Community > Posts By > Kevrides

Kevrides's photo
Wed 04/23/08 04:43 AM

Good return, I have a quick question.

If our border is well protected, why has the Mexican military been allowed to make excursions onto our soil, escorting drug and human traffickers?

In fact they've attacked some of the few border guards we have.

Nuke Mexico. Go in wearing radiation suits and take the oil.

I believe that Mexico has been doing the passive aggressive thing for a coupla decades now. Pretty much since Reagan left the White House. None of the current candidates will do anything to stop this unless there is major public outcry to do so.
So lets all cry out "Put the Mexicans Back in Mexico!"

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:53 PM
Thanks but I couldn't run.:tongue:

I'd never pass the drug test. Don't have a college degree.

Plus i'm still in my early late thirties. Too young to run for president!

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:21 PM
It isn't.
The socialists are trying but will fail because ultimately socialism doesn't work.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 02:20 PM
The economy.(starts with extending and or increasing the Bush tax cuts) The dollars strength is being hamstrung by the environmentalist lobbyists. Wouldn't it be neat if we could drill for oil right here in our own country? Think of the job creation. How about increasing our ability to refine oil? That'd be great huh? We have the technology to do it cleanly. Think of what it would do to the price of energy. Just having the rest of the world knowing that we are actually tapping into our vast natural resources would create price drops.

On the energy front Coal is now burned much more cleanly and I have heard that extracting liquid fuel from coal that is even more clean burning is right around the corner. Lets incentivise this type of research with a few tax credits eh?

Our borders need to by sealed.Period. Amnesty for the 12mil+ illegals? I don't think so..deportation is preferable. I'm willing to pay more for my lettuce if an American picks it. If we curb the infestation of illegal immigrants we also reduce our health care costs, educational cost,law enforcement and prison costs. Sounds great doesn't it?

We need to set and achieve some serious goals in Iraq. The Iraqi government needs to understand fully that we are not there to keep them from having to protect themselves indefinitely. They need to step up and take the lions share of responsibility for their future.

Nuke Iran.

Just kidding about that last one. Well, maybe just a few MOABs on their nuke facilities.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:57 PM
beetlejesse beetlejesee beetlejes-psych!

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:55 PM
Is that a bugger on your chin?

Other than that you look like a nice girl. Want my son's digits?

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 01:50 PM
Have not put out anything I'd buy since And Justice for all.
I had the Black Album but did not have to buy it.

For My money their contemporaries Anthrax and Megadeth both own them nowadays and Megadeth only has 1 original member.

Kill'em All, Ride the Lightning & Master of Puppets are classic and amongst the greatest metal albums of all time in my book.

I was disappointed in them long before the whole NAPSTER ugliness.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 12:42 PM

Death penalty has not done anything for the determent of crimenoway huh

Death penalty quarentees that innocent men and women will die at the hand of the people of this country, that is all it does.

As for this case in OP, I am sure this happens quite often. People know a person is not guilty but do not speak up for a variety of reasons. It is sad really.grumble

There is no proof to confirm or refute your theory. I hope you are wrong and that this is a "once in a great while" occurance as I expect it is.

The death penalty only guarantees that if you are convicted of a heinous crime against another human or humans that you will get what you deserve.

If it is true that the death penalty has done nothing to deter crime it is because of our unwillingness to use it and or carry it out in an efficient manner. Years and years upon dozens of years sometimes with dozens of appeals all at a cost to the taxpayers to keep alive those who should be terminated for their crimes. Sounds like a plan.. to coddle the dregs of society.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:07 AM

Would have rather had Fred Thompson to vote for.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 11:01 AM
Well, that is a valid question. Up until this point he would have perished.

If there were legislation to reduce wait times on capital punishment I would suggest some modifications to the trial procedures leading up to conviction. To be as certain as we can be that the accused is in fact guilty as charged. As always the burden of proof is on the plaintiff to prove guilt not the defendant to prove innocence. The "beyond reasonable doubt" thing would become even more important wouldn't it?

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:48 AM

Mistakes are made. It happens. I hope it never happens to me.

What does the injustice that was reported on have to do with WalMart or any business at all? Walmart has one seriously kick butt business plan. If you get ripped off by them or feel like they are negatively affecting you it is because you allow it.

An educated consumer is rarely bamboozled.

I am not ashamed of my country. I am however somewhat ashamed by those who try to destroy it by giving government power that they were never supposed to have. But less than being ashamed I am more motivated to fight against those not only wish ill for our country but those who are actually trying to undermine our liberties as we sit and type.

The death penalty is now and will always be the best deterrent for those considering violent crime. Without it if they are incarcerated it's nothing more than a lifelong hotel stay for them on your tax dollars...suckers.

Read the 1st line of your own post. I need no further arguement.

I was not arguing. I am just stating fact. No matter the law. No matter when or where. People make mistakes. Some people make the mistake of reaching for a gun when angry and killing a loved one over a trivial argument. You can't let maniacs free to hedge against the remote possibility that a mistake may have been made in court.

If there were a mistake it had to get through a jury of the convicted's peers. I seriously don't know how to improve upon that. Our justice system as flawed as it may seem is really the best in the world, maybe ever. From a compassion standpoint as well as the duty of enforcing law and exacting justice when law is broken.

I'd love to listen to ideas on how we could improve the criminal justice system here in the USA. My suggestion would be to abolish death row. If convicted to execution a quick turn around time saves potentially millions of taxpayer dollars.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 04/22/08 10:21 AM
Mistakes are made. It happens. I hope it never happens to me.

What does the injustice that was reported on have to do with WalMart or any business at all? Walmart has one seriously kick butt business plan. If you get ripped off by them or feel like they are negatively affecting you it is because you allow it.

An educated consumer is rarely bamboozled.

I am not ashamed of my country. I am however somewhat ashamed by those who try to destroy it by giving government power that they were never supposed to have. But less than being ashamed I am more motivated to fight against those not only wish ill for our country but those who are actually trying to undermine our liberties as we sit and type.

The death penalty is now and will always be the best deterrent for those considering violent crime. Without it if they are incarcerated it's nothing more than a lifelong hotel stay for them on your tax dollars...suckers.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:24 PM
What percentage of your income do you give to the government to spend on whatever they please? Do you approve of how they spend your money?

What percentage of all US tax revenue comes from the richest 5%?
Still think it's fair? How about the folks in lower brackets? What do they pay?

A consumption tax is the answer. Get rid of the federal income tax (yeah right) and charge taxes based on consumption. Then those who buy plasma TVs with their welfare checks will be paying into the system too (it'd be about time).

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/21/08 05:07 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Mon 04/21/08 05:10 PM
I'm not for anyone cheating on their taxes. If you were rich maybe you could see why they might want to. The government asks for way more from them than from any other segment.

There are reasons for tax laws and those who enforce them. Those who cheat run the risk of being caught and that is a pretty high stakes game considering we are talking about close to 50% of their income. Let'em gamble.

I will continue to vote for those who will lessen my tax burden or more probably against those who promise to increase it.

Let's face it, if it weren't for so many bad government programs and idiotic spending by the dolts in congress we wouldn't need to be taxed so highly. If on our tax paper work there were a spot where we could designate how our money was to be spent I wouldn't have any problem at all. It's giving my money to those who don't deserve it (including the government machine)that steams me the most.

Thank God we don't have to support universal health care with our hard earned money as well.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 04/17/08 05:07 AM
I answered all of your questions in my first response.

The embedded cells I speak of are already here. Think if the Radical Muslim theocracy that will take over Iraq wont find some money to send to them along with directions to kill as many infidels as they possibly can?

I respect your opinion but disagree. I guess on that front I'm calling it a day. Mark my words though, if we pull our troops out prematurely we will end up back there and likely cleaning up more here.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 04/16/08 06:18 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Wed 04/16/08 06:18 PM
do you really think that if we pulled out of the middle east tomorrow that it wouldn't just be a matter of time until we had more attacks on our home soil?

I'm all for fortifying our borders. You won't meet a more staunch supporter of border enforcement than me. It won't stop airplanes or embedded cells from using money sent from the theocracy that used to be Iraq to kill more American civilians.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 04/16/08 05:12 PM
I don't WANT this war but understand if we leave now we end up back there again..only lots more people will have been killed by terrorist. The radical Islams want to kill us, you, me, every Jew, Christian, agnostic, atheist everyone who does not agree with their brand of radical views.

How can you want more terrorist attacks around the world and here?

Kevrides's photo
Wed 04/16/08 04:21 AM
Seem to have a couple of viewpoints in this thread.
The defeatist viewpoint that suggest that this country and the principles that it was founded upon are somehow wrong. That the principles need to be changed to adapt to modern times.

The other viewpoint is that this country is the greatest in history because of the principles it was founded upon. The further we get away from the constructor's ideals the worse things get.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/14/08 07:35 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Mon 04/14/08 07:36 PM
He speaks without saying anything.noway

Kevrides's photo
Mon 04/14/08 06:59 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Mon 04/14/08 07:01 PM
huh I know you understand what I say. You are just about a mile and a half to the left of it.

