Topic: Empty
Jimi366's photo
Mon 10/02/06 07:34 AM
All alone in a cold, dark hell
I search for someone.
Am I the only one that's here.
Deep down I tell myself
that's no use, not to give
in to the fear. I broke
a mirror in my pain.
I wonder if I'll love again.
It took so long to find it the last time.

Trapped in chains I forged myself.
I lost the keys so long ago.
Maybe you can help me out
if you find me let me know.
I'll be the one that's made of stone.
Tired of feeling so damn cold.

I want to get away,
get away from myself,
from this lifeless life
I struggle to live.
Being is the state I am
and needing so much more
leaves me with little left to give.
My shelves were empty long ago.

What do you do when you hunger?
How do you satisfy yourself?
Let me know, make me stronger.
Shit it would just feel,
make my world so damn real again
if I knew I wasn't by myself.

no photo
Mon 10/02/06 11:04 AM
Jimi where are all these thougts coming are starting to make
me look like the proverbial ray of sunshine..: ) WILL

TxsGal3333's photo
Mon 10/02/06 01:10 PM
Hummm, well have to say this one hit home right down to the soul. For I
can relate to this one 100%.