Community > Posts By > BobbyJ

BobbyJ's photo
Thu 08/21/08 12:32 PM
Awww, he just wants to play with you!

BobbyJ's photo
Thu 08/21/08 12:06 PM

The ancient Hebrew texts were originally an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years before they were put into written word. That there are contradictions and inconsistencies in the texts themselves is self-explanatory. They were all taken from an oral tradition/history.

I don't quite comprehend the picking apart of various texts when this fact is taken into consideration. Much of the Hebrew texts are faith based texts. The historical accuracy of the texts can only be proven or disproven in modern times through archaeological discovery.

Archaeologists work every day on digs uncovering new material. To date, less than 5% of all middle-eastern archaeological finds that are out there have been discovered. As years pass, with more discoveries made, we will certainly become more enlightened as to the history of the middle eastern cultures. Historical and linguistic interpretations of ancient texts will continually be revised as these discoveries are made.

thnx then i will just continue to disreguard anything i read as being of what is really meant then. I will reguard it as stories.

You can choose to regard the texts in whatever way you decide. For most readers of the texts, they are faith based texts. For those that base their faith upon the texts, the texts are accepted as fact and without question. That is what faith is all about, accepting what is written through faith. Faith need no proof or it wouldn't be faith. To argue what one believes through their faith is pointless. To argue an archaeolgical discovery is accepted and ongoing.

BobbyJ's photo
Thu 08/21/08 11:49 AM
The ancient Hebrew texts were originally an oral tradition handed down from generation to generation for thousands of years before they were put into written word. That there are contradictions and inconsistencies in the texts themselves is self-explanatory. They were all taken from an oral tradition/history.

I don't quite comprehend the picking apart of various texts when this fact is taken into consideration. Much of the Hebrew texts are faith based texts. The historical accuracy of the texts can only be proven or disproven in modern times through archaeological discovery.

Archaeologists work every day on digs uncovering new material. To date, less than 5% of all middle-eastern archaeological finds that are out there have been discovered. As years pass, with more discoveries made, we will certainly become more enlightened as to the history of the middle eastern cultures. Historical and linguistic interpretations of ancient texts will continually be revised as these discoveries are made.

BobbyJ's photo
Thu 08/21/08 11:16 AM
I think this thread needs to be renamed, as in;

"How to carry baggage and not get over it"!

BobbyJ's photo
Thu 08/21/08 11:11 AM
I fail to understand the point of "revenge" in any form or trying to make an ex jealous. That's an indication that a person is not at all over a relationship and hasn't put it behind them. Why even think about an ex? Why not just move on with your life?

There is no doubt how I would take any action by an ex of mine to make me feel jealous. It would tell me that she is so, so hooked on me yet that this is what she resorts to. In the end, I would be happy to know that, rather than me being the one not over her, she is the one quite obviously not over me!

BobbyJ's photo
Thu 08/21/08 10:35 AM

The New American Standard Bible reflects the most accurate translation which is:

So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people.

ahhhh!!! i see, it's take the least offensive word that it could mean and apply it so that it makes god look better?? Now i understand exigesis much better.

so we will let - evil,wicked, bad,injury, calamity, wrong, and the rest go - ok if thats what you like. harm still means to hurt something in some way.

It's not about taking the least offensive word. It's about accurate translation. You can choose to either go with the newer, correct translation or you can go with an older, less accurate one. That's your choice.

Less accurate? for almost 2000 yrs it was concidered accurate - HMM? was not the interpreter's of the word supposed to be being led by the spirit of god in fixing the words?

If so, then how can >later< "translations" be more accurate that the original? Wouldn't it be more correct to take the original [ that which is closest to the time and understanding of what god intended for the reader to understand], than what later man further from that written at the beginning now decides is more correct?

Is that not anything more than modern man tampering with what is supposed to be "spirit breathed" information from god himself?

How can something said and written and interpreted by men lead by the spirit of god hold true for 2000 yrs, and then someone decide recently that these men lead by god and inspired to write the information down are now wrong?

is this the old HYCAEIT standard again?

I am surprised that the reason the ancient Hebrew text is better translated now than before evades you. It's simply called; more information available. You're posts have much more to do with your own personal criticism of the ancient Hebrew texts than they do with any knowledge of them. I suggest that you take a course in Biblical Archaeology before you continue to make more "inaccurate" statements.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:39 PM

The New American Standard Bible reflects the most accurate translation which is:

So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people.

ahhhh!!! i see, it's take the least offensive word that it could mean and apply it so that it makes god look better?? Now i understand exigesis much better.

so we will let - evil,wicked, bad,injury, calamity, wrong, and the rest go - ok if thats what you like. harm still means to hurt something in some way.

It's not about taking the least offensive word. It's about accurate translation. You can choose to either go with the newer, correct translation or you can go with an older, less accurate one. That's your choice.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:18 PM
The New American Standard Bible reflects the most accurate translation which is:

So the LORD changed His mind about the harm which He said He would do to His people.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 05:21 PM
If this is how he treats his family, imagine how he'll treat you!

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 01:54 PM
Edited by BobbyJ on Wed 08/20/08 01:54 PM
Give them all ridlyn. That's been the answer in most schools. Drug any kid that doesn't pay attention or is unruly.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 01:51 PM

Do you think Teachers should carry Guns in School?think
Do you think they would use them for Discipline, or Protection think

OMG!!!!!! Where in the WORLD do you live????????

What's the big surprise? Anyone who is familiar with large city schools is aware of how out of control the kids are.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 01:50 PM
I think parents should learn to discipline their own kids and quite relying on the teachers to do it for them.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 01:47 PM
Live in Texas? As an ex in-law of mine who was a rancher in East Texas said to me;

"When does a Yankee become a damn Yankee? It's when they stop visiting and move to Texas."

Beware of the "native Texan" mindset and you aren't one unless you were born there.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 12:56 PM
It's not just the men. I have been contacted by a couple of married women on this site looking for a relationship. Go figure!

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:58 AM
They ought to put books like this out on all the Republicrats, only the focus of the books should be about how they are bought and paid for by corporations. Maybe then, we'll have a great president, an Independent!

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:23 AM
One of my ex's was from Texas (a rhyme?). Grits and chicken fried steak. Ummm, I'll stick to northern (Wisconsin) food. Bratwurst on the grill!

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 11:18 AM
They are the same. That's why I call them Republicrats. They are both owned by corporations and do their bidding.

Vote Independent!

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 10:22 AM

Best way to find out why things happened and how to prevent a repeat experience is to see a personal, FEMALE, counselor (psychologist).

I say FEMALE counselor because you get a better understanding of the things you did and went through from the female point of view. Another man's (male counselor) point of view will be limited by the male perspective and that won't help you at all.

Ummm..... BULLCRAP.

I work with psychologists and I can tell you this sort of bias rarely exists. As we are all people, there is the potentiality of this happening, but Psychs are professional and as such, objective.

If you want an understanding of what the other person's views are, learn EMPATHY and COMMUNICATION. True story.

How does one learn empathy and communication if they don't know how? Will they learn it on their own or from their significant other? Not a chance. Personal counseling is the only way.

Not bullcrap! So, male counselors think exactly like female ones? Perhaps instead of observing their bahaviors in the office, you should make appointments and try both a female and a male counselor yourself. You'll see the difference.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 09:50 AM

Women can fake an orgasm, but men can fake a whole relationship....

I can only fake the sounds....but if I do that than the loser is me. :laughing:

And the second part of that, how RIGHT you are.

I don't think that men intentionally fake relationships, though it may often seem that way. Men are usually less emotional and have more difficulty expressing themselves and how they feel. So, as time goes on, they become more distant giving the impression that they are faking it. Anytime a relationship gets to the point where two can no longer communicate, it's time for outside counseling. Unfortunately, most men view relationship counseling as someone pointing the finger solely at them, so they are more reluctant to go.

BobbyJ's photo
Wed 08/20/08 09:39 AM
Best way to find out why things happened and how to prevent a repeat experience is to see a personal, FEMALE, counselor (psychologist).

I say FEMALE counselor because you get a better understanding of the things you did and went through from the female point of view. Another man's (male counselor) point of view will be limited by the male perspective and that won't help you at all.