hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:23 PM women here....

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:22 PM
his uestions may be odd, but they do get your mind working!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:19 PM

hello everyone.

(((Lynn))) Hey there cutieflowerforyou

aren't you worn out from the plane, car, and submarine?...geez..and here you are wanting!!huh

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:12 PM

so, Johhny...if we fly to Denver, then ride in a car...will it be the two mile high club?

Hell yeah!
We'll start a new thing.
After that, we'll rent a submarine, call it the mile below club.laugh laugh laugh're in charge of renting the submarine!!! let's all sing now:

we all live in a yellow submarine, a yeallow submarine

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:09 PM
Does anyone know that exact statistics of women who ahve abortions and those who commit suicide?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:05 PM

i have saw a family member hit her daughter so hard you could see the pain in her eyes, the little girl around 5 years old, would run upstairs, and her mom would chase her up the stairs with a stick and hit her.

help me out here
you say youre not for people getting abortions or abusing their kids but when you seen this did you bother to stop her or call the cops??

when she got a bit older she would answer back, so her mom stopped doing it, if it hadnt of stopped yes i would have repoted it

What if the mother abused the girl and killed her before she got "a bit older"???? You should have done something!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:01 PM

WoW! there are so many views on this. but one thing i can't stand, is women that use it as a form of birth contolmad I seen thsi happen all to many times. I think it is the womens choice, but there is a limit to things...

i agree but then again...if you put restrictions on that then women would do what they did years ago. they would go to back wood abortionists or do something themselves

Well if some of them learn how to close ther legs, then there would be a different out look on this....

AMEN to that!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 05:00 PM
so, Johhny...if we fly to Denver, then ride in a car...will it be the two mile high club?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:57 PM
my opinion--ypu do not have to agree

abortion is murder. there are always other options that killing and innocent child

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:54 PM

Sure, where's the dotted line to sign on?

just get you checkbook and sign one of the blank checks...send it to me and you will be a member!

Ha,sounds more like a cheap scam.laugh laugh laugh
You can do better than that.:wink: have to buy the plane tickets, too.....

Geez, at this point it would be cheaper to just drive.

dummy! you can't be in the mile high club in a car unless you are in Denver!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:51 PM

Sure, where's the dotted line to sign on?

just get you checkbook and sign one of the blank checks...send it to me and you will be a member!

Ha,sounds more like a cheap scam.laugh laugh laugh
You can do better than that.:wink: have to buy the plane tickets, too.....

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:50 PM

I've had those...the live ones are much more fun as you can torture them with catnip and laser lights!
so...when will you be having that for dinner?

i'm not going to eat it. thats gross. its in the freezer so it doesnt stink.

Oh..I got folks only eat squirrels in NC...mybe you could pass it off as possum stew

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:45 PM

Sure, where's the dotted line to sign on?

just get you checkbook and sign one of the blank checks...send it to me and you will be a member!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:40 PM

pkay...maybe you're not little, but you're YOUNG....fresh meat...yummy!

Ha, maybe the matchmaking gods of JSH will match us.
And you can have your fresh meat.laugh

are you ready to join the mile high club and come visit me?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:36 PM
I've had those...the live ones are much more fun as you can torture them with catnip and laser lights!
so...when will you be having that for dinner?

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:34 PM

Am I the only one then who avoids his posts??

He seems like a pretty decent guy and funny as hell but those goofy hypothetical questions just drive me batty.

Avoid his posts??? I look forward to them! he has quite an imagination!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:32 PM
now that picture looks like a lot more fun than a dead cat!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:31 PM smell somethin?????????

drinker laugh

You will never get invited to join the club smelling like a dead cat!:cry:

ITS THE CAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
drinker laugh

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:29 PM
pkay...maybe you're not little, but you're YOUNG....fresh meat...yummy!

hottpinkilicious's photo
Sat 03/01/08 04:28 PM
man...that picture makes me cry....