Topic: A thread about Assasination???
LovetoLiveLife's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:33 PM
I recently just read a post by a woman attacking those who believe in assaination and it blew my mind. Whether democrat, republican, Independant or whatever are you saying that assasination is not ok. In the late 90's, we had foriegn intellignece saying where Bin Laden was and we knew exactly what building he was in. You wouldn't have pounced on the oppurtunity to have taken him out. The argument that often rebuttles this is, "well we didn't know what he was going to do." Maybe we didn't, but we did know what he has done. The bombings in Kenya, the previous bombing of the Wrold Trade Center, and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. I can understand if you do not want to assasinate a foriegn politian that represents a democratic nation, but to be against assasination as a whole I don't understand. Were you against the assasination attempt against Hitler that failed. I sure hope not

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:37 PM
Edited by REDGIRL67 on Fri 12/05/08 02:51 PM

I recently just read a post by a woman attacking those who believe in assaination and it blew my mind. Whether democrat, republican, Independant or whatever are you saying that assasination is not ok. In the late 90's, we had foriegn intellignece saying where Bin Laden was and we knew exactly what building he was in. You wouldn't have pounced on the oppurtunity to have taken him out. The argument that often rebuttles this is, "well we didn't know what he was going to do." Maybe we didn't, but we did know what he has done. The bombings in Kenya, the previous bombing of the Wrold Trade Center, and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. I can understand if you do not want to assasinate a foriegn politian that represents a democratic nation, but to be against assasination as a whole I don't understand. Were you against the assasination attempt against Hitler that failed. I sure hope not
I LOVE THIS POSTflowers Thank you. And I am all for assasination if it is for the greater good of something. I :heart: :heart: :heart: controversial subjects:banana: :banana: :banana:

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 02:57 PM
I lost my Cousin Joseph in Tower 1 and on the day they found his body his wife Patricia committed suicide.

I blame Bin Laden for both their deaths and I have been wanting his assisination ever since.

That man is responsible for THOUSANDSsad maybe MILLIONS of deaths. He needs to be eliminated for the greater good of this world. I'm sorryflowerforyou but that is how I feel and I will stand behind it until my last breath

catwoman96's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:02 PM
Edited by catwoman96 on Fri 12/05/08 03:03 PM
Im all for assasinations....if it prevents countries from using nucs or starting wars. if it is for the greater good of mankind and adequate intel shows this to whoever makes those decisions...let the force be with them.

Lindyy's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:04 PM
:heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
For someone who understands..................

Lynann's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:18 PM
So, would it have been okay for me to judge George Bush guilty and assassinate him? Bush a man who is responsible for the deaths of thousands.

I disliked the politics of George Wallace but I thought it was awful that someone shot him for his politics. Politics that many would clearly identify and hateful and evil.

martymark's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:24 PM

I lost my Cousin Joseph in Tower 1 and on the day they found his body his wife Patricia committed suicide.

I blame Bin Laden for both their deaths and I have been wanting his assisination ever since.

That man is responsible for THOUSANDSsad maybe MILLIONS of deaths. He needs to be eliminated for the greater good of this world. I'm sorryflowerforyou but that is how I feel and I will stand behind it until my last breath
beautiful redgirl, don't stop at blaming Bin Laden. Blame the actual cause of the whole problem as well, greedy self serving people of any discipline in life! Sorrows for your loss, you will see them again, guaranteed, flowers

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:51 PM
Edited by Atlantis75 on Fri 12/05/08 03:52 PM

I recently just read a post by a woman attacking those who believe in assaination and it blew my mind. Whether democrat, republican, Independant or whatever are you saying that assasination is not ok. In the late 90's, we had foriegn intellignece saying where Bin Laden was and we knew exactly what building he was in. You wouldn't have pounced on the oppurtunity to have taken him out. The argument that often rebuttles this is, "well we didn't know what he was going to do." Maybe we didn't, but we did know what he has done. The bombings in Kenya, the previous bombing of the Wrold Trade Center, and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. I can understand if you do not want to assasinate a foriegn politian that represents a democratic nation, but to be against assasination as a whole I don't understand. Were you against the assasination attempt against Hitler that failed. I sure hope not

The FBI most wanted list only charge Bin Laden with being tied to the bombing of Kenyan embassies in 1998.

No record of having ties to anything else. All the rest of the stories (including Obama's claim about 9/11 and Bin Laden) is all BS.

See it yourself:

LovetoLiveLife's photo
Fri 12/05/08 03:58 PM
Can you please tell me exactly what President Bush is guilty of and how he has killed thousands of people. Becauise I am sure you will not mention the Iraq wae considering it is not the President who declares was but rather Congress and since they did not open thier mouths, they are to blame. Also we can look past that. But If your argument is that he lied to us and took led us into a war based on lies, you can not say that. He acted on misguided information perhaps, but he never lied.

Atlantis75's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:24 PM

Can you please tell me exactly what President Bush is guilty of and how he has killed thousands of people. Becauise I am sure you will not mention the Iraq wae considering it is not the President who declares was but rather Congress and since they did not open thier mouths, they are to blame. Also we can look past that. But If your argument is that he lied to us and took led us into a war based on lies, you can not say that. He acted on misguided information perhaps, but he never lied.

War means people die, no surprise there, this way any president could be guilty of war crimes, including B.Clinton with the Serbian war.

People trying to connect that the war had nothing to do with terrorism and the claim of the none existing WMDs..and Bush poor performance.
The guy is as much guilty as you or me who believed the BS and went on with the war. The real guilty ones are behind the curtains, who made up the false info and sold it to the White House. Of course, they love to see that the people found their scapegoat and the blame doesn't fall on them.

Giocamo's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:43 PM

So, would it have been okay for me to judge George Bush guilty and assassinate him? Bush a man who is responsible for the deaths of thousands.

I disliked the politics of George Wallace but I thought it was awful that someone shot him for his politics. Politics that many would clearly identify and hateful and evil.

Bush a man who is responsible for the deaths of though the Congress votes and declares war...we blame that on Bush ?...let me jot that down...on my yellow note pad...:smile:

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:46 PM

I lost my Cousin Joseph in Tower 1 and on the day they found his body his wife Patricia committed suicide.

I blame Bin Laden for both their deaths and I have been wanting his assisination ever since.

That man is responsible for THOUSANDSsad maybe MILLIONS of deaths. He needs to be eliminated for the greater good of this world. I'm sorryflowerforyou but that is how I feel and I will stand behind it until my last breath
beautiful redgirl, don't stop at blaming Bin Laden. Blame the actual cause of the whole problem as well, greedy self serving people of any discipline in life! Sorrows for your loss, you will see them again, guaranteed, flowers
You're right martymark I can't stop at blaming him. Dam*it the White House new it was going to happen and did nothingmad

FearandLoathing's photo
Fri 12/05/08 04:55 PM

I recently just read a post by a woman attacking those who believe in assaination and it blew my mind. Whether democrat, republican, Independant or whatever are you saying that assasination is not ok. In the late 90's, we had foriegn intellignece saying where Bin Laden was and we knew exactly what building he was in. You wouldn't have pounced on the oppurtunity to have taken him out. The argument that often rebuttles this is, "well we didn't know what he was going to do." Maybe we didn't, but we did know what he has done. The bombings in Kenya, the previous bombing of the Wrold Trade Center, and the attack on the U.S.S. Cole. I can understand if you do not want to assasinate a foriegn politian that represents a democratic nation, but to be against assasination as a whole I don't understand. Were you against the assasination attempt against Hitler that failed. I sure hope not

Do some reading mate, the funny thing about it is we are against assassination...but most lead back to us in one way or the other, the states just won't "confirm nor deny" it.

REDGIRL67's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:10 PM

Can you please tell me exactly what President Bush is guilty of and how he has killed thousands of people. Becauise I am sure you will not mention the Iraq wae considering it is not the President who declares was but rather Congress and since they did not open thier mouths, they are to blame. Also we can look past that. But If your argument is that he lied to us and took led us into a war based on lies, you can not say that. He acted on misguided information perhaps, but he never lied.
I'm sorry sweetie, we will have to agree to disagree on this. I think Bush is a bold faced liar.

LovetoLiveLife's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:14 PM
Well I hate you. I'm just kidding the differance between me and alot of people is I don't care what many people feel as long as they have a reason to believe it. I'm not stupid and I can understand why many people do not like Bush. I actually really really like him but thats me but like I said, I can completely understand why some wouldn't like him

LovetoLiveLife's photo
Fri 12/05/08 05:15 PM
I don't know if you were telling me to do some reading or what. I understand that many assasinations come back to us and what m,y point was, is that I don't care and that I support it