Community > Posts By > Kevrides

Kevrides's photo
Tue 08/26/08 01:52 PM
Explain to me how me being a republican automatically confirms me as a racist.

If you can do that I'll explain to you how you being a liberal automatically confirms you as an idiot.

Good night.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 08/26/08 01:33 PM
What was too over the top? The sentence? Would you have preffered that the Judges released the terrorist into your care? Bet he'd a killed you if he had the chance. That's the way they think you know. They want to kill conservatives AND liberals and moderates and anyone else who does not agree with their brand of religion.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 08/26/08 01:23 PM
If they watch FOX so you don't have to who is watching ABC,NBC,CBS,CNN,MSNBC,PBS and the other "in the tank for the libs" news organizations?
Must be the losers who blindly support NObama.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 08/26/08 01:04 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Tue 08/26/08 01:04 PM
How is Congress doing with that old bat at the helm? Lets ask America.
According to the following Polls not so swell. Must be because she is an idiot.

LA Times/Bloomberg 8/15-8/18
Approve% 20 Disapprove% 73

Keep up the good work Democratically controlled congress!

Kevrides's photo
Tue 08/26/08 12:55 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Tue 08/26/08 12:57 PM
You left wing extemists are so totally delusional. It's entertainment for me at this point to even read your posts as none of them are based in reality.

From the Associated Press
July 6, 2008

MONTREAL -- The last major remnant of Saddam Hussein's nuclear program -- a huge stockpile of concentrated natural uranium -- reached this Canadian port Saturday, completing a secret U.S. operation that included an airlift from Baghdad and a voyage across two oceans.

The removal of about 550 tons of "yellowcake" -- the seed material for high-grade nuclear enrichment -- was a significant step toward closing the books on Hussein's nuclear legacy. It also brought relief to U.S. and Iraqi authorities who had worried that the cache would fall into the hands of insurgents or Shiites hoping to advance Iran's alleged nuclear ambitions.

Yellowcake alone is not considered potent enough for a "dirty bomb" -- a conventional explosive used to disperse radioactive material -- but it could cause widespread panic if incorporated in a blast. Yellowcake also can be enriched for use in reactors and, at higher levels, weapons.

Now that you have the facts do you really think that 5 years later Saddam wouldn't have been doing his damndest to enrich that stuff for use in bombs? If not you are plain old silly.

Kevrides's photo
Tue 08/26/08 12:12 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Tue 08/26/08 12:16 PM
5 years later he would have gotten his WMD back from his neighbors and started using them. Maybe he'd have nuke bombs now with all the yellow cake we found there tons & tons of it.

The Iraqi people would still be living under a ruthless dictator. There would be just as much if not more terrorist training taking place in Iraq. Saddam would have continued to thumb his nose at all of the UN resolutions he was in violation of and his people would have suffered even more under the sanctions that would have been imposed.

We didnt wait for the Soviet Union to go away...We WON the cold war thanks to the leadership of Ronald Reagan.

Libz R dum

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/21/08 10:40 PM
This thread is an EPIC FAIL

Kevrides's photo
Mon 08/18/08 06:27 AM
HEY! lets drill for oil right here! Wow that'd be super fantastic wouldn't it?

BTW we did not go to Iraq for the oil. I'm not sure if you remember all of the UN Resolutions Saddam was thumbing his nose at? What about the tons upon tons of uranium we found there (it's now in Canada)wouldn't that normally alarm you?

We need to drill for oil here and rely less on imported energy. It really is THAT simple. If you aren't part of the solution then you are part of the problem.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 08/18/08 06:16 AM

I have seen more hate in liberals than my fellow Republicans, we just get branded as Hateful.

Liberals just get angry at everything, It is all Americas fault, every issue in the world, it is all our fault and GWB fault, that is what you all want us all to believe because you want the US loving Americans to be ashamed of their country. It is not going to happen....

I for one am proud of my country, and I will stand by it no matter what and who is president.

I think YOU have it wrong.
You have it wrong, there is nothing wrong with being proud but one must own up to ones mistakes, of which we have many many to own up to thanks to this administration.

Hate comes in many forms. The "accepted" prejudice of those Americans who call themselves conservatives is the most dangerous because they hide it behind "legitimate" sounding causes. Their favorites right now are the illegals and anyone who challenges this administration on the illegal war they started. These are still forms of hatred no matter how well hidden they are.

I agree that there are hateful liberals also so I am not being biased.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 02:20 PM
Conservatives are correct in not calling McCain a conservative.

Obama is against drilling (or is he), against the surge (or is he) Against business (he WILL raise the taxes of those who employ most of us).

He would willingly walk away from the middle east and let them do whatever they want. He thinks we will be totally independant of middle eastern oil (venezualan oil too) in 10 years with NO DRILLING here. How is he gonna do that? He can't.

Just because I am pro-business/free market, Anti welfare state/entitlement/classwarfare, pro-national defense, Anti depedancy upon foriegn oil, it doesnt make me a racist.
I would love for the Republicans to run a black candidate but you know how the liberals treat conservative blacks. Ask Clarence Thomas, Secretary Rice, or any other minority with a conservative viewpoint.

Since Obama is a Chicago liberal (nothing new here) they love him but if he were a conservative they'd be raking him over the coals like they do with every other conservative (and even some moderate democrats) who they view as a threat to their ultimate plan of the huge government controlling your every move.

BTW the US postal service lost billions last quarter... Makes me glad that the government isnt in control of something as crucial as healthcare.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 01:59 PM

Obama is a conservative!!drinker drinker

Conservative on what?
He is ANTI business, ANTI millitary, ANTI moral values.
Obama is the very picture of the extreme left wing that has taken hold of the Democratic party over the past 35 years or so.
He is invested in America failing so that in your misery you will vote for "change".

Tell you what, "Change" is what the libs have been running on for decades. You had carter and 8 years of Clinton as well as a good chunk of time in control of the house and senate. WHERE IS THE CHANGE? It is just platitudes and empty promises.
Fanta what is your mailing address so I can send you a solution to the energy problem (yeah a tire pressure guage).

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 01:52 PM
Edited by Kevrides on Thu 08/07/08 01:53 PM
So I'm white and over 35. Is it only us over 35 white guys who don't want a socialist president?

Uncouth? lollaugh Whatever Pot. I have a friend you should meet who's name is Kettle. The way conservatives are attacked and lumped together with anyone the lib movment is having a hate affair with is what is uncouth. Not only that but you just called everyone who would vote for McCain a racist. Good lil' koolaid drinker you are.

How many of you people know what a NEO-CON is? I am not one. I don't consider neo-cons conservative at all.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 12:15 PM
"Oh sweet molasses

wonder why any of us do what we do when we do it and how we do it? "

Oh no you didn't!

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 12:08 PM
"Also, maybe b/c you are separated and not fully divorced yet that is scaring conservative women away!"

Good point. I guess I'd be better off changing my profile to state exactly who I am looking to find here.

Have a great day.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 12:03 PM
I sit on standing.

I as a conservative (not neo-con) am here to watch the other side.

I orriginally joined the site to meet like minded women. Not so many here or, at least in this forum.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 12:00 PM
And the rest of the media gets their talking points from the DNC. So what.

I think there will be a difficult time in front of anyone trying to proove that the Bush administration has ever paid FOX anything.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/07/08 11:51 AM
The majority of regulars in this forum are obviously of a liberal mindset.
Wonder why they are single and on a dating site. lol.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 07:18 PM
If you vote that way you waste your vote. Unless you can mobilize a voting base the first time you run. a good voting base taking away a big chunk of both major party's shares.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 07:12 PM
Obama doesn't have to cheap shot McCain. He has the liberal media either ignoring McCain or calling him old. I guess you don't see it that way.

How could you not see it during Obamas recent trip. They spent the house to send full crews to cover the Obama field trip.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 07/31/08 12:20 PM
"I bet by Nov you'll be ready to vote for him!!"

I'll take that bet. How much?