Community > Posts By > Sandelwood4
Thanks Krupa. (and don't get smart with me now)
![]() I can't really voice my entire opinion on the subject because I don't think anyone who has responded so far would be interested or would tolerate or respect my point of view. But I will say, that I am interested in msharmony 's opinion and respect her views, whether I agree with her or not. I don't approve of the language and tone that is being used in some of the responses to her opinion. That's all I want to say. |
What is your ideal first date? Well, if it's an ideal date then it would have to include an intermediate-expert backgammon match. There is a distinct, sarcastic, teasing lingo that goes along with traditional way of playing backgammon. But I may be asking for too much. |
About bullies
Edited by
Tue 09/20/11 05:42 PM
"My point is, if you react, they'll love it, cos the pain isn't in them anymore, but in you the victim."
Wow, that is deep. "The pain isn't in them anymore." This is so true. |
As long as people are making eye contact with me and are interested in me I get along with everybody; old, young, kids, middle aged, alien, psychotic, conservative, liberal....
![]() But let me tell you, if things were to get ugly, no one can mess with me. ![]() |
OMG you made me laugh so hard with "block his freaken head off". I thought you said he called your home with two different phone numbers. Can’t you block both numbers from your land line or tell him to leave you alone? Am I wrong? I thought phone companies blocked numbers when requested. i think you can but then if he cant get through he still would show up Would that be considered harassment? Or is that acceptable to you? |
OMG you made me laugh so hard with "block his freaken head off".
I thought you said he called your home with two different phone numbers. Can’t you block both numbers from your land line or tell him to leave you alone? Am I wrong? I thought phone companies blocked numbers when requested. |
I hear ya but when it comes down to it no one can assume for what reason anyone joined the Military. Bottom line they all know they could be giving their life for this Country. For we can never assume when and where there will be a war. But in the end it is still a nice thought to know they are there Standing up for our Rights & our Freedom. Yes, I can relate to that. :) |
Question for the ladies
![]() Hi ![]() You can't rationalize women? And men are rational? It's more of trying to understand some of the things they do, men on the other hand, are very simple creatures. We have a pretty linear way of thinking and it's pretty easy to figure us out. Now of course there are exceptions to every rule and these are just broad generalizations. I shall create another thread later today to explain to you ladies how you can understand men. And thanks for the formula, it helps a lot. Ah, but even just from reading these forums, I'm sure you can see from women that men are often doing things we don't understand as well. You guys are not quite as simple as you claim to me. ![]() It's really not a men vs women thing, though. Some women are difficult to understand, just as some men are. Some women are easy to understand, just as some men are. I think it's great he is wanting to understand women but I see more important issues buried behind the gender drama. For instance, why are those situations he mentioned bothersome to him? What is it that frustrates him so much that it has to become an issue about women when in fact it's an issue about his experience? And there are many more similar questions that have more relevance. Not much gets accomplished when it becomes about sides. |
If you fell in LOVE here
I don't regret that I gave up my life in Germany, my friends, my family and all for the man I loved because there was no other way for us to be together and now I my life is here. But what hurts is that after 7 years when we divorced and I had to put a restraining order on him, I received hate letters from his mom claiming I used his son for the green card.
![]() If I met "my man" in person that is and we hit it off I would do the same thing again if it made sense at the time in my life. ![]() |
I think msharmony is being misunderstood here when she points out, "there is an assumption that because someone is 'enlisted' they are 'standing up for our rights'." With that, she is basically saying that not every single enlisted soldier may be standing up for our rights. That's very different than saying none of them are. Yes, but she's making the assumption that those who aren't in combat or immediately in harm's way aren't standing up for our rights. That's just not an assumption I'd be able to make. They choose to serve for the country and are doing whatever they need to do, whether it's being on the front line or not. Although she is not just saying that, yes if that's what she is saying I don't agree with that part. You;re right, it doesn't matter if they are on the front line or not. Either way we don't know. One would assume it's to serve the country but I can't assume that. |
I think msharmony is being misunderstood here when she points out, "there is an assumption that because someone is 'enlisted' they are 'standing up for our rights'." With that, she is basically saying that not every single enlisted soldier may be standing up for our rights. That's very different than saying none of them are. I guess some just assume that when they sign that dotted line they know if they are going to be on the front line or safe from harms way. Reality of it about 85% most likely have no clue where they may end up. But....regardless they know when they sign that paper they may in fact be putting there life on the line. Shhsh my dad was in the drove the Ambulance in the Korean War and still got shot....Where my brother was in the Military there was no war so no front line. Does it make a difference that one went to war and the other did not? Nope for they both went in to protect this Country and Stand up for those Rights we all dearly love..... ![]() I totally agree that it doesn't make a difference if one went to war and the other worked behind the desk. In either case people will have their own motives for joining. I am saying I cannot make an assumption just because they joined the army I know exactly what lead them to this, and how they feel and think about being in the army. Maybe they don't believe in war, maybe they had to and have no opinion at all, maybe they are patriotic and wanted serve the country.... I may have misunderstood msharmony myself, I don't know, but that is what I think. |
Question for the ladies
![]() Hi ![]() You can't rationalize women? And men are rational? It's more of trying to understand some of the things they do, men on the other hand, are very simple creatures. We have a pretty linear way of thinking and it's pretty easy to figure us out. Now of course there are exceptions to every rule and these are just broad generalizations. I shall create another thread later today to explain to you ladies how you can understand men. And thanks for the formula, it helps a lot. I really don't think we need additional broad generalizations. It may be more useful to talk about and share individual perspectives and experiences. |
I think msharmony is being misunderstood here when she points out, "there is an assumption that because someone is 'enlisted' they are 'standing up for our rights'." With that, she is basically saying that not every single enlisted soldier may be standing up for our rights. That's very different than saying none of them are. doesn't matter, shes wrong either way. doesn't matter why they enlisted, they still have a job to do. and the job is necessary, no matter how little it may seem. whether they just want a check or a place to live, they are still standing up for our country. Okay, I guess I disagree than because I believe people should believe in what their doing regardless of the outcome of any given situation. |
I think msharmony is being misunderstood here when she points out,
"there is an assumption that because someone is 'enlisted' they are 'standing up for our rights'." With that, she is basically saying that not every single enlisted soldier may be standing up for our rights. That's very different than saying none of them are. |
Question for the ladies
I'll probably get hit over the head by both genders for saying this, but I don't like it when these forums turn in to generalizations and become men against women and women against men.
![]() |
If you fell in LOVE here
I still believe in the magic of love and I would do anything, go anywhere to have that in my life again. Me too, well i cant relocate due to custody issues, but I am very open spirited and never scorned. Although OC,CA is not such a bad place you would want to leave. ![]() Well, you can still get Lasagna in OC, CA. I'm jealous. ![]() |
It sounds like after 13 years he is still in your life and you're playing with fire.
I would have blocked him, changed my number and wouldn't give a crap about what he does with whom as long as he stays away from me. |
Wow, no wonder I can't get it straight. It means different things to so many people. What I heard here is all very very different.
genuine guy
i know... it was a rhetorical question... lol Sorry. ![]() |
Edited by
Mon 09/19/11 08:33 PM
i have this old freaken ex bf from 13yrs ago and 4yrs prior from that so a total were together about 4yrs he left me a dang message on my house phone stating about getting into a close relationship again which is never going to happen but any ways i noticed something very strange about his cell phone which i would like one of you, if can explain im guessing he has 2 cells for the number i origanlly had was a salem oregon number well today when he called it shows up as new mexcio i know he can be such a idiot and secertive but why 2 freaken cell phones from 2 differnt places Does it make any difference? |