Community > Posts By > Roweanne

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Wed 04/22/09 10:47 AM
Every year for the ****ens Village Festival here in Garrison, ND, the fire dept. sells pickled Walleye. It's very good.

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Wed 04/22/09 10:43 AM
home-made biscuits, 2-3 eggs overeasy, gravy over it all, with a side of nice buttery grits. Glass of OJ, and a cup of coffee.

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Wed 04/22/09 10:41 AM
And back-to-the-earth mags and gardening mags sometimes have articles on this.

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Wed 04/22/09 10:39 AM
Harriet Carter catalog has both the tomato TopsyTurvy and the Strawberry TopsyTurvy. I think they're about $20 each, with a slight discount for buying multiples. They say that you can grow peppers, eggplant, herbs and other stuff in them. Also, you may want to Google SPIN (Small Plot INtensive) gardening if you want to produce some of your own veggies in a very limited space.

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Wed 04/22/09 10:28 AM

I can be found where anything cannot; dead men eat me all the time, but if a living man eats me, he'll die.
Is it dirt?

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Wed 04/22/09 10:26 AM

What has got two thumbs, speaks French and like blowjobs?
Um, not that I really want to know, but is it you?

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Wed 04/22/09 10:16 AM
Good guess!

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Wed 04/22/09 10:13 AM
Yuck! Only if you can't "hold your water."

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Wed 04/22/09 10:11 AM
Honestly, a lot of the lazy tokers that I've known were lazy with or without weed. And stupidity, real stupidity, is more a choice people make every time they make a decision or open their mouths. I've met really intelligent people who had a habit of doing or saying stupid things, and they were stupid by choice. Weed had nothing to do with it. I've also met tokers who were very motivated and hard-working, not a lazy bone in their bodies. I think there are tokers who use the weed as an excuse to be lazy and unmotivated, even if they don't need an excuse.

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Wed 04/22/09 09:44 AM
Is it a postage stamp?

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Wed 04/22/09 09:42 AM
Amish saying: The most beautiful thing you will ever wear is a smile.

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Wed 04/22/09 09:37 AM
A secret?

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Wed 04/22/09 09:31 AM
I've never gotten anything nearly as yucky as these, but a lady that I used to work with was standing in line at a sports stadium concession stand and the guy in front of her bit into his hotdog to find most of a worm hanging out of the bitten end.ill This was years ago, and I think they have changed food safety regs since. However, I am VERY picky about hotdogs because of this and similar stories. I'm not Jewish, but I Very much prefer to buy Kosher hotdogs and lunch meat.

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Wed 04/22/09 09:20 AM

:banana: I'm pretty fly for a fat guy:banana:

Mmmmpwua! You are, and you've been kissed! ( on the cheek. anywhere else might not be appropriate.)blushing

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Wed 04/22/09 09:18 AM
OK, just so you know, I don't make a habit of looking at other women's profile, but I looked at yours. You are SO cute, and he was shallow, blind or both to only see a fat person. You're not fat. I wish I looked as good as you do. Don't let the ba*#a&ds get you down. (I wish I could remember that phrase in Latin.)

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Wed 04/22/09 09:10 AM
Happy B'Day!flowers :banana:

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Wed 04/22/09 09:02 AM
I started smoking when I broke my collar bone because the doc wouldn't prescribe a pain med that didn't make me ill. That was 8+ years ago, and I quit smoking when I realized that I wasn't in constant pain anymore but was smoking more than when I was in pain.(About 8 months.) I had a small emotional addiction to it at the time, but nothing physical, and the emotional faded with time. I think that it should be legal, and it should be recomended in certain medical situations (cancer, AIDS, glaucoma, pain med, etc.) but I also believe that a user should be VERY careful about how they use it and about the frequency of use. Certain professions should not use it, no matter what the situation (Truck drivers, heavy machinery operators, law enforcement. Just a few examples.) Also, a user should either grow his/her own or know that you are getting it from a very trusted source. Too many dealers lace it with other, more harmful, substances, and that is probably the biggest way in which it is a "gateway drug", in my opinion. I think that if it were legal, it would be safer to use.
Since you are feeling compelled to ask in this setting, it would seem that you are starting to have doubts about using it. Considering how much you have to lose if you are caught and convicted, and considering that you are working in a VERY responsible line of work, and with kids, quitting would probably be your most prudent course of action. I don't think that a person is wrong to use weed, but there are other factors to consider as well. I hope that my soapbox hasn't been too pushy, and I hope that everyone's advice helps you to work through this.

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Wed 04/22/09 08:41 AM
Ouch, sorry you got hurt. A jerk is a jerk no matter where you first contacted him. (Or her. At one time I was bi-curious, and I have seen how bad women really are. Women can be just as bad.) I wouldn't let him bother you. And venting to people who understand really helps. You need a friendly hug, and none of us is there to offer it, so put your right hand on your left shoulder, and your left hand on your right shoulder, and squeeze. Now you've been hugged via internet. Hope it helps.

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Wed 04/22/09 08:20 AM
Howdy! Welcome to Mingle. Have fun.

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Tue 04/21/09 08:12 AM
Wow, is that lead guitarist good. The whole band is good.:banana: :thumbsup: