Community > Posts By > iamgeorgiagirl

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sat 02/07/09 04:47 PM

Pure love by the Adam and Eve standard just reduces it to a 'sex in heat' only because it reduces it to a bestial thing. Perfect love is far deeper than just the Adam and Eve argument...

Besides, There are some big bad holes in the story of Adam and Eve...

Where did all the people come from after Cain Killed Able??????????

Instant people, just drop a pill in a glass of water and stand back???
Goodness doesn't anyone read the bible? All the other people were created on the 6th day Adam & Eve after the 7th day. All races and other people were created on the 6th day.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sat 02/07/09 04:27 PM
I just gotta' ask...who cares how he did it and why?

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Mon 02/02/09 07:38 AM
It probably means they think you are cute or they liked what they saw... and just maybe they would like to talk to you....who knows? It sounds like a possibility they liked something. But then again what do I know?

huh huh what what :laughing: :laughing:

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Sat 01/31/09 12:22 PM
smokin smokin smokin

bigsmile bigsmile bigsmile

In any piece of literature you cannot take one sentence as a fundamental for the entire work. You have to take it in its entirety and use the process of elimination to find the absolute message.
Many cults have been formed by taking one verse from the bible or other religious works and making it a fundamental without the rest of the work.

Well said!

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:34 PM
People worry too much about everything!

Be happy....

moderation is key...

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:14 PM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Tue 01/27/09 08:15 PM

She read Josephine’s letters and cried

She wanted a love like that

I guess the closest thing she could remember was the time one of her boyfriends wrote her a poem. It wasn’t very good and like most times with her men it was too late. They had already broken up.
In fact, she recalls the night he told her he was leaving. How those words like briers tugged at her skin. From her heart moving outward, slowly scraping at her and not stopping until it reached the tips of all her extremities.

So clear he was that night; so matter-of- fact and oh, so, damn arrogant. She hated him for lying to her though the lie was her realization that he was not leaving that day at that moment no, he had been gone for months.

We could have been lovers…Her and I

If not, for the timing of life getting in the way. We’ve spent most of the days we have known each other, either falling or healing but, always at separate stages and never with one-an-other. We have never discussed it, never acted upon it, though it does seem to lurk just below the surface with us. You can see it in the hugs that sometimes last longer than a friends` should. It is evident in the jealous glare of her latest auditioner. It shows up in the late night calls and the unannounced visits she is so famous for.

We double dated one time and spent the entire evening talking to each other. Sat next to each other at dinner and pretty much lost track of the two unlucky people we were supposed to be out with. It was sad for them yet, she and I often laugh about it, even now.

It’s kind of strange the way she never notices it, the way I look at her. The way I am always there for her. How I just seem to never have plans when she calls. How I take care of her when she is sick or as too often the case, the way I hold her hair when she has too much to drink.

I remember last winter; she stopped by one very cold night. I remember this night for two reasons, not because of the freezing temperature but, because when she walked through my door the crisp, cold, clean winter air didn’t really follow her in, it attached itself to her. It was like every follicle of her hair breathed in the freshness and held on to it only to discharge it slowly throughout the night. Like little time release scent capsules of awakening and affirmation. (To this day it still lingers in my mind) As I removed her coat and she walked away I just stood there and soaked it all in.

Secondly because, we sat on the couch, shared two bottles of wine and just talked all night. We watched a movie but, couldn’t tell you what it was. Somewhere between yawning and first light she fell asleep on me. And I do mean “on me” her head was on my chest, her elbow was digging into me and most of her weight was over my left leg. Cutting off the circulation and sending it into a slow and numbing sleep.

It was quite possibly the most uncomfortable night of my life but, I didn’t wake her. I managed to get the blanket over both of us and just enjoyed having her close. I must have run my fingers through her hair a thousand times (it was all I could do to keep from burring my face in it) the scent was still there and she looked so beautiful, peaceful.

At one point she raised her head, looked at me and simply smiled. That was when I knew I was not going to move a muscle the rest of the night or the rest of the next day for that matter.

I dosed off for a while and woke from the sun shining brightly through the room. She had moved her arm from trying to penetrate my ribs and had it under me. The other arm was resting across my chest with her hand on my shoulder. Mine? Well, one was hanging off of the couch and the other, in spite of me falling asleep never left her curls. Hell, I’m not sure I ever stopped passing my hand through them.

We’ve had many nights like this over the years. I have watched her search and toil, get used and use, I’ve held her when she’s cried, laughed at and with her, I miss her when she is away and I’ve rescued her several times. And through all of this I can tell you, she is amazing. Except for the fact that she can’t see she already has a love like that.


Oh my God this sounds so much like me & my special friend...
Except for the fact that she can’t see she already has a love like that.


It is awesome


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 08:01 PM

There are more different kinds of animals in the afterlife than there are on planet Earth.

Every animal you can imagine, inlcluding unicorns, friendly or not so friendly dragons, pixies, faeries and leprechauns.

Even the dreaded Draconians.

But it's not just in the afterlife.

They exist in the beforelife as well.

And even the duringlife. They just living on different planets is all.

Ask Jeanniebeanie. I think she's setting up an astral travel agency.

I've been to the afterlife before this life and owl be in the beforelife after this one.


Abra we had to be friends before...

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 07:59 PM

worrying causes wrinkles.flowerforyou

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh

Yes it does!

laugh laugh laugh laugh laugh
rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl rofl

Laughter does too though!

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 01:04 PM
Well the bible says they are in heaven with us...

I know there are many who hate the bible (or think it is BS or whatever)

but...that's what it says...
I believe they are in the afterfleshlife as well as this one.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:31 PM
Hello and welcome!


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:26 PM
seahawks, OC, Pete, hippiechick, texasmom, krupa,
Where did everyone go?

glasses smokin glasses smokin glasses smokin

smokin *cough*smokin smokin *cough*smokin

*Good stuff*

smokin *cough*smokin

smokin *cough*smokinsmokin *cough*smokin

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:01 PM
I luv u silly man!

smooched :heart:

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/27/09 12:00 PM

So when I told a friend at work about being promoted and he said "Allah be praised" he was actually trying to force his muslim beliefs upon me? ....

And here I was naively thinking that he was just expressing his happiness about my good news.

"Melaschasm"...then why didn't he praise you with your God ..and if you don't have a God or if he didn't bother to ask who your god was it appears that he conveniently gave you Allah

This guy isn't one of my closest friends, but I still think I would have noticed if he was really using that phrase to threaten me with condemnation to hell if I do not convert to Islam.

well you are his a co-worker and he may felt that it would have been impolite if he called you an infidel

I guess I just think people should be more tolerant of others, and if someone says "bless you" after you sneeze, I would rather take it as the (misguided) attempt at wishing someone well, that it was intended to be.

well I guess it's less misguilded to say "bless you" then to say "those demons in your body are trying to come out your nose heathen"
laugh laugh laugh laugh

I needed to laugh today funches thank you!

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Wed 01/21/09 02:03 PM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Wed 01/21/09 02:05 PM
That's funches. His mind works in mysterious ways...


He's my buddy

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:50 PM

<< hot single chick looking>>


iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:34 PM
tears sad :heart: sad tears

Good job!

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:31 PM

there's a very basic need in societies to create and utilize religions. this has been happening for thousands of years.

its been happening before christianity was invented, it'll be happening after christianity is finished

its a natural process - to deny it is just silly.

nothing makes one religion any more special than the next.

however some people just won't accept the fact(which is fine and dandy). more interesting still is when you consider people on other parts of the planet that hold on to their religions with the same denial.

silly people living in denial is perfectly fine with me. to be honest, i'm a little jealous of them. but they get to be annoying when they're persistently loud about their opinions. reminds me of those crazies on street corners saying the world is going to end next tuesday :tongue:

Yeah trying to force their views on everyone else isn't pretty...almost like being raped or violated.

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 05:25 PM

laugh laugh laugh

I will just say hey to you my friend!

Can I at least wish you well?

"imageorgiagirl" ...of course you can my little georgian munch muffin

I love you!

smooched :heart: smooched :heart: smooched :heart: smooched :heart: smooched :heart: smooched :tongue: blushing

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 02:23 PM
Maybe it was to confirm and attest to people the truth about living after dieing...

iamgeorgiagirl's photo
Tue 01/20/09 01:52 PM
Edited by iamgeorgiagirl on Tue 01/20/09 01:53 PM

Is there such a thing as a Christian without a religion?

yea indeed, and freedom from what once shackled to the ground, free the spirit to leave the human soul that serve images of good....

the mind be as the student, hearing NOT COMMANDMENTS OF GOOD, but rather QUESTIONS, and the heart be the teacher that give back the rest of the answer.......

My mind was too young to know much about religion but I knew right away what was going on

yea, and you were kept here for the grand unveiling of what was whispered when you were beyond the veil, the fulfilled of all past things on earth.......

Maybe, not sure why.

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