Community > Posts By > ShadowLands

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:29 PM
Edited by ShadowLands on Thu 03/20/08 12:30 PM

Hm, pork?

If people knew half of the nasty
icky dieases that these animals had
then they probably..well, yeah I'm sure
they'd still eat the meat..oh well.
So how do you feel about crab, lobster, and crawfish?

People have different views on fish/chicken.
I don't eat fish or chicken personally..
But many vegetarians will eat both.

I wanted to know if you would eat crab, lobster, or crawfish?

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:28 PM
My sister had that problem as a child. Poor kid would knock over EVERYTHING on the dinner table. She'd knock over stuff and I'd catch it. She won't eat anywhere near me at family gatherings these days.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:26 PM

Hm, pork?

If people knew half of the nasty
icky dieases that these animals had
then they probably..well, yeah I'm sure
they'd still eat the meat..oh well.
So how do you feel about crab, lobster, and crawfish?

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:25 PM

yeah this is a true one folks mine remarried and likes to hack into systems and spy on people
Then leave him something REALLY juicy to read sometime. :wink:

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:24 PM
<<<<<< Carnivores Maximus.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:05 PM

why did your last relationship end?

The b!tch was screwing around on me.

and what would you do differently next time?

Shoot them both. noway

I like that concept
Probably would have been less paperwork than beating him half to death. laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 12:00 PM

I hope their is a away to avoid women, i dont want to do anything with them, What ways can i stay away from them, they are so mean, and think they all that.
Hire a hooker once in a while.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:58 AM
Edited by ShadowLands on Thu 03/20/08 11:58 AM

I'll try and keep this short but im not even sure where to begin.

so i've been chatting on here with a certain lady for a few weeks now and things seem to going in the direction i'd like them too. We've both verbally made it clear there is interest and attraction, love and by the coversations and topics and no i'm not even talking about sex. Thats maybe come up 3 times in our hundreds of conversations. Ofcourse there is tons of flirting going on... :wink: and we are both looking for a relationship... Not to mention shes smart.. Fantastic right!!!

So this is where it gets interesting.... We don't live in the same state, ok cool i'm in the process of selling my place to move out of this area anyway. She even invited me to stay with her. Great right? I think..

Well heres the kicker I feel like shes out of my league.. She gave me her # but I cant get myself to call her... WTF??? I've never been so awestruck by a woman and yet afraid.. any thoughts

Sissy. laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:55 AM
Single moms don't bother me. I like kids. I'm actually an overgrown seven year old so we get along great. laugh

It is the single moms with other boyfriends or stalker boyfriends that bother me. Those clowns just seem to "show up" at the most inoportune moments. noway

Then there are the "single moms" who are not quite single yet but forgot to mention that fact. mad

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:49 AM

Healing factor and immortality. While we're on this X-Men thingy......

The adamantium laced skeleton and retractable claws would be pretty damn cool. :tongue:

drinker Let's discuss comics sometime, huh!? Of course, it'll probably just be us...........ohwell
Yeah well....we are a rare breed. laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:47 AM
Yup. My brutally honest nature is why my mother told me I'd never be elected to public office. laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:45 AM
Was not really a date from hell but certainly an end to the deal. We had been out two or three times for dinner and movie, etc, etc. I came back from a race in Arizona where I screwed up and cost myself an easy win. We were at dinner and she asked me how it went. I explained everything and expressed how annoyed I was at myself for blowing such an easy opportunity at a winner's check.

Then she says, "See how upset you get at that racing thing? Tell you what, how about you give up the racing? Just trade that Mustang in on a nice SUV, buy yourself a set of golf clubs and I'll teach you to play golf. Sounds much better than racing." *(with a real sh!tty emphasis on the word "racing")*

I smiled politely, stood up, put sixty dollars on the table and told her to enjoy the rest of the dinner. Walked out the door and never saw her again.

Like I said.....a "deal ender".

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:36 AM
Edited by ShadowLands on Thu 03/20/08 11:36 AM
Because I refuse to get burned again. There's a certain "ice water in the veins" thing going on with me that I try to cover up with humor and an overbearing dedication to work and racing.

My youngest has seen his mom go through more boyfriends than anyone can count. I do not want him to see me do that. He and I are too close and we spend quite a bit of time together so I don't want to block off time from him to have a relationship. He will be eleven at the first of May so in a few years when hanging out with friends takes precedence over spending time with Dad.......maybe I'll try again.

Right now I'm still too closely guarded with my feelings and my trust. Some of my friends have accused me of not liking women anymore. Nothing could be further from the truth. I LOVE women.

I just don't trust them.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:29 AM
Edited by ShadowLands on Thu 03/20/08 11:30 AM

why did your last relationship end?

The b!tch was screwing around on me.

and what would you do differently next time?

Shoot them both. noway

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:26 AM
Edited by ShadowLands on Thu 03/20/08 11:26 AM
Healing factor and immortality. While we're on this X-Men thingy......

The adamantium laced skeleton and retractable claws would be pretty damn cool. :tongue:

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 11:22 AM

Did you know?,....that if you are studying many documents ( for an exam for example) and you take some sientas for some minutes each 2 hours, your brain works stores the information better.


Sorry,......i mean siestas
So why the hell didn't you just say "nap"?????

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 09:11 AM

Always carry a pair of fencing pliers, a can of ground black pepper, and a mintie in your car...

fencing wire can be used for a multitude of roadside rapairs... split pin gone? fencing wire...
engine mount cracked? fencing wire, good ole 8 guage straight wire...

small leak in the radiator, small split in the hose? A full can of black pepper and any lisuid you have.. pineapple juice, urine... it will get you out of the desert..

Stone hole in the fuel tank? Chew a mintie, then stick it to the hole, the petrol mixes with it and it sets solid..

Liquid nails will stick the top tank back on a radiator back on, and get you out of the sh*t for 200 kms or so...

Need to change a tyre, a truck tyre? Make sure if you are a woman, to always carry a piece of metal pipe, galvanised plumbing pipe is perfect, slip it over the wheel brace as an extender, then jump on it to loosen the nuts.

I have about a gazillion tonnes of stuff...

How to survive in the aussie bush, how to track native animals, for food, and to water... what to eat in the bush.... how to catch yabbies, without a pot... how to weave a grass basket yabbie pot,,, all sorts..

Yup...bailing wire, duct tape, black pepper, and even women's panty hose. Ever had a belt break on the car? Panty hose will work for up to 50 miles or so just to get you out of trouble. Also, a paper clip can substitute for a blown fuse if you really need it to do so.

Bore x Bore x Stroke x .7854 x 8 (or whatever number of cylinders your engine has) = total cubic inches.

When designing intake manifold plenum volume build the plenum to have the same cubic inches as the engine it will feed.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 09:02 AM
Everyday. I am a mechanical designer so I'm creating something each day. Once the process is done I get to go out to the shop and watch my creations come to life. Watching them operate and run is magnificent.

Machines are wonderful. So much easier to deal with than people.

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 09:00 AM
It's a genetic gift. I got if from my father. laugh laugh laugh

ShadowLands's photo
Thu 03/20/08 08:58 AM
Hell yeah. Rich, famous, and immortal. Photographers are easy to handle. First papparazzi that has to regurgitate his camera because he got in my way.....the rest will take heed. laugh

I'd probably build a 20 foot wall around my property with a big sign out front that reads.......

"This Property Protected By Grumman Aerospace Weapons Systems"

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