Community > Posts By > hiddenmeaning

hiddenmeaning's photo
Thu 05/03/12 10:28 AM
Birmingham area...

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 04/02/11 02:51 PM

does this cloth smell of cloriform to you ??? was used on me once sill thing is i had been with him 7 years and had his baby lol

yes yes it did work lol

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/19/11 02:00 PM
i will admit its if she laughs at the first 6 stupid things i do/say and responds in kind. hell the sex can wait till later i like stupid s**t

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:56 PM

Love heavy metal and industrial metal! Pantera, Rammstein, Slayer, Megadeath, DOPE, Avenge Sevenfold, Tvium (think that is how its spelled), Black Label Society, and the list goes on!

i love how you miss classed avenge sevenfold as metal and not emo lol

and deftones are a stunning band lol.
the last mosh pit i was in i got my nose broke and my arm ripped out the socket..... (remembers whistfully)
oh how i miss raging speedhorn gigs still they bought me a drink or 7 after with opeth lol

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:23 PM
i use "im besoted with you" till i know the person
"i love you" pops up when i do love them and as the OP put die for them and spend the rest of my life with them

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:20 PM
i have been told on many accasions im a "nice guy" but i dont normaly find the girl thats good for me because im normaly ripped off by said miss right then i drop out of the loop for god knows how long then stick my head up for another sucker punch.
would i become more of a bad boy?

no its not me

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/19/11 01:10 PM
i have been a ODINISM follower since i was 10. 15 years on and im still happy with my choice and i will be honest i have never looked back. sure i get funny looks when i tell people but hey its my choice and i dont mind

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/19/11 12:47 PM
sorry the viking one again. i may like to point out at this point that one of the 10 commandments is thou shalt not kill. yet on numberouse occasions like the crusades and the roman catholic indoctronation of northern europe christians killed thousands of "no belivers". now forgive me if im wrong but on both accounts these killings and use of force were sanctioned by the current head of the church (pope in most cases)who is supposed to be the sheppard of gods flock if im not to far out (but if i am you know what i mean) hes gods chosen vassel on this planet. now if he has sent forth leagons of zelots out into the world on "gods" war how is that gods work exactly being that murder of ANYONE is a sin surely that make the figureheads of the church of god flawed.
on that note if man cannot comprehend the voice of god then who the hell managed to write the old testament knowing it was god and they just wasnt mad?
and lastly where in the bible does it say "suffer not the witch to live" because that makes a lot of church based activeties very very un proactive in the salem and spanish inqusition kind of way. how can a religion twist its "holy" book to cause death and destruction for there own needs distorting there makers words to gain them more power and influence.
this is also charachterised in the way churches "make things up" to get what they want. now forgive me if im wrong but has the appocolype happened because of jazz or rock and roll? no but thats what we were told that that music was the work of saitan and we will all die because of it and burn in hell. now i dont break the law i dont go out of my way sacrifising virgins or spiting in the face of old women. i love my rock music now im sorry but they guessed that one and where wrong so how many other things have "key" christians of any level of power got wrong and how many things have they twisted to sute there own needs?
this is why i practace my religion. a god shouldnt ask his subjects to kneel for him/her nore expect it. then his subjects will kneel for his humble and honest ways.
my gods dont ask for much but i always offer more because of this as i feel i should because they have helped to guide me in ways that may not have been any beniafit to me in any way but the lesson that was learnt was worth the pain.

please dont think im hateful of christans please i am strong about my views but not abbusive (my other half is catholic)

hope someone understands the drivell i have put up there

hiddenmeaning's photo
Thu 03/17/11 03:55 PM
i have no problem with single mothers or pregnent single moms. but i couldnt date one who had one on the way, why because i would feel uncomfortable with that, but after the child is born yes i would have no problem. having said that others have said i overlook a lot in life and just look at the good bits lol

hiddenmeaning's photo
Thu 03/17/11 03:48 PM
hi all im not christian or atheist but i follow the old norsc religion from the turn of the last mellenium. and have done for about 15 years now.

now i have had on more than one account had christians shout at me telling me that worshiping more than one god is wrond and i will burn in hell for it. why there reason is that my religion has no morrell rules to it and has too many things to worship but most importantly its not beliveable.

now stop me if im wrong but just because i pay hommage to 3 gods (odin, thor and loki) i am a bad person and i as one preast told me" i am worse than any rapist or mollestor". now please forgive me but after all the open hosiliety i started telling people i was atheist due to the constant verbal bashing i was reciveing on a all to frequent basis. when i said i was atheist i was told on more than one account (every time) that i am a saitanist but of another name and on more than one account been spat at. so if any atheist has recived a fraction of the cr*p i have i can understand there hostilety.

now i am open about my religion because at 25 if i cant have people treat me like a equil then they are not worth my time. i have friends who are christian and they now understand what i follow and dont try to harrass me over it which makes a nice change and we do have debates about both sides of the coin and its fun. but when people start spitting punching and namecalling because there views or belifes are different then thats where we have problems.

hiddenmeaning's photo
Thu 03/17/11 02:55 PM
hi all im looking to widen my friends bases and im looking for people to chat to in the midlands (preferably birmingham) area so drop me a message or a post on here if you want a chat.

hiddenmeaning's photo
Mon 03/14/11 11:08 AM
i have no problem with educated women its arrogent women that i avoid. sadly i have found a lot of women who are very educated look down ther nose at a lowly carpet fitter. irony is i have a 164 iq so can hold a proper conversation with any one.

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sun 03/13/11 06:31 PM
the funny thing is i work in a outdoor equipment store and yet i dont camp or any of that stuff havin said that i didnt put that as a interest eather lol

sory thought i should just mention the irony of my job lol

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sun 03/13/11 02:40 PM
s and m

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sun 03/13/11 11:59 AM
ok this seems a little ott on ther side i had a ex exactly just like her. buy the sound of things she wants a puppet more than anything. dont get me wrong people should change for there partner to make the relationship work. my ex started like this as i said it was over the top by the end. her reason for the split "i need a man i can controll"

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/12/11 03:48 PM
space balls ...between my legs

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/12/11 03:30 PM
i dont fall in any of them as i told my new girlfriend im looking for a relationship. when marrage comes up in conversation i talk about it but as i said i will propose when i think/ hope we are at the point where we know were going to work together for marrage to work.
i have never played the field and never plan to. still i know what you mean with most guys

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/12/11 01:51 PM
normaly im not a picky guy but after my last relationship died i whent very very picky. in the end i found a woman that ticks 99 ot of 100 boxes with me (yes i made that many likes disslikes options for my next date) and i must say im very happy now i will say yes some compramise will be needed trust me but dont sell out completely

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/12/11 01:45 PM
boss its a uk thing its the way you walk up to them trust me im from the uk. the way dancefloor dating over here goes is a lot different from the us trust me. i beat them off with a stick when im in the us (apparently the accent helps lol) in the uk you have to be drunk out your skull with your shirt half off having wet yourself and holding a bacardi breezer for them to look at you over here.
try another approach its a slightly different culture remember that

hiddenmeaning's photo
Sat 03/12/11 11:31 AM
veet hair removal cream

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