Community > Posts By > Mimx

Mimx's photo
Sun 10/28/07 07:16 PM
Yeah ive had the same experiences with people when I suggest a first phone call. I know most people would say wait a reasonable amount of time before asking this, but I believe after a month of talking through emails a phone call is the next logical step.

Just depends on how comfortable they are with you. As long as you don't put off the stalker vibe, everything should be great. :-)

Mimx's photo
Sun 10/28/07 06:07 PM
Hi everyone, im fairly new to this site, but have been posting a few topics here and there. Feel free to stop by my profile and send me a message.

Mimx's photo
Sun 10/28/07 01:54 PM
Yay a nerdy girl. Thats always a plus in my book. Oh and DragonlOve is in the same state, thats a first. :-P

Mimx's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:38 AM
After a year of dating my ex called me up on the phone, gave me the "our personalities are too different" speech.

It was a little awkward at first cause of the breaking up issue, but I got back to normal rather fast. Its as simple as thinking, why am I gonna feel bad over someone who cant tell me the truth and obviously doesn't care about me?

If you worry about things you cant control, you will waste your life away. Cut your losses and move on.

Mimx's photo
Sun 10/28/07 11:20 AM
My question is not why do all men say they are gonna call you and then don't, but why do the guys that give out their fake phone numbers always seem to give the ladies my cell number?

Happened twice this week.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:32 PM I need a hug

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:26 PM
Its not the process of waiting that makes love happen or appear, its the fact if you stop thinking about it and just go on with everyday life, it just all of a sudden shows up. Waiting just makes it seem longer cause your aware of whats going on around you.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:20 PM
lol dually noted :-P

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:19 PM
Well for the most part, people who join the dating sites are just trying to meet new people since the real life approach seemed to get harder as time went on. Which is why myself and others are here now.

The downside though is that some people get on these sites girls and guys alike, and they set their standards up way too high. A person that talks to them has to look a certain way, listen to a certain style of music, drive a certain car...blah blah....what they forget is that they are online looking for someone just like everyone else. When it comes to online dating sites there is no such thing as high standards. Just keep an open mind and eventually you'll meet some really cool people.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:09 PM
lol im not perfect, but it doesn't take a genius to understand that 99% people are all about themselves. Most people would rather watch you suffer than ever lend a hand. Its the small 1% that make looking for someone worth the effort. You weed through the bad ones, and if your smart enough you learn something, and when its all said and done you get to start learning with the one person whos gonna understand you till the very end.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:05 PM
If you want the honest route, just talk to her and ask her where its leading too. Tell her how you feel, and if she doesn't feel the same way, cut your losses and move on.


The dishonest way...

If shes playing a game, just act indifferent. Act like you don't care either way about anything.

First rule. Women want what they cant have. If they think they cant obtain you, then they will fight for you for no apparent reason.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 11:01 PM
lol alrighty, in response to most of you.

My response was based on if the girl or guy isn't playing any games. When you get responses that in case statements "i have girlfriends who when they are interested in a guy play that game and do not answer the telephone and call back-- they do not want to appear too interested even when they are."

Having a guy answer the phone really fast cause he doesn't want his wife to find out hes cheating or just talking to another woman, has nothing to do with what im talking about at all.

You know something is wrong with the dating world. Especially when you get answers like this. Call me crazy, but what ever happened to just being honest? Most peoples problems in life are just from poor choices. Get better educated on people and you will always be one step ahead.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/27/07 10:33 PM
You can always tell how the person feels about you with the speed of which they answer the phone.

With my last relationship, when it first started, she answered on the first ring every time, then right before she left me, she started not answering and then calling back a few minutes later.

So put it plainly, if someone was calling that I really cared about..sleeping or not, i would answer that phone ASAP.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/20/07 07:24 PM
Yeah I came up with no matches as well. I hate how the commercial always seems to leave out that 1 in 4 people wont be able to be matched after filling out that survey..

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:04 AM
Whatever happened to black and white terms?

Such as, "Yes I am looking" or "No im not looking"

Instead we get "im open to a relationship" or "Just looking for friends and maybe something else later"

I mean come on, we are so busy justifying what we are doing that we let all the good experience pass us by cause we are all wrapped up in our own crap.

Mimx's photo
Sat 10/20/07 12:02 AM
This is how it works. A very large number of people in the world, don't care about anyone or anything, but themselves. Thus they just say what they want to anyone. Much like Brian said, its stupidity. People lack the common sense to know when to do what is right and not to something that is wrong.

Mimx's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:58 PM
Sin, notice the "lol" at the end of the sentence....that usually indicates a joke, and for most people they pick on that.

Mimx's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:57 PM
Im gonna have to disagree valerie.....Not all men play games, the ones who do obviously never grew up, and think with the brains in their pants. I myself don't play games, im at the point in my life where im way too old to even remotely play the "you should know what im thinking" game.

Guys are asses, and girls are the same. Both are capable of the same things. Just have to widen your preference in guys and maybe look for someone with a personality. Looks fade, personality never dies.

Mimx's photo
Fri 10/19/07 11:51 PM
Its simple, only answer messages that come from really hot guys, cause we all know that really good looking guys treat women with :-P

Mimx's photo
Wed 10/17/07 01:31 AM
Lust and Love should be kept separated at all costs.

When it comes to anyone that your with, you choose one and go with it.