Community > Posts By > UWannaBSpontaneous
Obama 08
| I don't get it. You made it sound like he got away with saying that statement. He didn't. He is now a former professor. He was let go in 2005. Old stuff. So he didn't get away with it like Imus didn't get away with his offensive statement. Yeah! Howard does shock people but his comments have been noted as dark humor. Not specifically offensive to a whole race. I don't even like Imus or his opinions but I will say I think he is a semi-nice and extremely generous person. Howard has been entertaining and that's all I know about him. I'm out too. Thanks for the debate. |
Obama 08
Wrong. The only reason Lisa gets away with it is because she openly DATES black guys. Somehow, this makes it okay to the black community. Everything I said was true. Lets see... Didn't some guy get just fired for saying a joke about black people over the radio? Yeah... it was HUGE news. It was blown completely out of proportion. This man joked about everyone, not just the black girls this one time. You obviously do not see it. Go on youtube and you will find a video clip of a black professor at NC State University. He openly stated, in front of reporters, that the "whole white race should be exterminated." WORD FOR WORD. Now... you tell me... if a white professor has said this about the black community, all hell would break loose. Open your eyes. Oh and as to what I said about the pledge... There is NO reason someone can not say the pledge but just leave out "Under God." Period. There is NO excuse for him to not sing the National Anthem. His name is Don Imus. If you have a national radio show and you say something that offensive yes you get fired. I don't know about the professor you are talking about and what context his statement was made from. Sounds like this persons statement wasn't heard across the country and yes I'd have to see that before making a decision. Did you see Jacksons campaign a few years ago go down the tube when he made fun of the Jews by use of a derogatory term? I have a full list of "Black Citizens" who have blown it with the American public for racial slurs and derogatory terms. If he takes office he'll have to take the oath. That's what I find important. Thank you for the debate. Sorry if anything I said seeme inappropriate to you. Sometimes I come off very opinionated and strong. J |
Obama 08
The point I am making is that White comedians still make fun of other cultures and so do other cultures.
He acts as though Black Comedians are getting away with murder for pointing out a White cultures social extremes. Jeff Foxworthy makes fun of Rednecks. Eddie Murphy made fun of whites in his movie. Chris Rock made fun of black people in his movie. Has nothing to do with reverse discrimination is the point. Lisa remains very popular to those that want foul mouthed humor. Lenny Bruce60's? Red Skeleton 70's? Sam Kineson 80's.... Andrew Dice 90's, I can go on if anyone wishes... They all pushed social and cultural boundries. I don't even like their comedy but they made money cause people listened. |
Obama 08
I'm a Catholic. I say the pledge of allegence.
However, I also realize that while our country was built on a foundation of Christianity it also conflicts with those individual freedom choices that are included in the constitution. If you "expect" one to place their hand over their heart "under God" you are denying them the freedom to choose. This does not mean that they do not pledge allegence to the country. I do not have a problem with anyone separating church and state (including country). My brother in law is an atheist and doesn't say our pledge. But he supports our country, the troops, and has always been a very good citizen. If you think this country will go down the drain due Allegence to the flag you are wrong. It's allegence to what the flag stands for and that's unity and freedom; both of which he stands for as Senator. Did you read his book? Thought so. Jokes have nothing to do with reverse-discrimination. I won't respond to the last half of your diatribe. But I will say this. Lisa lampanelli.... Enough said dude! I proved you wrong with her name alone. |
Obama 08
of the two who are ahead i would have to say obama, and not because of race because to me he is better than clinton. if edwards was running higher my vote would be with him. Again, ridiculous. Pick up a paper and read it. Watch the debates. Read about the biographies of the candidates. Read their books and articles. Read who they helped and what they stand for. Are you just a follower? Our system was made for you to decide of your own mind. Not to vote based on who is winning a poll one day. Especially this early. |
Obama 08
Do you even realize he is already a United States Senator?
Honestly... If he gets president. && I end up in a evaluation that ask "What's our current presidents name?" I will end up saying Osama Bin Laudin or The Bomb... The reason being is because I cannot remember this dudes name. I will be like "He's a Bomb Ass President." Wow! And you stand for America? What a shame! There is no issue with a persons name. This country was built on immigrants of various names. For which he's an American by the way. He has a distinguished career and has helped so many people in the U.S. to fight discrimination. What have you done for people? |
Obama 08
Don't forget Edwards yes. But I do take interest in Obama after listening to his line of answers during the debates and in looking at his background.
What I would like to hear from any posters here before they go on the attack is to say that they intellegently went through all facts and that they watched the debates. If you did you would hear what he has to say.... Not about what family he was born into. Schwarzenegger is the son of a police chief noted to be a nazi supporter. Did this impact California? No! I'm a Democrat but even I voted for Schwarzenegger and I'm happy with my choice and I would even consider him as President if the rules change and I think they should. Again this is coming from a Democrat. I've listened to all the candidates. Read all the research into the backgrounds and first on my list is now Obama. There is nothing wrong with his views and ideals for this country. This is what it is about. Not some paranoid script you picked up on. When he comes to CA go out and actually meet him and listen. Then decide. |
When I was 20 I had permission (from her father) to date a 16 year old and we stayed together for 1.5 years. She was mature enough and we had a great time. But as normal things go she made a few mistakes and I didn't feel like sticking around to resolve them.
Your young, I wouldn't worry about anything and yeah..... older is cool at certain times. |
Obama win
Wow never would have guessed that one. I don't understand why? Did anyone here actually watch the debates in full? I did and I was impressed where I originally had no knowledge. He speaks very well, is focused on solid answers, and his ideals are not far off from any other Democrat. It's just a matter of his ability to run the country and I think he has as good a chance as the other 2 running. I was originally a supporter of Hilary and now think even Edwards is a better choice than her. Look at the boob who's running it now. Bush is a liar for one and that is proven time and time again on the war alone. Not decided yet but Obama is definately not out of the question. |
Look alike!
Marc Anthony
Look alike!
Here's the game. Post a celebraty that you think the person above you reminds you of in any way shape or form. =) Should be interesting. She's got Anne Lenox eyes! |
More questions from me
My son's dad was good looking until he opened his mouth... ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() And so this happened after you conceived? |
Advice and a Question
That's like a quarterly occurance around San Jose, CA. Don't mini throw up again! |
American Revolution II
I vote for Pat Paulsen!
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American Revolution II
Well everyone knows it was a mistake. He just won't admit it cause he's an idiot. Surprised me he got in for a second term. Not cool.
Support for our men and women soldiers. ![]() |
i got lost
Well of course you have! Look atcha!
Here's my fav: "Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?" |
American Revolution II
There's a revolutionin my pants...and everyone's coming!
Advice and a Question
As luck has it No!
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No racism. That would be hateful. This is just pointing out the humorous side of communication and understanding language.
Jackie Chan does this all the time in his Rush Hour movies. He makes fun of himself. No hate on this one. |
Sung to If I Only Had A Brain
Well I got her in the mail She seemed a little pale That vinyl girl of mine She came C.O.D. She came just for me That inflatable girl of mine. Oh I patch her twice a week She's really quite unique That vinyl girl of mine And with 30 pounds of pressure She is really quite the treasure That inflatable girl of mine. |