Community > Posts By > Tuck4x4

Tuck4x4's photo
Fri 09/04/09 05:22 PM
Dont know about crushes, but there are a couple interesting women I wish lived nearer...

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:56 PM
Geez to me there is nothing sexier than a womans neck and a beautiful back.

Im a short hair kinda guy, maybe because the neck is what i look at.

... or maybe a vampire

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:54 PM
I tend to just stop all contact whether im doing the breaking up or being broken up with.

This wreaked havoc with an ex gf of mine that had narissism. She would break up, i would ignore her, and a couple days later shed start thinking,

"hey, im awesome, why isnt he begging me?"

and a couple days later, shed be knocking in my door. If Id chased her shed have felt great.

I took her back too many times though and paid the price for not being strong.

Anyway, Im not the stalker type. That pretty much disgusts me.

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:48 PM
Ah :) Frankly I just think im picking wrong. Like you said if you see a cycle, figure out what your doing wrong and change it.

Im not out there actively looking for dates, I just usually meet someone, talk and we go out.

But man can i pick them!

Yah Bear, this'll get deleted, no doubt about it, I kind of think its a neat example of exactly why guys dont mouth how they feel out loud.

For every 9 guys able to discuss stuff, theres always gonna be one cowboy, treechopper that reminds them we dont do that.

At my base im a man and when someone pokes me, i poke back. I think a woman expects that.

I once heard a perfect man described as silk covered steel.

BTW, Im ex military and one thing that being around 200 other OORAH guys teaches you is that there IS compassion among men. After we cry ***** and moan, we just end up punching each other to make up for it.

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 10:29 PM
Edited by Tuck4x4 on Tue 09/01/09 10:32 PM
There ya go, match made in heaven.

Honestly dont think I need to add anything else. Class wins out over time.

BTW when did i say there that Id only had 3 dates? I dont think you actually read it.

It's so very unattractive to see an adult man being so boo hoo."

Not to mention im not trying to attract you. I prefer women that dont kill their clothes or drive their homes around.

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 09:49 PM

Hi bear!!

Lets go to dinner ;)

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 09/01/09 08:09 PM
Edited by Tuck4x4 on Tue 09/01/09 08:11 PM
I thinking that coming up with a good subject for this is going to be the hardest part of writing.

Im a 40 year old guy who has had his heart broken 3 times.

I was engaged young only to have my fiance' dissapear 10 days before our wedding, never to see or hear from her again.

I was married 14 years, then divorced 4 years ago. I found out during the separation that my wife had been seeing her boss for 3 years behind my back. She married him 3 months after the divorce.

I have one son from that marriage, hes now 10, but she was able to win him away from me a year ago.

After my divorce I met a girl that I fell very deeply in love with. I met her in church and everything about he seemed perfect.

Over time that changed and she was diagnosed as having Borderline personality Disorder, Schizophrenia and Narcissistic tendencies. After 2 years I moved myself 9 hours to be away from her... but that also meant leaving my son.

I was told by police and a therapist that this was the best option. My gf had already popped 7 tires, keyed my truck, and was threatening to pay a large black man to find me and rape me.

So I moved down here to the rio Grande Valley in south Texas.

It has not been good.

Im lonely. Plain and simple, and thats not something thats easy to admit because when you do you inevitably get one of several replies:

Steve, your handsome, how can you be alone? (This does not matter in the least, being able to attract more mates still does not guarantee meeting the one that matters most, it just means you have more opportunities to fail)

Steve, you need to learn to be alone before you can be happy with anyone else. (If I wanted to be happy alone, I wouldnt be on this site and neither would you, so dont throw this one back at me)

Or, your looking in the wrong places. ( No one ever seems to have advice for me for looking in the right places. As I mentioned before, I met the craziest girl in church)

This week alone Ive had 3 dates. One stood me up and I wrote her off. She got in touch the next day and asked me out but had no explanation for what had happened on our planned meeting so I told her no and deleted her.

One called me Friday night telling me how much she missed me, but hasnt answered texts or calls since,

and the third was last night. We were out at a local bar talking and everything was going great. I was having a really good time and she seemed to be enjoying it too. A lot of hair touching and touching my arm when i noticed her smiling at the bartender. I left to go to the bathroom and came back in time to see her exchanging phone numbers.

I left her with the tab.

Im completely at a loss. Im so down its ridiculous. Im a Dad. thats what I do best. Im a very good Dad who no longer has a family.

More than anything else, thats what I want to be again. A good husband and a good Dad. Dating at this age really really sucks.

I have never written a pity me note before and dont consider this to be one. Instead I hope its therapeutic and I get some good, honest advice from people whove felt the same way and gotten through it.

thank you, anyone, whos taken time to read this,


Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:27 PM
Very cool pic!

I actually met three sisters there at a club named Jack, Jill and Hill....

They said their father really liked the poem....

I checkd their IDs

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:14 PM
oo is yes.. and i know the cuss words




Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:08 PM
Any time im with my son

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:07 PM
I miss the food too!

Liempo, Adobo, Sisig and Red Horse beer.

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 08:00 PM
I lived in Wylie for 7 years..

I was in Cebu and Makati city. Both beautiful in different ways. I really could move there permanently.

I grew up in Hawaii and it felt very similiar

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 07:55 PM
Donna is 10 miles from mexico. Very little town, not much going on at all

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 07:55 PM
The people ARE amazing, I looked into staying, but Ive got a 10 year old son who lives in Dallas, I cant see moving away from him.


Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 07:47 PM
Well Ive been single 4 years now and havent met anyone I wanted to be with permanently here in the states. ATT sends me for 3 months to the Phillippines and in that short time, I meet the most amazing 3 women!

distance sucks.

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 07/04/09 07:46 PM
Nope, none. Real life yes!

Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 03/14/09 01:56 PM
Life taught me to die.
Love taught me to cry.
You taught me to hide.

Internally is where I've lived since meeting you.
Never myself, always trying to be who you wanted me to be..

Except thats not true.

The person you think you want is not real.

I am.

I struggled while in your custody.
Never free.
Forgot my me.

Losing every battle to be free.


I thought I loved you.

Ache Alone.

I'm finally home and happiness, my birthright, is once again my ride.

I've regained my pride.
My love for you has died.


Tuck4x4's photo
Sat 03/14/09 01:55 PM

I walked through the aisles of my local Walmart with a full cart, knowing i had only one more item to buy and I'd be out of there for the night. I'd already been shopping for nearly an hour and was looking forward to getting home before 9 pm.


I walk into the personal care dept and find them... locked up like bank notes, behind a glass vault door.

I was going to need help.

So I turned around and began searching for a Walmart employee with a key to the cabinet.

Found one! OMG why does she have to be 65 years old? Even at 39 I get somewhat shy buying condoms. I can pick out tampons like an expert, after having been married 14 years, but for some reason I still want to hide the condoms so no one else knows.


So my senior citizen walmart worker, maybe on break from watching the door, I don't know, follows me to the cabinet and asks me which ones I want.

I point and say "those".

She's blind and picks brightly colored ones.

Hey, that red matches my face.

"No, those, there in the black box."

She reaches in again and this time grabs a box marked "added pleasure for her!"

Wrong again, I reach in to get them myself and Mother Theresa growls at me.. I SWEAR! Like an antique cougar..

"You can't touch these".

Inside MC Hammer comes to mind, but I resist the urge to sing.

Finally she retrieves the correct box and re-locks the cabinet.

Expecting her to hand them to me I wait, instead she says, "Follow me", and heads off across the store... holding the box of condoms high over her shoulder like a busboy at El Chico's.

Im seriously considering foregoing safe sex at this point and just leaving the store.

We aim for the health and beauty counter and she announces when we get there, "This young man wants to buy these", slaps them on the counter, and walks off.

Its obvious she's never had sex and hates anyone who has....

Im not willing to help her...

So I get in line and after 20 minutes make it to the counter.

"The condoms", I say quietly lest any children might be near, "They're mine".

She may be another virgin. Judging me with her eyes she reaches under the counter and slams them on the counter.

She leaves them there, wide-open, so everyone in the store can see that Im buying them, and begins checking me out. Halfway through she looks at me and says,

"Is that wine?"

"OMG", I think to myself, "Now shes going to think I'm planning on using the wine to get some poor girl drunk so I can use the condoms on her".

But I'm wrong.

"I can't check out alcohol here, you need to go up front".

You have got to be kidding me, I've already been tortured for 20 minutes, and theres more?

So she grabs the lewd, lascivious Condoms and walks me to the front of the store... holding them over her shoulder so everyone can see.

I think thats a rule...

She brings them to register 1, put them on the counter, and says, "They're for him", turns, and leaves.

The line is 5 people long and I have 20+ Items.

20 minutes later I make it to the cashier.

"The Condoms are mine".

She smiles at me. This one is young and has obviously had sex. She has no problem with this and just might be enjoying seeing me blush.

She checks me out, wine, condoms, potatoes and all, and I RUN for the door.

I've made a decision to be celibate.

Don't call me.

Tuck4x4's photo
Tue 01/06/09 08:51 PM
photography, writing, my son and being in love.

Ive been in love this last year, only the third time Its happened, and I photographed and wrote about it...

Tuck4x4's photo
Thu 12/25/08 02:03 PM
My 3 last:

1) Borderline personality Disorder and possible Schizophrenia.

2) Next lady jumped out my 2nd story bedroom window because Borderline girl was banging on the front door.

3) Last lady: Met her on Eharmony. Sweet, kind, quiet, quirky sense of humor.... but every once in a while, and I could never find out where it was coming from, there was a really bad smell.

No, not one of those.... I cant explain it, but it was there, and only lasted a second.

Maybe I should call Jerry Springer

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