UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/31/07 01:19 AM
The Police Officer because he says, "Spread em!"

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/31/07 01:17 AM
I thought one was about the Lawyer. Something like -

The Lawyer who says, "When do you want to be screwed?"

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Mon 12/31/07 01:12 AM
Be strong in the face of her decisions. She should know that you will be there for her now and later if it does not work out.

I have a daughter to. I have sworn that no matter what I will stand by her.

Part of lifes lessons that we all go through in different ways.

Maybe all will be good and the change is just a bit scary to understand.

Best of luck. Just call and let her speak to you. Hold off on judgement so she can feel close. You don't want her to feel by herself in this.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:06 PM
She got a lil of both goin' on. Well rounded..... in all the right ways!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 10:02 PM
Shut off the video camera please and destroy the evidence. aarrggg!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:57 PM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Sun 12/30/07 09:58 PM
Lucky me! What are you makin' me for breakfast. :)

Damn wrong person. Oh well. what are you makin' me for breakfast anyway?

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:56 PM
The drunkin' stuper look! No actually I think it's funny.

"Ah come on if we can't laugh at others who can we laugh at?"

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:51 PM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Sun 12/30/07 09:51 PM
Send that green dress back to the wardrobe set of HairSpray.

You're a beautiful gal with a great smile though!


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:46 PM
The background. The pose is for a beach.

Faggy Yellow Shirt my *ss. When I fall drunk in the road the people in the cars avoid the yellow bump in the road.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:37 PM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Sun 12/30/07 09:37 PM
For Az1: His hair to Dorthy Hamil Sassy just to piss him off!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:34 PM
I'd change the fact that she's lieing while luring him in.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:33 PM
Ummmm Dude! I'm Yellow!

Get rid of the Ninja Turtles Suit!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:31 PM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Sun 12/30/07 09:32 PM

How rude you are sometimes

I would change that she now has a wonderful guy in her life that makes her feel on top of the world.

She's a cool gal! & Beautiful as well!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:29 PM
Edited by UWannaBSpontaneous on Sun 12/30/07 09:30 PM
I'd give him a tambourine cause he's been playin that ax for waaaaaayyyyy to long.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:27 PM

well if she's pregnant at least i know she puts out......

You know that's one of the reasons i enjoy this site is humor like AZ puts out.

I'll have to tell ya when I meet her but options are always open if she is a wonderful mother and she can still be intimate.

My exwife gave up intimacy after the 2 kids were born.... See ya!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:23 PM
I wasn't even going to touch a beer tonight after yesterdays drunkfest in Hayward, CA

But since you asked. No bud.. But I'll have a Gordon Biersch Hefeweizen.

Pztttzzzzzzz . Just opened. Ahhhhhhhhh!

Hey, smoke downwind.

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:18 PM
So she's talking to men who are "Clearly" at that age of just Hormone City.

At 42 I am still very active. Even though I love sex it is not all I want from a relationship. But because we have 6 hours in a night I'm not going to spend all of it watching TV or talking! Break it up into nice sections. Sex here, talk there, Talk there, movie there, dinner here, sex over there.

Why not go to a church that promotes groups that abstain from sex?

Just a thought!

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:15 PM

How is it a pathetic post?

Well it's just my opinion but I never ever thought this way at that age. I didn't even start to think like that until well into my late 20's. But I got over it quick cause I thought I was just being pathetic to believe there "Was no one for me". I went to work, school.... invested myself in myself and I soon came across my Future ex-wife.

So I say pathetic becuase when you are that young I don't expect you to have "Broken Dreams" about love as yet. At least wait until your in your mid 20's.

Although maybe in your neck of the woods 18 is Spinsterville.

laugh Respectfully, J

UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:12 PM

I already know another language...actaully i can speak 3 languages fluently...i have a 3.9 gpa in college...i work two jobs...one full time and one part time job....i am very mature for my age...i had to grow up at an early age....so by telling me that i am 18 and all that other stuff...doesnt matter...age doesnt make you who you are or what you should do...your experiences do

Ummmmm I'm sure there are not many people here who are in their older age... Me.... who would agree with you. You are young. You have not seen everything..

I am impressed that you speak 3 languages fluently and have such a great book knowledge of certain subjects.

Even with this.....you have the capacity to learn new things and really take on life with gusto...

I'll tell you this. Colombus Ohio guy wrote on your site that he thinks you're beautiful. I think you are pretty. But it's not what it's about for me..... It's looks with personality.


UWannaBSpontaneous's photo
Sun 12/30/07 09:08 PM
Well okay.... good pathetic post then. All young people. Anyone under 55. Just chill and learn something new today......

Don't seek out a relationship. It will come as you enjoy life.

I'm an expert I tell ya!

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