This whole thing is just another example of how the press in the US (especially the tabloids) brings up sensationalism and alarmism for the almighty dollar.
Yes, he was racist. There are a lot of people out there like that which use bad language. But this whole episode, airtime, and public discussion would be better served by covering real acts of serious racism, or even better, real acts of reconcilliation going on in the world. What this is all really about is 1. money, 2. fame and 3. sensationalism... and WAY in last place: 4. Racist language. I really hate the press in the US. |
Oh, and from time to time there are some issues with web pages displaying correctly - but that is due to web designers catering to IE and not the standard for html/css/etc... But that's another reason I don't like IE and support the other browsers.
I've been using Opera for awhile. I like it - fast and gets the job done and relatively few security risks.
Even has integrated torrent downloads... The only reason I still use Firefox is the Adblock addon. |
His statements were definitely rooted in hate and racism. That really can't be argued.
There are two sides to what was happening though... him definitely being in the wrong doesn't clear the person he was mad at from being wrong as well - even if there were racist remarks being thrown around. It's not coincidental that the whole recorded tirade was about his son's girlfriend trying to personally ruin his career by selling out his use of a racist word to the Enquirer for a buck... which is exactly what happened and the reason we all know about it. He was very angry in his recorded remarks, knowing what was coming. Considering that his career WAS sold out for a buck and NOT for legal, ethical, or moral reasons involving racism - some of that anger makes sense and exaggerated his response. That doesn't excuse his racist remarks at all though - that was his mistake and he's paying for it, probably for the rest of his life and career. So don't assume I'm defending him or not saying he isn't a racist and should get off with no repercussions. This is just a part of the whole story that is generally being ignored. Please don't beat me up too much. Just pointing out that it's not as black or white as people are making it out to be. |
What was Hitler's religion?
The truth and all answers about Hitler contained here: =D |
What was Hitler's religion?
Interesting topic.
Another interesting thing about Hitler: he wasn't a right-winger in politics. He was a socialist LEFT-winger. Funny though that a lot of people now compare right-wing politicians to Hitler as an insult. More appropriately, left-wing socialist could be compared to Hitler as an insult. Wonder where the misconception came from? |
Give it to me straight
Hey sometimes you just can't win. You are either too cocky or lack self-esteem. It's a fine line and women love to call you out on either one. ;D
is this a hoax or real?
Yeah Theemachine I've seen the Bank of America email that links to an official looking website? Even the url of the web address is spoofed to look legit. The variations of it are pretty convincing as well. One of the few email scams going around right now that uses both human engineering and url spoofing very well.
You can usually spot those kinds of email scams right away but this one is different. I'll bet that one has conned a lot of people. |
It's funny how many dogs, puppies, cats, kittens, anime girls, ect. popped up during the course of this thread. =D
kiannasunshine: I wouldn't be happy in that type of relationship either. Repeatedly leaving for an ex? >< Glad you could move on!
I actually didn't elaborate on #4 at first for a reason: I don't think I've seen that one done here. But you really wouldn't see it in most cases. If you care about someone and are listening to them and they say things such as 'no one really cares' or 'no one listens to me,' Some people will assume their attempts to show care and to listen to them are failing and just move on and never again bother.
But I need to clarify more: Speaking of your own experiences with someone else is great! That would be relating. Like people have been doing on this thread. Comparing your own experiences with someone else is great too. It would *only* be when one person takes what someone else says and intentionally one ups them to make it seem like they are the only one that has it bad: "Hey you might be sad, but you don't have it as bad as me (or whoever). Let me tell you what bad really is... " I apologize for going off on a tangent with that one but I hope that clarifies what I mean. |
Top Three Favorite TV Shows
Stargate SG-1
Northern Exposure (old series...) Family Guy |
Just reread that last sentence: "Relating is fine, personal comparing - not so much."
Meant to say: "Relating is fine and helpful, personal comparing to win an argument - not so much." Wish there were an edit function.... |
To elaborate on #4: Don't take pessimism personally.
Simply don't be turned off or get personally upset by negative statements such as 'no one cares,' 'no one can really understand the way I feel,' 'you think you have it bad, you should live in my world,' etc... Just be acceptant that that is the way they really feel. Don't take it personally even though you are trying to be helpful, understanding, and caring. You don't live in their shoes and you don't really know how they feel. So avoid getting into personal arguments about who actually has it worse or tell them about how much worse you had/have it than them. Relating is fine, personal comparing - not so much. ----------- creationsfire: I think it's great that thread is there. This post wasn't a specific criticism of that thread at all. Nor specifically this forum. |
How to deal with someone that is depressed is an issue that everyone deals with at some point. Especially on some online forums like this one. So I thought I would post up some thoughts on the subject for the people that care. This is specifically written for the online environment where you may not even know the person very well - like on this forum:
1. If anyone is asking for help, even on a public forum on the internet, this does not mean they have a lack of moral character or are 'just whining.' The opposite is true: it takes both courage and wisdom to be open when you are depressed. Depression is one of the big ironies in life in that it drives people to be alone which in turn makes it worse. It takes a truly insightful and brave person to recognize that, understand that, and talk about it. Especially knowing that a lot of responses they will receive will be hurtful. Your job, if you care to help, is to help them understand that they have taken a big step, and be encouraging to them for doing so. 2. Even if you are not a counselor/psychologist/psychiatrist/etc... you can provide emotional support by simply caring. A person suffering from depression is not out looking for artificial sympathy or attention - they are, just like everyone else when we talk about our problems, hoping to find that in reality other people do care despite what their depression is telling them. Telling someone to "grow up" or "we all have our problems" are NOT good things to say and help no one. It's better to keep your mouth shut if you are only going to be dismissive and uncaring. 3. Don’t try to talk a depressed person out their feelings. A depressed person’s feelings may seem irrational to someone that is not depressed, but telling them they are wrong or arguing with them is not the way to go. Depression is a CURABLE disease and it does have roots in biochemical processes in the body. Just because it is expressed emotionally - does not mean it isn't real. 4. Don't take pessimism personally. 5. Stay in contact with them as appropriate. Send them a friendly email message or simply leave a note on their webpage if you care. Just be positive, not overwhelming or artificial. 6. Don't try to take on their problems by yourself. Don't try to 'counsel' them over the internet, or show them your super-secret fool-proof methodology of attaining happiness that you read about on some webpage. If it were that easy, no one would suffer from depression. Instead encourage them to talk to their family, see trained clergy, a primary care physician, a counselor, a psychologist, etc. If nothing else, there are support groups / forums present on the internet that are monitored and guided by mental health practitioners that they can be directed to. 7. Suicide - take it seriously if mentioned. Be concerned. Never try to 'call someone out' on a suicide threat or tell them they are just looking for attention. Suicide is one of the biggest killers of teenagers today and regardless of age, people do follow through with it. The last percentage I've heard was 15% follow through with a suicide attempt after making any known mention of it to someone else. That is NOT insignificant nor an empty threat - as thoughts of suicide are recurrent in many people that are depressed... and it only takes one attempt to lose a life. I am posting this mainly in response to some of the responses I've seen in other threads dealing with this issue. Although most people here are very compassionate - there are others that simply aren't and others that made simple mistakes with good intentions. I simply hope some people read this and change their approach next time someone posts a thought about being depressed. Feedback/criticism is welcome. |
confedence in a wheel chair
Stephen Hawkings - misspelled his name. Oops.
confedence in a wheel chair
Stephen Hawkins. Nerd incarnate. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis - more going on than just being in a wheelchair.
Married, cheated on his wife. Divorced. Dating... I don't know... probably not good to compare, but it's reality. And that guy gets around with the women... Most of that happened before he became really famous too by the way. |
Department of Human Services
"the police know everything that is going on and still do't do anything because they are scared of my fiance's daughter step father"
I can't really speak about anything else that is happening. But if you feel that the police are not acting correctly for some reason: Call your state courthouse. Ask to speak to a Victim's Advocate in regards to a domestic abuse case. Explain the situation to them and why you think the police have not been responsive. |
...and don't worry if your career is seen as a threat or poorly. You wouldn't want a woman that saw it as a threat anyway right?
A lot of women are attracted to LEOs/military/emergency services... a lot are turned off by it. I don't think it really matters in the big picture.
But I really think it just comes down to the fact that a person is not defined by their career or what they do for a living. Even if most people when they have to describe themselves to others will first thing say what their career is. We just overly emphasize and idealize careers in the western world. To define someone by their career is no different than any other prejudice in my opinion. It's just a label to say you are a Policeman/Sailor/EMT/etc... it still doesn't tell me a single thing about what you are like as person really. On the other hand there are very real impacts from having a Law Enforcement/military/emergency service career. They exact a great toll on individuals and families. And it takes a special kind of woman or man, as the case may be, to be able to deal with the realities of their lover being in service to other people before them at times. Those significant others sacrifice just as much for that career in most cases. So it's very important they are aware of what they are getting themselves involved with from the beginning. When you add in the physical/psychological stress and danger of mortal harm... it only makes it more important that a partner understands and accepts the reality of what you do. I would say, no matter what... even if you think it scares off some people. Be upfront with what you do with anyone you will potentially be involved with. |