. I envision that if Obama wins that he will have done so while promising the hispanic voting block some sort of amnesty (vote for me and I'll get you amnesty)

Obama said:
"But in exchange for accepting those penalties, we must allow undocumented immigrants to come out of the shadows and step on a path toward full participation in our society. In fact, I will not support any bill that does not provide this earned path to citizenship for the undocumented population--not just for humanitarian reasons; not just because these people, having broken the law, did so for the best of motives, to try and provide a better life for their children and their grandchildren; but also because this is the only practical way we can get a handle on the population that is within our borders right now."

If he meant it he would have said:
We must round up those who are here illegally and send them back to where they came from. This will open up untold amounts of entry level and low skill jobs for our teens who are currently just sucking the cash from their parent's savings. NOt only shoul we send any illegal we find back to their homeland but we should send with them any children they may have had while staying illegally in our country. This plan will keep families together and hopefully if the children are old enough they can learn a lesson which would be " Don't go to the USA illegally because you will be sent back or shot on the border".


Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:59 AM
1 example please of something they are making up about the messiah.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:44 AM
Hispanics are for Obama why? They want entitlements? Yeah, thats what I thought.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:40 AM
A republican blog is just as valid an information source as major network news or cable news or new papers.
After all the network news, cable news and newspaper are for the most part nothing more than liberal blogs.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:38 AM

americans LOSE either way fanta

give me something that says we dont
something that wld honestly sway my vote...
because both choices SUCK!!!

Give me a point to discuss and I'll try.
I cant do anything with broad unbased speculation.

LOL that's rich.
Most of what you regurgitate is exactly that. Broad unbased speculation. Just because you get your info from left leaning sources doesn't make it correct.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 08:32 AM
What is truly class about Frankin is, well. Nothing. But it is semi classy that he is trying to evade hundreds of thousands in taxes.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 07/29/08 11:53 AM
Edited by Kevrides on Tue 07/29/08 11:55 AM
Think maybe the tumor in his brain had anything to do with him loosing momentary control of his car?huh

He is a good man and I will pray for him.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 07/29/08 11:42 AM
Then lets all of the governments of the world give back the land to the natives they have taken from them. C'mon who is going to go first?
Certainly you don't think that the USA is the first country in the history of the world to have displaced the native inhabitants. Besides when our country took land from the native Americans they made the resulting country into the greatest country in the history of humanity. The most giving, the most successful, the wealthiest, the most compassionate..I could go on. The way we treated and still treat the native American is a whole lot more humane than the way some countries have delt with the current inhabitants of "newly discovered" lands.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:51 AM

Many of you people talk like its over. Like the surge was a success!laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

What do you think will happen if Sadr rescinds his cease fire!
Some folks (puppets) will believe anything!noway noway

Obama says the surge is a success so it must be. Of course he gave the military credit grudgingly and incompletely but at least he realizes the surge was a good idea.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 11:49 AM

Good post Roaming!

good post as long as the viewpoints mirror your own!

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:19 AM
Then I can expect you to vote for McCain in November. Good!

As an independant you have to see that Obama is nothing but full of platitudes and double speak. While McCain who is far from being mistaken for a conservative will actually try to work with the house and senate who are currently led by raving lunatics.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:15 AM
It was not an occurance. It was an attack. Don't forget that.
Intelligence may or may not have had enough info at the time to stop it from happening but if they did have the info then they probably had it back when BJC was still in office.

That being said.
I think the Canadians did it.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 07/28/08 09:11 AM
Edited by Kevrides on Mon 07/28/08 09:11 AM

The republicans make up stories about Obama? gtf out. I don't gues they learned how to do that from the liberals who came up with ne BS almost daily for the entire pesidency of GW. Not to mention the conspiracy theorists and their anti american agenda.

Fact is regardless of what the pentagon released Obama is not a supporter of the military and wants to loose the war against terror. He has laid out plans to surrender for crying out loud.

Normally Id agree, but I have yet to see where Obama has!
Not saying he hasnt, but show me one!drinker

He doesnt need to. He has the media and the congress and senate leaders doing his bidding for him.