Community > Posts By > Roweanne

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Fri 03/27/09 02:55 PM
There's supposed to be a tombstone in Boot Hill Cemetery (in Arizona?) that states:
Here lies Lester Moore
Four slugs from a 44
No Les
No more.

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Fri 03/27/09 02:52 PM
Yeah, but certainly not directed at anyone here. You guys didn't say it, and the one who did is VERY computer illiterate. If he can't have a talking computer like on Star Trek, he won't use one.

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Fri 03/27/09 02:49 PM
I think that by nature we tried at one time to widen the gene pool as much as possible. This means having more than ons sex partner. However, organized religion got in the way (and not just the Judeo-Christian faiths. There have been a few others who thought that monogamy was the only moral option.) and now it is hugely frowned upon to have too many sex partners, and certainly to have too many in a short period of time.

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Fri 03/27/09 02:44 PM
And I don't want to have them in litters, either! scared one at a time, please! One guy that I dated joked about maybe we should wish for triplets adn be done in one fell swoop. I told him that I would do the medical procedure on him with a dull knife if I had a litter.

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Fri 03/27/09 02:41 PM
If I ever do become a mother, I don't want to stop at just one child.

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Fri 03/27/09 02:35 PM
Humans in general, no. But some personalities are more comfortable having only one partner, either at at time or for life.

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Fri 03/27/09 02:31 PM
If you are talking about notions of morality, then let's get back to basics. Don't do anything to anyone else that you don't want them to do to you and yours. I don't have the exact wording of each of htem in front of me right now, nor do I have them all memorized verbatim, but every religion has a variation of this, called "the Golden Rule", the Rede, or some othername. Too many people forget that forcing a set of dogmatic religious semantics on another person goes against this basic human tenet. It casues harm in the form of confusion and anger that blocks the positive potential that humans have to love and care about their fellow humans. Instead of arguing these picky points (that are, incidentally, perceived differently in each of us) we should be co-operating in activities that promote healing, both physical and emotional, of the human race, individual humans, and the planet on which we live. We're each going to see life, and the origins thereof differently, even among different individual within a religious group. Arguing about it causes more discord and damage in the long run than to agree that we don't all see God the same. (Even those who see diety as non-existant.)

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Fri 03/27/09 01:57 PM
I've seen where people have manipulated and "trained" shrubs and trees into different sculptures and shapes. I suppose, if someone had the time, patience and know-how, and they could get their decendants to continue the effort when they are gone, it could be done. But it would take YEARS.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:47 PM
I have 3 each neices and nephews, whom I love dearly. And, while I'm not into the Christian religion, I do like the passage in the Bible that says something along the lines of childless women have the most children. I think that's because we can offer motherly support and utilize our maternal instincts more openly, while women who have children of their own need to concentrate on just their kids.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:41 PM
I read about a haunted headstone one time. The groom died in a car crash or something on their wedding day,on the way to the church. The would-be bride mysteriously died later. Almost immediately there started appearing a picture slowly fading in to the front of the groom's headstone of the two of them in their wedding garb coming out of the church, happy and married.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:16 PM

BTW, ya don't have to be from the South to be Southern-style.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:13 PM
I don't have kids. And I figure that I'm not yuppy enough to plan on just now starting a family at 39. But I also don't believe in medical or chemical birth control, so if the Goddess decides that I should be a mother, she'll cause the condom to malfunction, and I'll be hearing the patter of little feet.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:08 PM
Happy Birthday, Oldsage. Many happy returns.waving winking flowerforyou

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Fri 03/27/09 01:05 PM
:laughing: Women can't even understand women. I know you're pulling everyone's leg with that.rofl

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Fri 03/27/09 01:03 PM
Yeah, kids are another soft spot of mine.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:01 PM

I sometimes dream of a relationship in which he and I go out to do fun and interesting stuff, you know, real, old-fashioned dating. (Bars don't count. You don't have to be dating anyone to watch people get stupid-drunk, or to get that way yourself.) But I've dreamt this for so long without seeing it as reality, I guess that I have started perceiving it as a delusional pipe dream.

You mean like going to street fairs, museums, hiking, dinner and a movie, strolls through flower fields, long talks along a seashore, rides into the hills or along the coast, etc?

Yeah, that's the stuff I go for on dates, even first dates. Sometimes even power walks around the lake, and I would love to meet a lady that would be willing and able to rollerblade with me or even ride a bicycle around the lake while I blade... good cardio...

And of course, when a man asks a lady what she would like to do on a date, be honest and tell him. I, for one, would try very hard to accomodate her wishes within reason.
Yeah, that kind of neat stuff! A lot of guys should read that part of your book.

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Fri 03/27/09 01:00 PM

I think they already invented that lamp in the 60's or 70's.

really maybe that's that's why i never saw it cuz i was born in 82 laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
Um, I think that was an age coment.spock

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Fri 03/27/09 12:56 PM

Redheads - I just can't tell them no!
does it have to be a natural redhead, or can I just reacquaint myself with Miss Clairol? LOL

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Fri 03/27/09 12:55 PM
Like the song says, I wanna "make every stray a pet." Thankfully, I live in an apartment, and they have very strict rules about that. They are saving me from myself!

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Fri 03/27/09 12:51 PM
was it Foxworthy who said that if there is a tranny hanging in the tree a gun lives there? And if you want to know what caliber, try to break in.