Community > Posts By > Kevrides

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 10:40 AM

Sorry, the stealing Iraqi oil thing is for the crazy people of this group. I forgot to clean this post up to be on the discussion level with someone sane, and with a really awesome

That use to be true about home refinery. Though, with outdated, inefficient refineries I don't disagree that the more new and advanced refineries elsewhere do it better. However, back to the first sentence. This CNN program I was watching a bit back. They said that as long as oil is above $55 for a barrel of oil it is profitable to drill and refine in the US. Granted once we probably start drilling and refining on our own suddenly a barrel of oil would drop to $40, but whatcha gonna do? lol

Canada and Mexico are foreign, so we are still dependent on foreign oil. They set the price for a barrel of oil, not us. Why Canada and Mexico decides to charge so much, especially Canada with how much oil they have I have no clue.


Pretty simple really. They charge so much because they can continue to get it. Isn't Capitalism great?

Yes it is. The freedom to get what you can for your product is what it's all about. Want oil prices to go down? Do your part to help tip the scale of supply and demand. If you can't cut your demand then try increasing the supply. That is if you can get congress to allow drilling in the places where we know we have oil.

For decades there have been no new refineries built here. Why? Because nobody wants one in their backyard right? I would like to offer my backyard as site #1 to build a refinery. Think I could get a good price for my 1/4 acre in NJ?

We need oil and gasoline folks. It's the simple truth.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 10:28 AM
Funny. After skimming through that page I noticed that for a good many of those points Barak plans to "provide funding" or "double spending" for one initiative or another.

How's he gonna do that?

Ouch! Your wallet hurts.

The more control over the free market economy that the government has the less free it becomes.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 10:21 AM

Islamists, Communists, Tyrants, Nationalists, Billionaire Socialists, and the Politically Correct Apologists that allow them to thrive.

That's the real axis of evil.

Dont forget the biggoted christians.

they are all evil

Did you just say all Christians are biggoted and evil?

Reason I ask because wouldn't 'biggoted' Christians' not be evil by definition?

christians who oppose same-sex unions, abortions, and a damn good shag on a Sunday afternoon just after lunch when you are not married are biggoted christians ... they are all evil.

I think YOU are evil.devil

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 10:15 AM
Again I ask, what specific platform is Obama running on that will cure our slow economy? Bueller..Bueller..Beuller?

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 10:13 AM
What happened in Guantanamo?
Where are the convictions?
You lie. How's that feel?

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 10:03 AM
I am pretty sure that nobody thinks we don't need to develope alternative fuel sources. We do.

Only those with their heads in the sand think that drilling now won't help ease the cost of oil while those alternatives are developed.

Solar and wind sound great but there are development times for both of these potential sources and even when developed I foresee only about 15-20% of our energy needs being serviced by these sources.

How about Nuclear power? We need to fast track the development and implementation of more nuke plants ASAP.

The left in this country love to follow the Europeans so let’s do that with our development of nuke power just like (shudder) France has.

In the meantime it's just plain stupid to not drill for oil we know we have. Stupid I tell you. Write your congressmen and demand that they lift the restrictions placed on drilling in Alaska and of off our shores now!

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 09:01 AM
Jesse the wrestler is who I listen to to form all of my opinions on government.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 09:00 AM
Immigration: Obama upports comprehensive immigration reform legislation that combines increased border enforcement with a path to legal citizenship for illegal immigrants already living in the U.S.

Amnisty for millions of illegals. Perfect.

Social Security: Obama opposes privatization of Social Security. Has pledged to take steps to keep Social Security and Medicare solvent. Promises to amend federal bankruptcy laws to keep companies from choosing bankruptcy to avoid private pension obligations. Promises to eliminate the income tax for seniors who earn less than $50,000 a year. (

Because dig daddy government can do a better job investing for your future than you can. No thanks.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:57 AM
I don't know why anyone here cares what Iran has to say about anything.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:55 AM
Bottom line is the media cant take Obama's privates out of their mouths long enough to say anything negative about him. Not only that but they wont even ask the most simple questions re: his policy beliefs.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:52 AM
Since Rush is currently drug free I wonder how any of this even matters?
His current commentary is spot on.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:48 AM
Drill here, drill now, pay less. It's pretty simple.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:47 AM

well first off till brain dead bush invaded Iraq there were no terrorist there, sorry had to rain on your parade.

Absolutely idiotic statement.

I guess this poster did not see the empty airplanes used to train terrorists in Iraq? I recall seeing those videos vividly.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 07/16/08 08:45 AM
Edited by Kevrides on Wed 07/16/08 08:53 AM
Tax Tax Tax.
What economic solutions is Obama running on? Does he have an actual plan?
Tax Tax Tax.

If your idea of an improvement of the economy is the socialization of health care, the penalization of free enterprise and the taxation of the middle class into oblivion while the expansion of social services and entitlements increases at an alarming rate then Obama is your man.

Government intrusion into the business world is NOT the answer and history will show you that it almost always has a negative and lasting effect.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 06/24/08 06:02 AM

Like I said,
The Republicans sure are desperate!

No, republicans are just right. Actually CONSERVATIVES are just right.

What's with the past 7 years of desperation from the left? Even now that they have control of the house (lots of good coming from thatyawn )they still attack their own country as if it were evil.

NObama will raise your taxes. Spend the $ on things you don't approve of and don't need. Health care in this country will be ruined. Our country's security will be in greater danger than it ever has been as NObama speaks freely and without condition to those who would rather see us all dead.

I do not agree with 1 single position of his on any issue. Worse yet there are many pressing issues that neither I nor anyone else have any idea where NObama positions himself.

His wife for being such a well educated woman is a bit of a dolt. I'd have the "keep her gagged" order in place if I were
running for office.

Libs on this board are going to be in for a rude awakening when they wake up 2 years from now and NObama has us paying $10 a gallon because he doesn't like nuclear power or support drilling our own oil. That's if you haven't been killed by one of his extreme Islamic fanatic buddies. He'll make these friends (if he hasn't already) while visiting Iran and Seria to chat about foreign policy. They will snow him into a false sense of security and the lib koolaid drinkers will fall in line. Then the attack/attacks. Which candidate do you think the terrorists are pulling for? I'd bet his middle name sounds like Husein.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 05/12/08 06:13 AM
Nationalizing ANYTHING is just plain stupid.
I really don't want the government in control of the oil industry. I mean they do such a great job with the USPS right?

The problems with big business don't come when there isn't enough government intervention. The problems with big business come when there is too much government intervention.

The only way that our goverment can help with the oil industry is to allow drilling in Alaska and of our shores. Beyond that they need to stay well clear of the operations of the industry.

Nationalized oil..Working great for Hugo Chavez not so much for his people.

Kevrides's photo
Sun 05/11/08 03:43 PM
Tell me how a temporary gas tax relief program is going to help lower gas prices over anything but the present time. I'd rather do something more permanent, like drill for oil here and build more refineries.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:25 PM
Not vetoing every pork filled spending bill that came across his desk.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:24 PM
I'm all for hitting first if the intelligence says that the likelihood is high that we are going to be attacked.

If Iran or North Korea develops the means to get a nuke to the USA and we find out about it and DON'T do something. That would be the crime.
The government's MAIN purpose is to protect Americans from the threat of attack from foreign forces.
Not doing such a swell job on the borders now are they?
Razor wire fences and a gun tower every 500 yards along with a "shoot to kill" order would eliminate illegal immigration within days and it wouldn't even be considered preemptive. Not knowing who is coming here via Mexico is the biggest threat we have right now.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 05/08/08 03:16 PM
mmmmm bacon.:tongue:

My pork doesn't come from cramped corporate pig warehouses,it comes from the grocery store. Conscience clean.