Community > Posts By > Kaseynej

Kaseynej's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:21 AM

Nope... but ONLY because I chose not to...

Did he?

See you didn't even ask....

a bit interesting don't you think?

No. I didn't ask because we weren't talking about that side. I dont think it's okay for them to cheat either. I think as soon as you do so, there's no point in continuing the relationship, but again, I have no experience in this. I haven't lived it.

From your....we'll go with tone, I'm assuming he did. In which case you really got the short end of the stick and I can certainly see why you're so vehement on the topic. But one person's indiscretions doesn't implicate the whole. For that fact, the majorities indiscretions doesn't implicate the whole.

And you did pose some interesting ?'s.

Overall though, I think it's just a matter of, cheating is cheating, no matter where you are or who you're with and it shouldn't ever be tolerated.

Kaseynej's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:16 AM
I'm sorry that that happened to you. I'm sure it was extremely difficult, but like I said, that's not what this guy was talking about.

I've never dated anyone that was in the military, so I've never experienced it. Therefore, can't speak from so.

And I know there are two sides to every story. That's why I was just going off what the original post said. Based on that information alone, and assuming she's not isolated, I still stick to what I said.

But given your information.....well, I don't know what to say. I didn't live it.

Kaseynej's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:12 AM

And I am entitled to my opinion, as controversial as it may appear...

Tell me, who supports the woman emotionally while hubby is off playing GI Joe?

Who holds her? Hugs her when she is down? Who shows her the same respect as this whole crapola mindset that because you are a soldier you are now a god, whilst family can just suck it up for a year, or so, till the returning hero arrives?

There are always two sides to the story?

Who know if this guy is a violent wife beater, who is so screwed up with PTSD, he doesn't know his arms from his legs?

You get an OP that whines about unfaithful women... and everyone immediately tip toes because he is a soldier???

GIMME A BREAK...sick sick sick

I don't care if he's a soldier, a trucker, a pilot, or whatever. If you can't handle someone being gone, then don't date them! Yes, we are going off the assumption that all he's done wrong is go to fight a war, if he was a wife beater or something equally as heinous obviously we'd be saying good for her for leaving.

It takes a lot to date someone that's gone all the time. A lot of selflessness and understanding. That's why not many people make it. If all you're concerned about is being left behind with all your friends and family where everything is at your fingertips then it's probably not the relationship for ya. But I'd hope you were self aware enough to know that first, and then respectful and considerate enough to tell them that it's not going to work before you go and cheat on them and they find out some other way. Just what someone thousands of miles away needs to hear.

Just to give you a brief history, I was married to an SAS Australian Army man for 18 years, four kids, (left for long periods of time up to and including a year) running a farm, managing ALL affairs, whilst he was off doing his thing... My eldest son is also in the Australian Army, in the Advanced Scouts, eldest daughter made Staff Sargent in the Army Cadets, my youngest son just joined the cadets....

We were isolated, no support network, no 'everything laid on'...we did the hard yards too... and what was returned to us, was not the man that left.

THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO THE STORY, as Debbie pointed out...

Well, then see, that's a different scenario then what I think was originally being asked. I can see where what you went through would be extremely difficult. But did you run off and cheat every time he left? It doesn't sound like it.

Kaseynej's photo
Fri 02/22/08 12:08 AM
laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

That last one is a truly scary thought. But what if we all seem a little out there? Do you think there's a group sitting around somewhere with no entertainment at all? Or is that how D&D and Magic got invented? On second thought, maybe they're the ones with mental illness and my friends and I are all the sane ones. Yeah, let's go with that.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:58 PM
When you come to the end of all that you know, you must remember one of two things: there will be earth to stand on, or you will be given wings to fly.


There are a million of them, but that will always be my favorite. I'm gonna paint it on my living room wall with a mural.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:49 PM

And I am entitled to my opinion, as controversial as it may appear...

Tell me, who supports the woman emotionally while hubby is off playing GI Joe?

Who holds her? Hugs her when she is down? Who shows her the same respect as this whole crapola mindset that because you are a soldier you are now a god, whilst family can just suck it up for a year, or so, till the returning hero arrives?

There are always two sides to the story?

Who know if this guy is a violent wife beater, who is so screwed up with PTSD, he doesn't know his arms from his legs?

You get an OP that whines about unfaithful women... and everyone immediately tip toes because he is a soldier???

GIMME A BREAK...sick sick sick

I don't care if he's a soldier, a trucker, a pilot, or whatever. If you can't handle someone being gone, then don't date them! Yes, we are going off the assumption that all he's done wrong is go to fight a war, if he was a wife beater or something equally as heinous obviously we'd be saying good for her for leaving.

It takes a lot to date someone that's gone all the time. A lot of selflessness and understanding. That's why not many people make it. If all you're concerned about is being left behind with all your friends and family where everything is at your fingertips then it's probably not the relationship for ya. But I'd hope you were self aware enough to know that first, and then respectful and considerate enough to tell them that it's not going to work before you go and cheat on them and they find out some other way. Just what someone thousands of miles away needs to hear.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:28 PM

Im just wondering why me as well as about 50% of the other soldiers I know get cheated on while we are in Iraq....I just got back from my 3rd tour and found out I got cheated on again! I guess I don't get it maybe someone can let me know why this happens so much. I just hope there is a girl who can see I will proudly fight for my country until I can't anymore. I just want a faithful woman but I guess that easier said than done.

Hmmmm....wives and partners aren't pets... to be abandoned whilst you are out playing GI Joe...

You dont get to get yourself a woman, then abandon her to go play wars, and expect her to sit there staring at the wall till you come home...

Besides, in the fast food instant gratification culture of the american mr and mrs joe average...who has time to wait anymore..

Also, swap places, and BE HONEST... like you would sit at home and knit if that was your woman, off playing wars for months on end...? I suspect the answer is..... NOT.bigsmile

Okay. Everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I would like to put myself as far away as possible from this one. It's called commitment. If you truly care about someone, and that's the choice they've made, regardless whether or not you approve, you support them.

There is just so much there that.....yep. nm. moving on

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:24 PM
3 times?!?!? That is just plain awful. But at least you're still willing to try.

And since I'm finding I have an opinion about's an idea. Though maybe not a good one.

Find a woman with a highly independent streak. That way by the time you're done touring she'll be more used to you being around, but in the meantime she'll most likely just be excited not to have someone hanging on her all the time, so you'll be even more precious. (still someone that you're compatible with, of course)

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 11:11 PM
I like Brooke, the woman is just too cute, and has talent.

And then the last two guys on tues. I was dancin all around my house.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:59 PM
eh, just my name n my kids initials. figured that'd be easy enough for my friends and family to remember when i got on the internet bandwagon. never tried to think up anything else. it's just what i've always used. maybe i'll reconsider......:tongue:

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:29 PM

Not sure why people find it creepy and just never know who you are going to fall for..sometimes it hits you when you least expect it. If you found the perfect person would you pass them by because of their age?

no, not because of their age, but because they have so much more of their life to live and experience that changes a person drastically. or can.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:16 PM
wait'll ya meet the family! my family's pretty open minded, but if i brought home someone my parents age, they'd flip. and not on me. i can understand the girls thing. older guy. okay. but the guy....that's just disgusting. and yet happens every day

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:12 PM
gargantuan gwen


Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:58 PM

you gotta make the name from the one that someone left above you

i. e. polly-positive polly

martha-miserable martha

sounds retarded i know, but we have great times with this one sometimes so...


Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:47 PM
laugh laugh laugh laugh Hi Jason! How ya doin?

No, I don't want to do gross things with him. I don't intentionally do gross things with my g/f's either. But when they happen we laugh hysterically about them. That's what I want.

Some guys, I won't say all, don't want to know or see some of the ordinary things that women do. Yet at the same time, will do some of the most disgusting things ever. Just don't get it. Whoever made that rule was retarded.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:34 PM

Hello everyone! And congratulations Sharon and Fairy! That's awesome to hear.
TY Kasey, Join us in dance too!!! flowerforyou

Dance Dance Dance Dance (They should really have a dancing smiley face. Just for this room? post? whatever it's called alone)

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:31 PM
So I've been sittin here chatting with my g/f and it got me thinking. We do some inhumanely gross things around each other. And tell each other worse. And yet, we'll still sprawl in the same bed to watch a movie, share food, whatever.

And I have more than one of those kinds of g/f's. So why on earth is it so hard to find one guy that I can even have a decent entertaining conversation with?!?!?!

And maybe I shouldn't say it's that hard, because I've got a lot of guy friends too, but it seems impossible to get that with someone I'm dating.

Or am I wrong in thinking that this is what my other half and I should be capable of?

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 09:22 PM
Hello everyone! And congratulations Sharon and Fairy! That's awesome to hear.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:35 AM

Im in Florida. Its in the 80's. Now im all for belly shirts. But what is the age, and weight cut off? Come on belly hanging over the pants,stretch marks, over 40, with 3 kids

GAG ... just GAG

& ya speaking of .. what about the dudes that do yardwork with NO shirt (anyone over 40 that isn't friggin built/buff) and geesh I just wanna yell out the window as I drive by

"PUT IT BACK ON FOR GOD'S SAKE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noway devil sad sad sad

and I'd say the same thing for guys online ... puhleeze. If you aren't ripped .... hide it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No reason to make us ALL suffer noway

As we say in my family, right on sister soldier! I don't get the no shirt thing on here. Especially when you can't see their face. I mean hello? I'm not gonna be talking to your chest!
why not???? guys talk to our chests all the time!

laugh laugh laugh Good point. Though if I were going that route, I'd talk to their hands.

Kaseynej's photo
Thu 02/21/08 10:25 AM

Im in Florida. Its in the 80's. Now im all for belly shirts. But what is the age, and weight cut off? Come on belly hanging over the pants,stretch marks, over 40, with 3 kids

GAG ... just GAG

& ya speaking of .. what about the dudes that do yardwork with NO shirt (anyone over 40 that isn't friggin built/buff) and geesh I just wanna yell out the window as I drive by

"PUT IT BACK ON FOR GOD'S SAKE"!!!!!!!!!!!!!! noway devil sad sad sad

and I'd say the same thing for guys online ... puhleeze. If you aren't ripped .... hide it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No reason to make us ALL suffer noway

As we say in my family, right on sister soldier! I don't get the no shirt thing on here. Especially when you can't see their face. I mean hello? I'm not gonna be talking to your chest!