Community > Posts By > BobbyJ

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:48 PM
Edited by BobbyJ on Mon 08/25/08 12:49 PM
Honestly, I have an insatiable hunger to learn.

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:44 PM
Edited by BobbyJ on Mon 08/25/08 12:44 PM
Never getting asked out. It's less expensive both financially and emotionally!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:42 PM
"Love" is a word with far too many meanings within the English language. One can love a friend, a dog, a car, just about anything. For romantic love, I suggest we come up with a new word!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 12:17 PM
I never have a problem approaching women in public. I'll go for eye contact. first. If that doesn't work, I'll walk right up to them and politely start a conversation. At worst, I have a brief, pleasant conversation. At best, I get a date!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 11:39 AM
Way back when I was college I went to a strip club only to discover that the acne faced, greasy haired, short, frumpy looking girl I knew in high school who was constantly at my locker trying to get a date with me was one of the dancers.

Instead of what I knew in high school, she developed into a woman who could have passed as Natalie Wood's twin sister. Yep, it was me who then asked her for a date, and it was she who turned me down. Oh how payback can hurt!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 11:26 AM

Everyone is a slave to the society that they live in. You live where you live and behave the way you behave, all because of society dictates. Choice and practice of religion is but a small freedom that we do have, yet that small freedom is being eroded by humanists who demand the slavery of common sense over faith.

What is wrong with common sense? Where do "humanists" demand the slavery of common sense over faith?

I don't understand your statement. Please explain.

Common sense is contrary to faith with fw exceptions. Beliefs of a person with faith defy common sense.

How do humanists demand common sense over faith? Is creationism allowed to be taught in public schools. No, rather evolution and the "Big Bang" theory are all that is taught exslaving and dictating thought, hence, the slavery of common sense. The slavery of common sense and humanism limit our potentional and dimensions as human beings.

Personally I was never taught about the Big Bang Theory or evolution in school, so I can't really relate to that.

If people knew HOW creationism really worked on the quantum level, then I would be all for the teaching of it in schools.

Even if they had some sort of proof of a creator or how creation works and had a decent theory, I would say, teach it in schools.

But the don't.

That is religion and it is all admittedly faith based, it is not science or fact. You can't teach faith based beliefs in schools. There are too many than conflict anyway.

Now I am not saying that all science is completely correct either, and it changes as we learn more.

Personally I believe in the creative techniques and I have my own theory of how this universe is created. It is not what is written in the Bible either. Like the Bible story, it can't be proven either, so I don't expect or demand that they teach it in schools.


JB, I agree with you!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 11:12 AM

Everyone is a slave to the society that they live in. You live where you live and behave the way you behave, all because of society dictates. Choice and practice of religion is but a small freedom that we do have, yet that small freedom is being eroded by humanists who demand the slavery of common sense over faith.

What is wrong with common sense? Where do "humanists" demand the slavery of common sense over faith?

I don't understand your statement. Please explain.

Common sense is contrary to faith with fw exceptions. Beliefs of a person with faith defy common sense.

How do humanists demand common sense over faith? Is creationism allowed to be taught in public schools. No, rather evolution and the "Big Bang" theory are all that is taught exslaving and dictating thought, hence, the slavery of common sense. The slavery of common sense and humanism limit our potentional and dimensions as human beings.

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 11:00 AM

If she even existed she was a whore who slept around the story of her magical impregnation was the obvious result of her not wanting to tell her husband he wasn't her true lover, women hold no place of respect in the mythological writings of fiction we call religion because they all were concocted by old men who held no respect for them fortunately we are now in modern times and sooner than later religion will be a thing of the past and remain only with those crazy enough to still follow it.

You perpetuate nothing more than a myth in saying that Mary Magdeline was a whore. Get your references straight and know what "Mary" you are talking about before making uneducated statements.

Interesting, I suspect I can call your post "mythological" given it's rashness of thought.

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 10:51 AM
Everyone is a slave to the society that they live in. You live where you live and behave the way you behave, all because of society dictates. Choice and practice of religion is but a small freedom that we do have, yet that small freedom is being eroded by humanists who demand the slavery of common sense over faith.

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 10:30 AM
Honesty, without a doubt!

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 10:29 AM
Check out Mary Magdeline in the New Testament. Upon reading, you'll discover that she was an important disciple. Remember, she was the one chosen to make the discovery of the Resurrection and spread the word to the others. The time period of the New Testament can hardly be compared to modern times when it comes to the influence by women. Even so, there were several Biblical heroines and leaders of the Hebrew army and politic.

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:44 AM

I did read it. Shes 21,3 kids. other people taking care of them. A man did it to her again. So the most responible thing she can do is give a kid up for adoption. Nomatter what anyone does, we just pat them on the head, and say, it going to be ok. As long as it done already, dont worry, just move on, and do it again,again,again, and again. The Government, or your Family will fix it

No one deliberately gets themselves into this situation. It happens and it happens to very good, trusting and loving people. Save your judgements because every one of us has made our own share of decisions that can be condemned by others. When someone opens up their heart to others, you don't slam the door in their face. You help them as best you know how. Shortie isn't looking for your pity, she's reaching out for advice and a little empathy for her situation. Never, ever tell someone how wrong they are until you've walked in their shoes.

BobbyJ's photo
Mon 08/25/08 09:34 AM
I raised four kids on my own and one of them, my daughter, now has four kids. I am sad that there are men who say they want to be with you, then leave. I can tell you are a very trusting person. Remember, that the father is as responsible for your pregnancy as you are. Make sure he is prepared to financially support you and pay the costs of either keeping your child or adoption. Visit your local government's agencies for healthcare plans (many are at no cost at certain income levels) and advice. You always have friends here on M2.


BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:21 PM
It's an ABC video on the hidden danger of old tires being sold as new.

BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 07:18 PM
Please watch this for it might save your life or a loved one's life...

(Commercial is please wait 30 seconds for the News.)

BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:31 PM
Edited by BobbyJ on Sun 08/24/08 12:32 PM
Did you get an explanation? I'd call or email them and ask for one. If they don't respond, there's not much you can do or say. If they respond with a flaky excuse, make another date with them. Only this time tell them you're taking them to a super expensive, fancy place, then don't show up yourself at the appointed time.
They'll learn real quick what being stood up is like!

BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:13 PM

Ah yes, the 5 year neverending war in Iraq, brought to you by the same generation that protested in the streets against Viet Nam. Hardly the "flower power" generation, rather the "hypocritical" generation!
Just remember Hippies are not politicians. :wink: laugh

The current politicians were hippies along with most of the people who vote them into office!

BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 12:10 PM
Edited by BobbyJ on Sun 08/24/08 12:11 PM

The traffic in Greenville has gotten ridicules.
It's almost like driving in downtown Raleigh now.
With more students opting to go to ECU and Pitt hospital growing more everyday.

It was a pretty quiet city while I was there. Do they still have the "blue laws"? If they do, that's got to be hard on Sundays when watching a Panther's game. Oh yeah, the Pack and the Panthers have had some pretty good games. Great team you have there!

BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:58 AM

North Carolina.

Ok, we come! So much more pleasant there anyhow!

NC is great! I lived in Greenville for a few years.

My ex wife was born in Texas. Her family moved to Greenville, NC. Her father was a professor at ECU. I married her in that city. Her brothers and sisters still live there.

BobbyJ's photo
Sun 08/24/08 11:37 AM
Ah yes, the 5 year neverending war in Iraq, brought to you by the same generation that protested in the streets against Viet Nam. Hardly the "flower power" generation, rather the "hypocritical" generation!

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