Community > Posts By > AMPdog

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Fri 11/16/07 03:21 PM
unsure - I can agree with everything you wrote. I can also easily see an immature 19 year old dating another 19 year old being just as bad or worse. Especially when it comes to the assumption that it's just about sex or that children may become involved.

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Fri 11/16/07 02:58 PM

People facing such a situation may have to work a little harder at making the relationship successful, or may decide that their goals and desires for the relationship are vastly different and insurmountable. The decision is to made by those involved in the relationship, and them alone. None else can make the decision for them.

I agree completely which is what I was trying to point out as well: Yes, there is an age difference. Yes, there are going to be differences because of that. And any difficulties would have to be addressed - just like any difficulty in any relationship.

There's no reason to discount the relationship any more than any other.

Age is just not an automatic relationship killer.

It's not really a moral/ethical issue either, as an 18 year old is going to date and act the same no matter how old their partner is. It is, like you state, an issue that they, as a couple, have to decide to work on or not.

However, I would say his older age could give them an advantage on dealing with those relationship issues as well. As compared to an 18 year old dating another 18 year old that lacks "experience and growth."

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Fri 11/16/07 02:39 PM
What keeps you going back to WoW? I capped out several characters before the expansion - raided constantly - PvP'ed - got most of the best gear for them - etc... and just got bored with it.

I got the expansion thinking it would add something new and draw me back in - but no dice. I couldn't even play it for a week before uninstalling WoW for the final time.

I loved the game for what is was, it just got old. How do you still enjoy it after so long? Was there something new in the expansion I may have just not given a chance?

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Fri 11/16/07 02:35 PM

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Fri 11/16/07 02:09 PM

Why should I have to accept something that doesn't make sense?

You don't have to accept it. It just makes life more enjoyable if you 1. try to understand it or 2. failing to understand (like almost everyone), accept it and cope without being angry and cynical.

If you tell me that the sky is blue, I don't have a lot of evidence or personal experiences to refute such a claim. Bad analogy.

So instead of checking to see if the sky is actually blue, you prefer to go out of your way to refute the existence of a personal experience to look and see if it's blue or not and criticize the analogy? You are missing points here intentionally. You are doing all this to yourself everything aside - which is the point people keep pointing out and which you keep proving with every response.

That's very true, isn't it? But I'm not showing the angry side that's coming across in here, and I'm not angry at myself.

Again, you are missing the point intentionally. People are seeing you as angry. You are perceived as being angry. It's your choice whether you want to ignore that or learn something from the reality that that's what people are telling you.

The last girl I e-mailed complimented me on how learned and wise I was coming across as. Apparently she LOVED talking to me, according to what she said. Can you explain to me why she suddenly stopped talking to me?

Apparently she both LOVED talking to you and thought you were so learned and wise that she stopped talking to you? You are working hard to have to keep missing the points people are giving you feed-back with. No one can explain it except her, all we know is that she stopped talking to you.

So what, I'm not allowed to respond to anyone anymore? This isn't about one-upping people, it's about trying to gain a better insight on what's going on. I can't help it if I find clear and distinct flaws in the theory and practice of wooing women.

Once again... someone is giving you their time and help to understand what's going on - and you are more interested in missing the point with a response in direct contradiction. It's already been established you view everything with cynicism. You don't need to keep pointing it out.

Have you noticed I haven't said anything in rebuttal to what thatplayer89 has been saying? I haven't tried being a "player" and I've seen supposed players succeed where other guys have failed, so I essentially having nothing to respond to it except for silent, bemused consideration.

Granted it's amusing. But thatplayer89 gains confidence from having paid someone to tell him how to have confidence and believe that he *can*. And that works. Because he THINKS it works. He's not concentrated on how he *can't* manipulate women - he's concentrated on how he *can* manipulate women. And no matter how you look at it, believing you *can* will at least give you a chance while believing it's hopeless gives you exactly zero chance unless someone takes pity on you.

Why should I talk to a counselor whose dating history I don't know ANYTHING about, when I could just as easily talk to a BUNCH of people who have a much higher probability of having the same situation as I?

You are missing the point again. It's not about dating. It's about you. Why would you go to talk to people with the same problems, in the same situation, with the same hopeless belief if you truly want to change things?

Thank you, txmama74. Thank you. The first step has been taken.

You are missing the point one last time here. The first step you pointed out is where all this started, but you've turned it into your last step.

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Fri 11/16/07 11:12 AM
Hey playoff,

Was just trying it myself and was curious how people thought it compared to other MMOs. At the lower levels, it's got my attention more than WoW did in any case.

Too bad you are on Silverload - was hoping to find some other people on Landroval and a kinship. I'm loving the game so far but missing having a group of people to play with like I had in WoW.

steelangel - There is a free trial for the game. Might want to check it out if you ever get bored. It looks like they really tried to stay true to the original Tolkien lore as much as possible (while still making the game fun).

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Fri 11/16/07 09:23 AM
Careful Drivinmenutz, people might start thinking you are replacing blind party politics with common sense. O_o

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Fri 11/16/07 09:04 AM

i feel all women are the same they just have the different personalitys

That's funny, because I feel all players are the same, they just have different self-delusions.

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 02:59 AM

...there seems to be some decent people here. Well, that I've seen thus far anyway.


Oh and welcome!

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 01:12 AM

"your attitude and thinking is probably having a bigger impact on your behavior than you think it does. You seem to have convinced yourself of how things are before things actually happen."
Actually no. I scan around to see if there are any new users in my area (here and on a handful of other dating services), and every so often there will come a new profile that catches my eye. "Hey, would you look at that," I think to myself as I read her stuff, "an attractive young lady who lives less than 25 miles away from me with a bunch of interests that correspond with my own! Jackpot! :D" I remind myself again and again that in this horrible Numbers Game, I need only be rejected so many times before I finally stumble on one girl who will actually find me attractive and want to be with me. I keep pushing myself with the prospect that the next one WILL be the one who wants to spend some time with me. As cynical as I'm coming across, there IS hope in this scarred and jaded heart and mind. Would I really be coming back in here and elsewhere if I had already reached a concrete conclusion and just giving women up cold turkey?

But do you think if you have a scarred and jaded heart that anyone wants to share that? Isn't there a part of you that you want to share that is positive that someone else might be attracted to?

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Fri 11/16/07 01:01 AM
Edited by AMPdog on Fri 11/16/07 01:02 AM
I don't know what to say other than I can't wait to meet her. =D

Bobzeaux - Actually what I meant was your attitude and thinking is probably having a bigger impact on your behavior than you think it does. You seem to have convinced yourself of how things are before things actually happen.

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 12:56 AM
Truth. I like it.

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Fri 11/16/07 12:46 AM
How drunk do I have to get you anyway before we go to my place? ;D

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Fri 11/16/07 12:43 AM
Yeah, I just sent my phone number to you - give me a call and we'll work out the details.

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 12:40 AM
You have yourself a date! Seriously, what time do you want to meet?

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Fri 11/16/07 12:38 AM
But you have to pay the bill. I don't want to waste the money on a woman on the first date and all. =P

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Fri 11/16/07 12:37 AM
I'm about 45 min. away actually! I live in Titusville just to the south of you. We should go out for dinner - do you have Monday evening free by any chance?

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Fri 11/16/07 12:31 AM
I mean take trustingfate for example. I bet because of my confidence right now that if I asked her out for a date right here on the forums... she would say yes.

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Fri 11/16/07 12:29 AM
Bobzeaux - I'm just grasping at straws here... but everything I've seen you read was about how women always have it so wrong, how you know what they want, how you have worked and studied how to have better, how you are a nice guy, etc...

How about just thinking about things more positively and less cynically? Just let relationships flow, be yourself. Don't work so hard for it.

no photo
Fri 11/16/07 12:12 AM
That's insane in the membrane - looks like a sister.