Community > Posts By > ShadowLands

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 08:53 AM

purpose or calling in life is yet?
Yeah. I piss people off.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 08:53 AM
What is this "snow" you speak of? devil

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 03:32 PM

I do not understand this willingness in our country to become gutteral animals because there are terrorist in the worldnoway Terrorists have been doing what they do for a long long time and will continue to do what they do long after we are gone. We are not changing anything by our psuedo war on terror.noway We are not changing anything by becoming like them.noway
Slick....IF we decided to become "gutteral animals" and conduct a true military campaign against the terrorist elements in the middle east I can assure you of one thing:

Terrorists would cease to exist.

Our military is being held on such a short leash it is pathetic. The rules of engagement for our troops should be laughable but it is getting them killed. The only problem I have with the entire War On Terror is not a war. It is a police action. The military is not a "keeper of the peace". That is a job for the police. A military does one thing and that is destroy an enemy to the point that it's enemy is either decimated or eliminated. It is an ugly thing that they do but that is their purpose. Our soldiers are dying every day because they are limited in what they can and cannot do in the face of mortal danger. Their commanders second guess every decision because they are worried how it will be portrayed on television by some hack in a suit or by an overzealous Congressional jackass.

So a terror suspect was threatened with rape. Big whooptee friggin' doo. I'd threaten him with being skinned alive and dipped in vat of salt if it worked. If I were told that by hooking a terrorists nuts up to a car battery would save one US soldier's life do you know what my response would be?

Red is positive and black is negative.

The muslim states have been warring for thousands of years. What makes anyone think that they want to be "understood" or want to "sit down and discuss" their views with us? Only a complete idiot would presume such things and, unfortunately, we have plenty of those in our own Congress.

A few neutron weapons dropped into strategic areas would not bother me in the least.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:24 PM

Second is what I call "Heavy Classical". Anything that is driving and forceful.

The greatest album ever has to be Metallica's "S&M". Nothing better than Metallica and an orchestra.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:22 PM
I love this bar - Toby Keith

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:21 PM
AC/DC, Rush

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:20 PM
Disturbed - Stricken

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:16 PM
You have to go over them in two directions. Works for me.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:12 PM
Edited by ShadowLands on Wed 03/19/08 02:13 PM

Almond Joy's got deep dark chocolate (yeah yeah yeah)...coconut and munchy nuts too. Mounds got deep dark chocolate and chewy coconut oooowoooo. laugh

And the Big Mac commercial......
"Two-all-beef-patties-special-sauce-lettuce-cheese-pickles-onions-on-a-sesame-seed-bun, yeah!"

The Isuzu commercial.....
"Say Isuzu."
"Das ok kid...I cand say Chevoway."

"Sorry Charlie. Only the best tasting tuna get to be Starkist."

"My bologna has a first name. It's O-S-C-A-R. My bologna has a second name. It's M-A-Y-E-R. Oh I love to eat it everyday and if you ask my why I'll say......'cause Oscar Mayer has a way with B-O-L-O-G-N-A."

Sorry. I was a commercial hound as a kid.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 02:02 PM
Almost forgot.....


ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:52 PM
Fritos Scoops and Jalepeno Bean Dip.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:46 PM
Nope. Ex wife #2 is 11 years younger than me. Just because she's an "ex" doesn't mean we didn't get along well. We're still great friends and have a wonderful kid together. She knows me better than anyone and vice-versa.

Ours was an interesting relationship in that we could talk about anything with each other. She learned from me and I learned from her.

My father remarried when I was 17. His wife is only five years older than me and that makes her 20 years younger than him. They have been together almost 25 years now. She was more mature than her age though and she did some growing up in other areas of her personality really quick. I will say that she is the best thing that has happened to my father. I'm glad she is in his life. They are a great couple and still have a great time together.

I guess it just depends on the two individuals in the relationship. Other people's opinions don't matter much.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:40 PM

Well, I'm just saying, men don't want to admit there's something wrong with them.......
Oh I know there is something seriously wrong with me and I'll admit it openly! Hell..I talk to machines more than people. I can carry on a great conversation with the race car. noway

I should get out more. laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:31 PM

You're at a strip club talking to one of the strippers, you get a lap dance, and she gives you her number.

How long do you wait to call?

Do you even call?

Let's assume she's atleast a 6, and the number is real (or she gives it to you without you having to ask her for it).
Are you asking a real question or are you gloating over the whole phone number thing????? laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:28 PM

I have learned that just because someone is MALE it doesn't make them a MAN..anybody else here know the difference?laugh..Anybody wanna take a stab at explaining it to those that think they are the same thing?noway
OH hell no. I'm just an overgrown seven year old anyway.......according to the last ex. :tongue:

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 01:06 PM

Mmmm never resist

I like mine with strawberries and whipped cream ^^
Pancakes too, right? :tongue:

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 11:47 AM

Keep it short and don't burn your bridges.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 11:45 AM

I think we could find a spot for you at the DMV.
No way. That's the second organization that gets booted right out of existence.

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 11:42 AM
Hell, I have them and still ready for my nude photo shoots bigsmile No shame here laugh
Where did I put that camera????? devil

My view is...if she likes her body then I like her body. If she wants larger boobs then let's talk about it. Should she feel that implants are necessary to make her feel good about her body then let's go pick some out. If she likes her boobs then let's go shopping for something that helps "accentuate" what she has whether they are big or small or in between.

Stretch marks....fact of life. Last ex had quite a lot of them from her first pregnancy and she was very afraid to show them. Didn't bother me but it took some time for her to become ok with her body. Pretty simple in my book....if she is comfortable in her own skin then who am I to nitpick?

ShadowLands's photo
Wed 03/19/08 10:48 AM

I have cramps.......wanna trade?indifferent laugh laugh
No way in Hell.

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