What Should I do?
i wasnt gunna say this but you sound like such a virgin. i mean, if you are its not necessarily a bad thing...unless you start flinging sh!t at people who know what the hell theyre talking about just because you can't recognize the same sh!t. |
What Should I do?
...she told me today about her not liking sex that is the biggest piece of bullsh!t i have ever heard. the only reason a woman would say anything like that is if the man she is telling that to isn't satisfying her in bed. sorry, but that's the truth. women enjoy sex a million times more than men do. can you even wrap your mind around how pleasurable sex can be for a woman? i sure can't: the clitoris has more nerve endings than any section of the male body, with more than double the amount found in the penis. women can have multiple orgasms. they can't even control their own body movements when they actually experiece a mind-blowing orgasm. there are several KINDS of orgasms a woman can experience. they can feel the orgasm in their MINDS. yeah i will NEVER know the feeling of sex for a woman in that great degree of pleasure. this is why it is so much better for them. if you think you need some brushing up on your skills in bed, check out this thread: Dude, I haven't had sex with her yet.... I'm not chasing her she is the one that calls me alll the time and won't let me hangup. I'm not trying to force her to have sex with me I'm not like that. I have trouble just kissing a woman I'm so shy, but this is the stuff she tells me and I don't know what to make of it. well damn! sounds like shes never had a decent lover...ever. not a surprise, though. many women have never even experienced a real orgasm, even after having been married for decades. she's probably experimenting with the whole bisexuality indulgence because she's never really found satisfaction in making love with men. so uhh... what is it that YOU want? |
What Should I do?
...she told me today about her not liking sex that is the biggest piece of bullsh!t i have ever heard. the only reason a woman would say anything like that is if the man she is telling that to isn't satisfying her in bed. sorry, but that's the truth. women enjoy sex a million times more than men do. can you even wrap your mind around how pleasurable sex can be for a woman? i sure can't: the clitoris has more nerve endings than any section of the male body, with more than double the amount found in the penis. women can have multiple orgasms. they can't even control their own body movements when they actually experiece a mind-blowing orgasm. there are several KINDS of orgasms a woman can experience. they can feel the orgasm in their MINDS. yeah i will NEVER know the feeling of sex for a woman in that great degree of pleasure. this is why it is so much better for them. if you think you need some brushing up on your skills in bed, check out this thread: but there are females who really dont like sex so how can we really know? EVERY woman dislikes BAD sex but there is no woman out there that dislikes good sex. |
What Should I do?
Edited by
Sat 12/22/07 09:02 PM
...she told me today about her not liking sex that is the biggest piece of bullsh!t i have ever heard. the only reason a woman would say anything like that is if the man she is telling that to isn't satisfying her in bed. sorry, but that's the truth. women enjoy sex a million times more than men do. can you even wrap your mind around how pleasurable sex can be for a woman? i sure can't: the clitoris has more nerve endings than any section of the male body, with more than double the amount found in the penis. women can have multiple orgasms. they can't even control their own body movements when they actually experiece a mind-blowing orgasm. there are several KINDS of orgasms a woman can experience. they can feel the orgasm in their MINDS. yeah i will NEVER know the feeling of sex for a woman in that great degree of pleasure. this is why it is so much better for them. if you think you need some brushing up on your skills in bed, check out this thread: |
WTF should i do
Edited by
Sat 12/22/07 07:44 PM
you spelt it whales as in the animal, you do know that i am talking about a country when i say wales right? I'm not jonah ![]() ![]() ![]() oh, and quit feeling sorry for yourself and do something about your life. you complain that you dont know how, but deep inside you know that you havent actually tried anything that works toward change because you havent stepped outside of your own comfort zone. internal locus of control the comfort zone is enemy territory |
Ladies I need your help.
Yes I tried the bar I can find tons of girls there but they are not girlfriend material. lol... I'm not looking for those kinds of girls but thanks anyways aaaand malls? the girls at the bar dont seem like girlfriend material because theyre all drunk. get their phone numbers to meet up with them during the day and you'll see a whole new side of them. also check out bookstores and cafes. |
that is such a scary story...
i had a false preg scare with one of my ex's once i was dying in fear haha |
that's right
build sexual tension and just kiss her
How do you REALLY Know???
If you have any strange suspicions that may lead you to have an unsafe feeling about someone from the internet, you have the option of looking them up on sex offender databases which are open to the public.
Darwinian theory and all the expanded works over the last 1 1/3 century leave much to be desired in this discussion. It tends to lead that evolution is based on one motive. Expansion and success of a species. Which is very true in the animal world. Your choice of field studies and works as a support to your argument kind of surprises me! Since it's root is in animal behavior, as opposed to human Psychology... your chosen field of study. These theories tend to leave out the evolution of intelligence, cognition.. The most successful species on this planet are invertebrates.. that lack sense of self, cognition, intelligence.. because it is not necessary to locomotion, feeding and reproduction. Intelligence is not a "Rent free" phenomenon. It requires a great deal of energy. Much more than brightly colored feathers or a handsome set of antlers. The trade offs are apparently not something to be measured in species success, as it pertains to Darwinian theory. If our only motives were to be successful? We would be unable to have this discussion. We'd both be too busy, too stupid and very unaware of each others existence beyond how it might have an affect on our individual survival... I.E. locomotion, feeding and reproduction. You wouldn't be refining your skills as a first year psych student, I wouldn't be an engineer.. We both would not be able to afford the luxury of intellectual thought and specialized skill sets. Recognising the evolution of human intelligence and cognition brings a whole new light to the subject at hand... Culture, and how culture has affected our evolution. Our ability and mechanism of thought, learning, memory and creativity... put in a historical context... competes pretty effectively with your claim that 'not enough time has passed'. Priori knowledge accommodates my entire ancestry. Each generation has a direct affect on the next. What worked and did not work for my Grandfather, varied as to what worked for my father...which is different as to what works for me. So.. in just a few generations.. a discernable, temporal distinction can be made. Our success as a species is not the goal of our expanded brain pan and the flesh it encloses. It is simply a by product of it. That's a well-put argument, and for now I have nothing to say in response to the anti-science thing, but there are indeed evolutionary explanations to cognition. First off, there's something called the Triun (spelling?) Brain Theory, stating that we have 3 brains: 1. Reptilian, 2. Emotional, 3. Cognitive, and that as licing organisms we started off with just one: Repitilian. This brain gave us our basic instincts and drives to survive and reproduce. As we evolved with competition, the emotional brain came to be and its purpose was to serve the needs of the reptilian brain. If we are emotional we feel stronger needs to survive and reproduce. Then, our cognitive brain evolved in order to serve the emotional brain. We are always cognitively trying to figure out ways to serve our emotions, and ultimately our reptilian brain. Then, one must take into consideration the runaway sexual selection hypothesis. mate choice served to exaggerate certain attractive characteristics in a species. Ok, so this explains why some species of animals get really huge antlers that can even become maladaptive to survival, but what does that have to do with humans? One school of thought suggests that all of the cognitive ability and intelligence we evolved to have is all sexual ornamentation. This suggests that every potential spandrel resulting from our intelligence such as cultural differences between the generations is a result of intrasexual competition and sexual selection. That makes sense to me, because one thing I've learned in the PUA community is that the sexiest thing in the world is novelty. So, these theories do indeed serve the argument that cognition has become necessary for reproduction. And is this a new step in human evolution? No, it's still from the EEA when we first started developing our cognition. |
Sexual Strategies Theory by Buss and Schmitt (1993) *Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man by Trivers (1973 i think) Actually.. your source material is Sexual Selection and the Descent of Man. by Bernard Campbell (1971). Right off the bat I have to say that you are mistaken - Trivers wrote the original paper and Bernard Campbell compiled or published it and Trivers wrote a LOT of stuff, man. a lot of stuff. ok im gunna read the rest of ur post now |
ummm yeah but the stimulants we respond to are still very much based upon long-standing evolutionary mechanisms from the time of hunters and gatherers. not enough time has passed to change that. look up the mismatch hypothesis.
true dat
Need a little help
Ok but not other people......thats gossiping!!! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() hmm looks like i sent the wrong message Pickup Artists tell this thing called a "DHV story" that oftentimes involve one of more of their friends in the story, but he isn't saying anything bad about them... in fact he is saying very good things about them. I have one of my own that elaborates on how I would invite my really awesome friend to live with me in a mansion if I ever bought one because of this incredible favor he did for me one day. As for people you aren't friends with, it's all fair game. There are little games and routines a pickup artist runs that may involve reading the body language of other people in the room as a game to play with his date. |
Agreed. The key is to just let go of the insecurities one has based on other people's opinions. This is for everyone....when you look around a room, you're probably concerned about what others are thinking about you. Relax. They aren't judging you. The truth is, they are just as worried about what people think of them. Now this is a line PUA's can use in field to create an interesting conversation, but it can help with self confidence as well...."If you could do anything in this world without fear of failure, what would it be?". Everybody should ask themselves that question. And whatever the answer is, just do it. They want to do it, but fear of failure is preventing it and that leaves a person unfulfilled. Even if you do fail, you can at least say you tried... and that's a lot more than most people can say. hey hey hey u gotta cite your sources. that's plagerism ![]() i know exactly where you got that from cuz ive got the same text ![]() |
We aren't hunting and gathering. I already wrote this down somewhere (not on this site) so I'll just copy and paste: "We humans evolved to have specific mechanisms adaptive to our survival thousands of years ago in the days of hunters and gatherers. One giant force driving this evolution is called natural selection, which is what determines whether or not a certain characteristic or trait gets passed on to the next generation, determined by the trait’s adaptability in regards to environmental pressures and reproductive value. ... All of these innate mechanisms evolved a long time ago and are basically set in stone within our human nature. There are those who argue that we human beings can and must suppress our natural animal sides to adapt to political correctness and to become “cultured.” While this statement has at least a little validity in terms of modern etiquette, we cannot do so completely because that would mean denying a major part of who we are on the inside. Besides, that’s impossible. Unless evolution takes a screeching turn for the worst, women will always respond to alpha male characteristics with sexual receptiveness and reciprocity (sexual attraction) and men will always feel an inclination toward these traits. Every single male in your family lineage successfully attracted a member of the opposite sex, which is the reason why you are here today. This is also the reason that men will always have the inclination toward alpha male characteristics; it was those very characteristics that led to the sexual success of every forefather you’ve ever had." |
Need a little help
wth??? talking about other people??? Like Lindsey Lohan or Jaimie spears???? Im confused here..... ![]() ![]() if u talk about things outside of the current situation, it eases off any pressure she might feel in regards to actually being in the current situation lol girls get nervous on dates, too, u know |
hey PUA: free advice is not always wanted advice. then dont take it simple as that or stop sharing ![]() ![]() So that men who could really benefit from this stuff could continue wallowing in self-pity while they waste their lives away? I don't think so. If you cannot find any relevance in this material to you, then you have every right to avoid it yourself. I'll remind you that you are not the center of the universe. |
Need a little help
Here's one of many things that separates a great pickup artist from the rest:
While the average chump is on a date talking about himself and only hearing what she has to say about about herself, the pickup artist is at first building comfort by easing into the conversation by talking about other people. Then, when the ball is rolling, he is telling her about herself. This is a great art of social dynamics to get into. Check out my thread "Pickup Artist Secrets Revealed!" |
Edited by
Fri 12/21/07 11:14 PM
"Love is like a velvet prison.
That's what I think when Dana rolls on top of me. Her eyes are shining, her lips smiling but not too much. She doesn't have to say it, but she does. 'I love you.' And then I feel the bars come down around me. They are only made of velvet. I have the physical strength to escape, but I don't have the emotional strength. And so this velvet is thicker than iron. At least I can bang my head against iron. She looks at me, expectant, awaiting a reply. I can't speak it. I'm doing all I can to keep my eyes open. I want to go to sleep. I want her off me. Her emotions are now my burden.The wrong look, word, or gesture can singe her like a poker. She lies on top of me, naked, her eyes searching for something in mine. When she doesn't find love, she will settle for hope. And so I am trapped. In this velvet prison." - Neil Strauss, Rules of the Game |