Community > Posts By > Kevrides

Kevrides's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:31 PM
I was kidding but, Disney is correct in thinking that Gay is not OK for the kiddies or for the parents of the kiddies. My kiddies anyway.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:19 PM
GOD and Disney hate teh gayz.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:18 PM
I guess it's news when a republican has marital issues. The dems are open to the whole moral bankruptcy thing so it's not news when they get caught. The media loves it when a republican screws up but still has their nose up Obama's as* even though he is radically changing our country for the worse daily.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:14 PM
I say let them sort their own shyt. Drill for oil here (duh) and build nuclear power plants here so that we wont need to rely on Iranian oil, or anyone elses oil for that matter.

Even if the current admin was to be overthrown I'm not so sure that the new ruling party would be pro US anyway. The religious leaders rule Iran not the president.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 06/24/09 03:07 PM
True that nobody like chemo. It's also true to state that chemo can do some horrible things to you but for the cancer where it is prescribed it does more good than bad. I know this and thank God for the treatments that are available to keep my loved ones alive.

My point was that the alternative medicine community and it's proponents are doing a great disservice to those gullible enough to trust it's treatments to be a substitute for actual medical treatment. Especially in the case of children who are corrupted into thinking that "chemo is evil" or similar bull hockey.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 06/24/09 02:39 PM
It's terrible that his parents/support group have filled his head with alternative medicine/holistic medicine BS. His cancer is reacting to and being fought by the chemo he has been given.

If "alternative" medicine really worked it wouldn't be "alternative" and there are plenty of people who would profit on it, so "the big pharm money controls everything" argument just doesn't work.

This kid should be thanking God every day that he is getting the chemo he needs to continue living. Someone should be telling him that.

Kevrides's photo
Sun 05/03/09 09:23 AM
I honestly couldn't care any less about her career choices,pageant obligations or which show she decides to go on much less what cause she has decided to champion. My point is that her opinion is the same as the MAJORITY of voters in CA and for stating her beliefs she has been vilified
If the exact opposite had occurred with the contestant speaking in favor of gay marriage when asked by an openly conservative panel member (say Sean Hannity)do you think she would have been painted in such a poor light by the media?

Kevrides's photo
Sun 05/03/09 09:02 AM
Carbon Dioxide is NOT a pollutant! You exhale it. NO proof exists that would classify it as a pollutant.It has been argued that more CO2 gas is released into the atmosphere by 1 volcano than all of the cars on the planet since the car's invention.

Kevrides's photo
Sun 05/03/09 08:31 AM
She has been hounded by the liberal media(not to mention cheated out of her beauty pageant win) simply because she shares the opinion of the MAJORITY of voters in California. Odd.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 11/05/08 12:11 AM

Kevrides's photo
Thu 10/30/08 11:10 PM

Get your facts straight.

No matter how many times Obama states it, you don't seem to hear?

95% of all Americans will receive a TAX CUT.

If you make less than $250,000, you will PAY LESS TAXES.

You can spout that till' you are blue in the face. Just like NObama has been. Simple FACT is NObama is lying. He would raise your taxes in a NY minute as he would mine. I'm well under his $250k number but not far at all under the $150k number his stupid running mate slipped and let out.

A flat or "fair" tax is the answer along with MASSIVE cuts in government spending. Think NObama will cut government spending (other that gutting the armed forces after surrendering to the terrorists in the middle east)? NO HE WILL NOT. He wants bigger government. He has announced 4 TRILLION$ in spending...NEW spending ffs. That money is not all coming from our wealthiest 5%. It's coming from you and me so he can give those who don't even pay taxes a tax "credit"(read welfare handout).

Kevrides's photo
Thu 10/23/08 01:00 AM
Murder is anti human.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 10/23/08 12:53 AM
Edited by Kevrides on Thu 10/23/08 12:55 AM
She needed the clothes for this campaign because she IS a hockey mom. She only had plain old hockey mom clothes so the RNC (not her campaign) decided to give her wardrobe an overhaul. All of the clothes will be auctioned off.

I wonder what oBama's clothing allowance is. I'm thinking his clothes aren't Target specials either.

Not like any of this makes a difference. The simple fact is that OBAMA IS A SOCIALIST. Pure and simple. Just ask Bill Ayers.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 10/22/08 08:52 PM
Nobody is FOR global poverty. I just don't want my government telling me how much of MY money I whould/will be donating to combat it. If I want to give to a charity I'd prefer to find one that is run a little more efficiently than the giant sized bureaucracy in Washington D.C.

A democratic run senate, house and White House is a horrid idea.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 10/15/08 01:17 PM

Duh, Obama

That about sums it up.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 10/15/08 01:15 PM

Kevrides's photo
Mon 09/22/08 02:24 PM

"In reflex tests of 46 political partisans, psychologists found that conservatives were more likely than liberals to be shocked by sudden threats.

Accompanying the physiological differences were deep differences on hot-button political issues: military expansion, the Iraq war, gun control, capital punishment, the Patriot act, warrantless searches, foreign aid, abortion rights, gay marriage, premarital sex and pornography."

The neocons were also considerably slower than liberals... (OK,I made that part up...)
That's because the liberals are stoned out rejects with no moral structure.

You know that scene in "Platoon" with the stoners and the beer drinkers? Not much difference except for the propensity to violence of the PBR monkeys. There's your moral structure.

That platoon reference may have applied during the Vietnam era but now?? I don't find myself on either of those sides do you? if you do you must be extreme left or extremely uneducated.

Kevrides's photo
Mon 09/22/08 02:21 PM

To make the assumption that the federal government can control whats needed to have an efficient oil industry is ludicrous to me. Look what they've done to the healthcare industry, the education system and the banking system.

Government needs to get the hell out of the market place, customers will dictate to the market, if they're allowed to do so.

OMG warmachine you get some of it some of the time dont you? More government (which would include the Marxist Obama)= bad for our country and less government (including staying the hell out of our health care system)= better for our country.
It's pretty simple actually.

Kevrides's photo
Thu 08/28/08 08:36 AM
I think madisonman should have to prove that he isn't an idiot before posting any more stupid threads. So there.

Kevrides's photo
Wed 08/27/08 10:17 AM
Yet you not only tolerate but embrace socialistic ideals from a candidate who is clearly not experienced enough to lead. Not only that but his ideals are bad for our country and will take you, me and every American further away from being free and closer to being citizens of a socialist republic controlled by an all powerful government.

The yellow cake was for the development of nukes. If you think he had it for any other reason you are as foolish as I thought.

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