Community > Posts By > Roweanne

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Fri 04/24/09 09:44 PM

All I can say is warm and sunny.laugh

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Fri 04/24/09 09:42 PM

I liked Texas when I went there, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Too hot, and I don't take the heat well. I must say, though, I love to hear a Texas accent. Especially coming from some good-looking cowboy. Wow!love

Want to see one?
Very nice. Thank you. I dropped him a note. Even if he doesn't write back, I can still appreciate "eye candy".:wink:

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Fri 04/24/09 09:34 PM

I liked Texas when I went there, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Too hot, and I don't take the heat well. I must say, though, I love to hear a Texas accent. Especially coming from some good-looking cowboy. Wow!love

Want to see one?
Do you have a particular one in mind?

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Fri 04/24/09 09:32 PM
Congrats. I hope for the best for your growing family. Keep us posted.

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Fri 04/24/09 09:27 PM
I liked Texas when I went there, but I don't think I'd want to live there. Too hot, and I don't take the heat well. I must say, though, I love to hear a Texas accent. Especially coming from some good-looking cowboy. Wow!love

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Fri 04/24/09 09:15 PM
I think that every religion has a small part of the truth. However, most people don't realize that a truly religious experience has less to do with the outwardly organized religion than it has to do with our own inner spirituality. We each see and relate to diety in a different way, and that's fine. When it becomes wrong is when someone says that everyone should see the same aspect of God/dess. Then it becomes a control issue, not a belief.

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Fri 04/24/09 09:05 PM
Actually, I like that they've got the religions segregated. I was talking to some people in a Catholic site one time and when they found out about my religious affiliation, several of them started really harrassing me. I had been logging in there because people were nice, and because they didn' thave a bunch of cussing and ingorance every other word. After that, it was 3 yrs before I was willing to get into discussion threads anywhere again. Here, I don't have to worry about people getting judgemental and rude about the fact that I'm Wiccan.

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Fri 04/24/09 08:40 PM
Oh, yeah, well the donating goes without saying. I don't think I could ever spend all that money by myself, not and actually enjoy it.

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Fri 04/24/09 08:39 PM
For starters, I'd get it in the annuity. That way, I'd have a hefty income fo rthe next 20+ years. I'd talk with an attorney, an accountant, and a financial advisor, seperately and together, and plan how best to invest and spend it. Then I'd take them all with me when I went to claim the loot, so that everything is totally legit, and so that I don't get mauled by the media. I'd pay off everything, buy a vehicle (make and model are irrelevent right now), buy a property, put my dream house on it. Then I'd go on vacation for the rest of my life.:banana: :banana: :banana:

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Fri 04/24/09 08:31 PM
Most people just think I'm weird.
Robert, Where do you find the cool smileys?

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Fri 04/24/09 08:29 PM
39. I spend the next 9 1/2 months kicking 40 in the azz. After that, 40 gets to kick me there. How I feel depends on what I've been doing. Last weekend's 2750 mile round trip road trip to Pgh, PA, still has me feeling achy and old.

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Fri 04/24/09 08:16 PM
I'm originally form PA, but live in ND now. Welcome to Mingle.waving

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Fri 04/24/09 10:27 AM

Does anyone have the stuff about being a child of the 70's or 80's? All I can remember of it it that you can remember Micheal Jackson being a black man, not a white woman(?). And Rubik's cubes.

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Fri 04/24/09 10:23 AM

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Fri 04/24/09 10:21 AM
Besides, then people would start worshipping the messenger as a diety even if it is only a messenger. People have made humans into dieties with their worship throughout religious history (Isis, Jesus, several others whose names I can't think of right now) Mythology tends to forget that these were humans first. Just think what people would do to an immortal who is physically here and alive forever.

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Fri 04/24/09 10:14 AM
I prefer not to use psychadelics, even natural ones. I've seen too many people over-use adn abuse them. Try learning from the Complete Idiots Guide to Meditation, which attempts to teach the reader to live meditatively at all times, or Awakening Spirits by Tom Brown, Jr. He refers to meditation (real, constant meditation, not just once in a while) as state of being adn awareness and spirituality on all levels through-out your every-day life. He was taught by one of the last non-reservation Apache back in the 1960's, he has written several books on what he has learned, and also has a school dedicated to teaching these and other skills. Not as easy, but better in the long run.

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Wed 04/22/09 02:40 PM
slaphead Kiena, why in the world are you still with him? He's a class A, number1, self-centered, egotistical user, and you deserve better than that. Kick him to the curb b4 you get seriously hurt, or preg with his baby, or some other unsavory consequence that you will have to deal with. Really, there are nice guys out there, and it sounds like the best way for you to find one is to learn how to be happy with who you are without a man. Especially a man like that.

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Wed 04/22/09 02:26 PM
Ok, I don't have kids of my own, but I do have neices and nephews, and I work with 3 highschool kids who went to prom this year. My question is, have you and your ex talked with each other to try to coordinate the whole prom thing? Do the two of you get along well enough to talk about what's up with your daughter? That may be the best place to start. Good luck.

And thanks for being willing to hear anyone's advice, regardless of parental status. Too many parents totally blow off input from non-parents.

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Wed 04/22/09 02:16 PM
So, maybe the title of this thread should be: To dazzle them with brilliance or baffle them with bull****? That is the question.

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Wed 04/22/09 02:12 PM
My mother and I both have been told (by small children) that we look like Roseanne Barr. Neither of us took that in a very complimentary way. I guess to some little kids, every heavy, dark-haired woman looks about the same. I wish that I had a pic so that someone here could debunk this assessment.

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