Community > Posts By > AMPdog

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Sun 10/04/09 07:48 AM
Hollywood + Politics = Disingenuous. See anything by Michael Moore and then look up how much people paid to hear his shallow, simplistic, 'right/wrong' opinions... People eat hollywood stuff up like sheep, (hell they'll even pay a LOT of money for it) and regurgitate what they heard without a single independent thought to the complete issue... Or even a single moment of non-biased research of their own.

Again, look how much profit is hypocritically made by selling anti-capitalistic/anti-libertarianism/anti-consumerism opinions to the paying masses (again Moore is proving a prime example of this with his latest movie). You just can't add Hollywood to an issue and expect anything that makes sense. Unless you are a sheep.

Garofalo is just another mass-media star profiting on a shallow political opinion. But that's just the way it goes: The sheep follow the stars.

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Mon 09/21/09 07:39 AM

I don't get it. Gen. McChrystal is saying that civilian casualties need to be reduced even further as part of a larger effort to reverse the strengthening Taliban/mujahadin/AQ tide.

While asserting that more troops are needed, McChrystal also pointed out an "urgent need" to significantly revise strategy. The U.S. needs to interact better with the Afghan people, McChrystal said, and better organize its efforts with NATO allies.

"We run the risk of strategic defeat by pursuing tactical wins that cause civilian casualties or unnecessary collateral damage. The insurgents cannot defeat us militarily; but we can defeat ourselves," he wrote.

You guys are getting the baby killing, heroin harvesting, Obama, unemployment thing from where?

Our soldiers are the babies I refer to. To me, if you're under 33, you're a baby. That's my oldest kids age.

Afghans crop of choice is opium poppies, right?

Who said anything about Hussein??

Dead soldiers can't collect unemployment.

That's just very patronizing to hear. All U.S. service members make a personal decision to serve and they sacrifice a lot in order to continue to serve. Even (or especially) those under 33. Calling them babies isn't doing anyone any justice, even if well-intended.

...Yes, they grow poppy in Afghanistan. They also grow marijuana. Their culture is different than ours and they don't throw people in prison for years for drug possession. Prohibition is mainly an American thing...

...Didn't mention Hussein.

...Of course a dead soldier can't collect unemployment. He/she wouldn't ever have been unemployed. And familiarize yourself with SGLI and survivors benefits. Kind of blows the 'Obama hates soldiers and want them to die' theory...

Just saying. =P

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Mon 09/21/09 07:12 AM
I don't get it. Gen. McChrystal is saying that civilian casualties need to be reduced even further as part of a larger effort to reverse the strengthening Taliban/mujahadin/AQ tide.

While asserting that more troops are needed, McChrystal also pointed out an "urgent need" to significantly revise strategy. The U.S. needs to interact better with the Afghan people, McChrystal said, and better organize its efforts with NATO allies.

"We run the risk of strategic defeat by pursuing tactical wins that cause civilian casualties or unnecessary collateral damage. The insurgents cannot defeat us militarily; but we can defeat ourselves," he wrote.

You guys are getting the baby killing, heroin harvesting, Obama, unemployment thing from where?

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Sun 09/20/09 11:36 AM
"Never play leap-frog with a unicorn." -- unknown

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Mon 09/07/09 06:50 PM
Edited by AMPdog on Mon 09/07/09 06:57 PM

There are a number of means of defense- militia, private security, etc. The framers never intended for there to be a giant national military-industrial complex (see the Anti-Federalist papers and Thomas Jefferson's writings). A defense works the same way a security company does. There is no need for "Central Intelligence" if Americans do the moral/Constititutional thing and only declare war when attacked.

One of the reasons the debt is out of control is sustaining an international empire and military fascist State. When the capital is put back into the PRODUCTIVE economy, citizens can pay for their own defense.

Yeah... even good 'ole George Washington commanded the revolutionary army using a military backed by intelligence gathering. Impossible to have a military without centralized intelligence - that is if you want your defense force to maybe be a little more organized than private security guards. The Constitution wouldn't have even made it to creation without a military - I just can't understand these kinds of arguments. Sorry I tried.

The Constitution is a statement of basic human rights that the government is not allowed to impinge upon. Despite all the fear-mongering, the CIA does not operate domestically on U.S. citizens. Law enforcement (like the FBI) operates domestically on U.S. citizens. This is constitutional and prudent to survival and the defense of life.

If I'm understanding right, you are in favor of dissolving federal agencies and relying upon private security and uncoordinated militia groups?

no photo
Mon 09/07/09 06:37 PM

Yeah, American is eeeeeeeeeeeevil and all Americans have lost their ability for introspection, we demand and end to decency and want people's bodies shown on the news, and the CIA should fight nicely. Got it.

Moreso the government, but yeah. And the CIA should be dismantled, not fight nicely (like the Fed and every other unconstitutional body).

How would the military or even a defense force work without any intelligence/usable information? A country just wouldn't exist for long without centralized coordination for defense. That's a little bit of a problem.

What is the basis of the claim that intelligence gathering on enemies is unconstitutional?

no photo
Mon 09/07/09 06:01 PM
Yeah, American is eeeeeeeeeeeevil and all Americans have lost their ability for introspection, we demand and end to decency and want people's bodies shown on the news, and the CIA should fight nicely. Got it.

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Thu 08/27/09 11:47 AM
That's great and all, but as it currently stands - health care in the US is already better than in Canada (who's system has even more problems with limited resources). Why would Americans want to model health care on the Canadian system? It has nothing to do with Americans feeling superior to Canadians.

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Sat 08/01/09 03:41 PM

Well, AB, that totally depends on whether or not you choose to ignore our countries history of utilizing false flag events to further agendas.

You mean like how the internet anti-globalization conspiracy crowd uses 9/11?

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Sat 08/01/09 10:49 AM
Edited by AMPdog on Sat 08/01/09 10:57 AM
I don't spout anything, what I post is fact. I do alot of backing up and checking before I post anything. when it comes to being a libertarian, I roll the line with the Wayne Allen Roots, the Ron Pauls and the Lew Rockwells.

I pointed out that you are getting your information from a website run for political reasons. That alone should be enough for anyone that wants fact to stay away from it.

In addition, that website posts up any story that matches their political views - there is no fact checking there. You can see articles on the front page with today's date that have been re-circulated around the internet for 10+ years with only little changes made to them to make them appear current.

I posted a article from Rueters too, about the same topic, which was the original source of ridicule, that walmart was being positioned to use as a hub for the vaccinations, is rueters also a less than source of info or does posting from to different news sources, that both source their info still land me in hypocrite category A?

Reuters is no more a source than a website - Reuters just disseminates stories other people write from all over the world.

The global research article in fact sources to everything from CNN to NorthComs own websites, Global research may not be perfect, but they and other net based information sites are doing a tough job in the face of a state/corporate (read fascist) run media masquerading as independent news.

Yeah and there are neo-conservative websites on the internet that do the same thing with 'fact' and sources. I would never claim any political website (especially one that masquerades as something it's not!) as being unbiased. Especially when they blatantly use fear-mongering as a primary tool. But to each their own I guess...

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Sat 08/01/09 10:04 AM

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

Michael Chossudovsky
Global Research
Friday, July 31, 2009

According to CNN, the Pentagon is “to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.”

First, 'Global Research' is not a legit source for any article unless you are an internet conspiracy freak or just can't think for yourself. It's a font for limited political (if you can even call it that) views. In other words, your source sucks and you are a willingly blind fool for using it as information.

The rest of that anti-globalization dogma isn't even worth discussing.

Global research isn't legit... Seems to me that the article posted sources it's material. Where's the Conspiracy theory? It's fact, everything I posted is fact. Unlike what those criminals in washington would like you to believe, that truth is some matter of perspective or can be viewed from the abstract, I disagree. Truth is an absolute and in the case of this swine flu crap, the truth is absolutely disgusting!

You don't even have a source and I'm the fool? Whatever, globalization didnt lead us into some 'star trek' utopia. it's led us into more and more conflict, disasters in economics, more criminal behaviour by those who seek the seats of power.

Where's the conspiracy when these scumbags get on the t.v. or write books calling for New World Order, New International Order or whatever variation of a Global Technocracy you want to lay on the table. When Obama goes to Russia and the Russian Prez. unveils the new global currency... that what, doesn't exist? Didn't happen? Some sort of internet wacko theory?

I'm a fool? When the mainstream is forced to report on forced innoculations, mass internments and handing out vaccines that are admittedly not tested, but it's somehow some kooky conspiracy theory?

I would counter with, if you aren't going to pull your head out of the sand to see who is kicking you in the a$$...

Hey man - I'm a hard-core libertarian by personal views. I just think that spouting internet conspiracies serves no one but the political fronts that back the publications in the first place.

If you want to bash the press in the US fine (I agree it sucks), but hold yourself to a higher standard with re-publishing information or you are a hypocrite. It seems you have decided to take an even lower standard for what you post up by functioning as a mouth-piece for these groups masquerading as legit news sites. Why do that to yourself and what you believe in?

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Sat 08/01/09 09:40 AM
Edited by AMPdog on Sat 08/01/09 09:56 AM

H1N1 Pandemic: Pentagon Planning Deployment of Troops in Support of Nationwide Vaccination

Michael Chossudovsky
Global Research
Friday, July 31, 2009

According to CNN, the Pentagon is “to establish regional teams of military personnel to assist civilian authorities in the event of a significant outbreak of the H1N1 virus this fall, according to Defense Department officials.”

First, 'Global Research' is not a legit source for any article unless you are an internet conspiracy freak or just can't think for yourself. It's a font for limited political (if you can even call it that) views. In other words, your source sucks and you are a willingly blind fool for using it as information like they want you to.

The rest of that anti-globalization (which is why Walmart was included in the conspiracy) dogma isn't even worth discussing.

Just to add also - that same 'story' has been re-circulating for years on the internet. This is just an more modern concocted H1N1 version of it that includes Walmart.

no photo
Sat 08/01/09 09:30 AM

Thanks for that picture - lol

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Sat 08/01/09 08:23 AM
lol Even included Walmart in the conspiracy.

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Wed 06/24/09 11:45 AM
Hallo und Herzlich Willkommen. ^^

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Sat 05/30/09 09:23 AM

What if, we are being fed BS by the media and there is no real nuclear peril in N.K.?

The media tells us who will be president and who our enimies are.

Perhaps, if South Korea and the World would let up a bit on the sanctions and send some of the stuff N.K. needs, that would open up a desire to compromise..

That plan however, wouldn't be to the advantage of the UN. N.K. seems like it wants to remain a soverign Nation and that wouldn't look good if one Nation held out and didn't want to join in the plan of a one-world Nation.

So, the best way to get people to comply is to bring them to starvation. Could be, N.K. would rather die than be governed by outsiders.

I'm no fan of the media - but you'd have to be crazily naive not to believe N. Korea wants nothing more than to take over the rest of the country. We've been at war with N. Korea since the 50's to stop just that from happening. As well as the fact that N. Korea is quite vocal regarding their plans and desire to finish taking the rest of the populace.

Oh and N. Korea was never a sovereign nation. S. Korea is the original government that was recognized by the world... it is just incapable of even holding onto the southern part of the country without U.N. (U.S.) help considering how large of a military state N. Korea is.

Also, pay attention to the news - the U.S. and the rest of the world gives concessions to N. Korea all the time to keep the populace from starving and to try and make deals with N. Korea. But it doesn't matter, N. Korea uses all its resources to maintain one of the worlds largest standing armies despite its small size.

Again, it's just a crappy situation.

no photo
Sat 05/30/09 04:46 AM
Because history repeats and little is learned.

Just like when this whole thing started (the Korean War). It was a 'U.N. operation'... but the U.S. was the only country to really put any forces in under mandate despite the dire situation in the South and the pleas of the country to the U.N..

Once again (many times over), N. Korea does what it wants knowing the U.N. or any country other than the U.S., just doesn't matter. The U.N. member-states will do no more than talk and not follow through with anything as usual. And even if sanctions are actually passed? China doesn't care and is more than happy to help N. Korea by-pass them (at some profit to China).

So the deal: The U.S. will still be left holding any burden alone; as it has since the Korean War started. The U.S. has 3 choices - 1. Go on the offensive to overthrow the N. Korean regime... 2. Maintain the current stand-still of the war... 3. Withdraw and let S. Korea perish.

The problem is, the second choice will go away once N. Korea is nuclear armed. And since the first and third choice equal wide-scale death and carnage anyway they haven't been pursued up until this point. That's why we'll keep on seeing N. Korea raising the stakes until they get what they want: long-range nuclear capability. Once that happens choices one and three are also completely gone - replaced by threat of nuclear war. Once that happens, the U.S. is out of the picture as the U.S. has no options left other than using nuclear force first. S. Korea will fall violently once the U.S. is out of the picture.

Crappy situation...

[Just my opinion - take with a grain of salt. =P]

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 08:39 PM
Edited by AMPdog on Sat 11/15/08 08:41 PM
That's why I prefer my Glock 23... 13 rounds before reload and comes with 2 magazines. 14 rounds if you chamber one proir to magazine load. So it's more like:

*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang* *reload* *bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*bang*...

Much more satisfying.

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:26 PM
That would be funny if it weren't so sad... =/

no photo
Sat 11/15/08 07:24 PM

I like chicken mc nuggets!!!!

What do you suppose is actually in 'chicken' mcnuggets? huh

Why they are actually 'processed' chicken. Duh.

I am skeptical of the actual chicken laugh

Where do processed chickens come from anyway? And did they come before processed chicken eggs?