Community > Posts By > Kaseynej

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:05 PM
laugh laugh laugh Wonder. That works too! I just don't like to come across as conceited. But oh well, alls fair......

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:01 PM

lol Mirror, I have emailed you!

And I meant just friends in general. I just moved here, I don't know anyone! I'm not THAT sad. Thanks.

Hey, we're in the same boat, I've only been here where i'm at for a little over 8months and the only friends i had turned out to be backstabbing losers.
I'll join the club if you make it!
:heart: flowerforyou

lol what club would that be? The I'm desperate and need a friend club? Nah, it should be something insanely off the wall that makes you!

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:01 PM

lol Mirror, I have emailed you!

And I meant just friends in general. I just moved here, I don't know anyone! I'm not THAT sad. Thanks.

Hey, we're in the same boat, I've only been here where i'm at for a little over 8months and the only friends i had turned out to be backstabbing losers.
I'll join the club if you make it!
:heart: flowerforyou

lol what club would that be? The I'm desperate and need a friend club? Nah, it should be something insanely off the wall that makes you!

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:55 PM
lol Mirror, I have emailed you!

And I meant just friends in general. I just moved here, I don't know anyone! I'm not THAT sad. Thanks.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:50 PM
I think I'll settle for friends rather than dating. It seems like a good place to start. And I probably posted this in the wrong forum. If I did, sorry.

(Does that sound extremely sad, or just a little?laugh laugh )

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:01 PM

:heart: SUZE, :heart: PRINCESS:heart: HIKERCHICKY:heart: MONTANA:heart: KASYNEJ:heart:

you sure know how to make the girls feel special Mirror!

blushing blushing

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 09:00 PM

It may be able to be rebuilt, but there's so much to deal with. I think once it's lost, it's an extremely long and angry road to go down to earn it back. And in a romantic relationship.......I don't think it can be. You'll always wonder when they're gonna do it again.

Kasey you hit a key item.. a romantic relationship vs another one.. I think I'd take someone back that I was not involved in romatically and I have.. but romantically I agree once the trust is gone it's gone.. Online I find I'm even less tolerant than in real life and in real life I'm not so much either...

That's precisely what I'm discovering. About the onlive vs real life. Some people are so trusting it blows my mind. And then others are so not worthy of trust it does the same.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 08:54 PM

devil Whatever gets them out the door the fastest devil

man, i hope that' a joke!

If it's not gonna hurt them, I'll tell them the truth. But if it will, I just try to be as vague as possible.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 08:52 PM
It may be able to be rebuilt, but there's so much to deal with. I think once it's lost, it's an extremely long and angry road to go down to earn it back. And in a romantic relationship.......I don't think it can be. You'll always wonder when they're gonna do it again.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 08:45 PM
I don't see what the big deal is. I have plenty of male friends I could be roommates with. And it would never go any further. Most times when men and women are roommates, they state that it can never go any further. Or they've already dated and know it won't work. So, I wouldn't care.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 08:33 PM
I've always looked at it like this:

If you meet someone that even makes you consider cheating then you should probably end it, because obviously you've got no future with the person you're with. When you find the one you truly love and want to be with, it shouldn't even be a consideration.

But that's just my opinion. Those who allow themselves to be cheated on, I think it's out of a low self esteem. They just don't think they can do better. Or maybe they're just afraid to be alone. I don't know. It shouldn't be tolerated though. Once they cheat and you let it go, they'll just feel free to do it again.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 07:16 PM
If he said said not right now even, I wouldn't do anything. You'd be not respecting his wishes, and that may just reinforce whatever he's currently feeling about you. Though it's hard when you care about someone and they just cut you out. So show that you care by doing what he asks and then later on down the road you can randomly say hi and take it from there.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 06:49 PM
I don't have a crush either. It's been so long I'm starting to wonder if I forgot what they are! lol

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:49 PM
Hello everyone!

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:45 PM
No, I didn't meet him on here.

And he's the one that's been making the dates. He's the one making all the forward motion. I've just been going with the flow.

Yeah, I just chalked it up to not being the right time. But that's two days in a row that I kept open for him, so, that's enough for me.

Thanks guys.

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:42 PM
I'm retarded. I met eligable. However you spell that. I'm dyslexic today. Sorry

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:42 PM
I'll give it a try. Though if I read correctly, just by posting that already made me illegible. But that works too. I don't seem to do a very good job left to my own devices. lol

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 04:32 PM
I was supposed to have a date with this guy last night, but he told me his daughter was ill so he couldn't make it. COMPLETELY understandable. Then later tells me his daughter decided she was fine and went to his parents house and he went and hung out with his brothers. Still fine, I wouldn't wanna call last minute either. But then he says he wants to get together today. He'll call at noon and if everything works out, we'll go out around four. Sure, fine.

Well, noon rolls around and he sends me a text saying he got called into work and will call me when he gets a chance. Then like 10 minutes later, says he should be able to call in a little bit. It's been about 5 hours since then. Obviously we're not going anywhere, and that's fine, but he didn't send a message or anything saying he couldn't make it or that he'd call later or anything.

So, after all this, well, last night and today, I sent him a message saying that if something came up I understand, but that he should've at least sent a message or something. Anything, whatever. I then wished him luck and told him to have a nice night.

Do you think I acted rashly? Or would you have thought the same? (Sorry this was so long. Just wanted to be clear.)

Kaseynej's photo
Sun 02/10/08 10:21 AM
Paris Hilton. laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

She's my idol.

Kaseynej's photo
Sat 02/09/08 09:43 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

My g/f and I have made this. Almost made copies and started handing them out, but she chickened out! It was a blast making em though.