Community > Posts By > bigblue29

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Sun 06/08/08 01:25 PM
Having you suspended in the air i've got you tied. I stand there full of a last boy scouts pride. This is not love making but be sure its going to be ground breaking. You may be thinking what am i going to do to start. This is a fantasy, how else but to lick every body part.

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Sun 06/08/08 01:05 PM
Me or me or me take your pick either one of me is ready to plunge deep with my rock hard **** this might hurt a bit. Not even going to use lube or my spit. I'm going to bend you over that cheesey seventies chair, all the while pulling on your hair . This might hurt a bit you screaming and creaming, through your fit. Trust me wiggle and skirm your not done yet the big o is near you can bet.

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Sun 06/08/08 01:05 PM
Me or me or me take your pick either one of me is ready to plunge deep with my rock hard **** this might hurt a bit. Not even going to use lube or my spit. I'm going to bend you over that cheesey seventies chair, all the while pulling on your hair . This might hurt a bit you screaming and creaming, through your fit. Trust me wiggle and skirm your not done yet the big o is near you can bet.

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Sun 06/08/08 10:27 AM
Robert, you asked what is so inspiring. Well here it is.....just that you can take just about anything and write about it. Not only do you write about anything you make others feel something when you write, it appeals to their senses and heart. Thank goodness your not selling something in your writes cause alot of people would be broke and you'd be loaded.

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Sat 06/07/08 09:32 AM
I long for that very moment when the women of my heart will whisper, i love you in my ear as her body slowly and gently moves over mine. The soothing warmth of our bodies connected. A great sigh of satisfaction would certainly follow.

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Fri 06/06/08 06:49 PM
NOt where i was going with this.

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Fri 06/06/08 10:06 AM
That rocking chair might aswell be a boat cause i'm right along with you in the turbulance of this ocean we call life. Great write, Robert.

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Fri 06/06/08 08:57 AM
You know, i haven't walked by i stream or through a meadow in i don't know how long i think it's high time i take a min. And just breath. Thanks for helping to remind me of the subtle things.

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Fri 06/06/08 06:46 AM
Pretty sure he's one that would be on his knees in fact he may want to invest in some kneesads. Lol.

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Thu 06/05/08 07:26 PM
i don't know if there are poetry groupies, but if there are such a thing, i'm one of yours. Love what you do!

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Thu 06/05/08 07:19 PM
Princess, thank you for sharing.

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Thu 06/05/08 07:10 PM
Cherish the blessing of time. Last week i was told my dad died. He fought pancreatic cancer for a year before it attacked his brain and finally killed him. My mom is struggling but knows he beat the odds and will walk with God. Vicky, i want your friend/brother Andy to live a long and free of pain life. I hope God in his infinite wisdom will bless his soul and heal his body and continue to carry him. My love to him and his family and to you Vicky.

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Thu 06/05/08 06:20 PM
Ya i used to tell my wife i love her everyday that was until i found out alot of other guys were showing her how they loved her too.

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Thu 06/05/08 12:01 PM
Edited by bigblue29 on Thu 06/05/08 12:04 PM
Hey diddle diddle i played that cat like a fiddle. Nothing like a puss to make me kick off my boots. She thought it would never happen a cow jumping over a moon but hey she should have known, when she laid with me to spoon.

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Thu 06/05/08 11:48 AM
Understanding patience to find love...yep sounds about right.

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Thu 06/05/08 11:40 AM
Mary mary, really was contrary. When little miss muffit sat on her tuffit she felt a bob protruding from something hairy.

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Wed 06/04/08 11:23 AM
Very funny Robert! Ty.

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Wed 06/04/08 11:18 AM
Now that's what i want when i get off work! Ty for the thought.

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Wed 06/04/08 09:49 AM
Silly, yet poignant!! laugh
Ty thought we could use a laugh.

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Wed 06/04/08 08:28 AM
My boss loves gas too. So much in fact, i asked him for a raise(you guessed it) to help pay for gas and he told me he was cuttin back in liew of saving gas. My girlfriend is so supportive of my plight for gas. So much so that instead of driving to The big GA from WA, she says i can just pay for her flight (thanks babe). My ex. Is supportive she says i don't have to pay for her gas because her new boyfriend loves gas too, and doesn't mind pitching in (thanks big guy). Mom was thinking of visiting from canada but didn't have any gas, has gas now, but says she's trying to save it. My babysitter asked for a raise but of course i had to tell her that my boss wants to save for gas. She understands. I went to walmart last might to pick up some stuff and i saw these people with their kids holding signs saying; out of gas please help. As i drove by i thought to myself; wow i wish i thought of that idea first. Oh and my gas light is on. I better stop and get some gas on the way home. The nice guy that i am, i stopped and offered some help....i gave them my address to my house and invited them to join my support group for people who can't afford gas. But to my dismay the gentleman declined because he had a meeting to his support group for people who hate S.U.V.s and their drivers.

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