Topic: Obama and Clinton vote to raise taxes on the middle-class | |
Noblesse Oblige
In the midst of the Spizztzer scandal and The Revisionist Wright Revelations a very important Senate vote went largely unoticed. The Democrat budget blueprint just voted on in the Senate would repeal the Bush tax cuts, effectively raising taxes on the middle class. In their campaign rhetoric the dems speak of taxing the rich but to the Democrats, the middle classes of the US are the rich. Under the budget blueprint individuals making more than $31,850.00 and couples making more than $63,700.00 would see tax increases. From Boston Herald: WASHINGTON - Presidential candidates John McCain, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton interrupted their campaign schedules to return to the Senate for votes on taxes and spending likely to become key points of contention in the race for the White House. Votes on tax cuts and on a one-year ban on pet projects topped the Senate’s agenda before an expected late-night vote yesterday to pass a $3 trillion Democratic budget blueprint. The nonbinding plan predicts a balanced budget in four years and promises generous increases for many domestic programs, but achieves those goals only by assuming major tax increases when President Bush’s tax cuts expire in about three years. Obama(D-Ill.) and Clinton (D-N.Y.) both promise to reverse Bush’s tax cuts for wealthier taxpayers, but the Democratic budget they’ll be voting for would allow income tax rates to go up on individuals making as little as $31,850 and couples earning $63,700 or more. Obama is attacking McCain for reversing his stance on the Tax-cuts, however calling for a tax raise whether on capital gains or the middle class at a time when we are in a slowdown is ridiculously stupid. Hitting capital gains and adding new middle class taxes steals from the middle class both coming and going — one tax hits your 401K, the other takes directly from your paycheck. Both Democrat candidates have clearly demonstrated by their vote what the average american can expect from them. Don’t say I didn’t warn you. In email I got a correction, which I always appreciate: Hey Thanos - I didn’t want to leave a comment about this on your blog. There’s a misstatement in your post about the nonbinding Democratic budget blueprint. The Senate didn’t vote to repeal the tax cuts; the tax cuts will expire at the end of 2010 (a provision that was in the tax cut bill) unless Congress passes a bill to extend them. The end result is the same: it’s tax and spend under the guise of “fairness”; but our ideological opponents often seize upon even the slightest inaccuracy to call into question our integrity. For the record I *always* appreciate correction of facts that are incorrect here, it doesn’t damage our credibility. Please if you do see something wrong here, always leave a comment because I get to those much faster than I do email. The email is correct, which is why in other comments and places I was calling this a “stealth attack”. It’s a senate straw poll/trial budget balloon to see if they have enough nays to kill a bill or ammendments to the budget to extend the Bush tax-cuts. If they can keep it from coming to the floor, or vote the extension down then in effect they raise taxes. The concern is noted, but a vote even on this non-binding resolution lets Americans know exactly where Obama and Clinton stand on raising taxes. ShareThis by BlogRollingDesign by Beccary and · XHTML · CSS · Copyright © Thanos 2006,2007 |
Republican blogs!!
![]() ![]() ![]() Find another source. The truth is out there and it is $250,000 and up will get an increase. You'd think the fact that the only place this BS is posted is Repub blogs would be a hint that it's BS!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Besides, Have you notied how big the Budget deficit has grown under Bush? It was Balanced when he took office. Actually, I think there was a surplus!! ![]() ![]() |
Edited by
Tue 07/29/08 07:38 PM
Obama is nothing but a liar.
He'd rather for US to be forced into buying foreign oil instead of tapping our own reserves,he's against coal and nuclear too,his motto should be "No we can't". Obama also has a "Global Poverty" bill that will tax every American an extra $8,500/year to give to people that don't even live in this country. His economic plan is straight fro 1977,'78,'79,and '80,the Jimmy Carter years as is his foreign policy directive. And if you don't remember the Carter years then you'd better thank God you weren't around those 4 years. The best thing about Carter was the second he left the White House and the best President we ever had in my lifetime,Ronald Reagan. Obama said people needed to quit having the temperature at 72 degrees year round.He's Jimmy Carter's ideological brother which is the equivalent of being sorry.If Obama gets lucky enough to blind enough people to get elected President then we are in for a disaster,we'll have $12/gallon gas and 22% unemployment. And it was the Republican congress that balanced the Budget.In '93 and '94 Bill Clinton put US into a recession. |
Edited by
Tue 07/29/08 07:38 PM
Obama is nothing but a liar. He'd rather for US to be forced into buying foreign oil instead of tapping our own reserves,he's against coal and nuclear too,his motto should be "No we can't". Obama also has a "Global Poverty" bill that will tax every American an extra $8,500/year to give to people that don't even live in this country. His economic plan is straight fro 1977,'78,'79,and '80,the Jimmy Carter years as is his foreign policy directive. And if you don't remember the Carter years then you'd better thank God you weren't around those 4 years. The best thing about Carter was the second he left the White House and the best President we ever had in my lifetime,Ronald Reagan. Obama said people needed to quit having the temperature at 72 degrees year round.He's Jimmy Carter's ideological brother which is the equivalent of being sorry.If Obama gets lucky enough to blind enough people to get elected President then we are in for a disaster,we'll have $12/gallon gas and 22% unemployment. Obama didnt post this thread!!! ![]() ![]() |
Well,he voted to raise taxes on the middle-class,
He didn't need to post BS,his votes are BS. He's voted to raise taxes 94 times,so he is BS. |
Well,he voted to raise taxes on the middle-class, He didn't need to post BS,his votes are BS. He's voted to raise taxes 94 times,so he is BS. $350,000 a yr and up! |
Well,he voted to raise taxes on the middle-class, He didn't need to post BS,his votes are BS. He's voted to raise taxes 94 times,so he is BS. $350,000 a yr and up! Fanta, You can smell the fear and helplessness coming from the Republicans! All they can do is launch false attacks on Obama! Example: Obama is a Democrat. Democrats always raise taxes. Therefore Obama will raise taxes! Another example: Democrats are liars. Obama is a Democrat. Therefore, Obama is a liar! The talking heads (Hannity, Rush, O'Reilly) have honed misinformation to a low art, so they've learned from the best!!! |
I agree.
I've noticed it sure is a lot of one sided trash this election too. |
![]() ![]() ![]() Well,he voted to raise taxes on the middle-class, He didn't need to post BS,his votes are BS. He's voted to raise taxes 94 times,so he is BS. $350,000 a yr and up! |
Obama is too busy acting Presidential.
He's getting a head-start fixing Bush's screw-ups! |
A republican blog is just as valid an information source as major network news or cable news or new papers.
After all the network news, cable news and newspaper are for the most part nothing more than liberal blogs. |
Edited by
Thu 07/31/08 11:43 AM
Sorry I had to edit what i posted...Im playing nice!!quote]
Obama is nothing but a liar. He'd rather for US to be forced into buying foreign oil instead of tapping our own reserves,he's against coal and nuclear too,his motto should be "No we can't". Obama also has a "Global Poverty" bill that will tax every American an extra $8,500/year to give to people that don't even live in this country. His economic plan is straight fro 1977,'78,'79,and '80,the Jimmy Carter years as is his foreign policy directive. And if you don't remember the Carter years then you'd better thank God you weren't around those 4 years. The best thing about Carter was the second he left the White House and the best President we ever had in my lifetime,Ronald Reagan. Obama said people needed to quit having the temperature at 72 degrees year round.He's Jimmy Carter's ideological brother which is the equivalent of being sorry.If Obama gets lucky enough to blind enough people to get elected President then we are in for a disaster,we'll have $12/gallon gas and 22% unemployment. And it was the Republican congress that balanced the Budget.In '93 and '94 Bill Clinton put US into a recession. |
Rising cost of gas got you down? Put some air in your tires and get a tune-up. That should fix it.
Drill for more oil? Nah that'd be silly. Let's just wait 15-20 years until we have a viable alternate fuel source. Clean burning coal is no good either by the way and Nuclear power may be OK for France but it's just to clean and efficient for us here. This message approved by NObama. |